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Everything posted by ItsJustRyan

  1. That's very awesome HugeRosen! I love it!
  2. I think he's def going to hang until next season. Predicting the real finale will be the unveiling of his truly evil side (something crazy and a cliffhanger). My
  3. My I'm going to rewatch it tonight. I'm glad they are doing some things differently to keep it fresh for the fans (be honest, if it was a carbon copy of the comics it wouldn't be as appealing - we'd all know what was going to happen). With that said, I am a little disappointed the Gov. up to this point is a little chumpish (was hardcore in the books). Michonne's character is a little disappointing as well. I guess it's true what they say. If you read the book, the movie is a let down. At least we (for the most part) have experienced TWD in its true form. Overall, I do enjoy both mediums of TWD (just hate the wait until February now). Oh, what the heck is Andrea's character doing? That is just a weird varation for me since she was so intregral to the group in defending the prison. I guess we'll find out. (thumbs u Ryan
  4. I wanna buy one of those OA pages, but none of them in my price range are appealing and all the #1 good stuff is gone. Either I'm not going to buy any or sell something to step up.... "Hmmm, difficult, difficult." - channeling you know who.
  5. (1) love the phantom #3 (2) ordered a few phantom #2 (3) haven't got a chance to read #2 yet, my LCS didn't have any (waiting on mail) (4) love the third eye variant on eBay, someone's selling some blue labels on the modern threads
  6. Yeah, I don't get the 'too much text' stuff. It's the #2 issue in the book. Doesn't there need to be some sort of story to follow along with? I wait a month for walking dead to come out and I can read it in 42 seconds. I actually enjoy reading things sometimes. I like to read and have more text. I hate finishing a book in 6 minutes and be like, "dang, I gotta wait another month." Felt that way with Saga, Walking Dead, and Clone this week.
  7. Midtown still has 'em available (first print).... FYI
  8. I know Ive said this a dozen times already but it just shocks me that it hasnt blown up yet. Low Print runs [#1 6,200], [#2 5,700] and is down right awesome. Maybe I will buy a few TPBs and see if anyone on the boards wants to read them. Then just pass them around as people get done with them. +1 Love Think Tank! Wondering why it's not blown up either? Haven't read Nowhere Men yet but pre-ordered a few. It's my kinda book from the description. Think Tank though...
  9. Sick... I know someone that hit 5 whites ($200,000 = just over $100,000 after uncle tax man). Bought his daughter a house.
  10. I watch most television sans-pants Now that you are a big winner, consider yourself dared to go for the SAGA costume contest (see letter in issue #7). Triple-dog-dare you. Ryan I'm just hoping my luck lasts for another 45 minutes until they release the powerball numbers. The SAGA contest will be my backup plan Just checked my tix (2).... Didn't hit one number
  11. I watch most television sans-pants Now that you are a big winner, consider yourself dared to go for the SAGA costume contest (see letter in issue #7). Triple-dog-dare you. Ryan
  12. Still love that MJ gif (insta-smile)
  13. I agree! Crazy stuff indeed. What the heck is Filmer doing?! What Filmore is doing is releasing all these variants laced with the zombie virus as a part of his master plan.
  14. Someday my friend.... just not today. Ryan
  15. What was in the prize pack, just curious. Ryan
  16. I pre-ordered a few b/c I dig the series so far.
  17. Where's the 'head scratching' emoticon when I needed it? I guess this is the next best thing......
  18. It's a pretty standard literary device to let the reader/viewer have more information about the characters than the characters have about each other. That allows tension to build as we, as viewers, realize details about the characters and see the revelation of those details on the other characters portrayed. To put it another way, we see the man with the axe in the basement, the young girl in the tight tube top can't and we're screaming at the screen for her to get out of that basement. Instead of a momentary fright when everyone see the evil at the same time we are forced to know it in advance and watch the characters on screen eventually come to that conclusion never knowing the full amount of danger they are facing. Good point. I think we should have known about her but not show her face until next week. Like Jaws, we know he's out there but don't get the full look until later in the movie.
  19. Regarding Penny: I thought it was a mis-step revealing her earlier in the season. They should have waited until next weeks episode. Would have been more powerful and better placed. Hindsight I guess for the writers/producers. Ryan