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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. I understand the concern that there would be no way for the offender to get removed if the nominator leaves.. but... I would think that in this scenario, that if a "Probie" showed effort and intent to resolve, but found the offendee non-responsive the board could vote him/her OFF the probation list if they showed they performed all due diligence to resolve the issue.
  2. Hey Matthew. I read through the entire "other thread" with Mitch calling Bob etc. It sucketh. The one problem is that all this took place while you were not a CGC Member. The PL/HOS rules state, amoung other things, d) A Transaction between board members is not confined to the CGC Message Boards. Any transaction between forum members, regardless of the venue, is eligible for inclusion in the PL. At the time of this transaction you were not a Board Member and you only joined here a few days ago to address this situation. However, it appears there are many examples on Deals Gone Bad from other boardies. Certainly enough to get a PL or HOS result. Any takers here? never thought about that fact. splitting hairs, it doesnt say that the they both had to be members at the time of the transaction... I think there have been past cases where someone showed up here because of a problematic offline transaction with a boardie and they got the person HOSed or PLed...
  3. If Bob ever came on here and started a sales thread, would you want ANYONE to buy from him? Even if he finally resolved this particular issue? There seems to be if not a pattern, at least a propensity for Bob to drop the ball on completing transactions that are not funneled through his ebay shop.
  4. yikes! Why Amazon payments? No percentage like paypal? Does it have protection so you were able to get your $$ back or no?
  5. I typically PM the seller and in polite a fashion as possible "Im sure you didnt mean to paint an incomplete picture with the GPA data, but its worth noting that non-sketched SS copies like the one you are selling seem to average $125" usually I get no reply, but then magically their listing changes....
  6. Im seriously intrigued by the social rules that might exist in this little community. Was the 15x price near fair market value or was it a gouging? How does the fact that you were the one that sold it to him affect what the price should be (really I want to know). Is the expectation here in this community that the original seller should get some sort of discount/best price vs what the new seller is asking (lets assume the seller is asking market).
  7. I'm not sure the term "original owner" means much at all anymore for any period of comics. Pretty certain most of the major pedigrees that have surfaced in the last few years all went through the press before they even saw the first auction (or at least the top few 100 books in each collection). The OO term is very over used in my opinion to entice people for the very reason that you describe, that the books may be prime for "improvement". And I think that's probably the case with all books- gold, silver, and especially bronze. Although I do like to dream that there are some books that will come to the market for collectors from collectors without all the garbage in between. I was most intrigued by the fact that he was using the OO status to ask over market for a pair of bronze age keys. If they were GA maybe I could see the alure, but Bronze? Lots of people kept their books from the 70s!
  8. So you'd buy it back from him at the $10k price if another buyer came along and hit the BIN on ebay? and I do sort of understand your frustration, but I seriously doubt he'll ever find someone to buy it from him at anything close to that price...
  9. Am I wrong or does "original owner" copy not mean much when it comes to Bronze Age and later books? I know there are a few "pedigree" collections that went int the Bronze age (and beyond) but is it really that special (OO copies) to add value over the market for a non-original owner copy? [especially when its already been noted that the book has been pressed, which is part of the OO appeal at times is that the book hasnt been thru multiple resuscitation?] oh and note this isnt the original owner selling the book, this is someone selling a book that he bought from the original owner (and then pressed and slabbed)
  10. Some folks are quite successful selling CGC graded books with no scans/pictures at all..... Just sayin' and when we're talking high grade books Im less concerned (the difference between one 9.4 and another is not that large as compared to how widely two 4.0s can look presentation-wise) but this was a VG book that had a picture cut off before the bottom of the book and I was leary to pull the trigger not knowing what laid beneath (distributor spray? water staining across the entire bottom edge? rat chew?) my point being if you are going to have a hard no-return policy, then post enough visual information for buyers to make a safe and informed decision. Especially when dealing with raw and/or lower grade books.
  11. currently annoyed at a lister who has a book I want listed at a fair price, but has only displayed a photo of the book that cuts off part of the book. I'd pull the trigger, but the OP has a "no returns on CGC books" policy listed in his rules. And Im not gonna pull the trigger on a book I cant at least see 100% of the cover. Weak. If you aren't gonna post decent scans/photos, that's cool but leave your rules loose enough to accommodate your own lack of effort.
  12. 1. ebay's protection is largely around paypal protection, with some mechanics around standard return/resolution processes. As long as you are using paypal for your board transaction your money is as safe (as long as you act in a timely manner to open claims, just like on ebay) as it is on the bay. 2. feedback management has overhead (i.e. resolution of disputed feedback, deleting inaccuracies in posts, etc), and this board is run with no overhead beyond the basic monitoring for certain content that is performed. I think regardless of support, a real feedback thread is a pipe dream in terms of getting CGC to support its existence. I dont think we're drifting towards ebay for a few reasons. Most books are listed at market rates (as opposed to most ebay listings sitting for months and years at inflated ask prices. We have a higher percentage of "good" listings (good scans/photos, good descriptions) vs bad. And ebay is largely non-relationship building (you go in you buy, you pay, you're done) vs here where MOST buyers and sellers have an ongoing presence on the boards beyond just the marketplace.
  13. And the op even SAID it was on eBay! Didn't stop aberrant from buying the book
  14. I think you are applying the term "adults" a little liberally to the forum members... I agree that the 20% of adults that use this forum don't need hand holding. But what about the 40% underdeveloped man-children? or the 20% self righteous entitled elites who know better than any guideline could advise them? or the 20% of profiteering hucksters who need to be controlled and railed against for turning this hobby into a money making venture? or 10% of members who just want to post lewd cosplay photos from the latest con? or the 20% that dont know how to do math or report percentages? and what about the children? Wont somebody please think about the children!?!?
  15. I pictured Keeanu Reeves when I read that I've mentioned a waiting period as the strongest deterrent. Time unlike posts cannot be manipulated I can't imagine a scammer opening an account, making random posts over a 3 month period, then deciding "now I will spring my scam". does anyone know if this forum host has a way to set a time restriction for the ability to post in designated subforums? I know of other forums that had such a restriction which was enforced by the subforum configuration. Would make it nice and easy and at least get rid of the "nuisance" listings. And require users to get some time observing before posting in threads with rules.
  16. dont we already impose conditions on buyers and sellers (ie the marketplace rules) ? Im assuming you mean "Should we impose any limitation of eligibility on buyers/sellers beyond the PL/HOS restriction?"
  17. I always assume the people that do this saw that report a few years ago about how real-tors list houses at odd prices to stand out because brains look for differences and group similarities. So rather than getting your house "grouped" with all of the other $24,000 house your brain makes a separate category for your $24,851 house, and therefore you stand out and are more memorable.
  18. Thoughts on this grading approach? Im not immediately opposed to the loose grading when there are very good scans for cheap books, but when were talking about books that cost over $20, I'd like a grade, or at least a discription of what counts as "mid-grade" or "lower high grade" or whatever. Can midgrade books have centerfolds detached at one staple? Do the lower high grade books have Cream pages? And my biggest concern is that if you're gonna be super lose with presenting grading, then you need to be very specific about your return policy and pay shipping BOTH ways. If you dont wanna invest the time in specific grading, then you have to be willing to take the risk of a return at your cost. (I mean he's selling a FF 52 for over $100 with no back cover scan, and no grade listed)
  19. I did not, but I will do so right now. Thank you. Also think about how he is supposed to "make things right" Obviously him paying for the books that he agreed to buy is his #1 avenue. But it looked like you posed the idea of relisting them. If you sell them to someone else is he then free of his obligation? One idea (since the sale is of "hot" books) is that he would be responsible for compensating you the difference in sale price vs what he agreed to pay originally ... So if he agreed to buy the books for $60 back when they were hot, but they've since cooled, and you can only sell them for $35, he'd owe you the difference ($25) since the loss of revenue was due to his delays in payment. If you sell them for $60, and you make your money, and the books are sold, he doesnt have any way to "make you right", and if someone's on the PL there has to be an agreed upon way for him to get off the list.
  20. Would a trade weekend (like what they are doing in the Signature sub forum) work here in the marketplace for all comics? Maybe it could be a VCC-Trade only session? I love trying to pull a trade off, and yes I know offering books for trade is always an option in the marketplace as long as rules are followed, but I thought a trade only, with some cap on total number of books you could list, and then run it like the Signature trade thread (each OP gets one post for their listing, all negotiations occur in PMs, and maybe we just have trades disclosed as they occur so there's some transparancy like with other marketplace transactions...) any thoughts? I cant be the only person who loves to work on a trade..
  21. 2011 for me, though it feels longer for some reason very under-represented class!
  22. Techincally there were only three Axis members (who signed the Tripartite Pact) Japan, Nazi Germany, and Italy. Thus why you usually see Musolini, Hirohito and Hitler depicted. Finland actually only saw their "war" as a war with Russia (who had taken land recently in the Winter War) so they sided with Germany when Germany began to fight Russia. FInland did sign the Anti-Comintern Pact. Finland repeatedly rejected signing the Tripartite pact because they specifically wanted to maintain diplomatic relations with the US. I dont know that the US ever technically declared war on Finland (though the UK did, due to Finland's agression towards the UKs ally Russia), or that the US forces ever fought Finnish forces... ok that was entertaining research, back to work, it is still a good question to GAtor regarding WWII depictions of any forces or leaders other than the big three.