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Everything posted by gyro-1

  1. lots going on this month ! http://www.dynamite.com/htmlfiles/viewProduct.html?PRO=C1606904752 FRANK THORNE'S RED SONJA ART EDITION VOL. 2 HC
  2. To me she is a sexy kick girl I collect the pre 1980 books but I have to admit the new ones are far better presentations --- her enduring popularity = sex appeal
  3. Some background -- Excerpt from The Hyborian Age - Conan 78 Red Sonja (as in Red Sonya of Rogatin ) appears in a historical adventure written by Robert E howard knows as * The shadow of the Vulture * which takes place in 1563 . At about the time he was casting about to find a counterpart for Conan whose future was not known (as apposed to Belit ) writer editor Roy heard of and read that story. Thus instead of making up a character as he intended to do . Taking equal parts of authentic hyborian-age heroin's Belit and Valeria (of the later Red Nails) Roy decided to yank Red Sonya out of the sixteenth century change her name to Red Sonja and make her a she-devil with a sword in the age of Conan
  4. I think what you saw was kull and the barbarians magazine #3 that I don't have and seems imposable to find but it is like this one in size http://www.myslabbedcomics.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Order=Date&Piece=16784&GSub=1161&GCat=344&UCat=0 The best of my knowledge was conan 23 /24 she was introduced As Red Sonja -- But wizard will probably correct me on that
  5. Modern Red Sonja fans should be all over this http://www.ebay.com/itm/RED-SONJA-19-ORIGINAL-COVER-ART-BY-FRANK-BRUNNER-PROFESSIONALLY-FRAMED-CGC-/141320689008?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20e75e9570
  6. Another demonstration on word press with pictures http://comicbookscalping.com/2014/06/13/how-to-prepare-books-for-cgc-ss/
  7. Your addiction has just begun It is so hard to stop !!! http://www.myslabbedcomics.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=13720&GSub=376 --------------------------------------- There is a nice one here http://www.comicanadirect.com
  8. Like the face on that one looks angry
  9. it is that time of year again when some one sells of a registry set so conan 23 9.8 available again So many nice books so little money ! http://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?id=551720
  10. The younger people on here may not have a clear idea who Boris Vallejo is His stuff was crazy amazing
  11. OMG How did we miss seeing this one http://www.vaultcollectibles.com/2013/05/02/boris-vallejo-original-conan-fantasy-art-sketch-red-sonja/ Now the question is who has it now ?
  12. That's better than nice CGC it
  13. OMG RED SONJA SET broken up http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7692890&fpart=110 When I first started the red this was the set I dreamed of Beautiful centered white pages perfect books !!
  14. don't fall for the dark force
  15. Some one is selling a lot of red Sonja on comic link this week http://www.comiclink.com/search.asp?where=sell&title=red+sonja&ItemType=CB&x=8&y=9
  16. a nice marvel feature 7 looks 9.4 to me http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7664098&fpart=4
  18. Welcome to the insanity
  19. That was a lot ! What is my 8.5 worth then ?
  20. F. Palma Why would you enter a group of people who watch out for each other like family and argue about your crooked brother? You cant win this Go about your business selling comic books build up some sold good feedback and EARN your respect It isn't that hard to be nice
  21. Nice cover