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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. Nah I’m saying he has run his mouth pretty frequently over the years and gets surprised that he’s gotten virtually disciplined over it. I’ve got no personal grudge with him. The hypocrisy of being surprised how something happened to you along with the blame shifting is impossible to ignore.
  2. Nah he didn’t - he embodies everything he complains about. He has since he got here.
  3. I almost threw up in my mouth while wearing a mask here at the store after reading this horse hockey elephant toad.
  4. I’m on line at Home Goods for stocking stuffers... on the old boards they used to announce the strikes... just for fun I kept the data as far as how long since the last strike and things like that... it was a barn burner
  5. I was out shoveling homes again as I was done around 1:30 today. Stopped by the GF's and then the parents. Your 'friend' says, "Hi"
  6. That's a great question and one I looked up due to the similar construction in GI Joes. This might help for the future: http://megomuseum.com/community/showthread.php?15656-Micronauts-cleaning-and-lubricating
  7. I use the default item description for things like dimensions for certain items. So for example, I was recently given a hefty bag of handbags that my mom did not want and was going to donate. I saw that the retail value was $300-$400 a bag and that they were retired. I will be listing those on her eBay site. Using the product dimensions from the manufacturer can be important on something like as the features and terminology are best described in accordance to the manufacturer. However, you are also right and I will also add a second description to describe the overall condition along with my own pictures. As with anything on eBay it is usually best to go by a case to case basis depending on the item.
  8. Funny you bring that up. I cannot remember if it was eBay or if it was Amazon that first started claiming proprietary rights over images posted on their site even if the photos were those taken by non-eBay or Amazon employees. Since then I know for a fact that a specific picture I had taken of a Star Wars toy that I sold was used by eBay as a stock image and at least one other eBay user. I sent the guy asking him to use his own image. He responded that he chose to use the "stock" image that eBay offered him in his listing. This was when eBay was experimenting with a lighting technique where they took a photoshopped image of your item and applied it to their own background. They took the picture I had taken of my item. This was problematic on multiple levels. 1 - As you know with coins there are different nuances to any grade and qualifiers allowed within that given grade. The picture I took of my specific item is not specific to whoever is buying that seller's sample of the piece. That buyer may be pleasantly surprised or disappointed. 2 - It's not fair to me. Savvy buyers will think I am using a stock image when in fact I am using a photo of my actual item.
  9. So three years ago our images did not immediately transfer because of a change in servers. However, I cannot ascertain how long that process took. Also, who knows if @Scott =) still works with the support team. Although later in the thread he does say:
  10. We didn't get as much depth it seems but ours did turn to a compacted ice / snow mix. It was heavy. So... snowblower time. I don't mind doing it. I went outside and did my house and the four homes next to and across from me within an hour. Shoveling not so fun... Snowblower? Fun. It's like power washing. I find it more relaxing than being in frivolous meetings like I described above.
  11. Like I said, substance over quantity. Meanwhile, I tried it on the iPhone again when I woke up before moving onto the iPad. Between those two and now the computer there are three different layouts to accommodate the devices. This would imply that like the old boards there are specific settings to set your display to to accommodate the device you are on. I am pretty sure that when we had the first update a few years ago, transitioning from the original software, what they are fortunately using on the coin side of things, we had the problem with the giant side bar. Arch and the software support team were able to tweak several things. Meanwhile I am currently in a meeting about having a meeting to use zoom to share a stream from google meet... instead of just giving all the participants the link to google meet. This. Is. My. Life. So while this is all collapsing I will play with the settings and do something actually productive.
  12. Big bar to the right doesn’t exist in vertical iPad mode but takes up a lot of real estate in horizontal mode. that tells me that for those using an actual computer that we might be reading the boards in the wrong setup time to shovel / remove some snow
  13. K I am back up... left my phone on to be awoken by ka-Ching sound... Try to sell a LEGO set for $115 + shipping on Facebook and people try to talk you down to $100 shipped. List it on eBay and it sells for $135 + shipping ($158) It’s a pre festivus miracle
  14. Comparing the idea of complaining on a comic book message board to the Civil Rights movement is laughable.
  15. I am talking about a particular site - not a thread - dedicated to action figures. It can still be a wealth of information due to what is posted but engaging with the members there is like engaging with a grouping of toddlers with only one tonka toy between them. I choose not to engage and silently watch them fight amongst themselves. If you feel that you are so mistreated here. You can stay and continue to be mistreated or leave. I don't think you are mistreated. I think that you behave a certain way and you receive the consequences of your actions.
  16. Because this isn't 'Civil Rights' This a message board for comic collectors. This is not about turning a firehose on someone over the color of their skin because they walked into a diner through the front door. This is a privately owned message board that owns the sandbox that they allow you to play in. You may get the dimples in your underwear all messed up over that but the rules here are pretty lax. You yourself have told me that the moderation over on whatever that thing they call at CBCS is even tighter. So do not compare this to a Civil Rights movement.
  17. Again, you can always leave. If the place is so oppressive to you then find a place you can call home. I don't really post on the a action figure site I am on because there is so much drama and a bunch of nut jobs that run the asylum. It's a wealth of information though so I check in once in awhile. If this place is soooooo terrible then find someplace that isn't.