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Posts posted by reddwarf666222

  1. 11 minutes ago, Monstertruck97 said:

    Is it okay to ask a celebrity for a discount on signatures?

    I went to a Con recently and it was noted that a celebrity I needed on 5 items was $40 on the web site. Within a day, that changed to $50. When I got there, the box office said they sold out of the $50 tickets and you had to pay cash through the celebrity (more like his signing agent) and when I approached his booth,  he was $60 per. He signed maybe 30 items for the public at $60. I asked the signing agent if he could do $250 for 5 and before I could explain that it was $40 on the site and then $50, he was rather short in his response and barked at me. He didn't have a line at all with an hour to go and I paid the $60 per (had the books witnessed) and wondered if lower level celebrities that do the Con's for a partial living have issue with asking for a discount if you purchase 5 or even 10 signatures? You are dealing with cash after all and wondered if a Lou Ferrigno (or Sam Jones or Nichelle Nichols or Erin Gray)  would have issues with me if I worked to get a small discount on a small quantity? Any stories or examples you can share if possible, and much appreciate in your advance your replies. Thank you!

    Ok if you have issues with a celebrity raising prices ask a person who works at the show if they can find out if such and such celebrity signed a contract guaranteeing that they would sign at such rate. If they did the show will tell that celebrity they are not following the contract and risk being kicked out or not invited back. Ferrigno is probably the biggest jerk I have ever ran into as a celebrity he ain't discounting and likely will make you hate his show because he will charge a random number on each item higher than listed on cons websites. Erin Gray, Sam Jones, and Nichelle Nichols won't give you a discount they sign autograph guarantees the show pays them what they don't make in an agreed upon amount for autograph without having to pay an appearance fee and Erin Gray reps a lot of these Stars convention appearances for her living and does not want to jeopardize that. That being said she does appear at a lot of shows as their rep and not a guest of the convention in that instance you may be able to ask her if she will sign something for you later in the show and is there an appropriate place when you are waiting to get her client's signature. 

  2. 1 hour ago, MedicAR said:

    I am deeply concerned about this but don't know where to start with a lack of solid evidence, address, or even full names.  

    Well he is a guy who doesn't like to disappoint fans. I believe it is his fans that drive him to continue living on. Now from multiple people I hear he is almost def, falls asleep while signing now (sometimes in the middle of an autograph, and more. As long as Stan Lee is ok with this continuing himself and the doctor's continue to sign off on his travel then I am ok. If he is being taken advantage of and bullied into continuing then I am not ok. 

  3. 1 hour ago, jbeez909 said:

    Not attacking you or trolling.

    Just making a professional criticism.

    You choosing not to update your advertisements was done out of laziness.  No excuses, your ad said five and no changes for 2017.

    Lastly, are your guys and signs updated and now telling collectors that they can go back in line to get more signature or only telling them that they have to pay the $5 fee for more signatures? 

    Instead of being professional and making an apology to collectors, you turned this into a "he's attacking and trolling me" argument. 

    JBeez909 if you have an issue with a facilitator's action please PM them and deal with it in private. That is how we deal things on the board. Also keep in mind out of 6 posts so far that you made you have attacked facilitators at least 4 times. That is not the reputation you want and may end up leading to you getting banned submitting material to a lot of facilitators. When in the end you may need their help in the long run getting some signatures on some really cool exclusive signing opportunities.  Trust me when I say this DScott is a great facilitator and can pull off the nearly impossible.

  4. 14 hours ago, Mercury Man said:

    There will never be a shortage of Stan Lee signatures out there.  If you plan on selling a signed item (especially comic) and are trying to command a premium on your asking price for said signed book, that is a fools errand in my humble opinion.   Supply has definitely outpaced demand.

    Honestly the demand isn't what the majority of the people in line want his autograph for. They are paying the $100 plus fee in hopes that they can get up there say hi, shake his hand, and ask him a question with him directly in front of them. The autograph is the consolation prize of what a lot of these fans are really looking for. Now with 80 percent of the celebrities and comic talents you can get this service with your autograph fee, but the other 20 percent nope they have too long of lines and you are told to say hi, hand the item over, show where you want the item signed, and your name for personalization if wanted that is it.

    I was in a line with a few boardies and a special needs kid in line behind us. This kid was talking about how he was going to ask Stan all these questions and that is why he paid the fee for his autograph to meet him up close. One boardie tried to explain to the kid Stan Lee is def and won't here you from that distance. I tried to explain to him the process with a Stan Lee and that he won't be able to do anything except say hi, show placement, and his name if he wanted it personalized. I was up front with the kid in case he wanted a refund before the signature went on his poster, the kid said no I have never seen a line do that before it's gotta be more than that.

    He came up to me afterwards and said you were right. I'm glad at got that close to Stan, but at $100 bucks I'm not sure the less than 5 seconds was worth it. Then asked if he can friend me on Facebook.



  5. 1 hour ago, Miggypop said:

    Star trek convention in Vegas

    Will anybody be doing cgc facilitating at the Star Trek convention in the beginning of August in Vegas?

    Check sig series events there is already a listing with Hank Pym facilitating. Sorry I am in the theater and can't put a link up for you

  6. 13 hours ago, J2 said:

    Obscure question: I'm trying to find out if Shari Nims will only be there on Wednesday. It's unclear on the site compared to the other guest descriptions, and I've already emailed CreationEnt. But if you have an inside info line, I'd love to know... :)


    That is my issue most of the guests I want to get to sign something are there Wednesday or Thursday.

  7. 5 hours ago, jbeez909 said:

    Update from Awesome Con today.

    A friend and I got one book each signed by Stan. We were expecting to wait the dreaded 4 hours that we read about online, but we waited 30min tops. We couldn't believe how reasonable it was.

    On the other hand, it was extremely disappointing to see how careless our books were handled by the staff after paying all that money and not have a chance to say hi or something. It's sad to see Stan pretty much signing like a factory.

    All blame goes to these greedy handlers. 

    Last Stan Lee line I was in was about a year ago. I got in line because I was vendor preopening and there were a few other people there. I brought my own markers for Stan to sign with and when I got up to the line his handler tried to take my book I said no I will hand it to Stan with my marker and show placement. The funny thing was the marker Stan was using himself was dried up , but kept signing and signing away with an illegible almost unseeable autograph. Sure Anastacia Collectible's didn't like what I was doing, but at the same time they don't want to give a refund. I had the only autograph you could clearly see because I brought my own marker.

    The only thing that bothers me on his handlers is that I get a monthly email from them saying Stan Lee wants to buy an item from me, but it is for them really. What does a 90 plus year old guy need with a rare Star Wars poster?

    As far as Stan goes yeah he signs like a factory at every show I have been to.  I am not sure how many items he signed, but it is in the hundreds of thousands. Maybe upwards of around 500,000 or more items.



  8. On 6/7/2017 at 8:31 PM, TheRealVenom said:

    How is that a strech? She's done ONE witnessed signing. thats is.  Shes def not a regular on the con scene and may never do another one. Qualifies as rare to me. Especially on a sold out convention exclusive book.

    She is still alive and people are still setting up signing opportunities for her and she may do another convention in the near future. Some people may get her at SDCC if she shows up there. It's not like it is a Frazetta signature who is dead or even a Glynis Oliver-Marsh signature since she had a one time private signing with DScott and never attended a show and does not want to.

  9. 5 hours ago, seanfingh said:

    The only real risk is that this vaults her into the ScarJo - Angelina Jolie level of star. If it does, she will likely not sign again, at least not en masse.

    Let's not go that far. Jolie is royalty with who her father is and at one time the number 1 Hollywood couple with Brad Pitt. Jolie also has years of experience underneath and now like Tom Cruise buys her roles, produces, and directs them. It's why Jolie did not fade into a television actress after 5 years.

    ScarJo most people don't know or have forgotten her films outside of the Marvel Universe. Once her participation in the MU is done she will most likely be a television actress or stick to what she likes more indie films.

    I would put Gadot on the level of Zoe Saldana right now, because we really don't know if she can carry a film by herself that is not a part of some proven franchise or big name director attached. 



  10. On 5/13/2017 at 2:47 PM, Dwitkin82 said:

    Just showing off the book I now own from DSCOTT's Facebook giveaway this week. I cant believe I won. Thanks to Doug and Comicsketchart.com


    Now you just need a Thor book signed by Vincent D'Onofrio to go with it since he was Thor first in the 1980s

  11. On 5/17/2017 at 0:55 AM, hoffphil said:

    Thanks for your replies. I emailed Sam Peterson as well about the subject. As soon as I have a response I will post it here.

    The issue with this one is Harrison Ford is not allowing send ins at all so it may make this signing unattractive to a facilitator since you will have some people looking to complete their cast signed books. Since both Kenny Baker and Carrie Fisher passed away recently you may have less people willing to start a new one.

  12. 1 hour ago, A-DONIS said:

    It is my understanding that CGC HAS reached out to Mr. Starling, however, he refuses to reciprocate. 

    That has been my understanding that they tried a few times that weekend to talk with him and he refused to. As well as facilitators tried to reach out to him as well who wanted to see if they could rectify the situation. All I know is that he cancelled all convention appearances after that weekend.

  13. 6 hours ago, Turtle said:

    C'mon, Adonis...it's customer service 101.  I know you're in law enforcement, which is a completely different animal.  In law enforcement, you find out who is right and who is wrong in a legal sense and then proceed accordingly.  In customer service, it's more about making it right for the customer no matter who was wrong.  I can't tell you how many customer service situations I've been in that started ugly but turned good, switching a combative person into a loyal customer in my previous years working customer service jobs. 

    Customer service is KEY to any company that works directly with the public...this includes CGC.  And like it or not, CGC needs to consider talent as customers, even if the talent has never spent a dime with the company, simply to avoid putting up barricades for their customers like this recent Starlin issue.  At the same time, CGC needs to maintain tight control over their customer service reps (call center operators, booth workers, witnesses, and facilitators) if they want to avoid things like this. 

    No customer info had to be released.  They could have handled it in at least a few ways:

    1) Reimburse Jim on the spot and collect any info Jim had on the guy (books signed, description, number of books, etc.) and let CGC see if they can find who the submitter is.  If they can track him down, they can get their $20 back.  If they can't, then they're out $20, but the situation is avoided.  Don't you think CGC would give $20 right now if it meant that this situation never happened?  Again, in customer service, making things right doesn't necessarily mean that you're wrong.  You should be going above and beyond to service the customer.

    2) Get the information Jim has on the guy (surely he has to know SOMETHING about the guy) and let CGC check to see if they can track him down.  If so, they can tell the guy to pay Jim for the books and everyone is happy.  Until they find him, CGC needs to check back with Jim regularly throughout the show to see if they guy has come back to pay him (super important!!!).  Even if the guy never comes back, this shows that despite doing nothing wrong themselves, CGC as a company cares for the talent as well as their customers.  At this point, Jim's ire would likely be more directed at the customer and not the company. 

    The point is...CGC didn't do anything wrong to cause this situation, but that doesn't mean it wasn't their responsibility to step in and handle it.  And if the accounts here are correct, it was handled poorly. 

    Ah no. Customer privacy and who knows if Starlin would have found out this guy later because of CGC contacting the fan and CGC put a fan in awkward position to where a pissed off Starlin chews him out and loses his head. We already seen how Starlin has reacted. CGC can't put their clients in bad situations especially for something that does not involve them. It was a contract between Starlin and a fan broken not CGC. If that customer would have been yelled at by Starlin then CGC could have been sued. 

    CGC pay for Starlin's stupidity collect first and then sign the comic. Case closed. CGC does not want to start a policy of paying for others mistakes.

    Why are you making assumptions about CGC? CGC has not responded for their side so until then I reserve judgement, but Starlin is not looking good in me eyes and CGC by not talking is looking better. Thanks to Starlin they are getting millions of dollars of publicity for free.

    For all we know since Starlin seems misinformed from his own posts it could have been for a facilitator being submitted to or even a rival grading company the comic being submitted to, but since CGC is the big dog gets the blame. We don't have enough to go off of. All I know is that Starlin makes himself look worse with each post he puts up and some of his fans and antislabbers are fueling him to make himself look worse with each additional post.





  14. 2 hours ago, SteppinRazor said:

    He basically changed the way baseball was played.  People weren't really trying to hit home runs before Babe Ruth, the game was more about strategic hitting and running bases.  He also was the biggest savior of baseball from the Black Sox scandal, bringing fans back in and saving its image to make it kid-friendly again.

    I'm not necessarily saying Starlin did something particularly spectacular, I'm only saying contributions don't end at the paycheck.  Without quality creators, the comic book industry would not look like it does now.  Imagine if the glut of lousy stuff from the 90s happened with silver age or today's readership numbers.  Could well have killed the medium.

    Let's see Babe Ruth was a double threat player. Some people say he was a better pitcher than hitter, but the Red Sox misunderstood his offensive side not realizing what they had when they traded him. The Yankees realized fast and removed him from pitching to be a regular fielder and hitter. Ruth was the starting piece to the Yankees dynasty and arguably the greatest player to ever live. Ruth also was one of the first players to spend a lot of times with kids and charitable causes. Ruth also has had multiple movies made on him and the Sandlot as well. 

    Gehrig Vs Ruth was a spectacle one year when the were fighting over who would be home run king. Yes Ruth did not invent the homerun, but he was the reason it became popular why kids waited outside stadiums hoping a ball would clear a wall and why people brought gloves to the stadium.


    Also despite what Baby Ruth says named after a presidents daughter it became popular after Ruth was a player. Ruth is a legend for that no baseball player will ever surpass its like Michael Jordan or Stan Lee they are legendary people that no one will ever pass.

  15. Maybe Jim is tired of shows right now and just needed a convenient excuse


    Jim do you have your show appearances posted anywhere?

    3 3
    Jim Starlin
    Jim Starlin Not going to be doing anymore Con appearances for a while.
    Tim Finnerty
    Tim Finnerty Too bad... you were always very accommodating and nice to your fans. We'll miss ya at Baltimore Comic Con.
    Mark Stong
    Mark Stong Not Baltimore that was a staple for you!
    Chandler Rice
    Chandler Rice I just saw you will be at the North Dallas show in July?
    Jim Starlin
    Jim Starlin Had to cancel out on that show.
    Chandler Rice
    Chandler Rice Oh ok. I would love to bring you to our show in Las Vegas next February.
  16. Jim do you have your show appearances posted anywhere?

    3 3
    Jim Starlin
    Jim Starlin Not going to be doing anymore Con appearances for a while.
    Tim Finnerty
    Tim Finnerty Too bad... you were always very accommodating and nice to your fans. We'll miss ya at Baltimore Comic Con.
    Mark Stong
    Mark Stong Not Baltimore that was a staple for you!
    Chandler Rice
    Chandler Rice I just saw you will be at the North Dallas show in July?
    Jim Starlin
    Jim Starlin Had to cancel out on that show.
    Chandler Rice
    Chandler Rice Oh ok. I would love to bring you to our show in Las Vegas next February.
  17. 29 minutes ago, A-DONIS said:

    Can we please stop making the assumption that CGC did anything wrong here?  Customers information HAS to be protected in some form.  I strongly believe that Mr. starlin's feelings towards CGC are being flamed on by his anti-CGC followers and close friends.

    Give it time and let things work out.

    Adonis this is how I see it.

  18. 2 hours ago, NCAmother said:

    Sending a personal pen with comic to get signed?

    Sending a personal pen with comic to get signed?  Is this kosher?  I'm looking to send in a graphic novel with dark cover to get sketched, and I'd prefer the artist to use a white pen.  Or is it rude to send a pen with the submission?  Thanks,


    Nothing rude with that at all 

  19. 2 minutes ago, A-DONIS said:

    No, just artists whose lines get clogged up with multiple book signings like Perez, Starlin, Campbell, Kyle, ect....

    I agree with this and at this point Starlin needs a dedicated handler at show