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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. They're more desirable because of their relative rarity, but a lot of people don't care one way or the other, so the demand doesn't increase directly with the increased scarcity. Somewhat like Mark Jewelers variants.
  2. Nothing major, but I love the Sienkiewicz covers on the late issues of the original series. Only about 10 issues left to complete the run:
  3. Canadian variant. There are 13 on the census, compared to 190 of the regular $3.95 version. Canadian price variants exist for quite a few scattered Warren books; this is possibly the best known (even if it's not technically a Warren).
  4. So, some of you may recall I grabbed a beater copy of Vampirella #113 a few weeks ago just so I could not worry about having a copy or not, since it wasn't technically Warren. I should have held fast, because this one turned up at MCS for $111. They had it as a 4.0... It's not high grade, but if this is a 4.0 I'll take it any day of the year. I actually briefly debated if I should bother upgrading at that price tag... then I noticed the price tag printed on the book:
  5. Some of the Fox romance books are crazy rare. When I scanned a coverless copy of My Love Memoirs #12 from a Fox Giant, it took us years to locate a picture of the front cover at all... and that issue has early Wally Wood art!
  6. One thing that has become apparent scanning books for the Digital Comic Museum/ CB+ is how rare some certain books are that aren't normally considered high demand. The Fox Romance books have a lot of nearly impossible to find issues. When I scanned a coverless copy of My Love Memoirs from a Fox Giant, it took us years to locate a picture of the front cover at all... and that issue has early Wally Wood art!
  7. No idea, not familiar with the Cranston Books editions. I know there was a period when a couple of the Doc Savage doubles from Bantam could go for more than the original pulps, but that was just a couple specific books with very small print runs relative to the others in the series. The internet and later reprints have dropped those prices, though.
  8. I'm not 100% sure decades later, but I think this was the first comic book by Neal Adams I ever owned. RIP.
  9. My battered Creepy #1, but I felt it deserved a good home. I really should upgrade before it becomes impossible, but there are so many other books to get first. My thoughts for the reading group: Cover: In its own way, a classic by Jack Davis. In another way, a bit silly for the actual tone of the book... it would seem to fit better as an ad than the introduction of a classic horror title to the world. It's a shame Davis didn't do more for Warren, but he was just too in demand. Voodoo: Nice Orlando art, but not particularly memorable in the story department. All due credit to Russ Jones (as editor, even if his authorship of the story is disputed) for getting the title started, but he's no Goodwin. H2O World: More fantasy than horror, with jaw-dropping Williamson/Krenkel art. Vampires Fly at Dusk: Goodwin comes up with a surprisingly effective and moving twist in his first story, well served by moody Crandall art. Crandall seems to get that he's working in B&W better than a lot of the artists in this issue. Werewolf!: It's Frazetta's last comic story; but I think it highlights that Frazetta, while an incredible artist, wasn't particularly great at comic storytelling... every panel is great but the overall effect of a given page isn't particularly telling, beyond the couple of 2/3 page panels. Ivie's -script doesn't do any favors by using a well-worn trope as the twist at the end. Bewitched: Morrow fits in quite well with the EC veterans doing the rest of the issue; and I think it's probably good overall that they had at least one non-EC artist in the mix on the first issue. It makes the book seem more like it's trying to do something new building on the EC tradition rather than just an attempted revival. The Success Story: Goodwin/ Williamson is one of the all time classic creative teams, and they're looking great here. Probably the best story in the issue. Pursuit of the Vampire!: I really should try and track down Angelo Torres' contact info and write him a fan letter; he seems to get lost in the shuffle both here and at EC but he was an incredible artist... and he's the last of the EC artists and the last artist from this issue we still have with us. A fairly common twist, well executed by Goodwin and Torres.
  10. That's how the digital copies of the books look at amazon. Pretty sure somebody saw them and incorrectly added them to the database.
  11. Where did you source the images of the non-diamond with Spidey's head books? I'm not finding them online, and they look like something that might pop up in a collected edition or digital version, but not actually exist.
  12. I've got my notes on Creepy #1 ready to go for tomorrow, but will wait for @Axe Elf to start things off since they created the group. Looking forward to it!
  13. Got into my storage unit today. Better scans in a few days, but here are some group shots:
  14. Just saw this listing... anybody else see the detail they missed? https://www.mycomicshop.com/search?ItemID=54393297
  15. Very glad I got to meet him and tell him how much I enjoyed his work.
  16. One of the all time greats, one of my favorites. Pulled some stuff out to reread this weekend.
  17. Just devastating. I was just mentioning a couple days ago how much I liked the Adams cover on a book I had just gotten in.
  18. In today. I need to get into my storage unit and see if I can find my other magazines; I'm 99% sure I've got Dracula Lives 1 and 5 in there somewhere, along with some issues of Crazy...
  19. I don’t have anything to add to the discussion on the variant, but feel compelled to add my voice to the chorus saying Al Williamson is awesome. I’ve always found it easier to find the 60’s King issues than his 80’s Whitman or 90’s Marvel Flash Gordon issues, for whatever reason.
  20. And, from a different seller, one more Dracula Lives. Always nice when you open a package and find the book is nicer than you expected:
  21. Then a couple more Dracula Lives. I love the Adams cover on the #3: