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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. Anonymous Poll Time ! If I did this correctly you do not have to be logged in. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVtjcCtUPE7csEL9L4MaEiBcPucBHGsuB7f1mCWwTq4Wz0Cw/viewform Click This ->Anonymous Poll on the TopCityComics check...
  2. I knew a comic shop owner on Long Island that never sold FF 252. Whenever he bought an ASM 238 that was missing the Tattooz he would supply a fresh set from a copy of FF 252 and perform some surgery. So.... be careful out there. I looked it up to see if this was commonplace and apparently people have snuck such surgeries past the CGC grading team. https://rarecomics.wordpress.com/2017/10/20/amazing-spider-man-238-the-tattooz-situation/
  3. To people that think Wandavision sucks. It neither sucks nor blows. If it did everyone would be watching Wandavision. (Paraphrasing my HS Teacher who responded in similar terms when someone yelled, "Science sucks.")
  4. Oh yeah... He got off light if you ask me. I really don't know how he survives prison with what he did.
  5. It's whether or not someone reports it. I had bought out numerous lego lots and weeded out all the megablocks, Kreo and other Lego imitation bricks. I put them in a giant lot for $40 or something like that. Because eBay buyers can sometimes be, "eBay Buyers" I put a disclaimer in the listing, not the title, that the buyer was not receiving any Lego bricks but that all of these bricks were compatible. They were even listed in the 'other building blocks' category. I did not list these in Lego area. The listing was removed. Called up eBay to complain and listed it again. This time they sold. There really is no sense to it.
  6. Yeah, I was wondering about that and was going to ask. I would never get a MOC sample but I would love to stick one in the cabinet. The Spider-man one can be found at around $55-60 but the problem is finding one with a costume that does not have damage to rear back button. Maybe I will just print a picture out and look at it.
  7. Because someone complained about it. eBay does not police their items unless there is a complaint. Now, who might have complained? Someone that doesn't believe the book should be sold. It could also be a someone else who is selling the book and trying to eliminate competition. Who knows? I like listing "joke" stuff on eBay and have had things pulled down, only to wait a month later and I relist it. What am I talking about? Old dirty worn out shoes. Someone once complained and said it was obscene. I'm going to own it... it was. It was totally salacious and masked to see who would buy them. I figured out it was one image that pushed the shoes over the edge. Those that know about the NFL Legal Troubles collection I am putting together... I might put a stop to it as I have plans to one day auction it off. Does this mean that eBay will disallow the auctioning off of OJ Simpson and Rae Caruth's autographs? Is Kellen Winslow Jr a no-no but Plaixico Burress okay? (Plaxico's chase auto card is currently in the mail)
  8. I am torn between getting a loose but as perfect as possible black suited secret wars Spider-man or a MOC Black Suited Spider-man or a Spider-man Mego, all three of which I have never owned. I also want to point out that I have had Spider-man Mego with no damage to the uniform on my Christmas list for the last four years and still no Spider-man Mego. Then everyone complains that I buy myself everything I want and I am difficult to shop for.
  9. I agree. I just looked it up on GPA to see what I had paid, (213 back in 2013 for a 4.5) and I was surprised to note a few things. The book has not experienced the growth that other books have over the past eight years but that might be due to lack of availability. It's not a book that seems to be around in great quantity given the number of trades and even those that are available. The census is pretty bleak when it comes to availability of this book showing only 53 slabbed copies with 4 of those being restored Highest graded copy is restored 8.5 Highest graded unrestored is a 8.0 There are no recorded sales of books graded any higher than a 7.0 going by GPA. Most common grade is a 3.5 which seems to the book's sweet spot in the census. If you get the chance read through Agents of Atlas and the follow up series. It was a modern series that I enjoyed so much it persuaded me to hunt down the first appearances eight years ago. It was a fun read especially with other 'forgotten' Atlas heroes like Gorilla Man.
  10. I was standing next to a board member that no longer posts here at the Carbo show (NYCBM?) back in 2016 and I debated buying a TOD 10 in 8.5 for $400. He told me to do it. I said the same thing that you just did. I don't regret it because I bought other books that I have more of an interest in. The problem, and even if it is a problem, is that Marvel keeps taking these B, C, and even D list characters and turning them into popular characters within the comic book world. Scarlet Witch and Vision were always C-Listers. Groot? E-List if that. Jimmy Woo? well maybe not so much Jimmy Woo... I actually picked up a 1st Jimmy Woo in Yellow Claw 1 since I genuinely liked the Agents of Atlas series.
  11. There is ONE Secret Wars figure that I am interested but I am nervous about something... I have no knowledge or information about the bubble strength on the cards. Hasbro GI Joe cards were very sturdy from what I have seen and the bubbles heat seal has maintained itself even after thirty years. Kenner Star Wars bubbles seem slightly weaker from my experience. So... I am just looking for that Secret Wars figure on the loose side of things... before it goes more nuts than it already is.
  12. Here is another example... The original Water Moccasin from the 1980's versus the redesigned "Sting Raider" They made the Sting Raider slightly bigger so it actually fits the figures and does not have their heads sticking up. The turret was no longer a hollow shell top so weapons cannot get lost in the vehicle. The ski torpedo slides rather than plugs in so it does not get lost. Same vehicle, except they corrected several design flaws such as size and play features. http://generalsjoesreborn.com/reviews/2008/anniversary/Vehicles/stingraider.html
  13. Fair question... My thoughts on GI Joe are well known. From the plastic to the design you are dealing with brittle plastic that degrades over time. So, if I want a nice piece to display I will easily sell off my Tomahawk which I know is going to get worse with age and rake in the money. In return I still want a Tomahawk so I will buy the newer and improved version which has features that will allow it to last longer. In the case of the Eaglehawk, the engines open with a hinge. The original tabbed in with plastic pieces that often broke apart. The bombs did not stay in place as easy. Now when it comes to Star Wars figures, they have more lasting power and they were made with a better quality of plastic. I have a complete loose set of Star Wars figures. When it comes to the vehicles though, you cannot have everything, so given the ability to have an original Millennium Falcon or the BMF Falcon... the BMF Falcon wins hands down. It's just that much more awesome... On the left the BMF Falcon that fits four figures in the cockpit vs the original Kenner version on the right... In the second photo in the background, is the newer AT-AT which is more in scale with the figures. In the foreground is the original Kenner mold.
  14. What I like most about it is the means to accessorize by plugging in backpacks and other gear to the sides and interior as well as the polarized canopy. I might have to dig that out. I am hoping that with the retro line we may see some new / revisited vehicles. The one they really hit the bullseye on was the Water Moccasin since they made a new one slightly bigger with an improved turret. Oh and the most important thing is that the figure actually fits in the cabin lol.
  15. When the Eaglehawk was released I compared my vintage Tomahawk to the modern version and immediately sold off the Tomahawk. Everything from the front glass to the rotor blades were improved. Hasbro also made disassembly much easier. There are sooooo many more improvements though. Check out the link for the review on Generals Joes. You have to track one of these down. There is a reason these things are selling for $150-200 on the aftermarket. http://generalsjoesreborn.com/reviews/2013/retaliation/vehicles/echo/eaglehawk.html#:~:text=Fantastic detail work%2C amazing articulation,he works for that%2C too.
  16. If I were doing this I would make Deadpool a priority. ToyBiz Deadpool is the first release of a Deadpool figure unlike Wolverine who was issued in the Secret Wars line. I have a feeling that, like cards, we will eventually see people chasing 'rookie' figures. I pretty much open everything up so... not my collecting focus... but... you never know.
  17. Someone sending this in is just a case of someone wanting to mess with the CGC grading department.