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Posts posted by Mjolnir!

  1. I'm still blown away how much these books are.  I sorta wished I had invested in buying more books when the train was still at the station with the conductor saying ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARD!!!

    But no, I looked at him and said what, are you crazy?  You want how much for this book?  Kinda wished I had paid more back in 2011 & 2012.

    *Sniff Sniff* We didn't know it was the last stop to climb aboard at those prices. 


  2. 10 hours ago, jjonahjameson11 said:

    Except that the Hobgoblin appears prominently on the cover, and his alter ego appears throughout issue 238, yeah, why not do as you suggest?  😉

    Whew....for a second I was worried there but your response was spot on perfect reply. 

    Regardless, I'm still covered because I have an excellent #239 as well. :flipbait:

  3. 8 hours ago, jcjames said:

    NICE! (thumbsu

    But get it better protection than the original bag and board - they're too small! The book overhangs the backing board. And if you think there's an outside chance of it being better than 9.8, check your glasses LOL! 

    Very nice copy though!

    Whaaaaat?  Look man, I've got Eagle Eye Joe eyesight and I KNOOOOOOWS 9.8 or better when I see it!  :preach:

    What do you see in this perfect gem scan of a book to imply it's not the 9.8 beauty of perfection 95 percent of posters on here would say HELL YES if they saw it in person? 

    Listen, If you saw see this book yourself, the sheen color gloss alone would knock your socks off!  That's if you wear socks that is. :roflmao:

    Umm your right, I shall take your wisdom advice and get better protection. :whistle: 

  4. On 6/1/2021 at 6:36 AM, Chaos_in_Canada said:

    Another XM120 ended @ Comic Link for $10k+...$11251




    I always thought this issue was an especially awesome cover at the time it came out not knowing who it was stalking the X-men.

    This book continues to age well like fine wine, only looking better every-time we see it. 

    That black cover edge really brings out the center and showcases the extreme dire plight the X-men are in!


    Proud to have a couple issues of this amazing breathtaking key moment in time.  

    Anyone know if those ticks on the spine could be pressed out on a black cover like that?





  5. 6 hours ago, Mjolnir! said:

    I 10000 percent agree with you.  It's the sole reason I had FF 112 on my must-have-list and purchased it at a convention at least 30 years ago. 

    The price tag is still on it.

    One day I will get this issue graded and slabbed but for now it's locked away in my safety deposit box with my other child-hood gems.



    Hmmm maybe it's overdue for a new plastic bag LOL!  I'll do that next time I visit and take another photo. 

  6. Someone please help me out here.  I'm too lazy right now to read the entire thread which could have the answer to my question:

    Why is this book worth so much when there isn't a first appearance of anything that usually is the key factor in making a book relevant these days?


  7. 5 hours ago, tvindy said:

    Of course, you can only take their word for it that they don't have extra copies of the key they give you. The woman in the article I linked to above was also told that the bank couldn't access her box without her key, but apparently, they had extras. How else could someone else's stuff have been in her box, yet she was still able to open it with her key?

    As I stated before, I couldn't read the article but for the most part, why would the bank take the risk of being sued?

    And what's really the difference of trusting the bank with your account information or other financial assets?  NONE.

    I've never had a problem with my bank or federal credit union.




  8. 1 hour ago, Wolverinex said:

    Yes, I have thought about it but there are all those crazy stories about banks breaking into them  that I'm a little worried.

    To ease your concerns I would simply make an appointment and ask the bank representative any questions you may have before committing yourself.

    In truth you're taking a greater risk in NOT securing your books if you truly care about them. 

    I have complete peace of mind knowing they are in the best area possible for the best price/value.  



  9. 7 hours ago, Wolverinex said:

    What happens if you unexpectly pass away, would your heirs be able to access your safety deposit box?  

    Yes, of course.  I'm provided two keys by the bank. One key I carry with my other keys and the other key is in a spot where the wifey has knowledge of. 

    You thinking about using a safety deposit box to secure your goods?  ;)



  10. 2 hours ago, Randall Ries said:

    Sure enough. I was just wondering how many people buy the book as a fan and how many are buying the book as a property. Of course Wolverine isn't going anywhere. Never doubted his pop.


    Good question. 

    I bought the book because it's considered to be one of the top 3 trilogy Marvel BA books which include GS X-1 and X94. I just wanted to finally be able to have a piece of history that changed the comic industry forever.

    But when I bought those books I never ever imagined they would have increased in value like they have. But then again there are a lot of books that have skyrocketed that were considered "common" so you may have a point, people are buying them for the sole point of flipping them.

    Because I don't need the money I haven't bothered to slab books.  But man this really is an awesome sellers market and I wonder if I should just sell.  Not the top BA books I just mentioned but all the others.  We may in the "peak golden time" seller's market right now.

    Just so many books at record levels right now.  How can this be?  The spike is unbelievable.      

  11. 31 minutes ago, Randall Ries said:

    Right on. I only first heard the rumor earlier this year. No idea it was decades old. It's intriguing. Many rumors are based in some sort of fact. I have to agree with your assessment, though. The knee jerk to sell them rapidly at any given price jump point would probably have been tough to ignore.

    I LOVE those stories where a fresh, gigantic collection of books are found. The only thing I DON'T like is that I wasn't the one who found them.

    You mean WE.....we were not the ones who found them. :hi:

  12. 3 hours ago, MGsimba77 said:

    Yeah ofcourse I was just getting at the willingness part. I just don't necessarily think it's an insane decision from their point of view. But hey at the end of the day whether someone thinks insanity is required to spend 30k + on a collectors item is relative. Maybe some non collectors look at you funny others no?

    Yeah I see what you're getting at.  For most who are affluent and they want the book, money isn't really an issue.

    I And even though I'm wealthier than most, I'm also frugal, which is the reason I'm better off than most.  It's that frugality that's hard to turn off sometime.  But I did turn it off (or so I thought) when I spent 2k for my IH -181.

    Even though I can afford today's prices in any grade, I can't see myself pulling the trigger. 

    But like you stated, others will do it because...we'll they can (HG) and it's a big desire to fulfill to have one.  

  13. 3 hours ago, Randall Ries said:

    That's interesting. Comics and collectibles saw a big uptick during the housing debacle and recently during COVID. Seemed like the stock market took it in the pants and people were afraid to reinvest in it for a bit and turned to the collectibles market. What I wonder is if prices or values or whatever it's called now softened some or at least leveled off as the stock market regained vitality between 2008 and 2019. It was onlyn a few years ago IH 181 was in reach between 9.0 and 9.4.


    What I remembered during that time was prices softened in the comics market.....not sure what happened in collectibles as a whole. 

    What is your assessment as to "being in reach" to acquiring a IH 181 in the grades you mentioned a few years ago?  Price range?