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Posts posted by reddwarf666222

  1. 5 hours ago, ComicConnoisseur said:

    I think price has a lot to do with it as well. It cost me $50 to see Spider-Man Homecoming. 

    I think people think they can get a better deal just watching the movies at home on their big screen tvs with Netflix or Amazon Prime.

    It is the same thing with sporting events as when I go see the Red Sox or Patriots play we are talking a minimum of me ponying up $500 for the game,while I could watch them on my big screen and order out for chicken wings and pizza at a much better price.

    So I spent $50 to see Spider-Man makes me think next time just order on demand for $5.99 on Comcast.

    I think I am not the only that feels this way about blockbuster movies and sporting events now.

    You get a better deal staying at home.

    It's simple you can sit in the comfort of your own home and don't have to worry about inconvenient distractions. Plus some people have a better at home system than the theaters for visual quality. 

  2. 2 hours ago, The Black Hand ® said:

    Man was I disappointed in this movie. All I could think about was recasting the two leads, the guy especially. This film could have used Dominic Cooper and Emily Blunt or any other combination of fine British actors. There's plenty of them out there. That would have saved this visually stunning film.

    Their had to be a a good -script their to get that. I just thought we got Leonardo DiCaprio's stunt double acting. Clara was good ok.

  3. 50 minutes ago, chezmtghut said:

    At low weekly drops in the 30% range we can expect 392 mill by the 27th, then:

    5.25 week 9

    3.675 week 10

    2.5725 week 11

    1.8 week 12

    1.26 week 13

    .882 week 14

    .617 week 15

    .432 week 16

    .302 week 17

    .211 week 18

    .148 week 19

    .103 week 20

    Unless WW makes significant drops & only lasts 16 weeks, I can't see it making less than 405 mill but it could actually make it as high as 409 domestically at this rate.


    It's dropping on average of .35 to .38 per week. So 402 to 403 is more accurate. This film is not hitting 405 million. By next Thursday this film will be around 391.5 million

  4. 1 hour ago, Bosco685 said:

    OUCH! Although no surprise, as little as this movie has been talked about.


    I realize Valerian came in the 60's, but for people who would never have known that like most the US public it just looks like a run of the mill scifi film with cute little aliens that belong in the Smurfs. The issue with this film it is long, drawn out, bad acting, terrible one liners, and jokes that make you go really.

    It was if the makers of Diary of a Wimpy Kid had  a child with the makers of Phantom Menace.

    The only redeeming part of this movie is the effects, but everything else is yuk. This is movie is in second place for the worst film I have seen in the theaters this year. Only Underworld did worse. 

    I gave this film 4.5/10

  5. 2 minutes ago, kimik said:

    I can't believe that POS, err PotC 5, did that well overseas. I guess low quality films don't matter as long as the aging lead actor/actress is popular? lol


    Not every country is use to the effects they see in these films. Once they get used to the effects their box office will slow down. Also once the streaming speed in other countries catches up to where we are at now that will also effect their numbers. That is why films like Pirates and Fate of the Furious do ell overseas because of effects they are not used to and slow streaming speeds.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Chuck Gower said:
    When did comic movie fatigue start?
    Well we started it as an excuse for the Garfield Spidey movies… why then is this 2nd reboot (3rd Spidey) going to do more than the first reboot?
    If people are comic movie fatigued, why is GOTG2 going to do (IS doing) more than the original?
    Why is Iron Man 3, even with the others adjusted for inflation, the highest grossing Iron Man movie?
    Why did the 2nd reboot of Superman (the 3rd Superman) end up as the #2 highest grossing  (adjusted for inflation) Superman movie ever?
    And then BVS do even more than that?
    Batman Begins was the 2nd reboot, and the Dark Knight movies, even adjusted for inflation out pace all of them.
    Sure, when you put the FIFTH guy to play Batman against the THIRD guy to play Superman into the same movie, it ended up disappointing….
    I’m not saying there isn’t some form of superhero fatigue… I just think if you make a great movie, people will go see it. 
    Spider-man: Homecoming is fun, it’s just not a great movie.

    The fatigue started last year like I previously stated. SO Iron Man 3, Batman Begins, and Man of Steal don't count.

    Why is the new reboot of Spidey doing better? Hmm it's now apart of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Robert Downey Jr., and you may need some info for Avengers 3. Bigger Audience for the film now. In general we were not begging for another Spidey film. 

    GOTG2 is not your typical superhero film and the first film was this generation's Star Wars. So it is an outlier you can't use for comparison because that concept is still fresh.

    BVS really? That film should have done so much better considering DC's big three was in it, but the film was received so bad critically by fans and critics that it only got 330 mil. Shows why Wonder Woman had a slow start having to recover from that film.

    Movie goers in general are just not showing up domestically for these films after the first week and keeping them lasting. Sure WW is an exception, but we had asked for that film for over 20 years. You get exceptions like Deadpool, but that film was unique and original. Logan is also an exception, but Jackman was playing the role for one last time essentially ending the original X-Men era.

  7. 18 minutes ago, jsilverjanet said:

    If the other movie studios were smart they'd take advantage with the countless other properties outside the big two. There are a lot of great stories out in the comic world that break the traditional role

    You can't have 17 films coming out that fit in this category in a year and expect the audience to not get bored. That is what is happening this year. We have seen the story, action, and similar characters to where it is nothing new.

    Liefeld called the studios last year out saying they are getting complacent. Comic films are the new westerns. 

    Yet to make matters worse we have 50 films that are sequels, reboots, and remakes. They are not giving us anything new and treating the moviegoers like they are zombies. It's funny when I go to the art house theater and see comedies there that would have been big pictures 10 years ago

  8. 3 hours ago, Chuck Gower said:

    I think it's also being considered a.... well, it's not a failure, but a minor disappointment, because Spider-man sells more merchandise than ANY American Superhero in the world... so his movies, should do Batman numbers....

    They DID, when TM played the part and Sam Raimi was directing... adjusted for inflation, even the 3rd movie almost broke $400MiL domestic.

    And I'm tired of the reboot excuse....

    Rebooted Batfleck in BVS broke $300Mil domestic, something this movie won't do.  Can it even beat Man of Steel's $291MiL domestic? Weren't the Dark Knight movies reboots? They ROCKED the box office.

    Marvel looks at Spider-man as their number one selling franchise worldwide, they have to be wondering why the movies aren't making more money.


    Chuck the reboot, remake, sequel, and even comic film fatigue is truly what has been happening for the last few years. It is showing at the box office 

  9. 2 hours ago, Marwood & I said:


    I think it's obvious why it's not doing the numbers Marvel were hoping for. It's just not a very good film. I saw the first two Raimi films several times at the cinema. Twice on one day. They were great films with heart, strong characterisation, good plots and clever action scenes. Homecoming (I hate that title) was none of these things and it wouldn't bother me if I ever saw it again.  I don't actually remember much about it, so underwhelming it was. Did it not start with a home video from Peter that went on for ages? What a terrible way to open a film. 

    I'm going to stick my neck out and say that the 15 year old me would not have liked it either. A few admittedly quirkily scripted scenes do not add up to a satisfying whole. Where was the drama?  Where was the game changing "whoah" scene? Where was the danger? Marvel were supposed to be 'bringing Spidey home' so the expectation for a satisfying tale was high. I can't begin to say how badly they did it, and how poorly conceived the whole film was.

    But I'll try if anyone wants to goad me! ?

    You don't like the film, but the critics did and the public did. The film is rated higher than Wonder Woman on IMDb.com So your logic for your argument falls apart.


  10. 10 hours ago, Bosco685 said:

    I won't be surprised if Dunkirk becomes a massive hit. From all that has been shown, it looks to be incredibly produced.

    My guess is Dunkirk will do 600 to 700 million altogether. The issue with Dunkirk for me while I want to see the film in the theater I am not going to. I'm going to buy the 4K UHD and watch it on the top of the line 4KUHD player. It's shot in 70mm and no theaters around here have a 70mm projector.

  11. 14 hours ago, ComicConnoisseur said:

    I think the reason is not just with this movie,but most movies. 

    An example is the latest Planet of the Apes flix WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES . Three years ago I would have rushed out to see it,while now I will just wait to see it on Netflix or Amazon Prime. This is a movie with a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes yet it will still not entice a big domestic overall box office.

    The movie industry is just starting to go thru what the music industry has experienced in that the days of movies always doing big as a domestic blockbuster are slowly coming to an end like top cds regularly selling 5 million copies.

    Of course there are outliers,but for most part we shouldn't expect big domestic box office like we saw 5-10 years ago,as the movie industry is rapidly changing because of modern technology.

    So when a movie like Spider-Man:Homecoming or  WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES doesn't break box office records they shouldn't be seen as a failure do to new ever-changing standards.

    Yet they should be seen as a failure. Hollywood has gotten complacent and the domestic box office is saying that. As a public we are bored of sequels, reboots, and remakes we are begging for original stuff, but as a public we are unsure what to see.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Bosco685 said:

    Again, a fair estimate. Although I was excited to see this film on screen, financially it has far exceeded any estimate I had. So it will be interesting to see where 'end' truly is.

    Yes the film far exceeded my expectations of where it was going to finish at ending total, but I have also noticed something as well each week that goes by when I do go to the theaters to see films that I was not expecting. There is not a week that goes by that I don't see women taking girls of all ages to this film in Cosplay. You also have the lead comic character for feminism in her own film. That was really an untapped market that is keeping this films numbers from falling like the usual film. An example my Aunt went to go see her first comic film because of what Wonder Woman symbolizes. No ordinary female superhero would have been able to keep this momentum going.

    Where the end is up in there. All I can say Wonder Woman at Day 48 is pulling in today a little bit more than what Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 did at day 41. Guardians has done about 17 more million since then domestically. If I just used that as a reference not including the slower fall down rates and just added that 17 more mil to WW. That would put her at 400.5 million. The issue here is that does not include her slower drop rate week by week. So the film should finish above the 400.5 mark.

    The question is does Wonder Woman pass these films in domestic haul? I would be curious to see your mathematics to figure this one out. Keep in mind she may make it through Labor Day Weekend

    Spider-Man (2001) at 403.7 million. Not out of the question she is pulling in more daily now than that film and to be honest not to far off what Spidey was at Day 48 which is 385 million

    Captain America Civil War at 408 million at Day 48 she is smoking what Civil War was pulling in daily, but Civil War was at 408 million by then. Possibly can get here, but this is the upper level

    Iron Man3 at 409 million again possible, but really stretching it to reach this film.

    What is clear is that she if fighting Spidey for the rights of biggest SuperHero film debut of all time and Spidey's senses are tingling



  13. 10 hours ago, Bosco685 said:

    That actually sounds like a very reasonable estimate. And by this weekend, Wonder Woman takes the Domestic Box Office lead.


    My guess is that this film will be at 388-389 million by weekends end. It has an outside shot for 390 million, but that would be 100 to 1 chances hitting 390 million or above.

  14. 3 hours ago, kimik said:

    I am glad that you liked it, but my reference to word of mouth is that non-comic fanboy people I know, as well as the comments here on the boards, are mixed re: whether it is a good film or not.

    As far as Holland, we will agree to disagree. lol I feel the same way about him as I do about Paul Rudd as Ant-Man. I don't care for either as leading actors. They are better suited for supporting roles IMHO.

    Almost everyone I know liked the film. If they didn't like the  film it was because they could not look past the one gimme in the film aka the suit. It was not an origin film so the suit was fine and ultimately a learning tool to help Peter learn and later turn down the Iron Suit. Why is this film failing domestically?

    Simple the U.S. public is tired of remakes, reboots, and sequels. No one asked for this film.

    Why is Wonder Woman succeeding?

    The public has been asking for this film for over 20 years. The number of women going to see this film with their daughters, grandkids, and more is high. The film does not fit that category. I'm still amazed even today the number of kids I am seeing come in cosplay to Wonder Woman. Simply put give us something original we'll come treat us like we are zombies and will watch anything see what happens to your box office.


  15. 1 hour ago, Bosco685 said:

    I wasn't sure why they singled out Bumblebee from the group. Other than the movie character seemed to get a little more individual Transformer screen time with Sam in the first two movies.

    Bumblebee in the movies is there for the kids to bring them in. He probably gets the second most merchandise sold of the characters.

    In the cartoon series he probably received more screen time than any other character because Spike Witwicky was for the most part always riding with him at least for the first two seasons.

     Yet after Prime died none of the characters could carry the series it was so bad they brought Prime back for the last two episodes.

    same thing can be seen in Last Knight none of the Autobots could Carry the film for the first 80 percent essentially Prime free film

    I think it is just a lack of understanding 

  16. 6 minutes ago, Bosco685 said:

    - USA: 50% market split

    - China: 25%

    - General International: 40%

    Deadline and The Hollywood Reporter have noted this a few times recently on Hollywood economics. So I wouldn't generalize the international box office into a China revenue share model.

    Again you have to add in conversion fees so it is closer to 25 cents to the dollar. To rely on foreign market is crazy once they get tired of these films and used to these effects they will stop coming as well

  17. 1 hour ago, Bosco685 said:

    It's 2.7X production budget already. That means it could easily cover domestic revenue sharing, most international revenue sharing, and still have the beginning of profit. And it hasn't even opened in all markets.


    Remaining Release Schedule:

    - Belgium: 19 July 2017

    - Spain: 28 July 2017

    - Japan: 7 August 2017(Tokyo) (premiere)

    - Japan: 11 August 2017

    - China: August 2017 (??)

    You give too much credit to foreign box office.  The film gets 20 to 25 cents for every dollar spent after taxes and conversion fees are done. What matters is domestic to where the film gets 50 to 60 cents of every dollar spent.

  18. 10 hours ago, Bosco685 said:

    DEADLINE: ‘Wonder Woman’ To Whip ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2’ As Summer’s Highest-Grossing Film; 2nd Best Of 2017

    I'm just floored Beauty and the Beast being remade made Disney another $504M on top of what it made from the animated version ($219MM back in 1991). Printing Disney money!

    Surprised!!! It's A live action version of the film that almost won best picture the year it came out. You have parents taking their kids to the film they experienced as a child. You have grandparents wanting to take their grandchildren to this wanting that experience they experienced when they took their kids to the animated version. In my case my mom wanted to have that experience with me again. The animated film is something special it's the reason they added a best animated feature to Oscars. You also have to add in some parents won't take kids to comic films because of the violence and especially if it has a PG13 rating. So yeah not surprised

  19. On 7/16/2017 at 10:39 AM, Comicopolis said:


    I can hear male tears gushing all over the world.

    The Doctor has a long history of not using a to resolve issues across time and space, and I'm confident that Jodie Whittaker will have no issues in continuing that fine tradition.

    I'm fine with Jodie Whittaker being the Doctor. Yes it is a major change and I do not look at it like it was a PC move. We have had over 50 years with the Doctor being a white male. It's time for some change and new storylines to keep the show fresh.

  20. 13 hours ago, Bosco685 said:

    I didn't go off on a tangent. You are the one that stated I noted the Average Rating isn't an Average Rating and you can't use metascores to compare movies. You assumed that!

    But if you are going to make a statement of what serves as a comparison rule like the Average Rating (which I am in agreement with), good point to also note also ensuring you are comparing statistically like items. I just kidded you about it with a :preach: and :baiting:  and you took it as a statement against using Average Rating. Go back and read what I posted, and I never said your Average Rating statement was wrong. It just was incomplete in what to consider - but not flawed.

    Heck, I've had the same thoughts more than once - and even looked at IMDb's scoring

    I've got to side with FF.

    Let's use Ghostbusters 2016 as an example a film that was certified fresh with 73 percent of the critics liking the film. That means 73 percent of the critics gave the film a passing grade. That doesn't really say on a scale of 1 to 10 of what critics thought of the film. Metacritic is a better example to use because the film got an average of a 60 a much more reliable number if a person to judge watching a film or not.

    The best thing RT is to look for critics after you watch the film that viewed it similar as you and keep a list to see which critics you match up with the most. In time you can just look yo those critics for reviews. Metacritic is the same way as a template to use.

  21. On 7/16/2017 at 6:42 PM, jsilverjanet said:

    I'm amazed at the very little marketing being done for this film. I have not seen any ads for this since before the movie came out. if WB/DC were smart they would push how well received this movie is doing to try and hit that 400m

    There is no point to push the film domestically more. The film is getting great word of mouth, low week to week drop rates unseen in 15 years, and off the wall publicity from news establishments. Yesterday was the first day Wonder Woman dropped below 1 mil for the intake for any day at around 850,000. The first day Galaxy 2 did that it was under a 800,000 intake. So at that point Guardians 2 was at 367 mil and to date has added 20 million more to date. So if we were to use that as a reference point and considering WW is holding stronger by only losing 35 to 40 percent each week another 20 million would put WW at 401 million min. 

    The question is can she knock off Spidey for the largest domestic total for the debut of a comic character? That is the harder reach at around 404 million.

  22. 13 hours ago, comix4fun said:

    Looking at it more closely, man, that water damage, and the front cover hanging by a thread....you've got to think of an item like this as "what kind of buyer is going be interested in something like this?"

    To me, this is an item someone is going to want to display and show off and look through. The water damage and binding damage is going to hinder that a great deal. There are a dozen or so really desirable sigs. No doubt. The balance of the rest of them might feel like "noise" to the potential buyer. 

    I don't think he's looking at a gigantic amount of money here. 

    He does have some dead people in there like McDuffie and a remark from Herb Trimpe. To me it is very hard to value something like this because they were not all attached to a major project signing one issue. So that leaves me looking at a book to where I am going whose is that signature, who did that art, or is this book too overcrowded for me. I hate to say this, but you may be better off separating them and selling them individually.