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Posts posted by reddwarf666222

  1. 2 hours ago, Bosco685 said:

    That is so great to hear. Once all those positive reviews started coming in - including from King himself - it felt like a hit was coming.


    I just got back from watching It a second time. Keep in mind outside bad video quality to where I could not tell what was going on because of projector issues I have never seen a film more than once in the theater with the exception of Keaton's Batman during initial run.

    Stephen King was right so much is happening in this film that a second viewing is required to get the most out of It. I caught more hidden Easter Egg gems in the film including a cameo by Tim Curry. When I looked at the first third of the film a negatively first time around, I now think that part is great and essential. When I thought the film could have been scarier, nope it's plenty scary and shocking considering the age of the kids Pennywise is going after. Those scarier moments will be saved for the next film. Really the only negative part about this film was despite the New Kids reference and Airwolf reference, the clothing, the cars, and most of the surroundings say late 70's to early 80s.

    I up my 9 score to a 9.5 out of 10. Stand by comments that this is the best movie ever made from a Stephen King property and only The Dead Zone directed by David Cronenberg comes close.


  2. Not a bad start considering 6 to 8 percent of the market place won't be seeing films because of Hurricanes. I do think Mendelson is missing one factor. That factor is the nostalgia factor. I would take my kids to the theater to see this film because I would want them to experience what I experienced as a kid. So I don't think the film will drop like a normal horror film.




    If you built It, they will come. We finally got our mega smash hit for August, but it didn’t open until the first full weekend in September. All this fretting about the poor August box office and the downturn in summer grosses, and a $35 million, R-rated horror movie with no movie stars to speak of is going to probably top $100m this weekend. Make no mistake, It is a box office monster beyond even the most optimistic expectations




    $51m Friday is the biggest R-rated opening day/single day of all time, ahead of Deadpool’s $46m opening Friday and The Matrix Reloaded’s $42m Thursday ($62m adjusted for inflation). So yeah, me thinks Hannibal’s $58 million opening weekend benchmark (the biggest for an R-rated horror movie) is going to fall right… about… now.



    Now, does that mean that Andy Muschietti’s horror epic about seven outcasts who team up to destroy the supernatural menace that is preying on the local children is going to flirt with Deadpool numbers this weekend? Probably not. That film had a holiday weekend to help buff up the Sunday total,  and horror tends to be a little frontloaded on the opening weekend. I don't expect this gruesome horror movie about a scary clown that eays children to score big via kid-powered matinees.




    But, at this juncture, it looks like we’re looking at a plausible worst-case scenario of around $96-$102 million for the weekend, if it plays like Paranormal Activity 3 (the previous R-rated opening day record holder at $26m) Paranormal Activity 2 ($20m Friday/$40m weekend) and Insidious Chapter 2 ($20m/$40m). If it hits $100m for the weekend, it will be the cheapest movie ever to do so, another record swiped from Deadpool.



  3. 40 minutes ago, fantastic_four said:

    It's no Dr. Strangelove, but it's far better than "Eyes Wide Shut," a film I liked but less so than all of Kubrick's other films.  Jack Nicholson is absolutely spectacular in "The Shining," it's by far my favorite role of his career.  The film is just good but forgettable without him, but with him, it's awesome.  (worship)

    We can't hold Eyes Wide Shut against him he died during the editing phases and decisions were made he had no input in

  4. 17 minutes ago, fantastic_four said:

    He's not THAT far off from a critical perspective...Kubrick had such a spectacular career that saying "The Shining" is one of his worst just means that it was only well above average instead of exceptionally above average.  If we used Rotten Tomatoes ratings as a guide, it does rate among the bottom of his films:


    But at 87% it's still a killer flick.  I certainly wouldn't put it above most of his films.  No way it's better than Strangelove, Full Metal Jacket, 2001, Clockwork Orange, etc.

    I love Kubrick and that is always why I have been so hard on the film. If Another director did the film I'd probably rate the film much higher only holding the casting of Shelly Duvall against the film

  5. 1 minute ago, fantastic_four said:

    Yea, 2001 is an acquired taste.  I thought it was boring as a teenager, but loved it in my late 20s.  I guess I was mentally comparing it to "Star Wars" and it just didn't stack up at the time.

    2001 is a fantastic film, but it's major flaw yet at the same time beauty of the film is the long drawn out space opera sequences that have little to do with the film, but is art. Flight attendant scene comes to mind.

  6. 23 minutes ago, fantastic_four said:

    Bold claim given the quality of Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, Stand By Me, or Misery.  Although I loved the "It" novel and read it the first year it was released, I can't imagine I'll enjoy this more than "The Shining."


    I never really liked The Shining for some reason maybe it is because it is one of Kubrick's worst films.



  7. This films Thursday box office was the third largest opening for a domestic film this year in the US so we could be looking at over a 120 million opening weekend. I can say this the entire theater was cheering, screaming, and yelling at the screen. I have not seen a film get an audience this active in years

  8. Saw the film last night despite an annoying audience who can't shut up. I think this is the best film ever made from a Stephen King book. So much is going on in this film and the Easter eggs this film has in it is Fantastic. Too much to take in one viewing multiple viewings is necessary. This is a film that will get better with each viewing.



  9. 4 hours ago, kimik said:


    I was expecting it to do well based on the SS experience. As I have posted here a number of times, all of the girls/women I knew of between 12 - 25 saw SS 2 - 4 times. It was a no brainer with WW as well. 

    This is a huge untapped area for comic movies. When I look at how many new female collectors/readers have entered the market since DC New 52 and the Image 2012 crop of new books (Rat Queens and Saga especially) it was a no brainer that the first studio to launch strong female leads would have a gold mine on their hands. I am shocked that Marvel did not do this with Black Widow, to be honest. My wife and daughter both asked me if there would be a solo Widow film after the first Avengers. Disney/Marvel missed the boat if that was not a question in their post-viewing market research.

    FWIW, I would like to see Saga adapted for an ongoing TV show. That would be a huge hit with the female viewership.

    The difference is WW represents all women and feminism. So WW's appeal is larger and why it is still performing well. SS did not perform this well on a weekly basis and benefited being an august release with no competition.

    No other female superhero can perform as well as Wonder Woman with getting women to come and see the film in the US

  10. 14 minutes ago, Bosco685 said:

    FORBES.COM: 'Wonder Woman' Passes 'Captain America'

    Who saw all of this coming? Definitely a movie that has blown past all realistic estimates.

    We'll see those are better than last weekend's numbers. Guardians and BvS area domestically is where I would have put this film's total at after opening weekend. 


    Yet who could of predicted a strong women crowd that no other comic film has had continually keeping this film alive as long as they have. The scary thing is that this film could be at 410 million at the end of this Friday.


    Just curious to see the Dropoff the following weekend when It comes out

  11. 17 hours ago, kimik said:

    I would love to see this hit $412-$415 domestically somehow. I think that is a stretch, but that would be awesome.

    Is that a stretch Mendelson just predicted  the film will be at 409 million at the end of Labor Day weekend including Monday. I think the film will will be at 408.9 myself based on early numbers myself. With the film passing Iron Man 3 on Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest.

    What is clear with the exception of It predicted to do 60 million next weekend no other major competition comes out until the heavy packed week of September 22nd. As a result of the lackluster August I actually think It with great early reviews will do around 100 million that weekend. Word of mouth is great on every site I have been on.


    Keeping this stuff in mind WW could be at 412 million be the end of its run. Cause simply we don't know where to judge where this film is going to finish because of weird things happening to this film like the second gust of wind by adding more theaters. How many theaters is this film going to be pulled from when It comes out?


    Even Mendelson thought Iron Man 3 was out of reach for quite awhile. Obviously the Digital media release is barely touching the numbers.


  12. 7 hours ago, nocutename said:

    I have been re-watching BTAS this summer.  I am currently finishing up Season 3.  The show is classic.  DC animated shows and films used to provide family entertainment.  I felt they keep that maintained that bar to entertain the kids but keep the story at higher level for adult enjoyment as well.  The last few movies they put out, I will never purchase anything from them blindly again.

    @Martin Sinescu I am sorry that you paid to see it in the theatres.  I was all set to go to see it in the movie theatres too.  I would have demanded my money back after a  few minutes.  I am going to force myself to watch the full movie though.

    Yeah I bought it last night so far I have fallen asleep 3 times trying to watch this film. Funny thing is my dog started the film back up and he fell asleep too watching it.


    I personally think the D.C. Animated Universe fell apart starting with Justice League War. You might get a decent one every once in awhile since then, but nothing great. They are almost 30 films in so they are running out of ideas. 

  13. On 8/29/2017 at 9:14 AM, kimik said:

    Looking at how weak the slate of films is for this coming long weekend, will there be more theatres added? 

    I don't see that happening the film came out on digital download now, but will possibly stay around the same number of theaters because nothing comes out til next week. I think It would have been fantastic release for this weekend 

  14. 9 hours ago, Larryw7 said:

    Even though I'm a big fan of the Classic Universal horror movies, I had no desire to see this at all, and doubt I'll ever even rent it. The Monsters are gothic creatures who either live in Castles, or roam the countryside in search of victims. They aren't suitable for CGI action movies with giant special effects . The only upcoming remake I have some hope for is The Bride of Frankenstein. Director Bill Condon directed the excellent Gods and Monsters, and knows how to put a film together(he just directed Disney's 500 million grosser Beauty and the Beast). Plus he's a huge fan of the source material. So I'm cautiously optimistic about that one.

    I saw the film and thought it was fine like an ok to good, but not great. The weird part of this film was Crowe's character that seemed out of place. This film is not as bad as people make it out to be. The critics hate Cruise now and just bash his films

  15. 4 hours ago, Bosco685 said:

    I think you are confusing appreciating an interpretation of a character with being an opposing company 'fanboy'. Scott Mendelson tore into both BvS and Suicide Squad repeatedly last year. Every article he wrote about the next round of money made by Suicide Squad, he made it a point to note "I didn't really like this movie."

    I thought Homecoming was a good Spider-Man movie. But not surpassing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 1. Those two are my ideal interpretation of Peter Parker and Spider-Man. And there are probably many others that feel this way. Though I liked seeing Peter participating in the wider MCU with Iron Man and Cap, along with finally seeing a new villain that was masterfully delivered. But I did feel the Uncle Ben details which heavily influences Peter's life seemed so lightly touched on, it became glaring to me. So they used RDJ to fill the void - glaringly.

    Financially, this movie is going to be a huge win. It's Spider-Man. The most recognized superhero character across the world, in a good movie with a solid actor. Even ASM2 brought in large numbers with a poorly handled film. Sony just invested too much in one film, making it a financial break-even versus a success.

    ASM1 was the best origin movie. I would then put in Homecoming as the follow up movie. Follow that up with Spider-Man2

  16. 1 hour ago, oakman29 said:

    Exactly! I get that they don't want to rehash the same old story, but if they are going to start with Peter Parker in high school, then they should stay with the correct origin, and what motivated him to do the things he did. I just felt like the movie seemed out of place,and the story line seemed choppy and not cohesive. We could have been without RDJ too.

    You are just mad over that this film didn't change it to he got his powers from a piece of radioactive oak bark when it pierced his skin. 

    The film was fine and the reviews were great.

  17. 23 minutes ago, ComicConnoisseur said:

    I would be surpried if either Thor or Justice League both make 350 million. The next Star Wars will be the only one that can do that domestically,even the last Fast and Furious movie couldn't do 350 million. The American audience box office is dwindling as the landscape is changing,similar in that we rarely see cds that once sold in multi- millions break 100,000 after Spotify and mp3s.

    I'd be surprised if the next Thor film did better than 225 million unless the film got outstanding reviews in this market place now. Neither Thor film got great reviews the first one got some good ones in there, but the second one was around Spidey 3 reviews.  People are paying attention to the metacritic and rotten tomatoes now and that does influence how well the film will do so in Thor's last score was 54/100. Spider-Man 3's was 59/100 as an example. Hardly anyone was asking for another Thor film.

    Justice League on the other hand you do have people asking for one, but can Whedon clean the mess up. If that gets great reviews that film can finish near 425 to 450 million

  18. 1 hour ago, ComicConnoisseur said:

    I agree what with you say. I like the Spiderman: Homecoming movie. I didn't understand all the hate.

    It seems though it is like for every Spider-Man,X-Men,Superman, and Batman movie with there is some kind of  controversy.

    Let's face it Spider-Man 3 did squeak out as positive on Rotten Tomatoes from the critics and the Amazing Spider-Man was certified fresh. So neither of those films were bad, but they were not great either considering the previous two films in the series. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 now that was a bomb compared to the ok to good reviews Spider-Man 3 got.

    I personally thing Amazing is a great film and Homecoming is even better.

    I think the controversy here is simple Spidey is now apart of the MCEU Universe, had Tony Stark in the film, and a got a good introduction with Civil War. So you now have to figure the number of people who go to every MCEU movie because they are afraid they will miss something that may pertain to the next Avengers film or another MCEU film. So the question is how much of a bump did those additions give to this film? Should the film have performed better considering the reviews? 

    There is no question the film was a critical success, but domestically I think it was a bit of a box office let down with all the stuff added into to make sure the film was successful. I think this film should have finished above 350 million, but then again no one was begging for this film so soon.