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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. Episode 7's (and 8) shift towards a darker plot is welcome and adds a depth it previously lacked (No longer is it just 'the old bad guy who ran the town!' theme and gives some of the best actors on the show a chance to really shine) however the dialogue continues to be wooden, at the same time the side plots remain handled in an uneven way (not spun into the main story well, unimportant, or just not given any real reason for us to care about outside of comic book nostalgia). I like that Abby tripped out and saw Swamp Thing as he was, but the 'danger' felt forced and didn't add much to the story (Abby declaring that the Chinese lantern she ate wasn't helping was laughable, she literally swallowed it, and her being a seasoned doctor expected a raw natural plant to IMMEDIATELY have an effect on an unknown infection in her arm...give that sucker some time to even digest girl! This 'solution' wasn't needed and could have been cut, with more focus on her actual healing by Swamp Thing). At least by the end of episode 8 we have an actual threat and sense of danger for our protagonist, which shows some promise for the final few episodes. At this point I feel that hopefully my posting will server to only lower the expectations of others to the point that when they do watch it they will be pleasantly surprised it wasn't 'that bad' of a show (and to be clear, this isn't the worst show i've seen, but it certainly is a clunker).
  2. As long as there isn't a spin split i'm not seeing, I could see this being 6.0.
  3. Awesome! Other than collecting More Fun, this is the other golden age series i'm looking to finish (missing 2 and 5, but want to get a set all graded). Love that 8.0!
  4. All three in the last month, I think I might have an addiction. More Fun equal More Spending. I've reviewed the graders notes for the graded 4.5 restored #61, and I am for sure going to send it off to get the restoration removed and have it pressed (its slight armature color touch on the right side cover, and the major defect is a waviness to the pages and spine roll which can both be corrected with a press). I'm a sucker for that cover and will happily pick up whatever extra copies I can afford. But yes, an addiction.
  5. Chamber of Chills #23 needs to on that list for next time, i'm sure once a few high grade copies go back up for sale it will get noticed (we've only seen mid-grade stuff for sale recently selling for $3-4k, when it was selling for only a few hundred bucks at most a few years ago)
  6. Just saw the episode, a good step in the right direction. I really think his first appearance with swamp thing should have included more rolling smoke / fog like this appearance had at the end, to better connect the characters for the audience.
  7. I relate to that patient look he has regarding his dog...you can't just command them to go Number Two
  8. I feel Iron Man 3 was mainly disappointing due to everyones preconceived expectations for the Mandarin, but in the end it was alright (and day by day my appreciation for what they did with the Mandarin increases). In fact, just because the film dealt with Tony's PTSD it was a valuable - and necessary - inclusion to the MCU (helping support and explain his own emotional state in other better movies). Regardless of quality compared to previous IM films it is nowhere near in the running for worst comic book movie (Suicide Square, Dark Phoenix, Cat Woman all make sure of that) Killian still sucks though, but at least Iron Patriot was cool.
  9. I actually agree that Punisher: War Zone rules, because it is one of the few comic book movies that went all out to accurately model itself after the comic book sources (even down to utilizing the color palette based on misprinted issues Marvel sent to the director as reference, and pulling exact panels from the books). It is 100% one of the most 'comic' comic movies ever, and I would argue is the most authentic 'Punisher' depictions ever.
  10. Out of all the comics I own, I only have two that are perpetually kept within sight & reaching distance in our living room for any guests that want to read em ( Sandman #18 "Dream of a Thousand Cats", and Sandman #50 "Ramadan"). There are a few other TPBs in the room, but nothing else laid out on the coffee/side table so casually.
  11. Gonna say it gets a 10 simply to due to its literary merit, which eclipsed pretty much anything that came before it (closest thing I can think of that had such a literary impact before Sandman would be Watchmen)
  12. True - I don't expect a 1 for 1 depiction of any character onscreen, but when an actor who has zero characteristics in common with the source character appears and the ONLY link is a very groan worthy line of dialogue "I'm just a stranger, a phantom in the night" then i'm left wanting more. It seemed to me nothing more than forced fan-service. If they dropped that line of dialogue then there would have been absolutely no connection, they could have just have easily gave him an accent and declared it was Constantine
  13. I'm too lazy to do all 25, so top 15 will do for now. With one exception (the hanging cover) I don't actually include or consider crime books to be horror (they can be shocking and can depict horrific acts, but the genre and themes are difference from pure horror tales), so hence the lack of those on the list. Alas I only own four of these issues thus far (Chamber of Chills, Worlds of Fear, Amazing Mysteries, and The Thing!)
  14. Sooo...Phantom Stranger is basically just a casual Kevin Smith trolling the bayou for fish. That was a let down (but hey, at least he managed to give Swmap Thing an excuse to be on screen for more than 30 seconds AND have a nice conversation)
  15. of course...maybe they contracted the cover art first thinking they actually HAD a story in the bible to pull from on that, but then actually read the thing only to realize they got nothing!
  16. All sold! Winners will be getting messages/invoices from me either tonight or tomorrow morning! Thanks so much, the babbling baby thanks you for your comic service!
  17. Nope! That's the last of it - Only the Silver Surfer #3 remains! Invoices will be sent out tomorrow morning to all winners!
  18. This one interests me just from a weird curiosity what it could even be about - as there isn't anything found in the bible about this 'story', and only really exist in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas - which I HIGHLY doubt this comic would be putting into comic form as it would end up as violent as other crime/horror GA books
  19. Actually....ill just start reducing prices now for fun. Will reduce prices every few hours as I check in on anything unsold.
  20. Will leave the rest of the stuff up for now, but will start discounting items later today if unsold. Any winners of previous items please feel free to make offers on anything unsold - we are open to offers (especially if you already bought something and can ship it together)