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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. I would not make that assumption. I'd assume I'd be paying exact USPS shipping. No handling, no rounding up. I'd also assume that if I hit the and the seller hadnt specified shipping that they'd be amiable to ship it as I wanted (based on how it was eligible).
  2. Holy god have mercy The ole' Wolverine 66 diatribe over in Modern was a master-stroke in wankery I wish the community got to set people's sig lines cause this would be at the bottom of every CAK post
  3. just randomly wanted to say that I love when someone posts that they are buying a house and need to sell some books and then list like $10 books that are between $5-10... what kind of house are you moving into that $50 will help that much?
  4. You could always allude to this in your followup call. "Wanted to thank you for the chance to sit and interview for the job. It was my first interview in a while, I think I was a littler nervous! Any way I'm very excited about the possibility of working with the team there, and I hope to hear back from you soon"
  5. Thanks I did dress for success. Two things: 1. Follow up with the interviewer. Drop an email if you have his/her email contact, or call and leave a message. This is an "old school" expectation, that HR managers report is a dwindling practice. Thank them for the chance to interview, tell them it was nice meeting them, followup on some item that might have been outstanding or was left up in the air. Just a quick connection. It reiterates your interest in the job, and shows your professionalism. 2. Once you hear back from the hiring manager (about whether you got the job) ask for feedback. Treat this as constructive criticism. You have to be very polite about it because managers can be uneasy giving critique out of fear that it will create some conflict. Phrases like " Do you have an feedback on areas I should look to improve in my presentation or interview?" Or something along the lines of "can you share with me what the deciding factor was that determined who you chose to hire?" All of the information will help you refine your application process and make you a better applicant next time. Im keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  6. Well it's been a little while! For the last year I've curtailed my buying since I was having a heck of a time finding a job here in Belgium (turns out at most places, people want you to speak the language of the country if you're going to work for them!) We've been living off one income, so I had to let books pass me buy, and in fact do a bit of selling to help pay bills. My Captain Science #6 and Strange Worlds #4 went to new homes, but they helped me pay bills and make it to 2016, so that was a good thing. Hapily at the end of 2015 I got a job offer with AB InBev (Anheuser-Busch-International Beverages) here in Belgium, so I could start buying again! In a couple bits of divine providence, there was nary a Space Adventures book to hit the general market (at a price I'd be willing to pay) during 2015 while I was looking for work. I think there were a couple of mid-grade #33s that have hit the market, but those are just skyrocketing these days so I think I'm going to have to let that one go for now and focus on the other issues. In the second bit of cosmic synergy, just a few days before getting my first paycheck from my new job I got a PM from the boardie who I previously did a deal with for the SA25. At the time of the deal he thought he also had a SA31, but after checking his inventory he apparently had sold/traded it away previously. I was a bit saddened (though staring at the SA25 helped), but moved on. Any way he drops me an email and say's "guess what I just got back in trade?" Yep the SA31. So here it is, From the White Mountain Pedigree (which makes my second one from that pedigree), another lovely Space Adventures for my collection. Some sweet classic Ditko cover action to boot!
  7. nope. it was more like "nice... the book is well below market and there are 4 people trying to snipe a charity auction" or something like that... which led to my question here "ebay is able to show snipers?" which I thought might be some new function they had... but it sounds like you just were equating watchers to snipers?
  8. Is there a new feature on eBay that let's you see the number of people who are planning on sniping? plus why does this feel familiar? Something about the mix of CAK+indignnation+charity auction seems familiar to me, but I havent had my coffee yet...
  9. Have you finished this? His advice/direction to you on the 10th was the same advice I gave you (after reviewing your resume) on the 1st. Almost 20 days later, where does your revised resume stand? (I assume you showed him your original one, not the one I gave you that was reformatted?) Dont get bogged down in "careercruising" right now. First get a JOB, then figure out the career thing. Or I should say, dont stop looking for a J-O-B because of some idealization of finding a career. 1. fix the resume (as he and I and others have said) 2. use that resume to apply to a boat load of jobs Also I'l be curious to see what your caseworker said about your comic purchases... I know you said you had to report income grater than what $200? I assume you have to report expenditures? Or no? Whatever you spent on those two comics should have been spent on living expenses, rather than leaving the welfare check to pay for those living expenses. Reality check: You DO NOT have money right now to be buying comics, even if you are rationalizing them as an "investment" If you're on welfare you dont put money in the stock market, you dont invest in your 401k. You pay your bills. I had no job last year and my family was living off just one income. You know how many comics I bought? 1, uno, a single. And i think it cost $8. Why? because it would not be responsible for me to use money that was needed for living expenses on luxury items (and that's all comics is at this point). So again I ask. Is your resume updated?
  10. "This is my 237th post for a new, ongoing eBay listing..." looks over at his total post count... 249, in two years. thanks for participating in the community...
  11. I agree that the lash 139 prices are inflated. Reverse Flash (#139) is currently in the "cashing in" phase of popularity. Prices are high and going up. They are due to level out, which means the market will react with more books on the market (since some people were holding to see how high the book would go before selling). Those additional books on the market will help make the price dip a little. That's when you want to buy. Keep an eye on the number of BINs on ebay and when that's peaked and the price has stabilized then put an offer in on one of those BINS with the argument of the glut of books offered on the market. Bat121 has already been through that. And is the harder to find (generally) on the market. I'd keep an eye out for one of them and snag it.
  12. the scenario hurts (missing on a book you wanted at a price you were willing to pay) but I think the seller didnt do anything wrong since he was looking for response to know the deal was a go (probably so he could cut free the other person) Likely he got the same (or approximately the same) amount from the other buyer, it was a matter of he wanted to close the deal and complete a transaction asap. the other suitor was able to seal the deal faster, so he won. should the seller have told you he was working on multiple offers? well I can be of two minds about that... 1) yes, so I know I need to act fast since there are other interested parties. 2) no, cause more times than not that type of info is used to try and pressure the possible buyer in to either offering more or acting faster. I think him not telling you was actually more honorable, since he could have baited you with the other guys offer and then done the same thing to the other guy. [end of the story the guy was danged if he did, danged if he didnt apparently!]
  13. No I'm going to get my resume checked over on Wednesday. Here we go, why not both? I understand you are getting your resume checked on Wednesday, but why not see what information they provide on Monday. Sounds like it is a program that may include some training or at least contact into work programs. Again, your job is to find a job, so why not pursue this avenue of info?
  14. Also saw another one, I wont cut and paste but here's the link https://ehc.on.ca/events/digital-attractions-job-fair-20160205 since you live in a "Seasonal" town, try to get in the loop on seasonal hirings. It wont be full time work year round, but it's a start, and seasonal work sometimes pay better than non-seasonal, and if they like you and you do well in the first round, they'll call you again for next year. That's one thing to think about... look at jobs that aren't appealing and go after them. Less competiion, and if you look like you WANT the job then the manager will be more apt to hire YOU becasuse at least you seem to want the job rather than him having to convince someone to take the undesirable position/shift. Types of crappy jobs I've taken in the past using this model. -Late night clerk at a convenience store. -daycare driver (weird hours 8-10am and then 2-4pm) -overnight shift at a hotel (10pm -6am) and lots more... as I said in our PMs, your job is to NOT give hiring managers a reason to move your application to the "no" pile. That means, look good at all times that you might see them, follow up with applications, make sure applications are 100% spelled correctly and grammatically correct. Show up early to interview/meetings, follow up on the interview, and so on. remember Getting a job (until you have one) IS your job. 2 hours a week? Try 2 hours a day, MINIMUM. Dont just do online applications, those go into very big data piles and you application will NEVER stick out. Go to stores, ask to see the manager, be polite, be quick, ask about openings/opportunities. If the answer is no, then ask if they expect to be hiring in the near future (ie seasonal increases) and if there's a good period to target coming back. Right now the best thing you have going for you is you have TIME and Freedom to use that time to job hunt. Dont waste it. You said you tried to go to school for medicine but missed because you weren't good at Chemistry and Biology (you mentioned your grades were 15% to low). Reality check: Chem and Bio are the foundations of medicine, so how did you think that field was a good fit? Want to be in the "people helping" business? Nursing, Orderlies, Phlebotomists... all jobs with easier on-ramps to employment than doctor... And please, video game design... again reality check. Video game design is the "professional athlete" job for the 21st century. There are a million kids wanting to do the same thing, and about 1 in a thousand actually gets the job. And the ones that get in work their way up and spend years in QA code checking and testing, and that mean lots of technical training in JAVA, PHP, XHTML and so on, have you any experience in those already?
  15. Hey Gabe. Got time tomorrow afternooon? Or are you already going? Second Career Information Session Repeats every week every Monday 4 times . Monday, January 18, 2016 - 15:30 to 16:30 Monday, January 25, 2016 - 15:30 to 16:30 Monday, February 1, 2016 - 15:30 to 16:30 Monday, February 8, 2016 - 15:30 to 16:30 NEHC Training Room Looking for a Second Career? If you have been laid off on or after January 1, 2005 you may qualify. The Second Career Information session will provide information on eligibility and suitability, as well as provide you with details on the Second Career Program. To be eligible, individuals must: · Have been laid-off on or after January 1, 2005; · Be unemployed · Be a resident of Ontario · Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident legally authorized to work in Canada; and · Demonstrate occupational demand for the skills training request with evidence of good employment prospects locally or within Ontario This information session begins at 1:30 SHARP! Niagara Employment Help Centre 6100 Thorold Stone Road, Unit #7 Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2J 1A3 https://ehc.on.ca/events/second-career-information-session-20160115
  16. interesting.. .Im mostly asking what you think the phrase ""These books cost a little over $1,000 a piece" implies
  17. here's a non-media mail question... If in a sales thread I listed a rareish Sig Series book with say its a Dark Knight book signed by director Christopher Nolan. I list it for $1k. and I say something in the listing like ""These books cost a little over $1,000 a piece" what do you take from a statement like that? What do you think it implies?
  18. I saw the words "media mail" last night, and woke up this morning to 5 new pages of posts. You guys are so predictable! I love seeing the citation for the rules and such, when they are all moot because what matters is what is DONE, not what rule is on the books (since we've already established that the rule is interpreted a variety of ways by your local postmasters). So you can go ahead and send the books media mail, and deal with the potential of the books being delayed, inspected at an increased frequency, and possibly damaged. Im going to base my decision not on what rule is on the book, but on how the people behave.
  19. isn't being unemployed and on government support enough conditions to constitute "needing the money quicker"? Ok. You get to make your own decisions man because it's your life, and you're the one that has to live it. But here's a story that might resonate with you. I moved to a new country more than a year ago, and spent the whole year job hunting with no luck (not speaking the language severely limited my job opportunities and expat work restrictions meant getting a low paying job was not an option). My family was able to get by month-to-month thanks to my wife's job (which was why we moved here), but after 12 months things got tight and to make ends meet you know what I did? I sold some of my comics. Some books I got market value for them (yay!) Some books I tried to get market value for them, but when I had no takers I dropped my price, and then again, and then again... until someone bit. So on some books I lost money (vs original paid, or vs what I thought the market value was), but money was what I needed so I went from having zero dollars and a comic book, to having some dollars and no comic book which was a better situation. Is my situation (no job, sitting on assets, needing $$) the same as yours (no job, currently on government support, sitting on assets)? Well that's for you to decide. I think you need to be selling those comics. (notice I did not say trade)
  20. I always wondered. Knowing there are people who shy away from sales threads with the "paying by paypal add 3%" clause, do they also shy away from threads that discount 3% for non paypal payments? Cause it's the same right?
  21. crossing my fingers then... and working on an idea to request...
  22. more on topic than Ms Puerto Rico I'll give you that, though less intriguing...
  23. Im in if there's a spot (I'll need a GL blank if you can provide)
  24. nice looking space, and lots of light (always a good thing in a comic shop!) Is parking easy/ample?
  25. Yeah he mentioned a couple people I've done deals with before so hopefully it doesn't go amiss. Did you follow up on those mentions with those who were mentioned? No I didn't but I'll ask again. wait. you did a trade, but didn't check the references? Was this in a Facebook forum? were the references also on the facebook forum?