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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. The variants have to do with what stories are inside the book, the covers are identical. One version had two Corben stories, another had three.
  2. Which version of Comix International #4 did you get? You know there are multiple versions with slightly different contents, right? (I'm having entirely too much fun seeing what I can get you to add to the list... mostly because it's like watching myself and my continual tendency to add more and more items to the want list.)
  3. As you command. @Qalyar, choose your weapons. I shall be dual wielding back issues of Alter Ego in one hand and scans from the Digital Comic Museum in the other!
  4. Iger liked to claim they owned the material they provided to publishers, and were just licensing it out. That's how Fox wound up with Phantom Lady... Iger claimed it was their character and licensed it to Fox, and Quality either agreed, didn't notice, or didn't care.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_snake They're not mutually exclusive... and the cover is great enough that I think you should lean into it.
  6. As of right now, I think they're probably legal. What we're seeing so far is almost entirely Fox reprints, with some stray material from a Star book that may have been reprints itself, or inventory from an unpublished Fox book. There's too much consistency. I suspect they got a bunch of dirt cheap old inventory stories from the Iger shop.
  7. The stories in Fox books often had disposable first pages. They normally started their stories on the inside front cover, presumably to make copies with the front cover stripped off look less appealing. But they then did a whole bunch of giant collections of random rebound books, so they wanted the stories to actually be readable if the first page was gone. Fox put a lot of effort into being extraordinarily cheap even by golden age comic publisher standards. Anyway, I think the page count is the most likely issue, but I think it's possible in some cases streamline never actually got the splash pages to use in their books, since it seems that mostly they weren't getting or using the original covers.
  8. The first two issues have Frazetta art. Admittedly, just reprints of the anti-smoking ad under a new title, but still...
  9. Just figure I should throw it out there, since you're being completest enough to buy non-comic issues of Warren Presents..
  10. You appear to be missing the three issues of "Teen Love Stories", which I will freely admit are extremely forgettable... but they are Warren mags that are over 50% comics.
  11. Sorry, no. I haven't been a mod at CB+ since Digital Comic Museum opened. If you (or anybody) ever have trouble registering at DCM, I can help. But we don't host the 70's books there even if they're public domain.
  12. Nice. I’m afraid my knowledge of Heinlein paperbacks is terribly poor and they’re poorly represented in my collection. Pulps and hardcovers are a separate story. Lots of them are BCE’s, but none of these are:
  13. Thanks to everybody for the various reports, it sounds like it was a lot of fun!
  14. Skywald failed to correctly set up the copyright on their magazines. (They did do them correctly on their comic-sized books.) So CB+ carries them, they're past DCM's cutoff: https://comicbookplus.com/?cid=3515
  15. The earlier appearances were not in comics. The image appeared in advertising back to the turn of the century for various things. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_E._Neuman Check the “genesis “ section of the article for some details.
  16. The goof character predates MAD by decades, although I agree it's probably a specific not to Alfred here.
  17. My copy of Creepy #2 is in better shape than my #1, but still not terribly impressive. I'm happy with it, particularly since the book has a reputation of dropping a full point if you even look at it. Two points if you look at it wrong. Creepy 2 thoughts: Cover: The classic Frazetta Warren covers begin. This one isn't one of his best for the line, but even average Frazetta is better than 99% of what's out there. Frontispiece: A nice bit of work from Torres. Not a lot to say beyond that. Fun & Games: A nicely moody story by Goodwin & Orlando. A much stronger lead-off story than issue #1. Creepy's Loathsome Lore (vampires): Decent art on the filler by Lubbers, I believe this was his only Warren work. Spawn of the Cat People: Great art and a solid twist from the Goodwin/ Crandall team. Wardrobe of Monsters: A fairly 'meh' story from Binder & Morrow, but still hitting a high level of basic craft. Creepy's Loathsome Lore (werewolves): Amazing Frazetta art; not much else to say about it. Welcome Stranger: Not as good as the Goodwin/ Williamson story in #1, but still a solid story. I, Robot: Perhaps the most painful part of the Warren Magazine's attempt to revive the EC formula. Binder adapting his story with Orlando art wasn't that spectacular when EC did it, and Warren doing it a second time with the exact same creative team just feels like spinning wheels. Ogre's Castle: The issue goes out on a high note with a fantasy from the Goodwin/ Torres team. Next issue ad: A very nice Davis piece, better known from its reuse as the cover to the infamous Eerie #1. Overall, I think this was a stronger issue than #1; although I have less to say about it. The book is clearly establishing what it wants to do, but it hasn't quite hit the point where it's comfortable enough to get really creative for the most part.
  18. I think you can safely skip the Spirit and Blazing Combat specials unless you're feeling very completest, they're both all reprints from the earlier Warren issues... the Spirit special specifically just reprints the color sections from the 1st 10 Warren Spirits, I believe; and Blazing Combat is B&W. I THINK... and would love to be corrected if I'm wrong... the Vampi special, while all reprint, has some stories in color for the first time. The Corben book reprints non-Warren material. Anybody else know anything for sure about them?
  19. As I said when I got a copy, "Trying so hard to be mistaken for Raiders of the Lost Ark it hurts." Admittedly, the hurt is because you're laughing so hard, but...
  20. Found today while looking for something else... I really wish, back in the day, I could have afforded the $15 for a third print rather than the $4 for the fourth. Happy I still have it:
  21. Not to derail the thread, but the four books Baker did for Dell... Lassie 20-22 and Four Color 588 (King Richard and the Crusaders) and the Classic Comics/ Classics Illustrated #32 (Lorna Doone) are all pretty affordable. But yeah, it's a short list. Nice pickup!
  22. https://www.comics.org/issue/628824/ It’s mostly reprints, the only new story doesn’t feature Vampirella.
  23. And a handful of Eeries. @Axe Elf, the 122 and 134 in this lot are Canadian price variants as well. Unlike the Vampi #113, these aren't nearly as well documented or in demand.
  24. An assortment of stuff today. The RoboCop 2 actually seems surprisingly common for a Marvel mag around this time; I'm wondering if stores ordered thinking they could sell it as the new Frank Miller comic?
  25. Felt the need to get a couple Adams issues missing from my collection when I heard the news... only there's relatively few holes that I can afford to plug these days. Glad I have some new to me Adams still to enjoy. In today: