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Everything posted by eisley-migration

  1. I stopped by a shop in Wilmington, NC yesterday and was shocked to see #1 1st prints on the shelf for cover, as well as copies of #2. My main source of new books has both as well. But its $10 for #1s, though only $2.85 for #2s. I have enough for myself, but I keep an eye on it to see if people are willing to pay $10 for the #1s from them yet.
  2. Hercules 132, Variant cover, no real movement yet, and some 9.8s cheap on the bay. 1st dark elf queen, which is likely whom the actress (formerly borg queen of star trek) has been cast as. (back on subject)
  3. You made the claim about me, and with me in the dismissed third person to boot. So you got the reply you got. Also, not once have you countered my claim of age, which means I was likely right. Nothing in my comments implied I didnt watch the BBC, and the Global Warming one in particular was very current, and topical (funny too ). So you obnoxiously called me a liar while speaking around me to another person. Dont be surprised when you get an obnoxious and comical response in reply. I did not say ANYTHING about what you knew or didnt know about the BBC. That was your false assumption, I made a statement about myself in retort to your backhanded comments. You were the disrespectful one. If you think simply working for them makes you the only one who can speak on them, you are sorely wrong. I fail to see how me saying BBC =fail, and PP wont be the next walking dead is stroking my ego. I edited out the word either, and ended the sentence for you. It reads better now. Interesting logic you have there. I did move on as I already proved my points. I was talking about Thor Movie related books, and Shield/Avengers related books. Not only did i not say a word about your opinions, or whether you could have them. I also specifically said that if PP gets to $1700 for a 9.8 SS like WD, then I would clearly retract my opinion, and I expect be mocked soundly for it. As you say its just comics. So back to the subject of moderns heating up....
  4. i was looking through his entire history and saw the slabs, looks more like hundreds than thousands, but whats your point? I said I was pro ToTs, so good for him.
  5. BBC is a rising star? they are what they have always been, nothing has changed. Feel free to back up that claim with some information or facts. They have always been massive, and always will be.... Peter Panzerfaust is limited by all the points I have already made, and you are welcome to quote one of them and refute it. Gaz has no information on any subject, nor did he post any, let alone "substantial" information. Neither did you for that fact. So you should actually read what was wrote. He jumped into the discussion by questioning whether I watched the BBC, which I have for over 30 years. So the only thing he actually said, was wrong. He works for the BBC and I guess didnt like my comments about the BBC. They are my opinions, and I am entitled to them. The totality of me being "disrespectful" was saying BBC =fail??? seriously...and that the BBC is a global warming propaganda machine.... REAL insulting stuff. So by all means, point me to or link some Doctor Who comic sales links that show how great its spin offs are doing. Or as I challenged in the thread, list the top BBC dramas or shows by ratings, of all time, and show any of them to be boosting Comics. Actually, the only insult I said, was when I quoted Shakespeare. Which I am sure you didnt catch, but working for the BBC, I'll assume he did Lastly, if you think I am trying to make friends or impress people......I'm not. In fact, I am genuinely frustrated with the cheerleader attack squads on here that try to squelch any debate, like it was CNBC power lunch, and I am talking about a stock that might be a hold or even HEAVEN FORBID a sell. Panzerfaust will stay strong, boosted by low print run, and a coming show. With the BBC, it likely will get made, be a critical success, and stick around for a bit. It wont EVER be WD, or even close. my 2 cents. PS - i still think captain hook will have a large carbon footprint ROFL
  6. Actually, I guess the real first appearance of a black Nick Fury would be the ultimate version. yup, but while they use a lot of the Ultimate stuff in the movies, none of it moves much. First Nick Fury Jr would have been a better way to describe it, or black 616 fury. I think that they turned the side kick agent into coulson later on in the series (with #1 becoming his first appearance once it was known) is a pretty big vote in favor of that being the one. Strange Tales 135 is actually the one seeing the biggest crank on the TV show, but its not modern so i didnt post it. Also, entry point is a lot higher. Being able to get Battle Scars #1 for cover (I got two) still makes it one worth grabbing. It has seen some movement, and I dont see it going any lower. Nothing to really lose there.
  7. see, not a buzzkill Shall i give you more? Thor 347 as well, up until the movie. Battle Scars 1 for the Shield Show --1st black fury (nick jr) and 1st agent coulson in comics i could keep going .
  8. thor 344, up until the release of the movie. there's a non-image one to discuss....go
  9. page 466-467 was discussing the next walking dead, and what it might be. Which is as on topic as you can be. it derailed on people being emotionally attached to their opinions...
  10. an opinion about something that hasnt happened, cant be right or wrong. When PP#1 9.8 SS sells for $1700+ I will retract my opinion. If BuzzKill= discussing things other than cheerleading everything forever without limit, guilty. If you want to hear me shill for something, we can talk about ToTs. WD is AMC's cash cow, and Kirkman their golden boy. The comic and the shows are being written concurrently. in my opinion, there is NO way that ToT doesnt get piloted and aired. The book has started on its second leg up, and will be THE book to own, and the next WD if there is one. It's print run will limit it from hitting Chew numbers pre-show launch, but the two variants are likely the way to go. The speculators/hoarders on here I am sure have lots of ToTs. Hat tip to anyone with 9.9s regular or 9.8s and up on the variants. Like Kylen Selena, I BELIEVE IN YOU. You will be the s
  11. no of course not, where in anything I wrote do you see something about the "quality" of a show. I am talking about comic books...and what drives "moderns heating up on ebay" like the thread says. WD show pushes comic books, Doctor Who....very much does not.
  12. I see who you are via the link in your sig which goes to your site with your name --google handles the rest, etc etc. I didnt say i know you, nor did I say I know the BBC better than anyone in Britain. But i do know it (and i do bite my thumb sir). It was YOU who presumed to know things about me, and questioned whether I knew the BBC at all. You could be the CEO of the BBC and run it, and it would have no bearing on my knowledge of the BBC. It's not mutually exclusive knowledge. My lifetime of watching it is unaffected by anyone else experiences. I am fully aware of what the BBC is and what its strengths and weaknesses are. (yes it is a global warming propaganda machine, and yes they have great actors). You working there is not relevant to my points, so continue the ad hominem attacks all you like. Yes I will talk about modern comic speculation in a thread called "moderns heating up on ebay" No peter panzerfaust wont be the next walking dead. Yes the BBC = fail, regardless of whether you work for them or not. But hey, if I want a quality version of Wuthering Heights, I'll be sure to get the BBC version from the local library. next.................
  13. if you did, you would know my global warming joke clearly shows that I do. I am Canadian not American, and I have seen the BBC my whole life, thanks for asking. It could have been worse - you might have been weened on ITV shows. CBC can give BBC a run for its money, . Though nowadays they are a lot further apart. Doctor Who is a great example though in all this. How are the print runs on Doctor Who based comics doing? Readership soaring is it? How about listing the top BBC shows all time by ratings, and telling me which if ANY of them could push a comic book to WD levels? Are Doctor Who themed SDCC events planned for next year? yah....some guy in England knows whether a Canadian watches BBC since the 70s, and whether a stage actor driven BBC show can top American Pop Culture and outsell WD comic books... i really got told.....if only i knew.
  14. logic, like seeing the little "RE:" symbol beside ever post, and noticing your name isnt there, yet replying like it was??
  15. makes sense why he doesnt like my comment then, and i still stand by it BBC=fail and my comment was about your age (not krightons). If you are older than me, you dont show it with your comments. Regardless, as i said, if doctor who is the best case scenario, (it wont reach that), then it certainly isnt going to touch WD.
  16. I think that this has been talked about in the PPZ thread, but yes, Americans know a lot of BBC programming, and watch a lot of BBC-America. I wasn't talking about Americans in General as I understand It's place over their but his comments just strike me as being someone who knows nothing about the BBC and the shows they produce I was watching it before you were born, and I didnt say they would have bad actors, or anything other such thing. I am sure the show will be cast with great stage actors, and be well written. I stand by all my comments. Especially Captain Hook the climate denier villian .
  17. if you did, you would know my global warming joke clearly shows that I do. I am Canadian not American, and I have seen the BBC my whole life, thanks for asking.
  18. Looks like one sold the same day as yours BIN for 299, and one sold a week later also for 299, but had a best offer option on it. Usually shows the price in completed sale when its a best offer, so looks like it went for the BIN as well. Ryan's 9.9 is the highest selling revival comic to date on the bay, and there have been a total of 8 9.8 sketches sold ranging from $275 to $399 the two that sold for less than krighton's both sold 5 days before his, one at auction, the other as a best offer accepted. 8 results: ============== http://www.ebay.com/itm/REVIVAL-1-CBLDF-SKETCH-VARIANT-LIMITED-TO-500-IMAGE-RARE-CGC-9-8-/330778251625 http://www.ebay.com/itm/REVIVAL-1-SKETCH-VARIANT-CGC-9-8-ONLY-500-/261082390508 http://www.ebay.com/itm/REVIVAL-1-CBLDF-SKETCH-VARIANT-LIMITED-TO-500-IMAGE-RARE-CGC-9-8-LAST-COPY-/230839463512 http://www.ebay.com/itm/REVIVAL-1-SKETCH-SDCC-VARIANT-CGC-9-8-ONLY-500-MADE-/180958799452 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Revival-1-Sketch-Cover-CGC-9-8-Variant-1-200-SOLD-OUT-Image-/261088894495 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Revival-1-Sketch-B-W-SDCC-CBLDF-CGC-9-8-Seeley-Norton-only-500-exist-/330781406721 http://www.ebay.com/itm/REVIVAL-1-SKETCH-VARIANT-CGC-9-8-ONLY-500-/261082371677 http://www.ebay.com/itm/REVIVAL-1-CGC-9-8-W-CBLDF-Sketch-Variant-500-Seeley-Norton-Frison-/180954208570
  19. ryan should get a 9.9 converted to a 9.9SS there's some revival i wont hate on
  20. Do you really believe that? Or is that the investor side of you talking your rational side out of being right? Better way to put it, are you saying that because you paid $60 for one? If you read what I wrote, I said long term. i dont doubt it will stay hot, especially with the small print run. If a show gets made it will be great for the price of the book. What I also said, and I stand by it, is that it will NEVER come close to Walking Dead in terms of popularity/effect on mainstream--pop culture. Which imo means, it will NEVER reach the prices WD has. Also, BBC = Mega Fail, regardless. With them making it, they'll probably turn Captain Hook into a WW2 era climate change denier, and have peter lecturing him on his carbon footprint. Its a good story concept with a low print run that hasnt seen its peak yet, but not the next WD. my 2 cents
  21. I can be wrong here and you feel free to make me eat my words later if I am, but it aint going to be this book. I would take my money and run. I read this book and unless it got dramatically better after issue 3 it was ho hum. Its not reader interest pushing this book. Its the BBC series and low print run. Could be a monster overseas if everything aligns like maybe a new Doctor Who. I can understand betting on this book though I see the rationale. agreed, going to keep one set I slab myself, cause I didnt over pay, but i dont see anything british making it beyond niche long term. Even if it were Doctor Who popular, which is best case scenario, that still aint going to cut it imo. But, if I had Chew books I'd be selling them too. For those that want me to eat my words later, y'all can quote it. ToTs is the one worth paying for if you missed the boat.
  22. i've got some of that too, i still think ToT will be the one that actually makes it. BBC = fail. But the low print run is a good plus for that one.
  23. nice sig, beast mode [x]on []off I'd trade all that for some golden/silver age treasures if I had it.