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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. Some people ask comic book advice the way they solicit medical opinions. They go from doctor to doctor until they receive the diagnosis they were hoping for. @BriGonJinn If you are looking for someone to validate your desire to CPR the book then go ahead and please do so. However, with those spine ticks and the rough lower left corner on the front cover, I suspect that you got the grade the book should get. Maybe one of the NCB spine depressions are ironed out, and if you are lucky and they grade the book on a Cracksday, maybe you get a 9.2. What happens though if you get a 8.5? Are you prepared for that?
  2. There are some people on this forum that are probably disappointed that I did not use both.
  3. Ohh, I tried it in tea... didn't like it. But hot chocolate or coffee... I am down. And btw, I don't usually drink coffee but if I am commuting and feel like drinking a cup on rare occasion, if the opportunity presents itself, Tims > Dunkin. It's the only thing that makes the occasional layover at the Jamaica Queens bearable.
  4. I do almost exactly the same as you but I like the 1092 box as it is slightly bigger than the 1097. Usually I only ship one slab order but sometimes I ship two so I use the same method. So I bubble wrap the slabs with cardboard between them if around two of them. The slightly longer length of the 1092 over the 1097 allows me to bubble the slab all around in that 1092 with a little extra. Then before I slide the 1092 into the 1095, I throw in some of the peanuts I save from CLink orders... that is my bumper. The 1092 goes in, throw in another layer of packing peanuts on the end of it and seal. If you are doing basically the same, then I have more confidence that things like this are the right way. ON occasion I am shipping a few things and usually to be CPR'd. In that case I like the deeper boxes that CLink usually provides when ordering 6 or more slabs. I specifically save those for these types of occasions.
  5. It made me reach for a Maple Leaf cookie. Pic, so you don't think I am being snarky. I love these things.
  6. If you can get a nice scan without the glare, like I keep getting with the GA chunky slabs, I don't think anything beats it. The scan looks clean and professional. Recent scan using the 8300. I don't think a cell phone pic gets everything the way a scan does.
  7. When it comes to Andre and kids, I've never heard of anything else but something like this. That's such a cool memory.
  8. I had fun the first time I ever drove across Canada... I had a Mustang and was so excited when I saw you could go 100mph... Then I realized they meant kmph
  9. When you act like this you are a childish bore. What a shame as you could be so much more. Anybody got a peanut?
  10. Ha... the last time I saw it was around 1993-1996 when I worked for Disney. Someone had a copy of it and we put it on after work. If anyone wants to see it... Here... Many people think that Song of the South is mostly just Zip-a-Dee Doo Dah and Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear. It's the human parts that are kind of awkward for a Disney movie. They realized that by 1986 after it was re-released in theaters. Watch the whole movie if you have never seen it. It's awkward for a Disney movie. https://archive.org/details/SongoftheSouthJPLaserdiscRip1/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB
  11. I posted in the early part of the thread. I will post again toward the end when I think there is a chance of getting some quick and easy pernts. I mean... with this thread it is bound to happen.
  12. OMG.. I just had a flashback to the bleachers in the old Yankee Stadium I know @jaybuck43 will know this reference. KNOCK KNOCK!!! Who's there? Bernie Williams! Bernie Williams WHO? Bernie Williams is never late for the gang bang ! da da ... da da da da da daaaaaaaa.... when he was younger and in his prime, he used to gang bang all the time! (And then Bernie would turn around and smile) But, "Box seat jerk <spoons> never go to the gang bang" and neither do, "Stupid <spoon> Red Sox fans" BTW: The younger members here have no idea how great the word 'spoon' was when you would curse and the system autocorrected it.
  13. Oh, I don't think that you did anything wrong. I want to make that absolutely clear. She is out of line with the comments.
  14. I read this last night and shook my head. She is the victim of her own lack of reading. However, at this point since it is one book, I have to say, cut up some cardboard, make a cardboard sandwich, ship it at a cheaper rate, take her money, get a nice lunch with it, and never deal with her again.
  15. All I can think of is when I told @jaybuck43 what I overheard as I was picking up an order from Panera a week or two ago. For everyone else, there was a guy, in the parking lot loudly explaining into his cell phone, "The Feds froze all of my money!" There are a number of reasons though that a PayPal payment or transfer is delayed.
  16. That may be true, but it because of instances like this that I will not write checks for books unless it is money that I am prepared to just toss in a fire. This is not a reflection on you, as your reputation is stellar. I know I have had to pass on buying opportunities as the seller would only accept a check or money order if the book is $1000 a more. The trade-off is that I have more security in the event that something goes wrong. There was a book I wanted a couple of months ago, but I am not confident in doing business in a manner where my interests are not protected.
  17. As history shows... I was wrong. I originally said I would not have done the trade when this was proposed years ago. However, this turned out to be a smart trade. But that was when Turtles was not as in demand as it is now. Turtles is red hot in comparison to the growth it has experienced compared to the AF15. In 2021... I would hold on to the AF15.
  18. Walk around your collection and ask yourself what you would rather have. That Venom Virgin Cover Variant that is 1:100? or Hulk 181? If you are struggling with that decision then you may not want that Hulk 181 as much as you say you do.
  19. There are many reasons that it could be sold raw or in another slab. Raw Books The raw book was cracked out of the slab. Just because a book is slabbed does not mean it will always be slabbed. Print overrun. Just because a book is printed and shipped does not mean it is at 9.8 freshness out of the box. CBCS only slabbed the books that were at a 9.8 level. They did a prescreen and only slabbed those 9.8's which explains the sequential numbers. Extra or rejected copies may not have been destroyed. There are printing overruns in case something happens to the original shipment. This is ALWAYS done with limited editions from a small percentage put to the side as file copies. A small percentage are printed out first as printing proofs. We see this with limited edition statues and limited edition plates and limited edition ... anything. New Slab I don't want my book in a CBCS slab because I like freely spending money and decided to get it slabbed in a CGC slab instead.
  20. Well, someone selected him to lead. Even a boss has bosses. But honestly, he did something to earn him silver bracelets. Illegal detainment? I dunno. It's not something that really matters to the narrative. I classify the charges that he is brought up on as necessary as to know where Jack Bauer goes to the bathroom off screen or if he chews on a granola bar during the cut scenes. I am okay with it.