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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. I love how you love some imagined touting of a third weekend when the only thing that has been reported is the movie won a third weekend. I love how you... love how I love... now Im lost... (kidding!) first Bosco let me say thanks for all the data you keep and track on the movies, I love looking at the numbers (I spend way to much time playing FantasyMovieLeague). You are right reporting that SSquad won it's 3rd week in a row is totally legit. I was referring to the people (here, elsewhere) that use the 3x 1st place to validate their opinion that the movie is good. for example I think DC SHOULD be satisfied with the level of success SSquad has had considering they've launched an unknown title with a more than proportional return compared to far more known IPs like Superman and Batman. They swung far bigger (175m) than Marvel did with their lesser known properties (like Antman, with just a 130m budget), and we'll see if their ending return ratio closer to Marvel's result with AntMan, 4.0)
  2. I think they get matched because: 1. They came out almost at the same time, and release date affects revenue, so if u r comparing $ it is more apples to apples. 2. Neither movie was working from some big preexisting IP audience base.
  3. love the touting of winning three straight weekends... Its august. Its competing against and niche movies. Guardians didnt win its first three weekends (cause it actually went up against another big movie in its 2nd weekend)... think DC would prefer Guardian results or SSquad results? SSquad's gonna finish in first with about 20.7m which will be about 16% of the total box office. which is pretty underwhelming. It's fine for a 3rd weekend sure, but if it had any real competition it would be down in #2 or 3 at this point... Even BvS still had 22% of the market when it fell to 2nd place in it's 3rd weekend... so point is 1st place isnt impressive when there's no competition and you're just squeeking past a week and divided audience (top 6 movies all finish between 11 and 20m this weekend)
  4. Low post count but he should still know better. I PMed with him... he was completely oblivious as to how it all worked... he thought it would be ok to post books just for a "preview" while he figured out prices...
  5. I'd like a Suicide Squad: Deadshot & Harley movie. I think move 'shot into the role of a bit of a protector/father figure over Harley would be a good dynamic, and play it as a buddy cop type movie... (not really cops)
  6. I think if Disney collectors ever decide to branch out into the early GA era comics there could be a huge spike in value for them. I agree, Im always surprised how relatively affordable a Disney "first" comic is... Pre-Code Horror doesn't seem all that cheap!
  7. along those lines I think Beast Boy could be big when some of these Teen Titan Go fans get into comics...
  8. Whats the story on these? Were they only produced as complimentary copies to be sent to the armed forces branches? Is it possible that there was some production (or maybe censor/approval) problem forced them to pull #12, and since it was free they just decided to move on to #13 (or maybe that one was already "in the pipes" too) rather than fix the problem and reissue? they were free after all (Im assuming)...
  9. and if you are going to have your own metas, why "recruit" bad guys? why not recruit good guys? (you know, the whole "for country" thing like Captain America)... they should have more explicitly pitched the team as the guys "willing to do things that Superman would say no to" (a'la Gail Simone's Secret Six, which should have been the blueprint for the movie, but instead we got this hot mess.)
  10. this was one of the logic problems to me with the movie. Waller says with the advent of metas that the government needs their own metas... but they build a team that is only 1/2 metas (Diablo, Croc & Enchantress)... the other half Deadshot, Harley and Boomerang are just people.... yeah they're killing machines, but they'd be useless against Superman or Wonder Woman... it doesnt make sense...
  11. I agree about Kubo, it could surprise... but here's the caveat. It's a 3D Stop Animation movie, those have never done anywhere close to as well as any of the the more traditional (Disney) or more modern (Pixar) styles. Best ever open was Chicken Little at $17m. And the last 5 wide releases in this style did: $11m, $14m, $11m, $17m and $4m opens. I think the style of animation will keep it down... maybe it gets in the upper teens, but it could just as easily be in the low teens. I think most of the 50% drop assumption is in comparing the movie to Man of Steel which had a 65% drop after week one, and then followed it with a 50% drop in week 3. It kept almost all of its theaters, but it probably lost screens and screenings (which isnt tracked) . So Suicide at your typical multiplex with 10-12 screens will go from having 2-3 screens showing the movie every hour (staggerd) in prime time to one screen showing it in a more traditional 2 hr rotation. So same number of theaters, but fewer showings... And remember 2016 is proving to be the most front loaded year ever, so while Superman did a 50% drop 3 years ago, we might see higher drops due to more front loading of the total Suicide Squad audience (and end up closer to 55% like BvS)
  12. Ah Major Inapak... that will live on eBay forever... It's a dollar bin book forever...
  13. So here's my question... Suicide Squad is a success from the standpoint of DC took an unknown property and had it perform like a blockbuster. Up until now they've dealt in IP giants like Superman and Batman, but now they've equaled the success (Im comparing to Man of Steel) with a far less known quantity. But here's my question. Do they owe part of their success to Marvel? I cant help but think that Marvel's wide ranging movie success trained audiences to "believe in" Superhero movies as a genre, so there is now a built in (and very large) audience. Nolan's Batman series also helped, but again Batman is a far better IP than say GotG or Antman. Also I have this theory of "cultural currency" and everything in the cultural zeitgeist is either creating currency (currying favor, increasing buzz/support) or spending currency (essentially using up currency that was built up previously)... once the balance is zero the thing gets rejected by popular culture... Did Suicide Squad create currency or spend it?
  14. Yeah this weekend is a dumpster fire. There's better than a coinflip chance that the best performing new movie wont finish better than 3rd, and Pete's Dragon might hold well in it's second weekend...
  15. Saw it this weekend... As many others have said: Will Smith and Margot Robbie were the high points. The weak plot, inconsistant tone, and lack of developed motivation were the low points. And if you look about 30 feet down below the low points you'll see Jarrod Leto's Joker, even lower than low. It was better than Superman vs Batman, but just a smidge and certainly didnt create a new trajectory for the DC Movie-verse. Can I say I'd watch a Deadshot/Harley buddy dark comedy? Something like Midnight Run in tone? With Justice League in post-production and Flash and Aquaman already in the works I just dont know if the audiences will stick around long enough for a course correction.
  16. 1. Parkin doesnt have a "unique style", he has a method. That method is light boxing. 2. I guess light boxing the image of the actor is slightly better than stealing another artists work, though one could argue that if the image he used to light box the Thor was a professional photo from an actual photographer, many of those photographers own the rights to the image they took. And if someone is grabbing screen caps from movies, well the studios own those rights. Either way he has a history of lightboxing other artists work and not attributing it (a'la "after Kirby" or "after Ross" and even then those are usually done when someone is trying to replicate a style vs just trying to make a cheap knock off of the image... 3. You say obviously a tracing. You dont know everyone, and to someone else they might think this is an original composition from the artist. The best thing to do is for an artist to be up front about his method. Plenty of artists use body model reference, but the legit ones create original body model references (I've seen plenty of pictures of artists doing the pose they're trying to sketch, taking a photo of it, and then using it as reference, which is cool, cause its all original). 4. You say you bought it "full well knowing how it was made"... how? Did the artist tell you? 5. I get that when somethings cheap ($15), then it seems like stealing, misrepresentation and so on seem like nit-picky things, but there are plenty of artists out there refining their craft, trying to break into the hobby and creating original content that better deserve even $1 from you rather than another tracing mis-representer...
  17. I think Will Smith is far to savvy to say he hates anyone. Even Leto.
  18. if someone starts a sales thread with the subject "CGC IT" I will leave this board! .................................................................................................................................................................................ok not really.
  19. ugh and nothing makes me feel like I need to take a shower more than reading some hard sell from some fly by night ebay seller... gross dont sell me on the growth potential of the book, just sell me the book... just comes off too smarmy.
  20. That's one of my sig line favorites! Very strong colors on your copy.