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Everything posted by Mjolnir!

  1. Now look at you. You've made out like a bandit. I almost purchased it in 9.6 grade but elected to buy a Giant-size X-1 in 9.6 instead. You're right. In retrospect it was an excellent time to buy. I think the only way these books come out of the heavens in price is through an economic recession.
  2. Man I have this book in raw condition and never got around to getting it graded but I'm very sure it's a 9.8. I've always been a huge IF fan and sold or traded my collection when I was a teenager. Then 10-12 years later I hunted down all the Marvel Premiere and IF issues to restore my collection. I purchased IF 15 probably like 30 years ago at a convention. It was at the top of my list to get the absolute best one I could find. If I remember correctly, it was the last issue I needed to complete IF 1-15. I went to every comic stand on a mission mad hunt, eventually locating the gem and paid $100 for it. It was the first time ever I had paid 100 bucks for a comic. I remember at the time thinking to myself, what are you doing??? But I wanted that issue badly. I think I purchased at the same convention the first appearance of Master of Kung Fu in pristine condition for like 10-15 bucks. I may still have the original price tag on the cover. I'll have to check. I haven't gotten that one graded yet either. I hunted that book down as well only because I loved that awesome cover so much and it was still super cheap to acquire at the time. Ahhh the glory days back then!!! Very Interesting IF 15 isn't for sale...isn't there many 9.8's floating around out there?
  3. Opps...did a double check and I paid for the book in 2012. Funny thing like yourself, we didn't know it was our last opportunity to get the book at a severely undervalued price. Yeah I agree 100000000000000000000000000000000000 percent. There is no way I would pay today's prices for the book I have now. Now and then I may be crazy at times (blue moon), but I'm not insane.
  4. I'm totally blown away by the EXPLOSIVE rise in value. I bought my 9.2 back in 2011 for 2k and thought I overpaid to scratch a mid-life crises itch? Because I never owned the book but always wanted to and that was about as much as I was willing to pay back then. I felt I had lost my mind to pay 2k for a comic and now I think everyone else out there have lost their minds paying 20k and above for a single comic. People have money and no where else to spend it I guess. But no complaints from me! I LOVE the rising prices!
  5. While I don't understand, why would the bank spend a tremendous amount of assets to defend a case they are likely to lose (unless a settlement amount was offered and was rejected?) is beyond me. Regardless, we agree that this scenario happening to someone is extremely unlikely (like playing the lottery). And in my case (fortunately), my books are nothing more than a luxury anyway in relation to my personal net-worth. I'll take on the minuscule microscopic risk vs. the small monthly banking fee to secure my comics all day every day without blinking an eye. I still believe the safety deposit box is the best value for securing the comics you judge to be worth dedicating dollars to keep them safe.
  6. In fact, upon my next visit, I'll honor Wolverinex's request and take a couple of photos to show on here.
  7. Still not even remotely concerned. Why? Because in that scenario, if that had happened to me, that bank would be liable for negligence BIG TIME and would be facing a lawsuit for their faulty security error and I would make out in the dough from them being sued. That scenario happening is slim to none. I've had my safety security box for over a decade and I've never had the slightest problem or worry about my comics. My X-94 9.8 talks to me every-time I visit her with . I tell her I'm still madly in love and she doesn't have to worry I'm coming to auction her off. I'm only here to catch-up on old-times to my childhood. Afterwards, she hugs me and kisses me on my cheek every-time and tells me she'll always be there waiting for my return.
  8. Although I wasn't able to read the article because it requires a subscription, I consider a safety deposit boxes one of, if not the best way to secure your high prized assets without a shred of hesitation. Why? Because at least in my case, (I can't speak for all banks), it takes two keys to access my security box: One key from the financial institution, and the key I have. A single key won't open the case. If I lose my keys, the only way the box can be opened is by drilling it open. I would have to pay $150 for the drilling fee and $25 to replace my lost keys. The other beautiful thing about a security boxes are that NO ONE knows what's in those boxes to begin with. I have privacy and security each and every time I access my assets. That's the reason, banks don't offer insurance because they don't know what the contents are and that's how I want it. Now if you give up your rights and have a co-owner or co-owners who have access to your box, yes, you've opened yourself up for risk that someone can steal your items. But even then, the bank keeps a log of day and time the box was accessed. People have found out their items were missing or stolen because they authorized someone else to have access and that co-owner(s) were the ones who took their items. So yes, you won't be compensated for that error you made. Elderly people sometimes forget they may have accessed their box. But again, a record log is kept when assets are accessed at all times. I have absolutely no hesitation in securing my comics in a security box that offers protection from weather, theft, and fire with a very minimal fee. It's the best safe alternative in my book bar none.
  9. Thanks a bunch! I do occasionally go up to the bank to visit, speak with them and bring them . As far as enjoying the actual books, I have all of them on my Marvel Gitcorp DVDs which feature all the issues from inception to 30 years collection. I do have some of them in my personal collection. Those of course are in the safety deposit box as well. I know your a BIG fan of X-94 like myself as I think it's the much better pleasing to they eye, harder to acquire cover in HG. What's so funny, is back then when I had that itch? I almost shelled out the dough for a Hulk 181 9.6 and was considering the purchase of Giant X-1 9.8. Wish I had now.
  10. Right now it's tucked in a safety deposit box along with my other most precious gems to include Giant X1 9.6 and Hulk 181 9.2. To give you the short story, I got extremely lucky back in 2011 and bought X94 raw at a local comic store for $1100. Afterwards I got an itch and bought the other gems off e-bay the following year. I never owned a Hulk 181 and decided I wanted to own a piece of history for the heck of it. At the time I thought I was out of my mind the money I dished out for those books. Now I feel like a mad genius somehow but know I'm just lucky I bought them and held onto them in honor of my childhood passion of collecting comics. Buying all those comics back in the day and being fortunate enough to hold on to them throughout my lifetime has compounded into some serious investment capital I can cash in. Luckily I don't need the money which is why I've always been in a hold pattern.
  11. Please don't tempt me to sell my X94 9.8. Stop talking about it.
  12. Very nice copy. I don't know what the BC looks like but if it aligns with your scan, it should have been graded HIGHER.
  13. <a href="https://freeimage.host/"><img src="https://iili.io/qkg85Q.jpg" alt="qkg85Q.jpg" border="0"></a>
  14. Depends who's looking at it. There are people out there that don't wear a mask so this would be a beauty to them.
  15. Okay I'm going to be lazy here and not backtrack in this thread and ask you, what do you believe? Is it undervalued or not?
  16. Undervalued? I haven't been tracking GS1 or 94 but right now if this listing is about right on ebay, then 94 is hardly undervalued? https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1313&_nkw=xmen+94+9.6&_sacat=0
  17. Didn't know that. Best I could do in trying to be helpful. Man I still love those old Defender issues. Took them for granted back in the day but like many things you didn't know how great something was until you no longer have it.
  18. Maybe a little more growth in value before the movie release? Maybe a hold for now?
  19. Well that's my point. The current financial bull market just hit 10 years in duration. Prior to that, comics were not at these elevated levels for demand and pricing. If memory serves, the last recession ended in 2008 which correlates to the time frame Marvel Movies began it's remarkable run to give these characters unprecedented exposure to the masses. If you look at other sectors in the market, everything appears to be expensive: Housing, higher education, vehicles...look now at current duration of contracts to pay back loans from the traditional 3-4 years to 7-10 years is yet another example. People wouldn't be able to afford them if not for the extended contracts. Healthcare is another example. I have my doubts how long this obsession with these characters will last. The next national recession is inevitable. How long and how deep it will be is anyone's guess. Maybe it is time to sell while the iron is hot for these titles right now. I don't know, I could be wrong but It feels like the stars and planets are in perfect alignment right now. There are no guarantees Marvel or Disney will/can keep producing great movies. I don't know, but when you have this high of demand for obscure characters driving up prices to these levels, something isn't right. It can't be right without some sort of manipulative deception going on. Again I could be wrong. Help, can anyone bring sanity/logic to this comic market frenzy that's going on right now?
  20. With these dramatic increase in prices for these books, maybe now is the time to cash in? The next recession will surely drop the value of these books right? It just appears the stars have aligned: Current strong economic market, exceptionally great Marvel Movies driving up prices. I haven't been to a comic convention in years. Is current demand really driving up these books or are scammers manipulating the market right now just to flip books for profit?
  21. Great to hear as I own both books! I was just curious if the recent surge in demand has been equal among both books?
  22. Not trying to take any shine away from owing this book but curious to know is there equal demand for X-men 94 due to the Disney speculation of a new X-men Movie? Is Giant-Sized X-men 1 the book to own in general or is the price-point just favorable in certain grades right now?