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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. In case it wasnt seen, BLBComics got a ban (not a suspension) from the boards. HOS is kinda moot at this point.
  2. Also being able to pay off the cops is handy.
  3. One of my greater accomplishments! (Now excuse me while I go reevaluate my life...)
  4. Matt he doesnt have to admit he sold them, if he doesnt deliver them, he could have used them for TP, all that matters is that part of your agreement wasnt fulfilled, so you are owed either a full refund (assuming you want to return the full order) or a partial refund for the value of the books that weren't delivered per the agreement. It's not the PL/HOS rules that are keeping this transaction afloat. Matt came on here to the boards, started raising ruckus (rightfully so) about Bob not delivering, and the public shaming got Bob to set a target for completing the transaction by Christmas. So we give him the time to meet his own set target. He's measured his own rope. He doesnt deliver? He gets the hanging. My only worry is that right now there's a benefit to Bob to get this order delivered by the Christmas target (he may consider this a way to "shut the boards up" and be back in good standing... I dont think either of these things actually happens, but HE may think so, and thus be more inclined to do his job). Once he's on the HOS, and it gets communicated as such, he has no reason to actually keep progressing on Matt's transaction. I'd say dragging heals at least until the 25th might increase the odds of the books being shipped. Starting up a new bonfire that's further fueled by all the other failings on his part will probably just get him to dig in his own heels and start to act even more punitive with his lack of delivery. [note: Im 100% on Matt's side on this, Bob is 100% in the wrong, and has shown nothing but horrible business practices in this transaction. I dont care about Bob's position in comics history, for that matter, I dont care about Matt's position in comic history. Im just interested in the facts of the transaction]
  5. Was there ever a conversation between you and Bob about what sort of credit you would be getting back for any of the 341 that he couldn't deliver on (assumedly cause he sold them on eBay)? Come Christmas, when the 341 gets shipped and it arrives some point after that, you will see that he only delivers on say 320 of the 341, and then the quesiton will be about reimbursement of those books, which will be about valuation. Did you have a pulp by pulp break down of value discussed that broke down the cost of the "lot"?
  6. I agree. It reminds me of an old movie where two men were talking about the DEFCON system and one said to the other "Do you know why we never want to go to DEFCON 1? Because after that there's nothing else." We must be vigilant in our protection of the forums while also being judicious in our choice of punishment. If not then the system loses purpose and meaning. What about the people who've been on the PL more than once? I don't really like the idea of people getting off scott free just because they make amends only because they got caught. As we both know, people's memories can get very short when it comes to cool books. You just don't want to soften what the HOS is supposed to mean by the inclusion of folks who will find better and more effective corrective action taken against them in other areas. What I mean is, for someone who fails to provide the correct service in the SS facilitation arena, it would seem the most effective way to prevent that from happening again is to not provide him with the permissions necessary to allow that to happen again. It's more of a "Right Hammer for the Right Nail" situation. This is good to remember. If Menace ran off to Jamica with the Op money and never delivered, that'd be HOS worthy for sure. If Menace had poorly packed a slab and it got damaged and the buyer was asking for re-slab reimbursement, that be PL worthy if Menace was refusing to address the issue with the buyer. Menace being a bad Facilitator? Being a bad communicator? Being slow to deliver on the various steps in the sig op process? Sounds like the facilitator program should be re-evaluating his 'facilitator' status. Problem with nominating a facilitator for taking to long on a sketch op; its tough to get definitive evidence, all of the ops take long, and they take different amounts of time so deciding "acceptable" timelines is impossible. Again, all of menace's transgressions are around his facilitator-skills. So this should be a facilitator review issue.
  7. I think the probelm with getting this kind of change in place is that there's no regulation on a thread, and they would quickly turn into a downward spiraling festival of modifier notifications and scrubbings, and CGC mods understandably dont want to get into that business. Think of all the administration surrounding ebay feedback... and they are BUILT for this kind of stuff. CGC Message boards arent. I agree it would be useful, but the overhead/admin makes it near-impossible to implement.
  8. I mean heck, for the fisaco it was/is Castrillio should live on the HOS permanently.
  9. Question: Since SS Ops run thru the Signature sub-forum, and we're talking about the Marketplace HOS/PL... its not like a Marketplace PL/HOS designation will stop him from facilitating sketch ops, no? Or does the Sig forum adhere to the HOS/PL? I know I've seen occasional people who sign up for an Op get called out for "hey how bout you take care of ______ before signing up for a sig op if you have the $$" but I've not seen it done with a facilitator.
  10. remember there are probably some double dip submissions of 9.8s trying for a 9.9...
  11. I'm amazed that there Are 17 NO votes. I guess those people like getting ripped off and cheated in their daily lives While everyone has their own reasons for voting one way or the other I'm going to assume that most of the "NO" votes are not people saying that cadet did nothing wrong, but just that his actions (while wrong) are not HOS worthy. And to that I again return to the point... by not honoring the condition of the sales thread and the he went against the most basic principle of the marketplace, and as such I would not trust him to honor anyone's if it was posted in one of his sales threads. This isn't about trying to make things right with the initial (attempted) buyer. It's about keeping someone who's decided not to play by the marketplace rules out of the marketplace. This isnt someone who's a lazy shipper, or an over grader, or who refused a refund. It's someone who said; here's a book for sale, here are the conditions of the sale and the price. And when someone agreed to them he first tried to change the conditions of the sale, and then decided not to sell to someone who had a valid claim on the expected transaction. That to me is someone who should be on the HOS list. It's not about the ammount of money in dispute, its about the intent behind the actions. And his actions betrayed a complete lack of regard for the marketplace conventions. I'm glad he is a friend and a resource to others out there, and that others have had successful private transactions. And being on the HOS doesnt stop him from continuing to be on the boards, or to have his PM friends who he is helping connect for hard to find editions. But if he doesnt want to play by the marketplace rules, and his actions tell me he doesnt, and he shows such disregard for them, then he should not be in the marketplace. Thus why I think the HOS is the place to be for him. Its not about probation over a single transaction. Its about his disregard for the marketplace itself.
  12. Gator, if FSU was 8-5 and headed for the Chick-Fil-A bowl, would the the Leon County prosecutor have charged him and passed on the autographed Bobby Bowden headshot, the replica Seminole head-dress, and the Bowl tickets? kids the lesson here is practice, practice, practice so that you can be in a position to have everyone in the county looking out for you to make sure you can win the big game for the local team. [disclaimer: all in jest, from a fellow gator fan, I think in jest, yeah probably, maybe} Money talks. Big boosters probably saw to that. Leon County is going to have some nice new Police cruisers in a few months.
  13. Gator, if FSU was 8-5 and headed for the Chick-Fil-A bowl, would the the Leon County prosecutor have charged him and passed on the autographed Bobby Bowden headshot, the replica Seminole head-dress, and the Bowl tickets? kids the lesson here is practice, practice, practice so that you can be in a position to have everyone in the county looking out for you to make sure you can win the big game for the local team. [disclaimer: all in jest, from a fellow gator fan, I think in jest, yeah probably, maybe}
  14. Does anyone have a link to that original back and forth or the sales thread that started it (the Cancer/Dying excuse one, not the most recent). I found where it was being quoted over in Copper/Modern, but couldnt find the original instance. maybe its been cadet-scrubbed?
  15. I understand your perspective Hado, and I know HOS seems extreme, and should be used in those most egregious scenarios... but think about how our marketplace works. Its a social contract between internet strangers (often). Unless stated otherwise we all agree to sell books to each other via the typical conveyances of the . Thats the most basic of our marketplace protocol. He violated that. Thumbed his nose even at honoring an outright in a standard sales thread. If we let someone get a pass on abiding by the basic agreements of the marketplace, what are we saying? No one is socially bound to anything in the marketplace? While his act was done to a particular member, it was also done to the marketplace as a whole. And to me that's the egregious nature of it. While some of the HOS listees are there because of big dollar screwjobs, or repeated cheaters, I would say someone outright blows off the rules of the marketplace and shows no regret for doing so doesnt have a path to make things right. There's nothing from preventing him from participating in the message board as a whole, but the fact that he doesnt give two shakes about how the marketplace abides, to me, means he isnt welcome in the marketplace. And that's before even getting into his attempt to change his own sale thread rules, trying to make someone pay via paypal personal, etc etc...
  16. Some proposed creative paths to resolution... OP can shove his *bleep* up his *bleep* and provide photos OP can set fire to his X-men one and mail the ashes.
  17. Just for the records. Solarcadet X-Men #1 CGC 3.5 aborted sale to Spideyfein sales thread.. Link to SpideyFein's Complaint thread in CG The replacement sales thread by Solarcadet to try and complete a larger sale in lieu of the aborted sale
  18. GA, I love Sci-Fi comics, and in GA that means Planet Comics and the EC lines.... but what are some of the other Sci-Fi titles/covers that you like that aren't the "top shlf" two I've already mentioned... (or you can just say "I dont go for Sci-Fi comics")
  19. I think it may be best for the probation process to treat the two transactions (the Skottie SS and the Medina Sketch Op) seperately. The Skottie SS should certainly have been remedied by now. Just so you are following the standard PL protocols email him at the address he gave you (and send it in a PM as well) telling him you have nominated him for the Probation list due to the Skottie SS being neither delivered or refunded. Include a link to this thread: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7223850#Post7223850 and tell him that if he wants to address the matter to do it here, and he has 72 hours to do so or the process moves forward without any feedback/input from him. Regarding the Medina Sketch op, the lack of communication is concerning, but these ops can take a long time, and depend on the artist as much as the facilitator. In terms of requesting a refund, it may depend on if the money is in Menace's hands, or if its already moved into Medina's hands to secure the work that's been commissioned by you and others. If so it would be even tougher to get a refund. Since commission work is very different from straight sales transactions it may not be as simple as saying "I want out". Regardless of that part, Menace SHOULD be communicating better than the multi-month silences. But that's a matter for CGC to review and decide if they want him to retain his "facilitator" status, and that's not something we deliberate here in the PL. Again I'd address these independently with Menace. Dont want to see the simple Skottie SS issue mucked up with the more complicated Medina commission issue.
  20. Weren't those comments made before the mid-season finale? they were made yesterday (monday) and the mid-season finale was shown on Sunday... so no. I see no comments to that effect from yesterday. oh whoops I misunderstood your post, I thought you were saying that Ccmp99's comment was before the finale aired... I understand what you meant. internet reading comprehension for me is a C minus at best.
  21. Ratings do not necessarily equate to increased exposure. Ratings were up 15% vs the last December mid-season finale. While still increasing, they aren't increasing by the previous leaps and bounds (Last year's end of season finale ratings were a whopping 58% higher than the season 2 finale). Likely what we are seeing is two things. Ratings tabulations are a constantly shifting sand. I dont know if they've started including the +24hr DVR viewings in the ratings or not, but that could account for some of the increase, and regardless some of the new audience is probably shifted viewing from the "record it and watch it later" crowd moving to the "watch it live so the internet doesnt spoil it" mindset. Either way, unless there is something significant to expand the audience, and I dont think a second show on the same network really ADDS any audience (just gets the same eyes twice as much), I think we'll continue to see a nice 10% climb year over year. Now if there's a movie that does 200 million, or an actual zombie outbreak that drives people to watch the Walking Dead like its DIY Tv, then I could see big increases in viewership. Regardless, what do you think these transaction numbers mean: # of Walking Dead 9.8 sales (via GPA data) 2012: 92 2013: 113 (to date with December to go) Do more sales mean there are more buyers, or more sellers? In other words are people who were holding the Walking Dead selling them off at a higher rate than in previous years, or was there an increase in buyers here in Season 4? And the increased number of buyers helped drive the prices up? If you look at the month by month price growth 2012 vs 2013 you can see a few things: In 2012 there was growth in the off season (From April to October) leading up to the new premier. In 2013 it was very uneven with a 4 month dropoff after the finale (April thru July) with recovery in the two months leading up to the October release. In 2012 there was a dropoff after the premier (in Oct/Nov sales) with a rebound after the finale (December sales) In 2013 we mirrored the dropoff in October/November dropoff in sales (almost identically reverting to the previous July's average price), the question is... 1. will we see a December rebound like last year in the prices? 2. Will we see 2012's off season growth, 2013s plateau, or will we see prices fall off?
  22. Weren't those comments made before the mid-season finale? they were made yesterday (monday) and the mid-season finale was shown on Sunday... so no.