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Posts posted by HugeRosen

  1. They have to be close to getting into July. :wishluck:


    I called last week and they were on June 27th.


    Yikes. I called on 10/18 and they said they were on June 28th?!?


    WTF. Wow. Lame.


    And that's just the grading schedule, I've got one that's been sitting in encapsulation / shipping since 10/05.... :(




    I just realized they updated the site to say 80 business days turnaround on moderns. I'm on day 84 and still no grades, let alone encapsulation/shipping. I'm assuming by the time books are in hand, it'll be 100-120 business days.

  2. They have to be close to getting into July. :wishluck:


    I called last week and they were on June 27th. Considering how fast they are moving, i'm assuming they are on June 20th this week. :kidaround:


    On a more serious note, my invoice was for July 2nd and they told me last week they may have grades for me end of this week. I'm not holding my breath though.

  3. Of course that sale is "impressive", but one has to wonder if the onslaught of so many "variants" is going to be a deterrent for future buyers. While the Saga examples listed are a great example, potential buyers of Saga have only one choice as far as "variants" go. Bedlam has what? Seven different "variants" so far?


    I know there are a lot of examples out there for people to prove me wrong, but part of the reason I liked Image and the other independents was the (recent) lack of variants. You buy an issue and that's it; it's the only one. I looked at the big 2 and there were at least 1 variant for every issue for most of their series; a big turn-off as you could practically see the dollar signs in their eyes.


    Sure, put out a variant of a special/hallmark issue (#1, #50, #100, etc), but what Bedlam and Revival are trending towards is a downer for me. /end rant


    I agree, the variants are annoying, but as long as the covers are cool looking, then I'm ok with it. Just don't put out a variant with some *spoon* cover. *Cough* - Walking Dead 100 lucille edition *cough*

  4. He was. Jrdawg quoted my post in his post and I 'quoted' the wrong person. I don't function well in the morning until I get my coffee. I should've quoted Jrdawg when saying that if he is using my post to infer that this was a shill auction, then that wasn't my intention at all.

  5. The seller is one of the most honorable people I know, and one of my dear friends. He would never shill (if some are thinking that) and truthfully wouldn't have the time lol. Small business owner and attends just about every show possible to stock his eBay business. This book is very tiny on his radar of sales.


    I was not implying anything by my post. I was just making a joke in reference to the other shenanigans talk. Do not read into anything I say ever because I never know what I'm talking about.

  6. You were with Revival, unfortunately it was a 9.4.


    lol Touche.


    That's cause I kept the 9.8 third eye instead of selling it. I was first with the regular revival 9.8, which sold for over $130. I'd say first to eBay usually gets a 50-100% markup after prices settle.


    edit reason: I can't spell in the morning. Need coffee

  7. Well I've been hinting a little bit this last month, and people have been asking why I've been selling. Haven't really said anything, not wanting to jinx it. The time has come...


    Well ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages, please take your seats (especially Philip) as I present what showed up at my office just a half hour ago. You know it's going to be a good weekend, when you start it off like this.


    May I present...my personal Walking Dead Grail !!! :cloud9: to eternity !!!








    Just a couple quick questions: 1) Where do you live? 2) What's your typical work schedule? 3) Do you have a home security system? If yes, what is your birthday and or favorite numbers? :devil:



  8. Everything I do is for charity. In fact the next sales thread I have will be for a charity.


    All sales will go to the "Beachbum wants to show a profit this year and hopefully have some money for a home down payment" charity.


    Is that a 501©3?

  9. >>But remember, it's not a cash grab<<


    By cash grab, I meant ONLY supporting the creator for one issue. We are in for 6 issues. A historic commitment.


    By spreading the print run out over twenty retailers it gives the fan a BETTER chance to get a fair price. I saw one retailer sell 150 @6.99 today.


    Where were you on THAT, mouthy?





    For someone who asked for feedback , you really have a short temper when it comes to jokes/comments at your expense. If you want only positive feedback, then say that.


    I really don't care what any of you sell them for. It's a business. You are obviously doing it to make money. You aren't a charity. I'd do the same thing if I was involved. But don't act all high and mighty like you are doing this only for the creators. You wouldn't be doing it if you weren't making money.


    And all this started because you were butt-hurt over getting left out of the ghost variants. You might as well call it the "repairing Larry's ego" variant instead of 'phantom'.


    I don't pretend to know anything about the comic industry. I just like to make jokes sometimes. Take a chill pill.



  10. I guess if you snooze you lose. Kind of irritating I missed out on this Bedlam Phantom Variant by oversleeping an extra 15 minutes... Sigh... FML


    You won't have trouble finding one. Third eye will put more up I'm sure.


    And they relisted more on eBay already. I'm so smart.

  11. >>These are not for flipping. There's going to be 2000 of these at least and if they keep adding new retailers as they produce more variants, the print run will be even higher on future 'phantom' variants<<<



    Annnnd you're ABSOLUTELY wrong.



    You forgot to "quote" my 2c sign.


    If you have 20 retailers now, 20+ on a 'waiting' list, wouldn't it be logical to think that the more retailers you add will increase the print run? Or will you start allocating among the new retailers?