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Everything posted by Filter81

  1. Both great books, but Tec 36 by a mile!
  2. Is Big Shot Comics #28 supposed to have 64 pages or 68 pages? (Including covers) GCD says 68 pages (16 pages + cover on each side of the staples.) But I've got one with 15 pages + covers on each side of the staples that doesn't seem to have anything missing.
  3. Ankur is a great person to deal with. He bought a book from me recently and paid almost immediately (thumbs u
  4. Ok I'll end the suspense The book is restored, but it IS an original Action 1. I would love to buy an Unrestored copy that looks like that but just have to make sure I win the lottery first This may be the wrong thread since these copies are part of a consignment deal and not books that I personally own, but these came in the mail last week too
  5. I'd been looking for a long time but just picked this one up fairly recently. Finally have a keeper copy for my collection The rest of the Actions I just got in yesterday
  6. I've had this one for longer than a week, but I just scanned it in for the first time this week and felt like sharing
  7. Metropolis had a Cap 1 7.0 listed at $80k last week and sold it. Its probably in large part due to the movie but it looks like prices have more than doubled across the board on Cap 1s since last year. Similar to what happened on Batman 1s a few years ago. About time in my opinion, Cap 1 has been severely undervalued in recent years and was due for a big jump.
  8. Very cool idea for a thread! (That Action 20 is a really nice 5.5 by the way!!) I've been working on my own set of Action 1-24 for a while now. My goal is to complete it in the next 5-10 years Here are my entries
  9. I hope its ok that I'm reviving this thread. And I know the results may be a little skewed since one is GA and one is SA.. But if you had these two books in your collection and you had to immediately sell one and keep the other, which would you sell and which would you keep? (And why?) Option 1: Option 2:
  10. Is there any chance that my old post can be taken out of this thread? Around the time of that post a certain owner of Metropolis comics used to call me up to tell me about "secrets" that needed to be shared with the hobby. The information he gave me was often half correct at best and I was a little too new at the time to know exactly what was going on. I reached a few conclusions on my own that weren't always correct either. That post has been hanging out there for a while but I'd really love to have an undo button on that one.
  11. Received lightning fast payment on an X-men 13 CGC 9.4. Great buyer!
  12. It'll be interesting to see final prices on some of those early Tecs!
  13. On second thought nevermind. Because assuming the date you joined the boards is just a coincidence, I'm going to feel like a real *Spoon*. There's a guy who's been banned from the boards 6 or 7 times now under the names AlleyBat, BucOne, WaltT, and I believe JH1 (unless I'm confusing shills now.) I think his last few usernames have been a first name and last initial. He used to make a lot of short posts, usually ending in "?"s. I'm pretty sure his latest shill account was banned the day before you registered. In any event, the guy is a complete dirtbag and a known criminal. Just about the lowest form of life you're ever likely to meet. CGC keeps banning him but the next day he usually comes back under a new name. Hopefully this time he decided to crawl back under his rock for good and actually STAY banned. In which case I'm an for even mentioning anything and I sincerely do apologize You can't be too vigilant when it comes to this guy though because after padding his post count he has tried on several occasions to use these boards to steal from other board members.
  14. I would never try to speak for someone else, so I'm not going to try to guess. You'd have to ask them. It could be because the market on this particular book is different now than it was several months ago after several other copies have sold since then all at increasingly higher prices. It could be that these particular buyers are in a different financial situation than they were in a few months ago. It could be that they don't bid with Heritage for whatever reason or were unaware of the book at the time of the sale. There are so many possible reasons it'd be tough to try to guess. All I can tell you is what I know, which is that the offers have come in. I can speak from my own experience and say at this time I personally would be willing to spend more for a restored Tec 27 or Action 1 than I would have been prepared to spend several months ago. By the way I really am asking (not accusing) but have you ever been on these boards before under a different username? I can't help but notice you have a very distinctive posting style and your account was created within a day after a known shill with a similar posting style was banned from the boards. Hopefully its just a coincidence in which case I apologize for asking in the first place I'd hate to see that guy posting again though under a (9th?) name.
  15. That book has traded hands a few times since that auction at considerably higher prices than it sold for @ Heritage. Since they were private sales, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say how much it sold for so I will leave that decision to others.
  16. You could be absolutely right. I don't think its possible to say for sure. My guess is that PLODs will continue to rise on these two books (but at a slower pace than unrestored copies) But thats just my opinion and until proven otherwise the scenario you mention is definitely possible also. Personally, I wouldn't mind if the scenario you mentioned does play out that way. If I had a chance to buy a second restored Tec 27 in similar shape at $50k I'd do it in a heartbeat. The reasons I think PLOD Action 1/ Tec 27s have already jumped in value are 1) The sale Rick mentioned at $75k for a 4.5 PLOD Tec 27 2) The 6.0 slight Tec 27 where the owner turned down $125k. 3) The fact that I've had multiple interested buyers at $70k+ on that 7.0 Mod copy even though I'm not trying to sell it. (I brought the book to SDCC to use it as a "draw" to ultimately help sell other books. But this is a book I bought for my personal collection.) In SD I had one of the long-time, well-respected dealers there tell me that if he were selling the book today he'd price it at $150,000. And several other dealers throw out numbers north of $100k 4) 2-3 years ago an Action 1 in EP 6.5 was a $55k book. Earlier this year one sold for $90k and I know that book could/would resell for at least $110k+ today. 5) If even low grade (2.0/2.5) unrestored copies are selling for $150k-$200k, I think mid to high grade restored copies "should" sell for more than $50k. And I think there would probably be a few buyers at $75k-$100k that will be in the market for a nice restored copy that can't afford $200k for an unrestored. These are basically the data points I'm using to form my opinion that $75k-$100k is the new entry point for mid grade or higher restored Tec 27s. But until one actually comes to market and sells at auction its all speculation. If that Action 1 court copy in the November Heritage auction is auctioned off without a reserve this time I know I'll be watching with quite a bit of interest since I think that will be a good gauge of how the restored market is currently looking on these two books! I can say that I have sold more restored Golden age books in the past 10 years than most. (Its kind of been my niche I guess) And up until a few years ago, I always considered $50k to be the ceiling that just about no restored book would cross. (And as a result this is the ceiling I set for myself anytime I looked at buying a high end restored book no matter what the book was) But in the last few years we've seen several Action 1/Tec 27 sales in the $75k-$100k+ range and even a Batman 1 PLOD (albiet a slight P / pedigree copy) sell for $60k. So I personally think that barrier has been broken. Similar to the way the $300k barrier was broken recently on unrestored books. Whether or not Action 1 / Tec 27 will eventually see a short term price correction, what the price will be on the next restored (or even unrestored) Tec 27 etc I think is still very much open to debate. Anyway sorry for the essay. One of these days I'll figure out how to say what I'm trying to say using less words
  17. Keep in mind, a year ago the highest recorded price ever paid for a comic book was roughly $300,000. Now there are three "recorded" sales at over $1 million. A year ago an Action 1 CGC 6.0 sold for $317,000 (current owner has turned down offers for much more than this) and a year ago Detective 27 CGC 4.0 could be purchased for probably $125,000-$150,000. Today an Action 1 CGC 3.0 could possibly sell for close to what the 6.0 sold for, and a VG Tec 27 could cost you upwards of $300k. I'm not sure if its the media attention caused by the million dollar sales or what, but there are definitely some big buyers in the market right now for Action 1 & Tec 27 and for the moment supply appears to be having trouble keeping up with demand. (particularly for Action 1) I sold an Action 1 CGC 2.5 (the infamous copy with the piece missing) for $45,000 a few years ago and can verify for a fact that the current owner turned down a $175,000 offer for it. (The offer came to me through heritage make an offer option since thats where I bought the book, and I relayed the offer to the new owner) Where prices go from here, who knows. Unfortunately MOST of the recent action 1 / tec 27 sales have been private sales brokered by Metropolis, and there's no way to tell which of those sales are legitimate and which (if any) are simply market manipulation on Metro's part. But that aside, its not so much that the PLOD market has changed much in the past year, as much as it is that sales from 6-12 months ago for Action 1 / Tec 27 might as well be ancient history. This is just a guess on my part, but aside from maybe an Extensive 1.5 or something, I personally don't think you'll ever see a Detective 27 sell publicly for $50k again. (I bought the Tec 27 7.0 from Heritage and already have had multiple opportunities to sell at $70k+ but haven't done so because I don't think I'll be able to replace it at a similar price down the road.) My
  18. Cool list! But its missing Doug's 9.0 sale in August '09 at $33,333 and Blazingbob's 9.0 sale at $37,500. (And hopefully in a week my 9.0 sale at $100,000! )
  19. First thing you've ever said that I agree with. You never know when some tool might come along and hijack your thread. Or purchase a book and not pay. Or change names and purchase another book and not pay again. But its also a lot of fun. And luckily, 99% of the people on the board are not insane. So the good still far outweighs the bad!
  20. ASM 129 CGC sales data according to www.gpanalysis.com: ASM 129 CGC 9.6 2009 sales data: 12 month average: (32) $2,242 Last Sale: $2250 Oct-2009 2009 (29 sales) $3,650 Hi $1,625 Lo
  21. I really do understand that even the simple act of responding to this clown in the first place gives him more credibility than he deserves. And I know what people are thinking when they read the thread. (And fortunately he's not even a good liar. I have the auction text. I have his E-mails. I can very easily prove who is telling the truth and who isnt.) But what about a potential scenario where someone sees an eBay auction of mine, doesn't know me, Google's my name, sees only Bucone's post and decides not to bid on my auction? If 499 people read his posts and realize who and what he is, and 1 person reads a post out of context and it costs me 1 sale.. how is it fair that his lies cost me a sale? I do know I'm over-reacting, but this is a very sensitive topic for me. Years ago, I had a pretty successful comic business where I was doing almost 100% of my sales through eBay. I woke up one morning and it was almost as if overnight half of my highest dollar auctions were ending with non-paying bidders. I got frustrated and stopped selling on eBay for quite a while. It wasn't until last year I found out the reason behind the slew of non-paying bidders. Another dealer (who I don't even think knew me at the time) was E-mailing my winning bidders on high dollar auctions any time I got a good price and he had a similar book, and encouraging them to buy his books instead. He was doing so by making accusations that I was a con-artist using stolen scans to sell books I didn't own and warning people not to send money. I was relatively new to comics at the time and apparently some people believed him because they'd never dealt with me before. And my business suffered because of it. When I see people like Bucone posting I have a bad habit of over-reacting. And since I can't stop him from acting like an , the only other thing to do is take a few days off. Besides, today's a day to give thanks. I don't want to spend any more of it arguing with someone like BucOne! I appreciate the responses & PMs though and I'm sure I'll be back in a few days.
  22. You know what? Thats not a bad idea. There are very few things on this earth that get me more upset than some liar hiding behind a computer. You make purchases/commitments you have no intention of sticking to and you make cowardly accusations that you know are false, in both cases counting on the anonymity provided by the internet to shield you from the consequences of your actions. And when all else fails... your roommate did it... Selling comics is how I pay my bills and how I support my family. I don't even know you. Who the hell are you to come in and try to mess with my livelihood by ruining my auctions and attacking my integrity by making comments you know to be false as part of what I can only assume is some sort of game to you? You can attack me for no reason all you want, I don't even care. But as soon as you start lying in an attempt to attack the credibility I have spent the past 10 years building up for myself, that bothers me a lot. When you start creating shill accounts to intentionally ruin my eBay auctions, that bothers me even more. I'm taking a vacation from the boards so I don't have to read any more of your . Maybe by the time I come back you'll already be banned. (And probably be posting under your 5th name)