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Everything posted by gyro-1

  1. 250$ print Looks good http://www.sideshowtoy.com/collectibles/red-sonja-red-sonja-she-devil-with-a-sword-sideshow-collectibles-500205/?scid=WILSO00134&utm_source=bronto&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Pre-order+the+Red+Sonja+Print+now!&utm_content=Pre-order+the+Red+Sonja+Print+now!&utm_campaign=TM_RedSonjaINVITE_500205
  2. Got a heads up from fellow board member -- Dog Like Sparky -- Here is his Red Sonja / Conan pence list Have fun !!! - Red Sonja: 1, 7-14 (no 2-6 or 15) - Marvel Feature (Feat Red Sonja): 2-7 (no #1) - Conan: 11-35, 41-53, 57-81, 121-129 === The 15 was new to me and just leaves the 13 to find ! No number 15 YIPPY
  3. sometimes a once in a lifetime event happens --- this is one of those the variant collectors will go nuts over this http://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAuctions%2Fsearch%2Easp%3FFocusedOnly%3D1%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3Dconan%26ItemType%3DCB%23Item%5F1149407&id=1149407
  4. worth looking at on EBAY UK http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-Copies-of-Conan-the-Barbarian-24-1st-FULL-APP-OF-RED-SONJA-FN-/172376883510?hash=item2822768136:g:lGYAAOSwPCVYA43t Only a day and a haft left !
  5. wow nice grades
  6. You don't see this every day http://www.ebay.com/itm/K101-Red-Sonja-1st-Issue-in-Turkish-Comics-Illustrated-Cover-Sexy-Art-Vendy-Pini-/152227820155 and for the truly nuts Red Sonja fan http://urun.gittigidiyor.com/kitap-dergi/cizgi-roman-bilim-kurgu-red-sonja-1978-9-29857753 -- http://urun.gittigidiyor.com/kitap-dergi/red-sonja-alfa-yayinlari-sayi-10-yabancilar-111859405 -- http://urun.gittigidiyor.com/kitap-dergi/red-sonja-alfa-yayinlari-sayi-12-inis-111859178 -- This actually looks good exept for the price sticker http://urun.gittigidiyor.com/kitap-dergi/red-sonja-sayi-1-65192712
  7. As was the chat over on the RS facebook page I still wonder no mater how rare theses are who collects them as collectables not investments to flip ?
  8. % 20 000 BUCKS
  9. a very rare super special on ebay http://www.ebay.ca/itm/MARVEL-SUPER-SPECIAL-9-cgc-9-8-Conan-The-Barbarian-amp-Red-Sonja-1978-ONLY-9-8-/401018214374?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276
  10. There is a trick to posting pictures here Make a simple post like say HI Then edit the post When you get to the edit page press file manager When it comes up brouse your computer and it uploads the picture for ever (size counts ) No photo bucket needed
  11. I didn't do to well on the Marvel feature auction Came in second on both price variants So better luck next time for me
  12. Pence copy I really need to make a trip to 30th Century. Intended to go last weekend but ended up staying the whole weekend at Star Wars Celebration instead. Tell the guys there thanks from me not to bad a shop to buy from
  13. Something new I got in the mail perfect except for 1 tiny spine tick so hoping with a press 9.4 or better Very happy with the fellows at 30th Century Comics http://30thcenturycomics.co.uk/catalogue-index/marvel/#O
  14. Just not sure about this price variant for 21$ ?? Was the seller on drugs ? http://comiclink.com/itemdetail.asp?back=%2Fsearch%2Easp%3Fwhere%3Dsell%26title%3Dmarvel%2Bfeature%26ItemType%3DCB&id=1111570
  15. both same book end in 6009 It isn't the # 1 that is the big deal here it is that he is offering up the more had to find books
  16. this looks cool if the seller isn't a criminal ! http://www.ebay.ca/itm/CONAN-THE-BARBARIAN-24MARVEL-COMICS-1973-RED-SONJA-DOUBLE-COVER-ERROR-RARE-LOOK-/331901686424?ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:CA:3160
  17. Got a strange email today Link - http://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAuctions%2Fsearch%2Easp%3FPreviewCode%3D2016july%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3Dmarvel%2Bfeature%2B%26GO%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB%23Item%5F1130099&id=1130099 This seems a great thing But whos set are they selling ? We are excited to offer the #1 competitive Registry Set of Marvel Feature Volume 2 through CGC and features some of the crown jewels of the run in top grade. This set is 100% and features some of the crown jewels of the run in top grade. It is the only complete set registered and ranks #1 out of 26 Registry sets! All of these books are 9.8 or 9.6, making this an incredibly rare opportunity to acquire the very best examples in existence all in one offering??? ---------------- say it isn't so ? http://comics.www.collectors-society.com/registry/comics/PeopleSetDetail.aspx?PeopleSetID=74241
  18. If grade isn't a problem and you want to get some Red Sonja and Conan in pence this site sure has a large selection http://asgardcomics.co.uk/epages/a34a9c17-ee43-40f1-b8b8-050c2f1ac88c.sf/en_GB/?ViewAction=FacetedSearchProducts&ObjectID=50531&PageSize=60&SearchString=red%20sonja
  19. Fun post from the Calgary expo http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9326699Post9326699
  20. Am I the only one who keeps saying out loud --> Rick Is a fool and stupid ? ?
  21. Saw the movie in 3d yesterday So my take on it 1 - best dark batman movie ever !!!!!!!!!!! 2 - the first 30 minutes was crappy 3 - don't take wife to movie she will catch you drooling over wonder woman 4 - poor ending (see 2 change first to last ) 5 - academy award special effects ! (Doomsday) 6 - batman rocked in action scenes WOW 7 - Wonder woman fighting Doomsday was amazing worth the price to the movie alone 8 - Lois was miscast really bad 9 - liked Alfred and liked he became tek savvy and part of the action 10 - they need a better superman this one looked / acted and seemed dumb --------- there you go Worth the money
  22. 30 cent price variant on EBay http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Marvel-Feature-4-Red-Sonja-30-Cent-Price-Variant-7-0-Fine-Very-Fine-/231894426383? ------ $17.76 shipping to Canada !!! OMG makes me cry
  23. Heritage has a beauty --- http://comics.ha.com/itm/bronze-age-1970-1979-/adventure/marvel-feature-1-red-sonja-marvel-1975-cgc-nm-mt-98-white-pages/a/121614-11494.s?type=wlem&wlc=536396113
  24. Alien Covenant shooting soon --> http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/film/77002539/aliens-sightings-in-fiordland--hollywood-blockbuster-set-to-be-filmed-here Loving all this aliens !
  25. From What I get from AVP Galaxy this film is a no go ? http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=53613.0