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Everything posted by Filter81

  1. The Extensive restoration was disclosed in the first line of the auction from the very first second the auction was listed. Additional information regarding the restoration was added to the auction voluntarily shortly after the auction started. Additional information regarding the restoration and grade were sent to you via E-mail the first day of the auction. There was no attempt whatsoever to hide anything. Which you already know. As far as the whole roommate thing goes... I guess proving you're a liar would be pointless now. I think its probably pretty clear to anyone reading.. By the way, does your roommate also sign your name in the E-mails he writes to people? Or do you and your roommate have identical names?
  2. As Bucone (and probably just about everyone else on the boards) knows, I would not list a book without disclosing any type of restoration. The auction Bucone keeps referring to clearly listed the book as being extensively restored. It also clearly lists the book as being trimmed. Bucone knows this. The part that has me the most upset is that he knows he's lying and has been asked to stop. I don't know if this is all a game to him or if he really is as messed up in the head as he acts... I suspect its the former. I'm actually a little baffled that he would intentionally ruin a legitimate eBay auction of that magnitude and then continue to act the way he has. If I ever acted the way he had, I would be so embarrassed by my actions I'd never want the subject to be brought up again All I know is that in less than a year on the boards he's been put on the probation list under 4 different names and has attempted to hijack multiple sales threads started by letigimate sellers. As far as my personal relationship with this kid goes, he's ruined eBay auctions of mine, attempted to hijack a sales thread of mine, and continually made comments attacking my integrity that he knows are untrue when he says them. Just curious if anyone on the boards happens to know at one point what he's doing become legally actionable... Because I'm tired of feeling like I have to defend myself against this insufficiently_thoughtful_person's comments in case someone happens to read them and doesn't know him and doesn't know me. But just for fun... as far as the book I was "overcharing" for... It was an ASM 129 CGC 9.6. Apparently Bucone is upset because I had the audacity to win the book in a public auction at an 18 month GPA low, only to relist the book a few months later with an asking price of exactly what the last 9.6 sold for and $8 higher than the 12 month GPA average.. Which apparently shows a lack of integrity on my part.. at least when compared to the integrity of someone like Bucone... (Bucone it really is time now for you to pack up and leave these Forums.... you know you're going to get yourself banned sooner or later anyway..) I never placed a bid on your Batman #1 or did I win the auction, I heard it never sold to the winning bidder and that is probably why you are upset. I tried to find it in the advance search on Ebay, so that everyone could see for themselves that you added trimming a few days later, NOT in the original description plus you would never pin down a grade, just thought that was very odd. Don't know you, so I don't have any reason to lie or make up a story. So, you are the one that is lying. Fortunately I can easily prove that you were the high bidder on the Bat 1 throughout almost the entire auction. I also have the listing text mentioning the extensive restoration and the trimming. And I saved several of our E-mails back and forth at the time. I guess the good thing about having the facts on my side is that they are all very easy to prove. But you go ahead and keep going with that nonsense.. Just out of curiosity, if I were to show right now that you did in fact bid on and ruin the auction, would you agree to close your account and leave the boards? And by the way, you hijacked my sales thread and started multiple threads afterwards to tell people I was "ripping them off" by charging GPA for an ASM 129. ($100 less than another copy sold for a few days ago in the same grade) You ruined a very expensive eBay auction. And are going around saying things about me you know not to be true. These are not the actions of a normal human being. Clearly you do enjoy making up stories and do have an agenda... even if that agenda is something as simple as being the world's biggest dirtbag.
  3. As Bucone (and probably just about everyone else on the boards) knows, I would not list a book without disclosing any type of restoration. The auction Bucone keeps referring to clearly listed the book as being extensively restored. It also clearly lists the book as being trimmed. Bucone knows this. The part that has me the most upset is that he knows he's lying and has been asked to stop. I don't know if this is all a game to him or if he really is as messed up in the head as he acts... I suspect its the former. I'm actually a little baffled that he would intentionally ruin a legitimate eBay auction of that magnitude and then continue to act the way he has. If I ever acted the way he had, I would be so embarrassed by my actions I'd never want the subject to be brought up again All I know is that in less than a year on the boards he's been put on the probation list under 4 different names and has attempted to hijack multiple sales threads started by letigimate sellers. As far as my personal relationship with this kid goes, he's ruined eBay auctions of mine, attempted to hijack a sales thread of mine, and continually made comments attacking my integrity that he knows are untrue when he says them. Just curious if anyone on the boards happens to know at what point what he's doing become legally actionable... Because I'm tired of feeling like I have to defend myself against this insufficiently_thoughtful_person's comments in case someone happens to read them and doesn't know him and doesn't know me. But just for fun... as far as the book I was "overcharing" for... It was an ASM 129 CGC 9.6. Apparently Bucone is upset because I had the audacity to win the book in a public auction at an 18 month GPA low, only to relist the book a few months later with an asking price of exactly what the last 9.6 sold for and $8 higher than the 12 month GPA average.. Which apparently shows a lack of integrity on my part.. at least when compared to the integrity of someone like Bucone... (Bucone it really is time now for you to pack up and leave these Forums.... you know you're going to get yourself banned sooner or later anyway..)
  4. I bought it in an original owner collection last Thursday. I couldn't sleep all weekend waiting until Monday to hear what CGC had to say about the book!
  5. Sergio, For the record I'm not making any claims about what anybody received. I have no idea what was in the boxes when you sold them other than what I know was in them when I sold them to you and what I'm reading in this thread. The main reason I jumped in is because my name was brought up and I felt the need to set the record straight when you wrote "These were exactly as I got them from Adam". Also, from the early responses in this thread I got the feeling that some buyers were under the impression that you were using my description to sell the books, which led me to believe some PMs may have been taking place behind the scenes as well. It was mentioned that you were selling these books the same way they were described to you, at the same price you paid, without removing or adding anything from the boxes. None of this is true. Which is why I decided to post a few of our PMs in this thread word for word. As you may recall we also had a discussion prior to you purchasing these books about how some of the boxes were primarily water damaged. Also, from what I remember you told me you threw away 1 1/2 water damaged boxes when you got them which I never charged you for, so your actual cost if you still have those boxes is below $100/box. They were sold to you with the extensive moisture damage described. They were listed as having Gs and G/VGs. (Not just VG to VF/NM). They were described as "low grade" and were sold as having up to 30-40 copies per issue. Since the boxes were packed 350-360 tight when I shipped them as opposed to about 270 per box now (not counting heroes incs) by my math that still leaves about 1600 books unaccounted for. As far as whether they were cherry-picked, pulled to limit duplication to 5 per copy, or whether you still have them etc all I know is what you've told me. So I won't make any guesses. But I can say without question that there were definitely some VFs and VF/NMs in the boxes when i sold them to you. Again, I'm not implying anything. My only interest in posting is to set a few facts straight, which as soon as my name was brought in I felt obligated to do. Thats all.
  6. By the way, for anyone curious, these are how the books were described via PM prior to being sold by me. (Again, not posting to be a jerk or make anyone look bad, but my name was brought up a few times here and I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea) Filter: Overall these would probably be considered low grade for bronze. Some books are wavy from water damage, but most aren't. (This statement was amended in a later PM after a second look revealed a larger number of water damaged books than it appeared at first glance which was discussed in detail prior to and again after the purchase.) There are some Gs/GVGs on the low end, and on the high end there are some Fs, VFs, and VF/NMs. So the grades range a lot but as a group they'd probably be considered lower grade bronze age. The boxes are a bit weird in the sense that some have pretty heavy multiples and others appear to have little or no multiples. I haven't gone through these much but I think there probably are a few issues that may have upwards of 30-40 copies. But this is not the case with all of them. Comicseekers: anything worth anything in this collection..ex multiples of peter parker 1, if there are a lot of x-men and spiderman , Hulk , Capt America, Horror I'll probable take it Filter: Honestly there's not a whole lot in terms of key issues. I think I saw some Vault of Evil 1s in pretty nice shape... some pretty beat up Werewolf by Night 1s. Some spideys. Not a lot of X-mens. I saw some 20 cent and 25 cent FFs, a good amount of horror titles, some Thors in nice shape, some Caps. Also a lot of weaker stuff like Ms Marvel, Devil Dinosaur, etc. I've left everything that arrived in the boxes there (I haven't removed anything for myself) but for the most part I think the boxes were already cherry-picked of the really good stuff before I even got them. The boxes are packed tight though. A couple of the boxes have some books that are bagged which probably brings the count down a little bit and some have some giant sized issues, but the unbagged boxes (which are most of them) I've counted as many as 350-360 books per box. when we did the deal it was 20 boxes packed about 350-360 tight, with no heroes incs.except the case i threw in free as part of the deal. The 20 boxes were originally sold for $2000 ($100 a box.)
  7. Hey Sergio, I don't mean to be a here, but since my name has been thrown around a few times I feel I should throw in my two cents. If I remember correctly when you were paying me in installments for these boxes you told me you were doing it by selling some of the books individually and paying me with the sales. (I think there may have even been a board thread at one point with individual books but I can't remember) And I did sell you a number of bronze age longboxes & some unopened cases of Heroes Incs in two separate transactions, but never together. When I sent you the longboxes they did not have 35+ issues of Heroes inc in them. So to say they are exactly as they were when you got them from me can't possibly be true. I'm not taking sides in this by the way. But felt I needed to throw that out there to keep things honest.
  8. Fair enough. This is the last I will post on this subject in this thread.
  9. TFL you are correct. Here's the PM in question. When people fly up here to Rochester to do business I always offer to put them up in a nice Hotel room. (Anyone who has ever flown up here to buy a book from me or sell me a collection will be able to vouch for me on this one.) And I would've been more than willing to cover your airfare but I guess I didn't make that clear. I got so upset after reading your responses just now I got a little carried away and what I said was incorrect. So TFL, for all the inconvenience I have caused you by misrepresenting what actually happened, let me sincerely apologize. I'm sure if you ever were to say something about me that was untrue you'd rush to correct it and apologize as well. For all the board members watching, the PM actually reads as follows. If I sounded particularly coercive, please keep in mind this was written approximately 15 minutes after I finally knew for sure that I was about to get stiffed on a $25,000 sale and tempers were flaring. "While we clearly have a difference of opinion here, hopefully we can at least find enough common ground to come to a solution that works for both of us. Maybe as you suggested a few months back, you might want to consider taking a trip to Rochester? You could come down with a payment towards the Human Torch 1 and leave with the Avengers 4 at the same time. Maybe this is a compromise that could work for both of us?"
  10. How big of you to be willing to apologize to Divad....
  11. Divad, no offense, but is it possible you wrote this post based on an absence of information? Did you read through the thread? Would you like me to send you all of my PMs that went back & forth with TFL? I'm happy to send you each and every one. There actually already is a poll, currently at 53-1 (one person claiming they selected the wrong button). Just to clarify a few things for you Divad, the 'argument' with the Avengers 4 occurred 5 months AFTER the down payment on the Torch 1 was due and not sent. After many, many promises by TFL to send payment by this date or by that date. I can send you a minimum of 6 (possibly as many as 10) PMs that I still have where TFL promised to send a payment but didn't. (I don't know how many I saved.) The delay shipping the Avengers 4.... was over a weekend. TFL and I were sending PMs back and forth Friday/Saturday and I shipped him the book overnight delivery on Monday. Again... to be clear... TFL's delay in sending a down payment for the Torch? 6 months and counting. My delay in shipping TFL his comic... 1 business day... And despite TFL's claims I never tried to FORCE him to do anything. I ASKED. I even offered to fly him down to Rochester and put him up in a nice hotel so that he could give me a down payment on the Torch and pick up his Avengers 4 at the same time. I ended almost every PM with me asking him what he thought we should do. I never once forced him to do anything. He made all his own decisions. Its your list Divad and you can do what you want, but I can't imagine a reason for not including TFL on it. The only thing I can think of is that you are going off of some bad information..
  12. Which is why I listed the PM word for word in my earlier post. So that people could see that the "straw that broke the camel's back" was me ASKING for you to send me a down payment that was already 5 months late. That's not coercion, thats me ASKING you to be a decent human being and follow through on your commitments. Actually you didnt. Not really. You made several promises regarding the Avengers 4 that you also did not follow through on. But I suppose your argument is that since you ultimately did end up paying for a $1000 book you should be let off the hook for the $25,000 book you didn't pay for? Yes. Finally. Finally, first thing monday morning after debating this with you over the weekend. What a long wait you had. I remember the Paypal dispute well. I sent you a PM while this was going on offering to return your full $1100 on the Avengers 4 but asking how you were going to settle up with me now that you were no longer buying the Torch. Your response was to open up a Paypal dispute. Thats when I finally knew exactly the kind of person I was dealing with. And thats when I decided it might even be worth the loss I was going to take on the Torch 1 never to have to communicate with you again. But let me be real clear on one thing. I was on the phone with Paypal the day you initiated the chargeback. I explained the entire situation to a paypal supervisor who told me plain as day, all I had to do was send you SOMETHING. It could be a bill for the $25,000 you still owed me. It could've been a contract for you to sign. Then I could enter the tracking number into Paypal (with a note saying what was in the package, not in an attempt to do anything dishonest) and the dispute would've been immediately released. My decision to send you the book was because I decided I didn't want there to be any doubt that I did right by the person that I knew was not going to do right by me. At no point were any consequences with Paypal even an issue. I'm glad you thought it was so funny that I thought I had a right to ASK to be made PARTIALLY whole for everything i'm out in this transaction. Care to explain these comments you made recently then? I guess its only funny when you're not the one that is out money. A little bit of hypocracy? Anyway, I've said my peace. I don't have any interest in debating this with you any further Joey. I know I'm right. You're entitled to your opinion and I'm sure anyone reading this will be able to see your opinion for exactly what it is.
  13. I received $1100 and it took more than 5 months. If you paid for the Human Torch 1 in a similarly fast manner, I would receive payment in full in approximately 10 years from today's date. The exact PM is as follows. This was our agreement when you hit the "I'll take it" on the Torch 1. "Hey Adam: Why must you torture me so?? If you can go 16 months on the HT #1.... I would love to post the on this book. I know you will get offers. That goes without saying... If you can't I understand. I will be be sending you $500 for the Avengers #1 this Friday BTW. I was going to try and snag a lesser book. But this book is just too amazing to pass up. I would send you a Down Payment on this book in the next 2 weeks.... Terms on this book would of course need to be written down. Etc.. That was your post to me in December of LAST YEAR. Here's another PM of yours from January '09 "Sorry for the lack of communication. My wife has had a rough go of it with her MS as of late. But she is doing much better. I want to re confirm your information. I will be sending out the total price for the Avengers #4. Plus a 15% down payment on the Human Torch #1 to you withing the next two{two}weeks." I have four more just like this. So please don't try to tell me your excuse is that you had 16 months to pay and I was willing to wait until month 16 to receive your down payment. I feel I was too generous as it is holding this book for you for 5 months without a payment. 16 months would've been insane. As far as your comment regarding the "straw that broke the camel's back", I'm curious what the other straws were. Up until that point I was a seller that had waited patiently for almost 6 months on a $25,000 sale that I had not been paid for. I turned down another higher sale because you told me you were still buying the book. I put out over $10,000 of my own money to hold the book for you while you continually decided not to pay me and break one promise after another. So what else caused you to reach your breaking point? I call BS. If this were true I would've had my down payment in December when it was promised. (Or January when it was promised. Or February when it was promised. Or March when it was promised Or April when it was promised. Or May when it was promised. And you had 16 months to pay in FULL, not 16 months to send me a down payment. I've been completely honest in my telling of the events surrounding this transaction Joey, it would be nice if you could do the same for once. Oh yeah. And I DID send you the Avengers 4. Shipped overnight delivery ONE business day after this disagreement occurred. And I still have no payment on the Torch. I'll respond to the rest later, but the sheer amount of BS in your post Joey is overwhelming and I am having a tough time processing it all at once.
  14. No doubt. If my experiences with TFL to date are any indication, he will log on any time now, refuse to take any responsibility for his actions in this transaction and try to figure out a way to place all the blame for his actions on me. He'll probably say that even though I didn't get paid once for this book in over 5 months despite multiple promises, that if we hadn't gotten into a disagreement a few weeks ago I'd somehow magically be paid in full right now. Fortunately I still have most of the PMs back and forth. I won't be posting them publicly at the moment out of respect to TFL since he mentions some personal things about his family in several. But I have them available if you need to see them for the probation list. Sorry to hear this. What I don't understand is why TFL was permitted to purchase an Avengers 4 from you while this 25K debt was still outstanding. The Avengers 4 was purchased back in December in the same sales thread as the Torch. It just wasn't paid for until May. At first both books were supposed to start being paid for in December. The argument we got into a few weeks ago centered around whether or not the Avengers 4 should be shipped even though i still had not been paid anything towards the more expensive of the two books. I decided to ship him the Avengers 4 anyway knowing I was going to get stiffed on the Torch.
  15. No doubt. If my experiences with TFL to date are any indication, he will log on any time now, refuse to take any responsibility for his actions in this transaction and try to figure out a way to place all the blame for his actions on me. He'll probably say that even though I didn't get paid once for this book in over 5 months despite multiple promises, that if we hadn't gotten into a disagreement a few weeks ago I'd somehow magically be paid in full right now. Fortunately I still have most of the PMs back and forth. I won't be posting them publicly at the moment out of respect to TFL since he mentions some personal things about his family in several. But I have them available if you need to see them for the probation list.
  16. the hypocrisy in TFL's posts re the $20 is mindboggling given the $25k shafting he gave Adam That thread was actually what made me finally decide to sit down and post this. When I first read TFL's posts in the other thread I was speechless. (Well maybe not entirely speechless, but the words that came to mind at the time I can't share on the boards)
  17. Unfortunately I have another name to add to the list: TFL TFL Bought a Human Torch 1 CGC 8.0 from me for $25,000 on 12/19/2008. The book was purchased on time payments, with a down payment due within 2 weeks and additional payments to follow. Fast forward 5 1/2 months and I have yet to receive even one cent in payment towards this comic. Anyone who has bought from me before probably knows that I'm pretty flexible about this sort of thing, and if someone buys a book and later realizes he cant pay for it I'll usually let people off the hook. But this transaction was such a negative experience I felt I had to warn other board members. Especially after finding out recently that I am not the only person he has done this to. TFL didn't let me know he would not be paying me for this book until 5/14/09, approximately 5 months after he bought it. Before that it was nothing but promise after promise that a check would be in the mail or a payment would be sent, only nothing would ever show up. When TFL finally did admit to me that he wouldn't be buying the book, he was not apologetic about it at all. He even went so far as to blame a disagreement we had gotten into a day earlier (on 5/13/09) as the reason why he was not paying me for the book, despite having no problems with me whatsoever during the previous 5 months of non-payment. I do think it is ridiculous in the first place to try to use a disagreement that occurred in May of '09 as an excuse why payment was not sent for 5 months prior. But it is also worth noting that the disagreement was resolved several days later when I agreed to everything that TFL had asked for, even though I felt he had gone way over the line at that point. Even still, he is refusing to pay me for the book. (For anyone curious, the disagreement centered around a second book worth about $1000 that he purchased from me in the same sales thread back in December that he finally DID get around to paying for in May. Since I'd been holding a $25,000 book for him for almost 6 months at that point without ever being sent even $1 towards it, I ASKED him if as a show of good faith he could send me a deposit towards the HT 1 prior to me shipping out the other book, he decided to use that request as his excuse for why I would not be receiving payment at all.) For anyone interested by the way (and since I know TFL will jump in and try to spin this like its my fault rather than taking responsibility for his actions) the PM I wrote him was as follows: "Hi Joey, I hope this isn't too much of a sticking point (if it is, we'll have to figure something out that works for both of us) but I was actually hoping to receive a down payment on the Human Torch 1 prior to shipping out the Avengers 4. I hope you understand, but I've been holding onto that book for quite some time now and haven't received a down payment for it yet. So if possible, even though i'm probably being unnecessary here, for my own peace of mind I'd really prefer to have a deposit in hand prior to shipping the Avengers 4. If this works for you, great. If not, let me know and we'll figure something out. Thanks!" (Post edited for length since I'm rambling as it is. I'm happy to share the entire post if anyone needs to see) TFL told me that this request is the reason why he will not be paying me for the Human Torch 1. (The book that I had already been waiting on payment for since December of last year) All of this happened over a weekend by the way, but first thing Monday morning I decided to to overnight him the Avengers 4 anyway, knowing full-well he was going to stiff me on the Human Torch 1 regardless and even when the Avengers 4 arrived he couldn't even muster up a "Thank you". When I was trying to decide what to do about all this by the way, I called up a good friend of mine for advice who is also a board member. When he found out the name of the board member I was dealing with, he told me that TFL had also backed out of a purchase he'd made with my friend on the boards recently too. (He decided it was not worth pursuing, but still I find it interesting that the first person I called about this had an experience with TFL almost exactly the same as I did.) TFL knows that I had a partner on the Human Torch 1 that I had to buy out way back in December in order to sell TFL the book on the time payment plan he needed. He also knows that I turned down a $27000 offer on this book 2 months ago because he was still telling me at the time that he was going to pay me. He also knows that because I had to pay my partner his half of the book up front, I had to borrow money which I've been paying interest on for five months while I waited for TFL to send the agreed upon payments. At no time has TFL apologized for any of this or been even remotely sympathetic. He has told me multiple times that those are my costs of doing business and they are not his problem. Which I do agree with to a point. But when I read TFL's comments about another situation he was involved in where the roles are reversed I finally felt the need to post this. CGC sales thread To date, this transaction with TFL has cost me a $27000 sale I could've had on this book back in March. It has cost me probably close to $1000 in interest charges by now. And it has cost me months of aggravation. Still, even an "I'm sorry, some personal stuff has come up and I am unable to pay for this book at this time" would've probably been enough for me to shrug it off and walk away but I couldn't even get that! Instead I got PMs telling me how the whole thing is my fault. Anyone who deals with TFL in the future please do so with caution and at your own risk!
  18. Well I am finally back home. First things first, although I have already done this privately I would like to publicly apologize to Monkeyman for the delay in getting the Strange Tales 97 shipped. While it is true that between being sick, being robbed twice (and being harrassed/threatened by one of the people involved), and some family issues that I won't get into, 2009 has not started off well for me. As others have mentioned already, that is no excuse for taking 4 weeks to get a book shipped. What I WILL say in my defense however, is that in a sales thread that I believe surpassed 100+ pages and $100,000 in sales, despite some minor shipping delays on a few other books, this was the one and only book that slipped through the cracks like this. This particular book was not set up on a time payment plan (I put all time payment books in a separate area to help stay organized) but payment did not arrive until 26 days after the book had been purchased. (Which I had no problem with by the way, Monkeyman mentioned when he sent payment that the delay was only because he was waiting to see what else I listed in my thread before paying) Unfortunately by then i was dealing with a number of other things and I completely forgot about getting this book shipped. And to make matters worse, I was unable to respond to PMs while this was going on because I was away at the NYC Comic Con. Fortunately now that this matter has been resolved, every book from my sales thread that has been paid for has already been shipped. As a few people have pointed out, fast shipping has not always been my strong suit on the boards. To prevent a repeat of this in the future, I will be dialing back the number of books I list on the boards going forward. Instead of listing every book I sell on the boards first, I am in the process of getting a number of books together for Comiclink & Heritage. This way, when I do list books on the boards it will be a smaller, more manageable number of books, which should help reduce/eliminate shipping delays in the future! I will be responding to all unread PMs throughout the course of the day and will be around if anyone has any questions about anything else!
  19. I'm going to be listing two Original Owner collections on the boards this week. Tonight I'm going to be listing a small original owner golden age collection that contains a Thrilling 44, Batman 23, Superman 29 and a few others. Later in the week I'll be listing an original owner silver age collection that I just picked up last night that is about 250 silver age books from 1961-1965 (with most of the Marvel #1s)
  20. Later today I'll be listing a high grade original owner Amazing Spider-man collection complete from 2 up in a 24 hour CGC board only sale.
  21. That's some serious stuff. Thanks! Forum Sale starts Tuesday at 8 PM EST. I promise the thread will be worth checking out! (thumbs u