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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. As long as we're discussing Ronald McDonald comics... does anybody know if the Sheldon Mayer work for McDonalds was ever actually published somewhere? I can find the original art online, but no reference to where it was published, if it ever was. Also, here's some Sheldon Mayer art of French Fries (I think)... it's on the bottom of the original preliminary sketch I own that I take my avatar from, so it's definitely Mayer. I've just never been 100% certain it's meant to be french fries.
  2. If Collector's Edition didn't work for you, I'm not going to try to explain it further at this point. I will, however, post Fred Hembeck explaining the story's appeal:
  3. I'm currently hating the combo of the forum software and my tablet's autocorrect, but appreciate the correction!
  4. Just wanted to highlight this post. For all that it's digging incredibly deep into esoteric detail, a decent chunk of the length of the thread is a continual willingness to just stop and love our shared hobby... both admiring the art and the memories of collecting and sharing with friends. This thread and the whole crew of regulars is awesome!
  5. This is the one I had totally missed, even if I hadn't tracked the numbers on the others yet. Thank you!
  6. While I hope to get at least a few more issues, I think my dream of completing the Weird Science and Weird Fantasy runs is rapidly fading if not actually gone.
  7. Will do. I think there are 8 or 9 titles I need to look for: Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Mary Jane & Sniffles, Elmer Fudd, Speedy Gonzales, Beep Beep the Road Runner, Tweety & Sylvester, Daffy. The ninth would be Bugs Bunny specials, mostly but not entirely Bugs Bunny Album but there's a couple other oddballs in there as well. I'm going to list those separately from the Bugs Bunny issues that came out before he got his own series. If anybody can think of any others I should look for please let me know!
  8. Most of the ones I grabbed at ECCC were in the $1-$3 range. The only one over $10 was the Daffy
  9. A quick question before I try and create this myself: Does anybody have a list of the Four Colors with Looney Tunes appearances handy?
  10. I'm certainly not trying for the full run, way too big a project. But I do enjoy grabbing cheap issues when I spot them, for no reason other than they're part of the four color series. And there's lots of issues I want for various reasons. Maybe I should figure out how many Looney Tunes related books there are other than the basic Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig runs, and start trying to get those. That seems like a large but not insane project...
  11. With the united air lines specific stickers, I wonder if they gave them to kids on flights. It seems a little early for very many kids on planes, though.
  12. Fascinating find, thanks for sharing. Paging @SOTIcollector
  13. Wanted to offer my assistance if people had questions about editions, I've got a copy of Bibliographia Oziana if there were specific things I could help answer.
  14. Even now, with online marketplaces and everything else, that’s 90% of this hobby.
  15. Creepy #10 thoughts: Cover: I respect the cover more than I personally like it, for some reason. The color choices are impressive, the layout is magnificent, and the monster design is original and effective. Yet for some reason, it doesn't sing to me the way I think it should given the components. But I certainly won't argue with anybody who thinks this one is a highlight, even if I don't feel that way myself. Loathsome Lore: Severin really goes to town on this one, each panel is a different little masterpiece. Brain Trust: A nice variation on one of EC's favorite go-to plots, the conjoined twins. Torres and Goodwin come up with an effective new twist on an old favorite. Into the Tomb: Much better use of Orlando than on the Adam Link pieces. Fan Club: Brunner isn't as big a name as Wrightson, but it's still impressive that we get two major creators making their debut in two successive issues. Monster: Mastroserio is really growing on me as I see more of his stuff, and Goodwin provides a first-rate mood piece for him to work on. Midnight Sail: Johnny Craig puts in a first-rate story that gets lost among the above first rate stories everybody else seems to be working on this issue. It could be a highlight in a different issue easily. Backfire: Morrow's art & Goodwin's -script elevate what could have been a very routine story into another excellent piece. Thing of Darkness: Unusual & effective use of the panel borders gives the story an unique feel, and another spectacular piece of work results. Collector's Edition: What is there to say? One of the most famous stories ever published by Warren, maybe even the most famous. And deservedly so. This issue is an all-time classic, and a very strong candidate if you're looking for one single Warren issue to hand somebody to show them what they could be at their best.
  16. I think it’s a reprint from an earlier issue, though
  17. Book club editions are notorious for not printing an accurate date, unfortunately.
  18. I had thought The Mask first appeared in Dark Horse Presents #10, I'll need to update my notes...
  19. We need this thread back on page 1. Out this week:
  20. On a totally different note, this is neither vintage, nor a comic or pulp. In fact, it's a comic that came out this week. With that said, getting Robert McGinnis to do a comic book cover seems like they're trying to market directly to the regulars in this thread. I gather there's a couple other covers he's done for Hard Case that I need to track down as well now.
  21. Agreed, that's the later Book Club Edition. ISFDB shows this version was from 1980. Still a nice edition to have, it's the one I have a copy of.
  22. I highly recommend seeking out PKD first editions if you like his stuff; they're generally still very affordable. Expensive compared to lots of vintage SF paperbacks, but vintage SF paperbacks are CHEAP compared to just about any other vintage paper of that era. I think the most I ever paid for one of my PKD paperback firsts is $25 or so, even adjusted for inflation. Although my 1st paperback edition of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep was a gift, that one would have been pricier. Would love to see the 1st edition Man in the High Castle, I've got the 80's Book Club hardcover.
  23. And here's the Barney Bear issue at the GCD now: https://www.comics.org/issue/2427434/ @Get Marwood & I, just let me know if you ever need other books added to the GCD, I'm happy to do it.