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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. Seems like the books that are the hardest to nail down as Okajimas are the ones jut post Camp (when the markings were less consistent or super generic like the rubber date stamp) or late in the collection (mid-late 50s when they didn't have the recognizable distribution mark or frequent back cover dating). Are there any interior marks to identify the pedigree? I didn't see any in my More Fun.
  2. Here's the Ranger Comics #44 CGCed with Okajima ped note
  3. Here's the scan of Mary Marvel 5 has the Okajima distribution markings in the M.
  4. I'd also like take a second to thank EVERYONE who's contributed (big and small) to this research. From sharing oral histories, to digging through your own collection to check markings on your own Okajima books... From posting past threads that had other info, to just "keeping an eye out" when you are surfing the web and the con circuit... I think the Okajima pedigree has the BEST original owner story, and I think it deserves to be mentioned along side the great pedigrees if not for the size of the collection and the condition of the books then for the way in which the collection was built by the original owner. I'll just quote again some of the reasons that add to the "specialness" of this collection Thanks everyone for contributing, and CONTINUING to contribute to this treasure hunt for books and information around the Okajima pedigree.
  5. Alan (im assuming that's who this is!) thanks so much for helping with this endeavor, it certainly wouldn't be possible with out your records/experience. What ever info you can share would be amazing. If its easier to mail photo copies, please let me know, I'm more than happy to shoulder any part of the load (scanning, etc) to make this easy for you. Also thanks for taking notes when you purchased your part of the collection. I wish every dealer was so thorough!
  6. I may or may not have just squealed like a girl. This is awesome everyone!
  7. I'm betting he has multiples of the BA12. He has three listed on ebay right now two 9.8s and one 9.6 The 9.8s include in their title "lot 1" and "lot 4" and the 9.6 has "lot 8" in the title. So benefit of the doubt, Im guessing he subbed at least 8 copies of BA12.... or maybe not...
  8. and do you have a picture of you '51 Okajima?
  9. probably not, I've never seen a distribution code written in that way in that place on a 50s Okajima. I'd expect to see the code written on the left inside (if possible) or near the W in Wonder.
  10. Jesus h Christ on a cracker. Those inks! Those colors! I'm gonna need a minute.
  11. great cover Timely! anyone know how to get a hold of Ron Murray of BIG RONS COMICS in FRESNO CA?
  12. Also here are some more books, will check on release dates when I have time (and energy) tomorrow... these were books mentioned as purchased here on the boards (mostly in the "Have a Cigar" thread) Mary Marvel 5 Thrilling # 60 Thrilling #61 CGC 9.2 Okajima Thrilling #63 Thrilling #66 back is date-stamped April 12, 1948
  13. Again, this is why this collection is so amazing to me. Look at the cover subject matter. Look at the hero killing a Japanese officer. And these books were being bought by a girl who's parents immigrated from Japan, and she bought them while in an Internment camp. Stumbled across this scan in some mycomicshop.com archive from a past sale/auction. This is another early book in the collection ('43)
  14. Have not seen or heard of a single one (Bats or 'tecs) . Maybe there were some in the collection and they got bought (and vaulted) early when the collection was first discovered? No Actions either... and just one Superman so far. Also no Worlds Finest. Seems like quite a hole in the 1200 book collection. She did love her Fiction House though!
  15. Here's one you dont have Griff Red Dragon #7
  16. this is comicdey's Jungle 54 (not sure if there's a better scan out there, I'll keep looking)
  17. I think most of these were dug up by me here on the boards... let me see what i can find....except for the Superman, that one is visible in the video I linked to in the earlier thread (the dealer describes the date note on it). I have not found a scan of it, just the video. here's my More Fun 98
  18. Here's another camp era, post -script/code from late in 44.
  19. Did the story of her being in the camp come from one of her relatives? I ask because the background note posted earlier indicates that she was identified through a search of names in the National Archives, which would seem unnecessary if the story was already available from relatives. Here's the link in the thread to the pedigree certificate that has come with some of the Okajimas (depending on which dealer they came from) http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7335203#Post7335203 This states the story, and if you look back to earlier links there's a video interview with (name eluding me at the moment) who reiterates the story. The national archives search basically corroborates the story that was given by the family during the estate sale to the winning bidders. I dont know that the original bidders (who each got 1/3 of the 1200 book collection) knew ALL of the details (which camp, when her and the family entered and were released from the camp) and I've been making inquiries to some of the early owners of chunks of the collection to see what sort of info was passed along (verbally or otherwise).
  20. Timely thats amazing. Thats the second earliest Okajima I've seen, and the earliest one with date/code markings. The Startling Comics #24 has the "okajima" -script, but no date or code. Im guessing that date note is 1-1-44 (its hard to read) and it looks like a "1y" notation... which would be the first book from the "1" series of notations.
  21. That's a new one for my list! Think I'm going to have to dig through your registry! And maybe your journal....
  22. yep, but for that whole year we've only uncovered two books. And they dont even have the same markings. And the Supermagician has the same marking as the '44 Mystery Comics 4 (10/21/44) (which has a date stamped) Wonder if the camp stopped getting as many comics, or if she wasnt able to buy as many... or what...