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Mr. Solo Dolo

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Posts posted by Mr. Solo Dolo

  1. I would like a definititive confirmation as to the pronunciation of the title.

    Say ga or sah gah


    It drives me nuts to hear it pronounced differently from each store I visit. Is it going to be like tomato and potato :)?




    But I have heard people pronounce it the other way... sounds weird.

  2. I continue to be gobsmacked by how the ASM #700 Midtown Incentive is doing on ebay. Even discounting the highest of the ending prices (due to bidding wars, etc), it looks like run-of-the-mill copies are beginning to break the $150 mark with no signs of letting up. Wish I'd been more on the ball on this one!


    Just wait until its "Twin" cover comes out next week!!!


    Would it be smarter to sell the Midtown #700 now while its super hot. Or wait on the twin cover and pair them together?

  3. In my opinion:

    ASM 698 - imo not the 1st appearance of Superior Spider-Man.

    Daredevil 21 - cameo appearance of Superior Spider-Man.

    ASM 700 - cameo appearance of Superior Spider-Man and

    "death" of Peter


    Avenging Spiderman 15.1 - 1st full appearance of Superior Spider-Man in new costume.

    So the book to get is definitely the Avenging. And maybe 700.


    If Daredevil came out before 700 why would you suggest that book over DD 21?

    I'd suggest none of them. This is a story, no different from FF 587 or Cap 25. It'll all be over soon enough.


    If you do speculate, flip quickly.


    Yes I agree. Conformation that Superior first appeared in DD 21 comes when DD 22 comes out. I still say DD 21 is the first appearance and not 700.


    Doc Oc has been Spiderman for some months now so your argument is missing a few issues, he appeared at the end of Daredevil #21, he's also appeared recently (as Doc Oc Spidey) in Avengers Vs X-Men, Avenging Spiderman, Avengers, New Avengers etc etc etc so technically his 1st appearance could be any number of comics from the last few months.

    His 1st appearance in new Superior Spiderman Costume is Avenging Spiderman #15.1


    And which issues are those that he appears in as Superior Spider-Man besides 700, dd21 and Avenging 15.1?


    Not the point I was making.


    He has been Doc Oc / Spiderman for months is the point I was making but to answer your question,


    He appears as Superior Spiderman in

    1: ASM 700 "I will become a Superior Spiderman"

    2: Avenging 15.1 - In Costume

    3: DD 21 - in continuity


    If DD #21 is his 1st appearance then Marvel Nows continuity is f%$k3D up from day one,


    Like I said I'm going with what the writer/Marvel employee says the first appearance is. You cannot count any Doc Oc Appearances as a SS appearance prior to DD21, they can only be counted when he is in costume as SS which is in DD21 first.


    You need to re-read Daredevil #21 then,

    SS has a claw on the toes of his feet, this is clearly NOT visible in DD#21


    Who cares if a claw is visible? You only see a hand push Peter Parker in Web of Spider-Man 18 and we know that's a venom cameo because Marvel confirmed it. Granted that it is only a cameo but the example in DD 21 is a much better one ( we can actually see the character ) and Dan Slott CONFIRMED DD 21 is the first appearance of SS. I'm not sure what more you need to be convinced.


    in silhouette? with no foot claw. I need to see the end of Avenging #15.1 to be convinced.


    "I've seen myself through Peter Parkers lens now"

    Pulls on clawed boot.

    "I've seen my mistakes"

    pulls on new Superior Spidey top.

    "And things are going to change"

    Pulls on new Claw gloves.

    "Because Otto Octavious is no more"

    Shot of new Chest emblem.

    "His days are long over"

    Shot of new eye lens.

    "Doctor Octopus is Dead, Long Live the Superior Spiderman"

    Full colour shot of Superior Spiderman with hand & foot claws, new chest emblem & new lens"


    or you could go with DD #21 where some blacked out character with red arms says

    I'm going to crush Daredevil.


    You enjoy yourself, I know what I'm stocked up on


    So let me get this straight. you are using quotes to prove your point but those words were written by people who work for Marvel and have already stated this:


    I cannot believe I had to post this twice by the way and I do enjoy myself...regularly.


    No, I was describing the last 2 pages of Avenging in detail.


    DD #21 contains the 1st appearance of Silhouette Spiderman (and to the poster above who asked, no you can't see his lenses in DD 21).


    I'll wait for graded copies if that makes you happy, let CGC decide if it's

    a 1 panel silhouette of well could be anyone really or 2 pages of new costume,

    a full page splash in new costume & the mystery character saying "Doctor Octopus is Dead, Long Live the Superior Spiderman"



  4. Hey guys I was wondering something. I know that I might be late to the party. I've seen every episode and I just finished season 1 with my in-laws who've never seen it, they're only on season 3. But my question is, was it ever revealed what Jenners whispered in Rick's ear? I forgot he did that. Thanks for any info. And I believe it hasn't been revealed...... :popcorn:






  5. a friend of a friend who wasn't me told me this story about nowhere men.


    My friend was on some pornography sites when he stumpled upon a user submitted amateur porn site. There was a girl and it had a link to her facebook, he tells me.


    Once clicking on her facebook it said engaged. This friend of mine was intrigued no doubt so he clicked on the engaged persons name, hopeing it was a joke and maybe to a girl- only to find out her facebook fiance had a Nowhere Men banner on their facebook. That was off they must of thought, so they took out their copy of nowhere men and found out - the was the writer for nowhere men.


    the pictures were added within the last two months, he tells me. Which could me that the writer of no where men is into some weird voyerism or whatever its called.


    take from that what you will.


    Your "Friend" huh? hm


    I didnt want you guys to know I like fat girls. But yes it was me. Maybe I'll see her at a convention and finally get my chance.


    Fat girls need love too....


    ...But, they gots to pay!


    Anyways, Nowhere Men. Good.

  6. Repetition time again by me - I think season 4 will be completely different from the comic.

    Kirkman has always wanted to go another way, and the speed with with the show is catching up with the comic, probably means all comic material would be gone by Season 4 anyway.

    My money is still on 'The Fightback' against the Zombies led by General Rick and Sergeant Carl.

    One City at a time.


    My money is on the Governor winning, killing Rick's group and the Governor becoming the new focus of the show!!!

  7. What is the governor doing with the heads in the fish tanks?




















    sweet thanks


    What issue is that from?? I don't remember that in the books (but after a thousand pages in each compendium it might have missed it. :grin:


    It's not in the Walking Dead Comics. It's in the CBLDF Presents: Liberty Annual 2012

  8. What is everyones favorite cover? (if it's not #1 lol)


    Mine is issue eight. Just love it. love that desolate feeling i get when looking at it


    #9 and #24 both feature Tony Moore at his finest.


    Would love to see Tony do some covers again, but I doubt that will ever happen. Met him at NYCC this year and asked him that question and he said, "highly doubt it." Also, asked him if he hated Kirkman, to which he replied, "I wouldn't stab him if I saw him." hahahaha!

  9. Good episode though I don't find Michonne's motivation to confront the governor as compelling as it could've been and gov is total wuss and yes Andrea totally dfw in this show.


    Yeah, I agree. I really don't understand why Michonne hates the Governor so much (it's obvious why in the comics) they never really setup her motivation for going out of her way and then sitting and waiting to kill him.

  10. Yeah this was an ok episode. Let's see what next week brings.


    I don't read the comics, but I've heard enough about them (I have friends that read them) to know that the Governor was a pretty scary dude in the comics. On the TV show? Different story.


    I mean, yeah he's the "bad guy" but is he really that "bad"? Sure he has a collection of heads he keeps, and he is a shady guy....but I don't FEAR him, like the governor in the comics (so I've heard). This guy just doesn't seem that evil. I was hoping that he would have done SOMETHING this epidsode to make us, as the audience, really fear him. I thought the scene with Maggie should have gone "all the way" so to speak. He needs to do something that makes me hate him, and want to see him burn for all that he has done.


    But nope. Lost opportunity. I'll continue to watch and know he's the bad guy simply by his comic book reputation alone.


    This TV Governor is weak subsitute.




    The comic reads faster, so maybe that helped too. But the comic Governor definitely was an evil badass character that was to be feared. The TV Governor is ok, but isn't as scary yet. 2c


    Comic book spoilers to compare the two versions up to this point in the story:



    Comic Governor:


    1. Cuts Ricks hand off after Rick punched him

    2. Tortures and rapes Michonne repeatedly

    3. Puts Glenn in the room next to Michonne to listen to what happens to her, to get him to crack (I thought that was a genius way to break Glenn since he knew Michonne & Rick wouldn't crack).

    4. Puts Michonne in the arena.

    5. Puts heads in fish tanks for TV's

    6. Keeps his neice as a pet and feeds her dead people

    7. Ripped out her teeth so he can kiss the zombie

    8. Pulls off the Darth Vader let them escape plan that almost works

    9. All the while leading a whole town without them knowing he's a killer.


    They have skipped 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 with the TV Governor.


    I thought they were going to do #3 last night with Glenn forced to listen to Maggie attacked, but they didn't go that far. #6 is 1/2 way there. As Penny is there, but they didn't show him feeding her the pilots. There is still a chance for #8... but yeah it seems like a tamer version on TV.


    Plus the comic version seemed more crazy and spontaneous. The TV Governor is more logical and calculating. 2c



    I feel let down. Really bad things should have happened to Maggie this past episode. We are seeing how far the producers are allowed to push it... and its not very far. Makes me wish that the show was on HBO or Showtime.

  11. Abusing people on Twitter. Brian Bendis is the latest...


    I sure wish I didn't read that tweet stream... :facepalm:


    I don't 'Twitter'. What did it say?




    ! on black friday go to your local comic store & buy everyone u know a graphic novel picked just for them. support your industry & art form


    LarrysComics.net ‏@LarrysComics


    @BRIANMBENDIS sure thing . You support digital & big box throughout the year & NOW you want to be the LCS champion? F!U! #comicmarket