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Everything posted by divad

  1. Did you look at Henchmen's thread? His grading was atrocious. He was calling 4.5s 7.0s and 6.0s 8.0s, etc. The chances his grades on Matt's books were accurate before shipping are about zero. Seriously, it was some of the worst grading I have EVER seen in the marketplace. I was floored that he sold a single book. Yep, it was a "run and gun" thread
  2. Cute! Yeah! I'm gonna have to use that!
  3. Agreed. The announcement thread was set up to eliminate "thread hype", where people would post a sales thread and then not follow with any books until page 7.
  4. It's obvious you do but then don't follow through. Most people reading threads know this now. It's all good. My point has been made. I'm done here. R. Divad: I like you both here so I hope you'll appreciate it when I say this. You do insinuate. You do ask questions and then not participate in further discussion. You do have a high level of sarcasm. If you think something needs to be said, then do it. One liners and vague hints just infuriate people. Others may not agree with a straight forward critique but at least we'll all be on the same page. I like you as well, and I do appreciate it. I say what's on my mind. It is for others to attach any relevant signifcance to it. There is no need to respond to ad hominen attacks by those who choose to do so. Some members feel the more they write, the "righter" they are. I happen to feel the opposite. I don't need to explain the obvious. If some people don't "get it", then so be it. I have nothing to prove here. How many pages of "discussion" would have followed, had I came right out and said so-and-so amps ups his scans to the point of ludicrousness? The reds are burned, the yellows scalding, and the tell-tale sign: the scanner recognizes off-white and tan as colors - so when told to saturate at 20% or more . . . it does. There's no innuendo, the scannor knows what he is doing is wrong.
  5. I think everyone is tired of your endless sarcastic remarks (sarcasm is effective in moderation, obnoxious otherwise) and your indirect attacks by insinuation. Sarcasm and insinuation only led to confusion, and do nothing to contribute to a positive resolution of whatever's bothering you. If you have something to say, say it. If you have a problem with someone, tell us what that problem is. Otherwise, spare us the vague innuendos and drama and just keep it to yourself. (thumbs u Nothing's bothering me at all. And there are no innuendos or drama. I suggest that you ask yourself why you think you speak for more than yourself. (thumbs u
  6. It's obvious you do but then don't follow through. Most people reading threads know this now. It's all good. My point has been made. I'm done here. R.
  7. So, what you are saying is, the announcement board is a place to solicit PMs? That's really what I thought all along. I'm certainly guilty of sending an occassional PM, I sent one to someone posting in this thread and I bought a few books 2 weeks ago, but do some people think that's a bad thing, and if so, why? Pretty much...many times a seller would start their own thread "announcing" they were going to be selling x, y, or z, but ended up selling x, y, and z before ever listing them in the thread. People think it's a bad thing because it's "not fair" to them that they don't get an even shot at the books, unfortunately, life's not fair...buyers and sellers develop relationships, friends get 1st shot at books, people know who is looking for a certain type of book so they offer them those books via PM, etc.,. I wouldn't mind doing away with announcements altogether, when you have the books ready to roll, start listing 'em! Unfortunately (and this has happened), someone would then complain that the seller should have announced when they were going to sell the books so they could have a fair shot at them, and away we go round-and-round! (thumbs u I agree. I think we should do away with any and all of the guidelines. David, some people are going to read that as a serious statement... I can see your point , Mike and I agree, the more threads you have like the announcement thread, the more chance you have for Discourse and Strife...just LIST the darned books, whenever. No one is going to be able to be on 24/7 anyway, and IF you announce them, someone is bound to complain that they will be away... I miss a LOT of books that are listed, seems like everytime a cheap Timely is listed, I'm doing something silly like working, or sleeping...but I've learned to live with it...you can't have everything and can't be around all the time to shop... Things that happen between friends, were always happening... Sharon, I know. I think the announcement thread was a good idea as Andy first suggested it, and so did many others. But like most good ideas around here, they were quickly abused. If we as a group, can't follow simple guidelines, then perhaps the best suggestion is to do away with them. Bring on the likes of the Henchman! -d
  8. So, what you are saying is, the announcement board is a place to solicit PMs? That's really what I thought all along. I'm certainly guilty of sending an occassional PM, I sent one to someone posting in this thread and I bought a few books 2 weeks ago, but do some people think that's a bad thing, and if so, why? Pretty much...many times a seller would start their own thread "announcing" they were going to be selling x, y, or z, but ended up selling x, y, and z before ever listing them in the thread. People think it's a bad thing because it's "not fair" to them that they don't get an even shot at the books, unfortunately, life's not fair...buyers and sellers develop relationships, friends get 1st shot at books, people know who is looking for a certain type of book so they offer them those books via PM, etc.,. I wouldn't mind doing away with announcements altogether, when you have the books ready to roll, start listing 'em! Unfortunately (and this has happened), someone would then complain that the seller should have announced when they were going to sell the books so they could have a fair shot at them, and away we go round-and-round! (thumbs u I agree. I think we should do away with any and all of the guidelines.
  9. I actually got my books although 4 of the 5 were 1.0 to 2.0 off, I'd say. But it looks like getting one's books from his/her sale thread is the first challenge. :think: Webster's College Dictionary from 1991... "Henchman" #1: an unscrupulous and ruthless subordinate, esp. a member of a criminal gang. #2: a political supporter or adherent, esp. one motivated by the hope of personal gain. #3: a trusted supporter attendant, supporter, or follower. #4: a squire or page. possible amendment for the 2009 Webster's update: #5: a Pasadena-based husband and wife team known for Ray Charles-like grading while working the boards. Very
  10. I don't recall expressing any outrage but I do recall others conducting a 20-page discussion over a simple point.
  11. Well, according to some members, there are no guidelines for the sales announcement thread, so you can list books there, and entertain all offers without listing a BIN.
  12. Wow, you're jumping to many conclusions that aren't accurate...you don't have to provide "scans, description,grade, and prices", only "scans or information about the grade of the offered books". Additionally, there are no rules for posting in the announcement thread. (thumbs u Hulk have no rules!
  13. What do you expect from somebody who grades this a 6.0? ...and this as an 8.5...
  14. You are quite mistaken . . . they have 30 days to make BAD Payments should typically be made within a few days and generally no longer than a week, unless other arrangements or communications have been made. 50 Cents jerked me around for a month, never paid me, and then succeeded in making some lame-azz argument that since I hadn't told him to hit the freakin' low road that I had accepted his repeated excuses for tardiness . . . and tardiness . . . and finally deadbeat. Then Mr. High Roller had the audacity to suggest that it was only $25 and an apology (with gremlins) should suffice. As far as I'm concerned, he should be the bricks and mortar of the list. Oh, bringing up the fond memories... Wasn't I one of the reasons you started this successful thread? You're just upset because you want my Undergrounds Me? Upset?
  15. Is it ethical to bump the brightness and saturation of the scans of your books (thereby masking defects and enhancing colors) to overall enhance the apparent appearance of the book in your sales threads?
  16. Actually no. its a means of advertising or finding whether its worth giving more information on the books and prices in an individual thread thus bumping other threads and taking up front page space. Said the spider to the fly . . .
  17. That's rich. When have the guidelines prevented anyone from doing anything, if that's what they really wanted to do? They kind used to . . . (before you were here, that is . . .) My feelings exactly, btw.
  18. I will be listing the following books for sale as soon as I finish grading and pricing them Please don't send me any offers in the meantime via PM, as it is not my intention to seek offers before I list prices that I will accept. :grin: Nor is it my intention to circumvent the guidlines of the Sales Forum in general by offering this preview here. :grin:
  19. Is posting scans and details of books for sale in the announcement thread simply a means of inviting offers and circumventing the guidelines of a sales thread?
  20. You accept checks from foreign countries? Not worth it to me. A recent seller from Canada wanted to be paid by check and not Paypal. Canada's a foreign country???