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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. more selective market reporting... he doesnt invoke GPA, but just says gpa 90 day is $195. That 90 days does include a $255 sale and a $240 sale, but he doesn't mention in his range that there have also been recent (within 90 days) sales of: $140, $148, $153, $189, and $190 (some of these are more recent than his $250 ceiling sale) couldn't he have just said "this book is hot thanks to the Daredevil TV show on netflix" and left it at that? let the buyer beware when he lets the seller convince him of the market price...
  2. someone should start grouping these books, looks like lots of us love the same books!
  3. My favorite Planet cover, and a nice Space Babe to boot
  4. I need a better scan... and a better copy!
  5. I use those comics as packing material for my Modern Variants and Pogs. Never thought to keep them, huh....
  6. Here's my response and documenting of this guys eBay shadiness... So did you cancel the sale with this winning bidder? Did you cancel this sale too? and this one too? jeebus christ how many times did you do this? wait, did you actually complete this one? OMG! Why didn't you offer this one here too? You cancelled what 5 of 6 completed listings? So why didnt you cancel this one too? Whew thank goodness here's another one you backed out on, I was worried for a second you had turned the corner. So in summary: Graphique Musique sold on ebay for $20, cancelled and offered here for $100 Work is hell, sold on eBay for $80, cancelled and offered here for $100 Childhood is hell, sold on eBay for $50, cancelled and offered here for $100 Batman & Me, sold on eBay for $94, cancelled and offered here for $200 Burns signed books, sold on eBay for $30, cancelled and offered here for $200 total So you opted out of $274 sure money to try and squeeze $700 of imaginary money Sorry for your situation, but its often better to take the sure money than risk no money at all. Also if you're desperate for money and are trying to max out your return, and have the time, do the research on values before listing books. Also with that many cancelled transactions Im wondering if eBay has flagged you at this point... figured I'd post it here since his thread will likely be wiped off the face of the earth soon...
  7. He's been emoticon'ing every sales thread for months now. wow just went back 8 months and he hasn't ventured out of the Marketplace (to post) and its 99% emoticons.. he did buy a few things, ,but geeze...
  8. unless you want to buy from someone who backs out on deals when he thinks he can get more elsewhere... he trys to sell something here that he backed out on selling on ebay for 1/4 the price. ebay user id camerocurti55 http://www.ebay.com/usr/camerocurti55?_trksid=p2047675.l2559
  9. all sorts of winning in this thread there's whining and butthurt and all sorts of goodness.
  10. I'll agree that the pleading made Superman seem completely human, and heck I'd buy the act of pleading being able to startle Batman back to his senses more than the unearned "martha" I thought about how Superman might be trying to keep his anonymity, but at that moment can he be expected to be so sensible? I would think he would be reacting from an emotional base, which would be to beg for his mom's life, not marta's life. again, i think it could totally work if there was some better act 1 work (by the writers) to lead to the payoff in act 3.
  11. is she? Im trying to remember, how do they establish this in the movie? Snyder went out of his way to even wrap her pearls around the revolver that kills her. And I seem to recall a pearl falling into the batcave in one of the dream sequences. I think Snyder went out of his way to include key imagery from the wildly successful Batman Year One. Ok I can get that the audience might extrapolate some degree of guilt if there's a pearl in the batcave dream, and the dream sequence as a whole, but again how is that motivating? And we're talking about motivation for a very dark version of justice. I remember some writers using the Wayne's work with the poor/innocent as a motivation for Bruce to continue to act as a protector, but that was in the comics. Zach doesn nothing like that here in the movies... Honestly, if Zach and the writers wanted to use Martha (Wayne) as a deus ex machina for everything then you have to first generate the emotional currency that you intend to spend in the third act. The Waynes were very minor characters in the movie beyond the origin/dream sequence. Not even much "this is the company my father built" talk from Bruce during the 1st act, which would have helped (though not specificly with the Martha problem). Zach and the writers could have built a scene to show bruce's love and devotion to his mother, even focusing on her (instead of having Thomas screen center during the origin), do that, and throw in a few lines between Alfred and Bruce about "this isnt what your mother would want" ...at that point I could buy a 3rd act use of "martha" to stop the Bat in his tracks... but Zach doesnt do the legwork to achieve such. No the only naming of Martha Wayne that I can remember is one single utterance during the origin/dream sequence. The entire movie hinges on one word being uttered in the first act of a scene that 99% of viewers had already seen many times over (since the "origin" has been shown so many times in the movies). Zach and the writers rest a huge weight on that one word. And I dont think it works. Also here's a question.... Why would Superman say "martha" if he was reference his mom? Did he walk around calling her martha? did he think batman would just know that his mom's name was martha? (he was pleading with him that she needed to be saved) Why wouldnt he call her what he's called her his whole life? "mom..."
  12. is she? Im trying to remember, how do they establish this in the movie?
  13. Have been wanting a Cole Sci-Fi cover, and this is one of my favorites! Glad it came up on CLink last month...
  14. I love the first 1/2 of Superman Returns (especially the Space-Plane resuce, classic superman scene that I could imagine Cristopher Reeves doing just the same as Brandon Routh) but lets not forget Superman Returns wasnt totally "classic" it did have the creepy, hovering, watch you from afar, "is that Superman's kid?" plot line that was really weird and stalkery. and that the principal conceit was Lex in a real estate scam. and that in the end Superman doesnt save the day, Cyclops does (or at least he saves Superman who can then save the day...) so dont lay it's failure at it being a "classic" style superman.
  15. Yellow labels are qualified labels. They just aren't green... (that's why you've never seen a yellow label with a green strip at the top when it is a "qualified signature series book" cause it doesnt exist, it's redundant). I had a book already signed by Gil Kane, which downgraded the book to an 8.5 (if I wanted it to be universal) then I got it signed by people via the Sig Series program, and it came back yellow 8.5 with a note of "name written on front cover" Blank books are designed to be drawn on (just like you said the numbered books are designed to be numbered). Once they are drawn on they are no longer mint. if you drew on one and then sent it in for grading it would either get a green qualified label with a note "drawing on front cover" or get a much lower grade universal label. Only via SS program are signatures and sketches given a non-gree qualified grade (yellow label). If the manufacturing compan, had done the numbering as part of the SS process with witnesses it would have gotten a yellow label. In fact that's not a bad idea for numbered con exclusives. It the signer is both signing and numbering while being witnessed thru the SS program it gets the yellow label if the person wants to sub it. Problem solved. And I think they've been consisitent about this for a long time cause there are old Gen13 green labels for some of their numbered covers...
  16. I wonder... 1. Does CGC view this board as an asset to generating revenue? 2. Do they have any influence/interest in the rules of the marketplace here? cause if both answers are yes then I think they'd be in favor of allowing pre-sales. Presales (from my observation) allow those who keep a constant churn of submission to repeat the cycle sooner, and that likely accumulates into additional submissions per year. So they want presales, cause they know presales lead to more submissions, and faster. Especially in the modern realm. Also in the modern realm presales on a hot items are probably a matter of getting top dollar, vs missing the peak value. Also for some books, you want to get to market first, thus presale is the way to go. \ Note, I do none of these, never sell a book in which a presale would be of any value, and have never bought a presale book.. but this is the internet, none of that precludes me from having (and stating) an opinion!
  17. Congrats to BvS for having its first weekend with less than a 50% drop from the previous weekend! I thought it would pull out of the nosedive last weekend, but hey, this weekends better than nothing! Weekend 1 to Weekend 2: 69.1% drop (thanks in part to pre-sales, previews and such) Weekend 2 to Weekend 3: 54.5% drop Weekend 3 to Weekend 4: 61.4% drop (first weekend they lost a big chunk of IMAX screens) Weekend 4 to Weekend 5: 38.9% drop (estimate) Also for those watching the BvS grand totals this weekend was the end of it's run in China (total $95m). It is still running in UK ($51.6m to date), Mexico ($35.7m) , Brazil ($34.7m) and Australia ($22.2m). It's got one more weekend to squeeze out some revenue in the US before Captain America comes roaring in.International markets get Cap on the 27th, so a few extra weeks there too.
  18. agreed, they should have just re-released George Reeves Superman serials and Adam West's Batman...
  19. seems like a newish user not knowing the standard practices.... saying per PM, means you've already had a PM conversation with the seller to come to terms beyond the default terms in the sellers listing (like negotiating a lower price, or alternative payment timing or methods) the culmination of that conversation is you posting the per PM post what you wanted to do was either A) Just post , or maybe I'll PM you about payment/shipping. or B) If you really did want to change the terms of the sale, have the PM conversation first and then post the per PM.
  20. love to see sellers say that they'll pay the paypal % like they're doing potential buyers a favor. Sellers absorbing the paypal fee (since it comes off the balance transferred) is the status quo. Making it sound like you are covering a buyer cost is somewhat misleading.
  21. what PR , I know that a few different cons have had concerts, Kirby Krackle comes to mind. Adam WarRock too.... I know they've played at/in conjunction with Emerald City Comicon and the CGS con out in Philly.... maybe it's the first time it's been done at a Wizard con... but they certainly havent thought of something new here...
  22. Wanted? The Shadow? Red I/II? Men In Black I/II/III? Timecop (Dark Horse)? Road To Perdition? A History of Violence? So many comic book productions over the years. Superhero movies. Not comic book movies. what he said. Unbreakable was the one "Superhero" stretch... but I count it