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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. Two in today, courtesy of @asimovpulps: The September 1940 Super Science Stories, Asimov's first Robot story; and the June 1942 Astounding, featuring the second Foundation story and the first Foundation cover. I'm getting close to a complete set of the Foundation stories in Astounding.
  2. Agreed. The fact you can't see the lower left corner of the front cover is another giveaway; I'm pretty sure on the FFE the building there is missing.
  3. Because production actually had the full art for that area and bothered to use it is my assumption. I think that the art boards they used at the time had the UPC box already placed; some people ignored it, some drew special images (like the Longshots), and most left it blank. If it wasn't left blank, it was a toss-up if production actually used the art there or just slapped in the spider-man head.
  4. Jimmy Olsen 131 was also cover dated September. The DC giants around this time had weird cover dating; if you look at the Adventure giant from earlier in 1970 issue #390 has a later cover date than #391. (All cover swiped from the GCD because I didn't feel like digging out and scanning mine right now):
  5. I'm pretty sure it's down to "did the artist draw something there" and "did the production team care to use it". While I've never heard for sure, I would bet Adams drew a special image for issue #2 but production skipped it for some reason. And if an artist drew something for the UPC area, it could just as easily be part of the regular cover image as a separate drawing:
  6. My (even lower grade) copy doesn't have the back cover chipping either.
  7. Don't look at me; I've got vastly more GA funny animal and humor books than superheroes. I think the oldest DC title I've got the complete run of is Scribbly. and I'm 15 issues short of a complete run of the Looney Tunes from Dell.. But even as somebody who dearly loves and collects funny comics, I have to admit the World's Finest covers are underwhelming. I think you may be confusing "silly" with "funny", while the two can overlap they're not the same... and the World's Finest are frequently silly without actually having the benefit of being amusing.
  8. Sorry about the thread necromancy; but I was curious if anybody had seen another copy of the October variant on this one. There were a couple on the bay when I first found my copy, but ever since then there haven't been any when I happen to go look. There's only one in the Heritage archives I've seen. So, was just wondering if anybody here had turned one up over the last few years.
  9. Pretty much my take on it as well, I think 65-67 are the only covers that could be called serious. I also don't think, with the possible exception of issue #9, there's a single cover on the giants with any sort of villain. And by and large, there's not a lot of major stories, or artists, or character appearances in the title. I still think the book is underrated; everything else aside you get both Superman and Batman in one book! But I'll still take a Comic Cavalcade over a World's Finest if I ever had to choose.
  10. That just hurts to look at. I had something similar a year or two ago, on an imported hardcover no less. I haven't been able to bring myself to throw it away; so you get new photos. I did get a good copy of the book eventually, though.
  11. No ad in that one at all. I do know that #4 has versions both with and without the map; which is why I asked. Thank you.
  12. A trio from my local book store today. The Bart House is nice because it's the first time I've ever seen one from that publisher; it will make a good placeholder until I track down one or both of the Lovecrafts. The Dell is #9; I couldn't resist a single digit mapback. I don't suppose anybody knows how to identify what printing/state it is? And the NN Avon (#35) speaks for itself, I think. A very good use of my limited budget today, I think; although the store had gotten in close to 200 books from the 40's or earlier and I had to be choosy...
  13. Not my copy, just grabbed the scan online. Here's one dead center :
  14. Well, whatever definition you want for plagiarism, I'm pretty sure that's not it. That issue of Undersea Agent predates the first appearance of the Abomination by 8 months. And both are by Gil Kane. So it's certainly a neat catch; but Gil Kane deciding he liked the look of his one-off monster and reusing it for a different character isn't anything nefarious. More generally, glad to have you back, and as always loving the research you're doing on these books!
  15. I don't know enough about the value of the book to really say; I suspect the missing page would outweigh any value bump you get from having the page 3 variant.
  16. I actually saw a Heavy Metal #288 at my LCS for $4.50 today; but since I already had a copy and there was a color breaking crease on the cover I passed. I'm sure somebody will be very happy to find it, though.
  17. I went looking for my copy of The 1,000 Year Plan earlier; as you can tell from my previous post I didn't find it and had to use a scan found online. But I did find this, which I had forgotten I had. 1st Pocket printing
  18. They did. Here, swiped from the internet, are scans of the SE and the reprint for reference. I think the consensus is the Special Edition was from one of those grade school book sales; it's still weird to see the same number on a different edition like that:
  19. I think I've got 10 1/2 of those. Somewhere I've got the weird "Special Edition" of D-110 that only has "The 1000-Year Plan" side of the book.
  20. Thank you (and @Randall Dowling) for the answer. It's a use of the term I had never encountered. Not that I've ever smoked, but my parents and some friends did (or do), and that's never been one that's really been in use around here. I think "butt" was the word normally used in the context you describe. Regional differences in language are just fascinating to me.
  21. I think the coupon was tied to my account; for having been a member for 20 (!) years.
  22. Not meant as a criticism, just honestly curious: I thought stogie was a term for a cigar, not a cigarette. Whenever you mention one I always do a double take and look to see if it's a Bonnie Parker lookalike on the cover.
  23. So, I wasn't really looking to get anything EC for a bit, due to budget constraints and a couple other opportunities. But then eBay offered a coupon for $25 off anything $25.01 or more, and this was one of the issues most in need of an upgrade I had. It's a Lone Star 1.8, otherwise known as a nicely presenting 2.5 or 3.0:
  24. I don't have any comic books that off register. Here's a pulp I have that's crazy off register, though: