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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. doing that exact move with a book of mine. unverified sig on the front, multiple verified sigs on the back (it has a big white space perfect for sigs). I'll get mid-grade yellow (since the front sig is a defect) but I dont care.
  2. wouldnt it have just gotten a straight purple with a "stan lee written on cover" notation?
  3. I'm sure the restoration outcome was a bummer, I think the double sig wouldnt have been that bad if he hadn't partially signed over the first sig!
  4. back off! (kidding) don't think there's one out there on the market right now...
  5. sweet thanks for sharing. One of the earlier ones to be seen/shared so far. Plus it was bought by her on the same trip as Super Magician v3#1. Always like being able to see what was bought on one particular date.
  6. thanks so much for sharing another camp book! Is that yours?
  7. I am pretty proud of my Cardy Aquamans, but that one tops them all!! thanks SF!
  8. This just in... One of a Kind SS Very understated Cardy signature in lower right corner. 1st App Black Manta, and one of my favorite Cardy Aquaman covers!
  9. This just in... One of a Kind SS Very understated Cardy signature in lower right corner. 1st App Black Manta, and one of my favorite Cardy Aquaman covers!
  10. for completed sales yes. (even with some occasional shilling boosting final values) for listed book prices, no. Just way to many fishing listings (putting a book out there with a BIN price that is 2-3-10x market value) in hopes of getting someone to bite.
  11. I'm confused, is there one on ebay for $12k? Looks like a G/VG sold for $21 there. A paird CGCed 37 & 40 sold for $121 so thats like $60 each...
  12. Betty & Veronica #40 should be on that list
  13. Just Archie. or all Archie family? (Pep, B&V, etc)
  14. 9.2 to 7.5 slide? Bad press damage? What happened? bad press that split spine a bit [font:Times New Roman]Nope. I've never owned that book, but I was offered it. I'll PM you & Jimbo with the details. Trust me, the damage wasn't due to mishandling or a bad crack & press job.[/font] ok now Im suuuuuuuper intrigued.
  15. 9.2 to 7.5 slide? Bad press damage? What happened?
  16. well just cause he found them for a steal doesnt mean he has to sell them for one... Im just waiting for him to say something like "dropped my price to $200, which is what I have in them" or something like that... and everyone goes... With that profit margin, he could at least offer free shipping. Offer him $1 a book and end with.. "Hey you are quadrupling your investment!"
  17. well just cause he found them for a steal doesnt mean he has to sell them for one... Im just waiting for him to say something like "dropped my price to $200, which is what I have in them" or something like that... and everyone goes...
  18. I assumed this was the case (the bolded). Anyone in the market for a 5 figure book has an idea of what s/he wants to pay for the book in a variety of grades. And with few sales, and very little ever hitting the market you strike when you get the chance. I doubt the GPA info actually factored into the sale, it was just a 5 figure example of selective data mining to fit price justification (at least that's how it was presented).
  19. on the PIF inclusion in HOS/PL. Since the HOS/PL was created for the marketplace, and the marketplace includes the facilitation of straight trades, trades would fall under the HOS/PL guidelines? I'm just trying to see what sort of precedence is already in place for the use of the HOS/PL for non-monetary transactions/occurrences. If someone posted a WTT thread in the marketplace, and it was consummated with some sort of "deal!" then if either parties fail to meet the marketplace guidelines they could be nominated for the PL yes? So the main thing is we are talking about applying the marketplace rules (and consequences) to transactions/exchanges/occurrences that have an "agreement" basis that occur outside of the marketplace. This would include: Secret Santa, Pay it Forward, or anything else that has an agreement that occurred here on the boards. Does this mean failure to complete a "kick to the balls" transaction could land someone on the PL? (joking)
  20. *sigh* just watched another sale use partial GPA info to justify their price while leaving out GPA info that doesnt support it. Scenario was (and Im making all the numbers up here, but they are fair parallels): Selling Shadow 1 in CGC 7.0 for $9000 seller provides the following info: Recent sale of a 6.5 here on the boards for $8k Recent sale of a 5.5 in GPA for $8k sounds like a deal, and maybe it is... but the seller fails to mention that in 2012 an 8.0 sold for $4500, and an 8.5 sold for $9k *sigh* I do temper my sighs with the fact that the buyer can have access to all this information if they have GPA or spend some time researching, but just the 1/2 truth of sales data and picking and choosing your sales data, especially when there are only 5-6 points of data for the book anyway. And there's some cutoff point for sure, listing sales data from 2009 is not useful, but when your line in the sand excludes value depressing info, while leaving value inflating info it looks a little Am I overreacting? (probably)
  21. One just popped up in the marketplace. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6966374
  22. this just in... sf is in support of "junk swapping" or whatever the kids are calling it these days...
  23. Didn't think about this before...I sometimes put 4-5 books in a post because it seemed more efficient for some reason...didn't think about how that would affect load times... good to know. Another reason to just do one book per post. Some people are on mobiles, and trying to edit the post you are quoting in an effort to post the "I'll take it" can be difficult (I know it is for me). And Im with the regular size scans. I always liked the threads that did back cover scans as "minis" so you could click on them if you really wanted to see the back covers..
  24. no. I can do math. It's not about the math, its about my own observed behavior of not automatically going back thru a thread when someone notes discounts w/o listing a summary of remaining books or something to that effect.
  25. Here's a tip, just based on my own habits as a viewer/reader in the marketplace forum. If you say you dropped prices, but only went back and updated the original posts, for some reason I'm never super interested in wading thru the original thread (especially when its a decently long thread, or one with a good amount of chatter/popcorn) If you drop prices, note the new prices in your update post.