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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. When I was doing my LCS a favor and selling off his overstock on the boards I sold off a pretty sizable run of DMZ. I kept number 1 for myself since I found myself reading the series as I was listing it. It is actually pretty good and I hope it does well.
  2. It would be interesting as it might be more massive than the scope of movies that brought us to Avengers Endgame but not need to have as much as a buildup to the main event. Some individual movies end with characters blinking out at the end of their movies to arrive on battleworld. Other individual movies take place on battleworld involving some other characters from other movies with some of those characters just appearing on battleworld like in Thor Ragnorak how Thor just 'found' Hulk already there and the narrative of how Hulk got there was explained in the dialogue. Main event movies where Secret Wars takes over two movies like Infinity War and Endgame while movies between those two involve individual movies described above. You figure you need one entire phase of movies to do this? Maybe two?
  3. They are really struggling with Unicron it seems. They extended the deadline by a month once it did not reach its goal and they are at 6,871 backers with a new deadline of October 6th, which happens to be the last day of NYCC.
  4. He is a board member and says so in his listing and even lists his board name. I have done that before though and listed an item at a very strong choice waiting for the market to catch up or to buy it when none others were available. The art guys do that all the time so I try it every now and then with comics.
  5. I had seen him at NYCC a few months before he had the heart attack. Saw him walking around the show floor and took a pic as he is a god to anyone who worked a retail job at some point in his life. When it came out, Clerks validated all of our college nonsense. The transformation is staggering and admirable. If you want to see a stark difference though, did you ever see him without his signature facial hair?
  6. There is always this. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13909.pdf
  7. They recently said that they were going to get rid of plastic all together yet still try to do window boxes. I have no idea how that is going to successfully happen. I think they are experimenting lately with those Hasbro select products in the Transformers line that come in cardboard boxes that fold over like baseball card boxes with cybertronian lettering. Here is a pic of the Red Swoop I stoooooopidly bought. It was a needless purchase. I am guessing that they will cut a small enough window into that so you can see part of the figure but not large enough to remove that figure. I guess then that they will bag the accessories into a corner of the box with a paper fold to keep them from being removed unless the box is opened. That might work here for Transformers but the Star Wars and Joe collectors will lose their collective minds if the bubble cards are phased out.
  8. I could see that point of view. I don't necessarily agree with it for my enjoyment in viewing all of the movies but I can understand it. I do agree with you on part 7 killing the overall narrative though. When I saw that movie it instantly made me appreciate the prequels in a new light. Again, my original comment was more directed toward those that take one overall stand to the extreme with the whole "George Lucas ruined my childhood" mentality and those that level of "fandom" that took it so far they harassed the actress that played Rose in the last movie because they blamed her for ruining 'Star Wars." I agree with you that there is plenty of room to view everything in any way you want.
  9. I know it's hard for you, but c'mon give it a try. Otherwise, all this is you coming over here, following my posts, and throwing out the usual. All you seem to keep saying lately whenever you come across a post of mine is that you don't like a band I like. Ummm okay. Are you in elementary school? It is what you do though so I will hand it to you that at least you are consistent. Seriously, there is a fine line between busting balls, and being pathetic. You are venturing into the 'pathetic' territory.
  10. I said the same thing and then I realized how we have become so used to minimalistic packing these days, as boxes get smaller to take up less space on the shelf and to reduce the carbon footprint.
  11. I am with you on the Han shot first scene as not only do I like the idea of Han shooting first but the editing is awkward no matter how they try to improve it. The characters seem to 'jump' and that interrupts the story with such a glaringly bad change. I actually like the Jabba scene but dislike the addition of Fett. I agree with you that the Biggs scene makes sense to include. I would prefer that they added that rather than the Tattooine scenes as the scene with all of them running around Toshi Station seemed hokey. There are two deleted scenes from Revenge of the Sith that would have made the ending more concise with the rest of the saga. Filoni decided to create his own version of this for the Clone Wars series. Here a fan took the unfinished scene as filmed on Sith and combined it with some of the dialogue from the Clone Wars series. As Qui Gon trails off he tells Yoda, "Come to Dagobah." The second scene was on the DVD release of ROS but did not make it to the Blu Ray list of deleted scenes. The should have included at least one of these. Apparently if I remember correctly from the Sith commentary Rick McCallum had stated that he would have liked to have seen one of the two scenes in the theatrical release but Lucas edited it out.
  12. Apparently Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes attended a signing where Jeff Anderson was also in attendance. Fences were mended and an agreement to film Clerks 3 was made. For years, Clerks 3 was a no-go due as Anderson declined to participate. Now it seems that the original --script for what was in development as Clerks 3 and then evolved into the Jay and Silent Bob Reboot has been trashed. Smith is writing a new treatment to close out his Jersey saga. From Smith's Instagram Page:
  13. Since I already won two other books this was pure speculation at $124 let’s see what happens with RiRi
  14. Yeah, at this point I throw the idea of "it's part of it's charm out the window." If someone is nostalgic and likes the quirkiness behind it then more power to them. Nothing wrong with it but it's not for me. Star Wars is not Episode 4 once Lucas made a sequel. Star Wars is the overall narrative and Episode 4 is merely a chapter in a story that is meant to be told as a whole. The special effects of the classic trilogy in their original form are too distracting for my tastes and the charm is quickly lost making the series then unwatchable. BTW: Other things I am glad that they changed was monkey face Emperor in ESB. I liken this experience to Lord of the Rings. To me the books pale in comparison to the movies... and it comes down to one thing... the songs. When you were reading Tolkien's Lord of the Rings books you are immersed into this world rich in culture, history and characterization. You find yourself 'hearing' the characters speak their lines in the book and you are the narrator documenting it. Then you come across a song that takes up a sizable amount of text. The mind is quickly taken out of the narrative as you come across the text and try to 'figure out the song'. It becomes distracting as it interrupts that narrative. That is what a vaseline smeared print 'special effect' to make it seem like a landspeeder is floating does for me. It interrupts the scene. Personally, I watched the original cut a few years ago when JJ's Episode 7 was released at a friend's house. I could not decide what was more awkward to watch, JJ's hack job of Episode 7 or Star Wars in its original format when compared to the rereleases. Now btw... some things are mind numbing in the re-releases. As I mentioned Boba Fett turning to the camera in the Jabba scene was unnecessary. There are a few other things like, how DID R2-D2 manage to put himself behind those rocks in Episode 4.
  15. I know... that's another reason that it was a lucky accident in that Han tells Jabba that he is a wonderful human being. If you had left a human actor in the mix then the line does not play well. When you put in the slug, the line plays well considering Solo's sarcasm.
  16. I actually loved that scene. Especially where Han tells Jabba that he is a wonderful human being plays well with Solo's snark. Boba Fett looking at the camera as the scene ends is a needless addition though.
  17. I never made claim of fear or anger let alone mention that the updated version of the films would go away. We all know that is not happening so I have no idea where you would even get that from. Maybe this does not apply to you, but my comments are directed toward the very vocal, "George-Lucas-destroyed-my-childhood" crowd. Personally for me, as far as the facelift given to the special effects, if this was a standalone film the I actually would agree with you. However, given it's context in a series of films, the special effects as they were in 77 stand out like a sore thumb against the other movies given the order that the movies were produced. It's actually distracting from the narrative when viewing the complete saga.
  18. You know if something happens and someone screams out, "Worldstar! Worldstar!" it is going to be good.
  19. This is the nonsense that I am going to one day either lose my life over or lose my freedom. After working all day, I refuse to move to the side to make way for this nonsense.
  20. Spider-man travels out to the suburbs on top of the LIRR. The make and model are correct for the time and is even pictured on the cover.