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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. is she? Im trying to remember, how do they establish this in the movie? Snyder went out of his way to even wrap her pearls around the revolver that kills her. And I seem to recall a pearl falling into the batcave in one of the dream sequences. I think Snyder went out of his way to include key imagery from the wildly successful Batman Year One. Ok I can get that the audience might extrapolate some degree of guilt if there's a pearl in the batcave dream, and the dream sequence as a whole, but again how is that motivating? And we're talking about motivation for a very dark version of justice. I remember some writers using the Wayne's work with the poor/innocent as a motivation for Bruce to continue to act as a protector, but that was in the comics. Zach doesn nothing like that here in the movies... Honestly, if Zach and the writers wanted to use Martha (Wayne) as a deus ex machina for everything then you have to first generate the emotional currency that you intend to spend in the third act. The Waynes were very minor characters in the movie beyond the origin/dream sequence. Not even much "this is the company my father built" talk from Bruce during the 1st act, which would have helped (though not specificly with the Martha problem). Zach and the writers could have built a scene to show bruce's love and devotion to his mother, even focusing on her (instead of having Thomas screen center during the origin), do that, and throw in a few lines between Alfred and Bruce about "this isnt what your mother would want" ...at that point I could buy a 3rd act use of "martha" to stop the Bat in his tracks... but Zach doesnt do the legwork to achieve such. No the only naming of Martha Wayne that I can remember is one single utterance during the origin/dream sequence. The entire movie hinges on one word being uttered in the first act of a scene that 99% of viewers had already seen many times over (since the "origin" has been shown so many times in the movies). Zach and the writers rest a huge weight on that one word. And I dont think it works. Also here's a question.... Why would Superman say "martha" if he was reference his mom? Did he walk around calling her martha? did he think batman would just know that his mom's name was martha? (he was pleading with him that she needed to be saved) Why wouldnt he call her what he's called her his whole life? "mom..."
  2. is she? Im trying to remember, how do they establish this in the movie?
  3. Have been wanting a Cole Sci-Fi cover, and this is one of my favorites! Glad it came up on CLink last month...
  4. I love the first 1/2 of Superman Returns (especially the Space-Plane resuce, classic superman scene that I could imagine Cristopher Reeves doing just the same as Brandon Routh) but lets not forget Superman Returns wasnt totally "classic" it did have the creepy, hovering, watch you from afar, "is that Superman's kid?" plot line that was really weird and stalkery. and that the principal conceit was Lex in a real estate scam. and that in the end Superman doesnt save the day, Cyclops does (or at least he saves Superman who can then save the day...) so dont lay it's failure at it being a "classic" style superman.
  5. Yellow labels are qualified labels. They just aren't green... (that's why you've never seen a yellow label with a green strip at the top when it is a "qualified signature series book" cause it doesnt exist, it's redundant). I had a book already signed by Gil Kane, which downgraded the book to an 8.5 (if I wanted it to be universal) then I got it signed by people via the Sig Series program, and it came back yellow 8.5 with a note of "name written on front cover" Blank books are designed to be drawn on (just like you said the numbered books are designed to be numbered). Once they are drawn on they are no longer mint. if you drew on one and then sent it in for grading it would either get a green qualified label with a note "drawing on front cover" or get a much lower grade universal label. Only via SS program are signatures and sketches given a non-gree qualified grade (yellow label). If the manufacturing compan, had done the numbering as part of the SS process with witnesses it would have gotten a yellow label. In fact that's not a bad idea for numbered con exclusives. It the signer is both signing and numbering while being witnessed thru the SS program it gets the yellow label if the person wants to sub it. Problem solved. And I think they've been consisitent about this for a long time cause there are old Gen13 green labels for some of their numbered covers...
  6. I wonder... 1. Does CGC view this board as an asset to generating revenue? 2. Do they have any influence/interest in the rules of the marketplace here? cause if both answers are yes then I think they'd be in favor of allowing pre-sales. Presales (from my observation) allow those who keep a constant churn of submission to repeat the cycle sooner, and that likely accumulates into additional submissions per year. So they want presales, cause they know presales lead to more submissions, and faster. Especially in the modern realm. Also in the modern realm presales on a hot items are probably a matter of getting top dollar, vs missing the peak value. Also for some books, you want to get to market first, thus presale is the way to go. \ Note, I do none of these, never sell a book in which a presale would be of any value, and have never bought a presale book.. but this is the internet, none of that precludes me from having (and stating) an opinion!
  7. Congrats to BvS for having its first weekend with less than a 50% drop from the previous weekend! I thought it would pull out of the nosedive last weekend, but hey, this weekends better than nothing! Weekend 1 to Weekend 2: 69.1% drop (thanks in part to pre-sales, previews and such) Weekend 2 to Weekend 3: 54.5% drop Weekend 3 to Weekend 4: 61.4% drop (first weekend they lost a big chunk of IMAX screens) Weekend 4 to Weekend 5: 38.9% drop (estimate) Also for those watching the BvS grand totals this weekend was the end of it's run in China (total $95m). It is still running in UK ($51.6m to date), Mexico ($35.7m) , Brazil ($34.7m) and Australia ($22.2m). It's got one more weekend to squeeze out some revenue in the US before Captain America comes roaring in.International markets get Cap on the 27th, so a few extra weeks there too.
  8. agreed, they should have just re-released George Reeves Superman serials and Adam West's Batman...
  9. seems like a newish user not knowing the standard practices.... saying per PM, means you've already had a PM conversation with the seller to come to terms beyond the default terms in the sellers listing (like negotiating a lower price, or alternative payment timing or methods) the culmination of that conversation is you posting the per PM post what you wanted to do was either A) Just post , or maybe I'll PM you about payment/shipping. or B) If you really did want to change the terms of the sale, have the PM conversation first and then post the per PM.
  10. love to see sellers say that they'll pay the paypal % like they're doing potential buyers a favor. Sellers absorbing the paypal fee (since it comes off the balance transferred) is the status quo. Making it sound like you are covering a buyer cost is somewhat misleading.
  11. what PR , I know that a few different cons have had concerts, Kirby Krackle comes to mind. Adam WarRock too.... I know they've played at/in conjunction with Emerald City Comicon and the CGS con out in Philly.... maybe it's the first time it's been done at a Wizard con... but they certainly havent thought of something new here...
  12. Wanted? The Shadow? Red I/II? Men In Black I/II/III? Timecop (Dark Horse)? Road To Perdition? A History of Violence? So many comic book productions over the years. Superhero movies. Not comic book movies. what he said. Unbreakable was the one "Superhero" stretch... but I count it
  13. except that it is. i will say there were some cool things in the film, but overall it was extremely crappy. the whole "Martha" thing was god awful. I came back to the thread... I wondered how bad I really thought it was in comparison to other Superhero movies, so I ranked them... all (or at least all that I could think of) Here's my list as it stands (before adding Superman vs Batman) 1 Spiderman 2 2 The Dark Knight 3 Captain America: The Winter Soldier 4 Captain America: The First Avenger 5 Superman: The Movie 6 Avengers 7 Guardians of the Galaxy 8 Hellboy 9 Ironman 10 X-Men: First Class 11 X-Men 12 Batman Begins 13 Batman 14 The Crow 15 Unbreakable 16 Spider-Man 17 Blade 2 18 X2: X-Men United 19 Blade 20 Ironman 3 21 Batman Returns 22 Super 23 Superman II 24 Kick- 25 Deadpool 26 Hellboy II: The Golden Army 27 Chronicle 28 The Dark Knight Rises 29 Ant-Man 30 Thor 31 Amazing Spider-Man 32 Avengers: Age of Ultron 33 X-Men Days of Future Past 34 The Rocketeer 35 Hancock 36 Kick- 2 37 Watchmen 38 Mystery Men 39 Iron Man 2 40 The Mask 41 Thor: The Dark World 42 Man of Steel 43 Punisher War Zone 44 Punisher: The Movie 45 Incredible Hulk 46 Green Hornet 47 Amazing Spider-Man 2 48 Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengence 49 Spawn 50 Daredevil 51 Constantine 52 Hulk 53 The Wolverine 54 Fantastic Four 55 Superman Returns 56 Batman Forever 57 Blade Trinity 58 Ghost Rider 59 Green Lantern 60 X-Men Origins: Wolverine 61 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 62 Superman III 63 Elektra 64 Jonah Hex 65 Spider-Man 3 66 X-Men: The Last Stand 67 The Spirit 68 Catwoman 69 Howard the Duck 70 Fantastic Four 71 Batman & Robin... cause Batnipples So where would I put Superman vs Batman, which I had lots of problems with? Probably somewhere in the 30s. Yeah that feels about right. RIght there among the other "mess" movies like Ultron and Watchmen and Future Past all of which tried to do to much and got muddled doing it. The 30s are also the end of the "rewatchable" movies, after that I have no interest in revisiting any of those movies outside of some snipets that are good (like the Shuttle rescue in Superman Returns) I've also got Deadpool ranked lowish at 25) cause I know I have a recency bias, and would rank it higher ,but that might be cause I just saw it. So where does it fall on your list?
  14. Along those same lines (of state what you state accurately) I remember someone asking a price and saying they were asking the same price that it was so to them (I believe from Gator, though it might have been cheetah).. and then Gator showed up and just posted a or maybe it was a and suddenly the guy dropped his price $200 or something. apparently he "misrememberd" his purchase prices...
  15. If you are going to cite data cite it correctly. If you are going to make statements in your sales thread, make sure they are accurate. BUT The buyer cant expect the seller to do all the work. Here's a scenario I've seen sometimes... Buyer lists his GA 6.0 whatever for GPA price saying "not a lot of sales... one sale in grade in last 24 months, so I'm listing it for that" whatver... what he doesn't mention is that a half grade higher (6.5) just sold on HA (and is listed in GPA) for for 30% less that the GPA record for his grade (which would make one think the market is correcting downward on his book). Does he have to disclose the market sales of all of the grades around his book? I say no. State the GPA info for your book in your grade and just leave it at that. No need to song and dance it, just let the book sell itself.
  16. My biggest problems with any reboot is the "need" to retell the origin. I get it for new characters. But Superman, Batman, Spiderman? No need. Everyone knows them. Too bad he couldn't retell the his origin through another character in the movie. Not saying he needs a Robin, but it's one of the few things that worked as a thing to move the "story" in Batman Forever. good plot device... Alfred telling Barbara Gordon would also work... of course that's just me trying to get Batgirl into the movie
  17. just remember, Thomas takes a swing at Joe Cool... *ugh*
  18. best thing to come out of SvB... Ben Affleck did a good job, and was probably my favorite take on Bruce Wayne (and one of the better Batmen) though it does mean more Jeremy Irons as a much to young Alfred....(he doesnt look more than 10 years older than Wayne, and that means when Bruce was orphaned as a boy his caretaker was what... early 20s? Not much of a surrogate father figure (not that Irons played him that way at all).
  19. that is the most even, balanced, well written opinion I have read here on the boards...
  20. Anyone like the slight change in the Batman origins that had Thomas Wayne attack the robber, rather just having him protect his family (put himself between the gun and his family)? IMHO that moment told me a lot about the tone that the writers and directors would be going for over the rest of the movie, and it didnt bode well (to me). Anyone find the placement of Gotham right next to Metropolis unbelievable, due to the fact that Batman and Superman had managed not to cross paths up until this point? Seriously? You're a superhero and the only other known super hero in the world is in the town next to yours and you dont get together to barbecue? Logic again fell apart there... Or why the flash come back in time to tell Batman that Lois is the key, but the woman that stops the Superman/Batman fight is Martha (in name)... On the positive I did think that Ben Afflek was probably my favorite portrayal of Bruce Wayne I've seen yet. Bale was a slightly better Batman, but they're close. Im also still a sucker for Amy Adams as Lois Lane... I wrote a looong post that no one responded to in CG cause everyone was to busy posturing rather than have an actual discussion...All in all it was a 3 or 4 out of 10 for me. Plot was to muddled with to many logic flaws, not to mention some characterizations that just didnt land for me (Superman, Lex....) and yes I've seen the movie, twice now (once in theater and once for *ahem* free when I was trying to remember how some things were plotted out)
  21. The only thing I can think of a tiny bit like this was Star Wars editing scenes from the original trilogy and re-releasing them in the 90's. That was when Lucas had them insert things like digital creatures outside the cantina that in the 70's they could accomplish. But that wasn't to make up on any assumed missed revenue target. There was just a demand to be fed with these slight touch-ups. I think the demand was for a high quality version (using some of the newer technology) especially for release to DVD. The "slight touch-ups" range from improvements (better effects, explosions, coloring) and background filling (i.e. Mos Eisley) to actual plot changes (making Han less of a scoundrel by having Gredo shoot first, and the extra Jabba scene, that also shows Boba Fett prematurely). Plus another big factor in that re-release was reinvigorating the audiences in preparation for the prequels. but that's for a different thread...
  22. I'd be interested to see how they market it... can anyone mention other movies that have done this release model?
  23. I agree, and in looking back plenty of blockbuster movies lost their #1 position in the 3rd week, but if you look at the quality of the movies that they lost to... well it doesnt look so good. here are some other blockbusters and who beat them out in week 3 AOU: PitchPerfect2 and Mad MAx Avengers: MIB2 *in week 4 TDK: Tropic Thunder *in week 5 DKR: Bourne Legacy IM3: Star Trek Into Darkness Spiderman: Star Wars II Spidey2: I Robot D'Pool: Zootopia *in week 4 Man of Steel: Monsters U and WWZ *in week 2 Most of these comic book movies were "summer blockbusters" that were bumped by other blockbusters... the "least" impressive bump was Tropic Thunder, but that didnt come until Week 5, which is a pretty impressive run. Point being, there's no way SvB should have given up the #1 slot on such a weak weekend. Maybe it flips when the numbers go final (they are just estimates after all), and maybe BvS sits at #2 for another month and it validates the hopes of those looking for some cultural impact, or at least "stickiness" (cant wait for that to get quoted). Im just saying it's dropping like a rock, most big blockbusters do, but this one even more so than others to date. It's still doing better than Green Lantern (lost #1 after 1 week, fell to 3rd and was behind Cars2 (understandable) but also Bad Teacher *shudder*)
  24. well considering SvB is probably going to lose it's number one spot in the Box offices in it's 3rd weekend it looks like the real supervillian of the movie is...