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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. well in this case "usual rules" Means 30 days to complete transactions... so it hurts Rick's case in this situation.
  2. I'd also suggest this isn't the way to deal with this topic/issue. So far I think you've been given plenty of benefit of the doubt, 1/2 an answer and a declaration of being done talking about this before you've even started doesn't help the way things look.
  3. isn't timely payment 30 days unless othewise stated? (I know we all do better than this, but...) per the probation rules... 1) 30 Day Rule a) If a transaction between board members is not completed within 30 days, the offended party may submit the offender's name for inclusion to the HOS/Probation List (hereafter called the PL) Sounds like Rick can nominate the buyer for the PL if the check doesnt arrive within 30 days, of course the recourse is to send another check (or pay via another acceptable method) One thing I dont see is if the seller can void the transaction (wihch I assume @RICK STARR would want to do) if the 30 day rule is not met... I'd suggest that the seller send a replacement check in 2-3 day mail so that it can be tracked AND assure it arrives within the 30 day requirement.
  4. I could say why this is probably happening, but it has to do with the likelihood (or actually lack there of) of additional COVID relief between now and January 3, and I don't want to violate the "no politics" rule for the boards.
  5. agreed. the original problem (as I've said all along) fell into a grey area for sure and I think the seller was civil in our discourse. The drawing out of the issue lay in a) the seller's expansion on the issue as questions were asked after the fact (ie the idea that any "take it" in his thread would not have been honored if he had decided to pull a book, regardless of whether the book had actually been pulled yet) and b) the seller's need to respond to so many comments/questions/opinions, and often with a confrontational tone. He was his own worst enemy in this regard. The seller also, in an effort of damage control, could have closed his sales thread, since it too had many pages of posts that added gasoline to the flame, but he has the right to keep his sales thread open, just like I had the right to come here and grumble in the first place (though, based on his posts, the seller doesn't agree)
  6. 1. go to https://comics.gpanalysis.com/ pay for a subscription (it'll be worth it) 2. Look up all of the CGC books you have to see their current market value. GPA collects data on a wide range and history of online sales. They average the data. For hot books look at 90 day averages, for books with fewer sales look at 12 month averages. You can also look at higher and lower grade copies to understand the values around your book. 3. for raw books look at ebay completed sales. 4. Come back and post books for sale here in the marketplace. There are separate sub-forums for Gold/Silver/Bronze and Copper/Modern (since you have both). I'd suggest starting a thread in each... BUT before you do read the marketplace rules about what to do to follow community guidelines on using the marketplace.
  7. Its actually funny that we both used the word "think" I said i was "thinking about a bundle of" AV8 and IH141 ...and no one would read that as something that i could be held to. Ie. Thinking about taking a book isnt taking a book, thinking about making an offer isnt making an offer. Just like thinking about pulling a book from a sales thread isnt the same as pulling a book from the sales thread. And yes i came here to grumble. Cause i missed out on a book i wanted due to some grey area stuff, so i came over here to cry in my beer, as does happen in this thread, but also to gauge if i was over reacting to the situation. I've missed on pulled books in the past. Rick is fameous for it. Posts a great book, and then later you come back to take it and hes pulled it from the thread. No love loss there. We all move on. This was a little different sequence...
  8. I asked if any books were pressed, he asked which ones, i answered: He replied: I then went in the thread and also posted the take it Then he replied in the PM thread, with my reaction. And then updated the listing Agamoto has been pretty transparant about his side of the communication on this and we've both been quoting our pms in this discussion, so im assuming hes ok with the pms getting posed as well. As I've said, all of this stems from my reading of the word "think" (as far as "I think im going to pull it") and the delay between him wanting to pull the book and him pulling the book
  9. Oh well thats different. You cant even buy one sled dog for $30!
  10. I think B then A. Ask what type of shipping you get for $35. If the provided service doesn't match the cost, ask. If they Say "I send it 2-3 day priority" and they live in the same state as you ask to adjust it to the rate based on where you live. If they say they ship priority mail, flat rate, then ask what you get for the extra? It's a balancing act because you are relying on him to do a good job shipping, and if you complain to much on the front end you may get a slab thrown in a box with a bit of crumpled up newspaper... If he's a jerk about it then default back to A, but then mention in the feedback (still give him the number of stars based on meeting the terms of the deal) that the shipping wasnt worth the cost.
  11. @agamoto I've found most folks here are reasonable and use common sense in their dealings. I've also found that sellers here are more willing to "take a hit" in an effort to have opinions of them stay positive. I've seen sellers mis-list a book with the wrong price, and then have someone take it at that wrong price. When that price is massively off (like they said $20.00 when they meant $2000) no one held the seller to the $20 price (outside of some ribbing in the thread) despite people "taking it" in the thread. On the other hand I've seen sellers list a book at an "old" price (say based on data that pre-dated a movie announcement) and when the book was quickly scooped up at the "deal" price, the seller honored it, cause they valued upholding the sale over the additional money they may have left on the table. Sometimes its a small amount, sometimes its not so small. Or the case where one book is listed, but a different book is pictured... Say someone lists and IH180 CGC 8.0 at market value, but posts a picture of a IH181. You might get some "Take it's" with the question/caveat of "If that's the price for the 181 pictured I'll take it" No one holds the seller to sell the pictured 181 since there was an obvious mistake in the listing. Same thing sometimes happens when the seller has two copies of a book and lists the wrong picture with the listing (like listing an IH180 CGC 8.0 at FMV but posting the image of their 9.6) Same thing, if someone said "I'll take it if it's the 9.6 at that price", when it isn't, no one's gonna force the seller to sell the 9.6 at the price listed for the 8.0 cause we all know the mistake that happened... Point being, I think the marketplace, by-in-large is a reasonable place to do a transaction and while we tend to try to all live by the same set of marketplace rules, we are also reasonable. It's a a great place to sell at especially for no cost (no 10-15-18% cut going to eBay, CLINK or HA) , and a sale here has almost NO chance of "return" shenanigans like with ebay ("oh that CGC 9.8 you sent me seems over graded, I want a partial refund"). All that is to say, I do hope you continue to sell here, cause it's a great community to collect in and among. (note none of the above examples apply to our situation, I'm just using them to describe some things that have occurred in the marketplace in the past)
  12. Just to be accurate, you didn't tell me the book was being pulled you told me you "think" you were "going to pull the book" (i think the word "think" does some work in the sentence. If you had posted "The book is no longer available" or even a future declarative "I am going to pull the book from the thread" it is much clearer than "I think I am going to..." The idea that an offer of a book ceases when the seller makes a private decision would be atypical of practices here. It can certainly be part of you sales model though, we all get to set our own rules (above and beyond the standard ones). You just have to make that clear in your thread rules. Here's something of the language I'd suggest using going forward for your threads: "Seller retains the right to pull back any book, at anytime, including after a book is claimed" (if those are the terms under which you want to sell) this would ensure that any potential buyers understand the conditions of the sales thread, and if you decide to pull a book, you can pull it even if someone posts an "I'll take it" when you are in the midst of editing a post an get delayed for whatever reason (client, etc)
  13. I can only speak to what I do as a seller. In my experience... (and I'm saying all this as an opportunity merely to share experience and information) When I have a "take it" via a PM, I immediately update the listing with the fact that it sold via PM. That way other potential buyers know the book is no longer available. This is typical. Typically the buyer, when taking it via PM, will also do a "take it via PM" in the thread so no one else takes it. Most times a "take it via PM" is made (there are rare occurrences of people wanting to keep a transaction private, so they leave the posting to the seller) If it had been me, when I decided to pull the IH141 (or when I realized I had posted it, but had not intended to), my immediate action would have been to pull it from the thread. Not continue posting books or replying to PMs, it would have been the #1 thing to d. Again. I can only say what I would do. It has certainly occurred in the past where a PM take it occurred and before the thread could be updated someone else took it publicly. Those cases get resolved 99 times out of 100 by the seller just stating that Buyer X had already bought it via PM, with a date stamp/screen grab showing it had already been bought. Typically this happens in the span of just a few minutes difference. Here we are dealing with a 32 minute window from your "think" and your edit. And an even larger window from whenever you originally realized that you had listed, priced and described a book you didnt mean to post for sale (this timing I have no idea on). And no I could not, nor would not, have rescinded a PM or posted "Take it". If I take it, I take it. Some threads allow for "conditional take its" pending scans, but this isn't that scenario. If you had allowed for conditional takes, I guess I could have posted a "take it if it's not pressed" though that's FAR from the norm here on the boards. Typically, on the boards if you have questions/concerns, you ask first and once the questions are answered you decide if you want to take. If I had just posted "take it" and then asked if it was pressed or not, I'd be bound to my declaration regardless of the answer, and I'd be on the hook to take it. Since it's pressing status was a factor in whether I wanted to take it, I asked, at which point you told me and you told me that you "think" you are going to pull it. I've tried to be even about this situation, sticking to what I knew and saw. You aren't going to lose selling privileges on the boards. This situation falls in the grey area due to some atypical things and some timing things so no one is going to nominate you for the probation list and certainly not for the Hall of Shame. I cant say much about the peanut gallery, they have minds (or lack thereof ) of their own. Maybe saying if/how you'd do things differently going forward to avoid these type of situations would simmer things down?
  14. Yep, there were at least a dozen posts by the seller in the thread after the IH141 "slipped thru" plus lots of PMs it seems. And the whole time he didnt bother to go back and pull it...
  15. Was that second paragraph meant to be the response about pressing? I agree I appreciated your extensive info on the books conditions and market values, which is why I thought it odd that you left out pressing info which you also knew. Why be so giving of one type of info on the book, but hold back other info? It was just weird and inconsistent. I still don't think I understand your reasoning on withholding the pressing info. And you cant know what I would have done (regarding an immediate take of the IH141), just like I couldn't know if you were really going to pull it. Trying to figure out intent is tough, so it's best to stick to actions that have actually occurred rather than try to predict what actions might have occurred.
  16. I'll just say that the sequence and timing @agamoto posted are accurate. I will only add two comments 1) I have had the "I think I'm going to pull it and resubmit it" line used on me before in an effort to pressure me to "take" a book and to fend off an offer under asking price. Just to 100% transparent, your exact words were "After having another look under the loupe, I think I'm going to pull it and CPR it anyway.", in which I did respond that I'd buy it "if you're willing to sell it". As a side note the AV8 I asked about you also used a pressure tactic (mentioning you had someone interested in running a Facebook waffle for the AV8 that would net you more than your asking price) which also made me think the "pull it and CPR it" was a pressure tactic. 2) 15 minutes later (1:43 to 1:58) the book was still available in the thread, and you had not pulled it, so I assumed the "I think I'm gonna pull it" was mere strategy, so I went ahead and took it in the thread. Then, 33 minutes after your first mention of pulling the book, you edited the listing to pull it (1:43 to 2:15) The problem is words vs actions. I assumed your action (or actual IN-action) of leaving the book up, meant that it WAS still available and meant more than the PM words that you "think" you're going to pull it. Anyone could have "taken" it until 2:15, right? Would you have honored that "take it" despite your personal desire to pull it? And if so, why was the rest of the world still eligible to take it while I wasnt?
  17. my lesson is to not ask if a book is pressed or not, just take it. cause if you ask if it's pressed, that gives the non-seller a chance to second guess his listing and decide to pull it. I went ahead and took it because even after the non-seller talked about CPRing it (at which point I also said I'd take it in PMs), it was still listed, so I went ahead and took it again in the thread. I've had the "Im thinking about sending it back for a press and resub" line used as a tactic to close a deal and to fend off a possible offer under the asking price. So I went ahead and took it. It appears the non-seller is intent on not selling the book so that's all she wrote.