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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. The answer to that question is always yes, no matter which film.
  2. Welcome to the boards! And thank you.
  3. Today's book. 6 issues and the special to go. And no, I don't have all the issues I'm still missing on order. Yet:
  4. @Axe Elfhas the speed record covered but I'm putting together my run pretty darn quick as well.
  5. No. Collection that, in retrospect, I desperately wish I had kept secret? Yes.
  6. Well, every bit of data is a boon(e) towards trying to figure the distribution out.
  7. I think we are in near complete agreement, other than I picture Manners as more silver than golden. I just feel they pushed the similarities on the 99 so hard it's hilarious.
  8. Oh, I know exactly who they are; I have a complete run of The Rook and a copy of Eerie #82. I was trying to exaggerate for effect, I genuinely do think they were trying for something similar to a Mockbuster/ Asylum cover to confuse people who didn't know better. Calling Dane an Obi-Wan analogue is stretching it, but I do think they were trying to make the Rook look as much like Han as possible while still keeping the established Rook elements so they could dodge a lawsuit. Manners is a decidedly more golden shade on the #99 than the #82, as well. It's walking the line between trying to make people confuse it with Star Wars while still keeping everything they could that they could point to as previously established separate IP
  9. The Elfquest is a 3rd print, but still nice to have a copy. The Creepy is one of the Goodwin edited issues from one of his returns.
  10. A few books today, the first one is over in the Vampirella thread. Here's some Eeries, all of which were slightly higher than average on my want list. I had been looking for the Satanna story in #50 to go with my collection of Satana magazine appearances, I've wanted the #99 for a bit because I find the cover hilarious. It's trying so hard to look like a copyright non-infringing version of Obi-Wan, Han Solo, and C-3PO in a landspeeder that it hurts. And the #129 is in the general I'm keeping an eye out for the harder to find later issues pickup.
  11. Today's book. 7 issues and the special to go:
  12. I just need to be happy with my BCE copy… and the original issues of Analog.
  13. I wish you luck, but I think Strange Adventures is still a very hit or miss title, with a lot of books not in high demand. Although that's changing somewhat these days, it's still early in the process compared to a lot of better known titles. Which is good for me, I'm filling in lots of the issues still before it goes completely crazy... which I think it will. Too many noteworthy creators and characters and great covers to keep being ignored forever, even if they're low enough profile that it took people a long time to realize it.
  14. Williamson Flash. Also: obligatory “Flash! Ah-ahh!”
  15. I have indeed. I figured you knew it was deliberately obscured. The discussion, in the form we had it, is clearly necessary to amuse others reading the thread who may not as be familiar with your ways and the ways of the Alan Class reprints. Even if both you and I knew exactly how it would go. (I wasn't sure exactly what GIF you would use to respond, but the overall details were quite clear.)
  16. Eerie #1 thoughts: For this one I need to go to alternative sourcing of the issue, specifically the digital edition of the first volume of the Eerie Archives from Dark Horse. I got it back when Comixology was still its own thing, but I believe it's available on the Amazon storefront still as well. At least it's possible to source the book despite the rarity of the original. Cover: It uses the Jack Davis art from the subscription ad in the back of Creepy #2. If I claimed the cover to Creepy #1 was better suited to being an ad than an actual cover, this is the reverse: It makes an excellent cover to start off the issue. Table of contents: Very minimalist, and to me it looks like it crosses the line between "supposed to look rough and vaguely scary" and "just looks sloppy". Still, it does the job. Image of Bluebeard: A nice story by Bill Pearson and Joe Orlando, with a solid twist. Ghost Plane: George Evans is an extraordinarily underrated artist, and WWI is his specialty. Ivie provides a suitable story for him to showcase his work. It's a shame Evans didn't do more for Warren, this and some material in Blazing Combat is it. The Invitation: Manny Stallman is another creator who only did a few pieces for Warren. He has a distinct style that is nicely disorienting in this case, but he's one of those artists where a little goes a long way with me. There are three credited writers on the story, by last name only, in the reprint in Creepy #8, and even the GCD is guessing on exactly which people with those last names wrote it. Eerie's Loathsome Lore: Reprinted from Creepy #2, with a crude illo of Cousin Eerie replacing Uncle Creepy at the top of the page. I suppose this is technically Cousin Eerie's first appearance, since he didn't host the earlier stories. (They either used Uncle Creepy or removed the host altogether.) Proof they never expected anybody outside the copyright office to actually see this: Why on earth would you reprint the Lubbers lore page rather than the Frazetta lore page from Creepy #2? Back Cover: A "from the creators of" page promoting the new book. Very rough paste-ups of the other logos, and "trademark" clearly visble under the Eerie logo at the bottom. Additional note: This came out the same month as the last issue of Help!, although I have no idea if it was meant to replace that title in the publishing schedule specifically. The issue has an air of panic about it but we know it got the job done. The three actual stories are quite solid, but the fact that there are only three makes this feel like a fairly weak issue even if the actual content is good. It's nice to see Warren trying to pull in some other veteran creators, even if the ones working on this issue wound up not staying with Warren for long.
  17. And the bigger books: an issue of FSF with a Cornell Woolrich story to go with the Fantastic I got yesterday, and the first issue of Fantastic.
  18. So went back to the bookstore and got a few more items from the collection they just got in, since I got my check today. First up: Both issues of the Avon Science Fiction and Fantasy Reader. Sadly, it's not as well loved a title as the separate SF and Fantasy Readers. Still good for filling out the collection, I still need three of the Fantasy Readers and two of the SF Readers.
  19. Happy Birthday. My gift to myself for my birthday last week wasn't an EC, but featured a lot of EC creators:
  20. Since we've been discussing the pin-ups for Who's Who... here's Dolphin. I'll post the Phantom Lady one when I locate my copy if nobody beats me to it: