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Everything posted by Cyclops

  1. I'd love to see a new artist take over the interiors. Could really breathe some life into the series (pardon the pun).
  2. Great books Ghost Town. Here's one of my favorite picture frame covers
  3. I think this is, strictly speaking, a Silver Age comic (late '69), but it has some hallmarks of a Bronze Age comic so... http://www.ebay.com/itm/140977859153?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 I think this book is going to get blazing hot in the lead up to the next Cap movie.
  4. Amazing. Will be contacting you in the future!
  5. That is unreal... I couldn't be happier. Any interest in getting one slabbed? Would be fun to see how a 9.8 did around July.
  6. I was watching that Cry for Dawn #5 aswell. Last time I looked at it, it was at 85 bucks. Checked to see where it ended and was like A cool book to have in 9.8, no doubt. A copy of X-Factor #6 in 9.8 just got listed on the MCS website. Last one sold for $375 after the "news" had just broken. Will be interesting to see if this one goes. www.mycomicshop.com/search?ItemID=24359835&AffID=798679P01
  7. Nice set up, Tuffy! What kind of dog is that?
  8. Rachel Rising is still a pretty good bet, IMO, since it's the first property acquired by ATG and it probably wouldn't cost that much to make. NBC must have hundreds of pilots and reality TV rubbish to consider. Fingers crossed, anyway. I'd love too see Rachel Rising on the small screen. What has (possibly) happened with The Sixth Gun is another reason why The Walking Dead #1 is here to stay for a while. TSG #1 became an $800 book in 9.8 basically overnight. TWD #1 did the hard yards and is going to ride the ups and downs much better because of it.
  9. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=400479892021&item=400479892021&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466 These bidders clearly don't shop at MCS. Plenty of copies there: http://www.mycomicshop.com/search?ivitems=23672365&AffID=798679P01#24158917
  10. It's interesting to hear someone use the word 'mystique' in association with WD#1. I think it's an excellent word to describe it. There is something about WD#1 that draws people to it. It's hard to describe, but I remember feeling it before I got my copy. Still waiting for Mystery Tales #40 to die down, too.
  11. I might have to pick up some more 1:10 variants.
  12. Thanks, yeah it's one of my favorite keys. I need to grab #13 and read the origin story!
  13. Finally picked up a copy of ToD #10, a book I have wanted for many years. Also got the last copy of ASM I needed post-100. Have been looking for a nice #152 with a decent wrap for ages.
  14. Totally agree. I'd like to own a black label but I'm happy to just have A copy, period.
  15. It was only a matter of time before #386 started to see some sizzle, imo. It's a good read and Black Mask is a relatively established villain.
  16. Thanks, Whetton. Tomb of Dracula #10 seems to be sizzling a bit.
  17. On ebay right now: Search: Walking Dead #1; Refine: Price Highest 1st Page Results: Black Label - 5 White Label - 18 The black label comes up for sale less often, that is for sure. A lot less often. That doesn't prove 100% that there are less but, over the last 12 months, there has been a similar ratio available on ebay. It's my opinion that there are significantly less black copies. That is what I choose to believe. Others, obviously, can choose to have a different opinion.
  18. Hey just a quick question regarding the current printings of the hardcover books (12 issue collections): Are the bindings glued or sewn?
  19. I never thought I'd see sales for a universal go over $2000. I thought $2000 had to be the limit, surely. But on it goes...
  20. No way to tell right now but I'm pretty confident it'd be alot. Pics?