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Everything posted by gyro-1

  1. Funny how good people get on a bad list sometimes through miscommunication and brain farts
  2. IT WOULD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. So I was thinking again (stop laughing ) and I was wondering why young people and in general the public have all heard of Conan but few have heard of Red Sonja ? True the movie sucked big time You would think the new dynamite covers in the comic shops would pull in the young fellows ? The older books from the 70s and early 80s seem to be inching up in price slowly but just in high grade -- Were are the new collectors buying up the older books to read ? It has to be the internet and tablets and smart phones making ebooks so easy So I am at work reading my first print 1966 doc savage #8 pocket novel and I look across at coworker with tablet swiping away with her finger and I just love the feel of a paper book and I can not figure it out ? Are there kids out there now that will never read a paper comic book never get to look at the cool adds in the old books ? What memories will the kids have of red Sonja in 20 years ? This is turning into a depressing post !
  4. that is super cool !!! You could collect signatures for years !
  5. Can we get a pic of the hard cover ?
  6. The run of savage tales had extraordinary covers
  7. A red Sonja 8 --9.8 hard to find copy ! http://comiclink.com/Auctions/item.asp?id=1106978
  8. So I found conan 23 and 24 pence that look real good The problem is the seller has cropped the pictures The 24 looks 9.4 to me for what I can see The 23 the same thing ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Conan-the-Barbarian-Run-20-27-Thomas-Smith-Kane-and-Buscema-Fine-Fine-Plus-/272107176701?hash=item3f5ada02fd:g:a0QAAOSwLVZV7FUR 200 pounds is a lot of cash but if the 2 books pressed up to 9.6 This may work for some one ? To me this is one of those ebay things the books look to good for that price ?? Opportunity for a Red Sonja / Conan collector or a scam ?
  9. Frank Thorne - Red Sonja #2 Cover (Marvel, 1977) So sell your house / sell your car / rent out your GF or wife !!!! http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1191739 and here on boards http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9096779#Post9096779 Best of luck to the seller
  10. Merry Xmas Found some nice looking Pence red Sonja http://www.whentitansclash.co.uk/acatalog/When_Titans_Clash__Red_Sonja_168.html I think he undergraded them
  11. Yeah, really nice. So what was the deal with the qualified Marvel Feature Vol. 2 #2? Couldn't read the label on my phone. Double cover married I didn't spot it RMA pressed it he didn't spot it So basically I spent a 100 bucks on junk ! EEEEEEEEEEEEEK But then that's why we pay CGC !
  12. wizard found this on ebay usa http://www.ebay.com/itm/161903883682 RED SONJA #4 35 CENT PRICE VARIANT CGC 9.4 WP NM 2ND HIGHEST GRADED .35 !!! so its closing in a thousand Canadian OMFG
  13. because some one has to -- $550
  14. New red Sonja is up for sale Thursday $550 http://www.sideshowcollectors.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=222646&d=1447182092
  15. All Color comics from UK
  16. Well some times you loose (insert weeping and crying here ) So a married cover !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. worked good for me thanks for the effort
  18. OMG there are still 9.8s out in the wild !!!
  19. Ok so hittman you know I have purchased from you before but really your !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NUTS get back on that MEDICATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That said and off my chest this is a extremely hard to find book likely worth that ? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/MARVEL-SUPER-SPECIAL-9-cgc-9-8-Conan-The-Barbarian-Red-Sonja-1978-ONLY-9-8-/401018214374?ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:CA:3160
  20. Crickets https://comics.www.collectors-society.com/WCM/ComicView.aspx?PeopleSetComicID=786020 my latest
  21. Enjoyed my many month transaction with RMA and am overjoyed with the Quality of his business My example http://www.myslabbedcomics.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=33161&GSub=1586
  22. you don't see this every day http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-667477310-herois-da-tv-n-78-sonja-vingadores-_JM Or ever https://comics.www.collectors-society.com/WCM/ComicView.aspx?PeopleSetComicID=786020
  23. I think ARH teaming up with Zenescope Entertainment and others to sell action figures Is really the news that shocked me I was so much a SHI fan !! when the comics came out http://arhstudioscollectibles.com/shop/tomoe-action-figure/ or http://www.executivereplicas.com/#!product/prd1/4057632301/tomoe-1-6th-scale-action-figure-pre-order