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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. This "mystery boardie" belongs on the POS list...
  2. The new one can do "flash" debit. https://squareup.com/ca/contactless-chip-reader This is the Dream POS another vendor showed me... https://www.staples.ca/en/dream-payments-mobile-pos-debit-credit-card-reader/product_2773831_1-CA_1_20001?kpid=2773831&cid=PS:SBD:GS:n:n:SBD:58:21800&cvosrc=PLA.ca-google.Business&Industrial&cvo_cid=1348112827&cvo_crid=263432234041&cid=PS:GS:CA::41:71700000034258935PRODUCT+GROUPp31976944120&cvosrc=ppc nonbrand.CA-google.PRODUCT+GROUP&cvo_cid=1348112827&cvo_crid=263432234041&Matchtype=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuvXTw7Tk2gIVQrbACh2VgQ8vEAYYASABEgJTZvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds I am thinking I will be upgrading my basic Square reader to one or the other.
  3. Most shows I do have been one day. So, from all the shows I have done (admittedly not that many), this is the second highest. The single best day was last year's Graphic Con. Graphic Con 2018 is coming up June 9th. The basic Square Magstripe Reader only does credit cards.
  4. Northern Game Expo Post-Show Assessment This is my second time attending this show. The show is video game focused but they have several other vendors. I was pretty much one of two pure comic vendors but there was a large anime/manga dealer. I had booked three six foot tables. The show opened at 11:30 AM for VIP’s and ran until 5 PM. Challenges: Sigh. So two shows in a row where there were some “bugs”. The evening before the show, my wife, who always helps me a GREAT deal whenever I set up at shows (she helps with display, awesome customer service and is a wizard on cash) came down with the flu the night before. It was touch and go pretty much up until the last hour I had to leave on early Sunday morning whether I would have to cancel or not as I hated the idea of leaving her alone at home and no way I could have managed the booth on my own. Fortunately, my parents were able to pitch in and offered to help me and after assurances from my wife that she would be fine for the day, my parents and I jumped into their truck and made the trip. Advertising: This show has no problem advertising. Social media. Local radio stations. Even a billboard or two. They also have sponsors as well that help get the word out. I also did a little bit of my own via my Facebook and Instagram pages. Attendance: The event was very, very well attended. One of the organizers told me it was their best showing yet with around 1,455 people coming through the gate. Venue & Booth Location/Size: The venue was at a local college, which was great. Super easy to get to and they had two loading zones and there were no ramps or stairs to worry about, basically rolled straight on in. The gym was very spacious. The downside though, is that for some reason that I am still not clear on, they had to partially close the gym dividers and leave an opening between them and it ended up basically creating two large rooms…I am not sure why it was like that but the general consensus about the show was that was the one thing that could/should be changed and that the whole gym needs to be opened up. The “bonus” though, that I had to “work around” was that they ended up giving me more room than I paid for as they had it available…I ended up having nearly double what I had planned on, so that created a bit of a challenge in that I really had to spread out as A) did not have time to “restock” from last show and B) I didn’t plan on having that much room to work with. So I basically took anything extra I had and instead of using the shelving units I have, I put a bunch of stuff on the table. I used one smaller table as a 'cash' and storage table to hold people's books. I was also against the room divider wall, so you will see in the pic how I tried to make it all work. Costs: My rental space cost me $180…I bought my parents coffee and lunch so roughly looking at say $220 in cost. The total trip is roughly three hours but my dad refused gas money. My dad right now has a bum shoulder and they have lots of work around the cabin they need help with so I can repay them that way they said…Which I would have done anyway (ha ha). Family is great. Sales: This show was a bit of the opposite of the last show. My run books did pretty well, and there were people who wanted to dig. Sets were so-so and cheapies were good for the kids. I sold a few action figures as well. The main difference is that there were definitely “collectors” here and they showed up looking for something a little more “higher end”. I also took advantage of Infinity War. I put out, in the centre of my table, most of my remaining Infinity War/Gauntlet books and displayed them (see pic). Nearly every single one of them were purchased. I also sold not one, but two slabs! One of my repeat customers purchased a low grade golden age Superman slab and a few other smaller items for my single largest purchase ever of just over $700. Another customer bought a Spider-Man #1 CGC SS 9.8 (signed by McFarlane). The customer who spent the $700 wanted a several other books but couldn’t get them now so I told him I would just pull those ones and set them aside for him for the next show and he could have first refusal on them, no obligation for the later date either. I do stuff like this for my regulars who support me. What was slightly disappointing was that last NGE show Zenescope sold pretty well, this show, I only sold a few items, like a large TPB and a few sets but not like last time. Variant sales were a little disappointing too. Sets were a little less than before as well, but again I am still glad I brought all of them. On the flip side, as books sold off the display area of the table, I even put some stuff that I thought would not sell but a lot of it did, like old TV Guides with like X-Files or other super hero/pop culture covers - They got scooped up between three customers. You just never know what will sell until you put it in front of people… Sidebar: The cash machines on site either failed or were emptied fast, so my having an alternative payment option ended up being very important to my sales. My Square Magstripe Reader definitely came in handy. Over $700 in credit card payments and the funds were deposited into my account in less than 24 hours. Another vendor also told and showed me the Dream POS Reader. You can order it via Staples. I am going to look into this more or I might upgrade my Square Reader for Contactless and Chip Reader. Being able to do debit transactions would help to. Has anyone else used the Dream POS reader? My final sales for the day was just a smidge over $2,000.00 Final Thoughts: I was very pleased with this show (obviously)…While I would have liked to have made that amount selling mostly sets and "commons", I am super happy with this show. The other plus is that it also got me “exposed” to the collectors in this area and that they know that I at least have decent books. I also handed out a ton of business cards. The organizers are not sure if they will keep the same date but told me if I want in for the next one, I am in. Pic is of my set up...As I had a wall to use (the gym divider), I decided to place banner on it so it was visible at all times but as you can see, my booth does not present as nicely as usual due to having to spread out and all the blank space behind me, but it was functional, but hard to monitor from end to end.
  5. Did you ask the BBB what "unresolved" exactly means? To be fair, the BBB powers would be somewhat limited to begin with? I *think* an unresolved case actually "hurts" or "dings" their rating...I found this on another site: “Unresolved,” meaning the opposite: the customer remains dissatisfied and BBB does not have adequate reason to believe the company handled the matter in accordance with generally accepted good business practices.
  6. So, basically, this boardie is now holding your books (that you sent in good faith), hostage. Nice. He is also turning a rather annoying process into a much bigger issue than it needs to be...The "buyer" backed out, it sucks, but hey it happens, so send the books back, get a refund. Simple. This is completely unacceptable. I'm starting to wonder if the "broker" even has a "friend" and that the "wife" is likely his wife maybe? Regardless, this unknown boardie is acting like a complete a-hole.
  7. First and foremost, FANTASTIC FOUR - Done right. I don't "buy" it that the FF is too "out dated" for today's audiences. Marvel can totally right the ship and SO MANY characters and stories to choose from... I would think Marvel could start to branch out their horror themed characters. You could even use Doctor Strange as a "bridge" to them. I mean, if they can make Rocket a success, they could bring some new life to the horror genre or action/horror genre like the original Blade.... Blade vs Dracula/Lilith Hellstorm (can't see Son of Satan doing all that well strictly due to the name) Werewolf by Night Man-Thing Moon Knight Morbius Satana ...All leading to an epic Midnight Sons kind of thing...?
  8. This back-to-back thing was not really by choice. I had signed on NGE 2018, a long time ago, basically last November. The show that just went by, that was a brand new local show that got started up and it was not really even on my radar until February/March 2018 and I wasn't even sure if I would do it exactly because I have this show this weekend. However, ultimately I decided that I did not want to "miss out" and I wanted to be "on the ground floor" so to speak and signed on to the new local show knowing I would have to do back-to-back. Given my success at the last local show, I am glad that I did. As this is only my second NGE show, I really don't know what to expect, sales wise. I still don't know exactly where in the auditorium I will be placed...I asked to be along a wall (I hate those centre aisle kind of booths) but I know I have 4 six foot tables to work with but I am bringing an extra 4 foot table just in case I have the opportunity to use it.
  9. So this Sunday, I have the NORTHERN GAME EXPO 2018 Here is the link to the show for those who may be interested: http://northerngameexpo.com/ I contemplated driving the day before and staying overnight, but the show is only an hour and a half away and I was able to set up in time last year and it is not supposed to rain like mad like it did last year either so I decided to suck it up and save some $ and just drive there in the morning. I have to be set up by 11 so really, it shouldn't be too bad. I had a very good one day outing there last October. This will be my second time participating as a vendor at this show. As this show is video game focused, there is only one other "pure" comic book vendor and large anime vendor. The event is being held in the gymnasium of a local college. Apparently the college cosplay student group will be hosting a cosplay event during the show as well () so that will be "interesting" to see how that is. Lots of other cool stuff going on too, like video game tournaments, etc. Last year, the show had a very good vibe to it and I was busy for most of the day so this year will not be any different and maybe even better! While I did not have time to institute some of the changes I wanted to (I will be for 100% for Sudbury Graphic Con), I have had time this week to add some items to bring that I *think* may help out sales. In addition to run books, cheapies, sets/trades and wall books, I am adding a full short box of DC 3D Lenticular covers and doing $4 each or 3 for $10 (I picked up a whack as part of a modern collection last year). Last year, I sold out of pretty much the few Zenescope books and trades I brought. Some of you may recall, last year I picked up a huge Zenescope lot so I am also bringing a short box of various Zenescope variant covers (and trades to put in with the sets) - I have not had time to really organize/price all the commons yet (sad!). I am also bringing what few action figures/toys I have left. I am also thinking of placing my "Infinity War" themed books on the table as "display area" given how "timely" they would be and maybe even help attract some casuals? And having said that, I hope the movie doesn't keep any big comic fans away from actually attending the show!
  10. Very cool and fun vid! Some great books! Congrats! Great thread idea too!
  11. I think we should leave Doug out of this thread and just stick to the current problems at Paradise.
  12. @Robot ManYou are welcome and thanks for reading!!! I also think that because this was a *brand new* show, it had something to do with the turnout and eager buyers. It will be interesting if this show can sustain itself, I sure hope it can as the organizers seem into it, plus it benefits their antique business so hopefully it will last. One thing I am running out of is comic related items like toys and other pop culture related stuff to get that variety, but it is hard to track down here (as are comics, been in a buying slump this year). @spreads earlier you mentioned the importance of returning customers. This is absolutely true. For some reason, less of my regulars than previous shows attended, I don't know why, maybe they are sick of me but the ones who did show dropped some of the most total sale purchases, like $50, $100 and $200. I am also very aware of the importance of engaging everyone, politely in a non "in your face way" of what I have and what I am about. You can also read body language to see who is interested, somewhat interested or who don't give a rats butt. I had a couple casually looking and I saw they had a Star Wars toy. I asked if they were into Star Wars and they said no but their son was. I mentioned I had some Star Wars comics if they were interested. They asked me what I had and I gave them some options. They ended up picking up a few things based on my recommendations. The sale was only for $25 but it was a sale. Important to engage customers. Sidebar: The sports card guy bailed after a day, didn't come back for Sunday but he and his wife never seemed to engage anyone and spent a lot of time on their phones. I don't get that. I was on my feet all day, pretty much both days.
  13. Thanks!!! Like I said, for me, sets have proven to be KING for my area especially for casuals. I put together sets of anything if I have a complete one I can make. I have sold some sets of some pretty obscure stuff and variety has been key too. I don't mind buying "drek" if I can get it for the right price and package it nicely as a set (presentation matters too). My sets are individually bagged and boarded and placed in a larger bag and sealed. Yes, this is time consuming but has definitely been "worth it".
  14. Yeah before they were organized by character but as some have thinned out and others grown and I have priced more from my stock, it is definitely time to go alphabetical. I am also replacing a lot of my boxes that have gotten beaten up over the past few shows/years and going with new front label designs. I don't want to be the dealer who has boxes that look like as it detracts from the eye appeal of your booth. I have also purchased some new plastic comic book dividers (blue and red) that have a flex tab that can fold down when the lid is put on. I choose blue and red as matches colour scheme of my banner and will help to separate more clearly the different titles in the boxes. I am also placing the label name on the front and back of the divider so if anyone asks if I have "x title" I can scan from behind the table to tell a customer where to go (in a good way) fairly quickly.
  15. Yes I was very pleased with sales and I am happy to sell the smalls. Sets extremely popular this show. I almost had a few bigger ticket item sales but for whatever reason, buyers didn't bite (I do price fairly for slabs via GPA) so not like my slabs are way out there. I did have a few requests for ASM #300 though. I have to turn around for NGE with no time to replenish my sets, I still have a solid selection but will definitely have to beef them up again in time for Sudbury Graphic Con in June. I will also be revamping my boxes and going completely alphabetical for that show too, so I am going to have a bit of fun with the "redesign".
  16. Great Northern Antique to Oddities Show Post-Show Assessment As those following the journal will know, this is the show that emerged after the collapse of the other local show with new organizers. The show took place over two days. As with any new show there were a few hiccups but they were relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. Challenges: So the Friday afternoon before the show, my hot water tank exploded. Repair guys were supposed to come that afternoon, but it got pushed back to Saturday and would show up "between 8 AM to 1 PM" on Saturday Fortunately, my brother did me a solid and came over in the morning and stayed until they were done. Oh yeah, so Saturday night when we get home I decide to put the laundry room back together (they had to move a bunch of stuff to install new hot water tank) and in doing so, I knocked over a heavy piece of exercise equipment right onto my baby toes on my right foot. Pain dropped me to my knees. I have two very, very purple toes now, walking is a pain but carrying long boxes at the end of the show was quite painful. ...But I digress... Advertising: The organizers of this show put some thought and money into advertising. They advertised in some antique magazines (full page spreads) and did a pretty solid social media blitz via Facebook and Instagram. They also entered and apparently won a contest the local TV station was having for free TV advertising, which they put to good use. There were probably a few other outlets they could have advertised in but as a whole, definitely better than previous local shows. Sidebar: I also opted to do my own social media advertising via Facebook. I “boosted” a post for 7 days for $25 (but FB gave me a $10 promo discount). According to the analytics, 1,897 people saw my post, 161 post engagements (where people clicked “like” or “love” or whatever) and 47 shares. I also got 15 new Page Likes/Followers. Attendance: The event was very well attended. I am on fairly friendly terms with the organizer and I was told that over the course of two days, 922 people came through the doors. Venue: The venue is definitely a “step up” from the previous show location. The venue is right downtown on Main Street and close to other shops and the bus station. The venue itself is brand new and very nice. The downside is that because it is downtown, their parking lot is very, very small as it is fenced in, so not friendly for show set up. Fortunately, many were able to set up Friday night (I was only able to unload as the room I was going to be in was in use for a function), however, had the venue not had a cancellation on Friday which allowed most people to set up on Friday evening, Saturday morning would have been a total mess show for vendors to get set up. There is only one set of load in doors with a narrow ramp and steps. There is no place to really load in from the front entrance on the street. The organizers have recognized that they “got a little lucky” in this regard and said they will definitely factor it in to planning for the next show and are not adverse to even changing locations. If people can load in night before at staggered times though, not a problem. Booth Location: At first, I was a little disappointed at where we were set up…From the front entrance, I was set up with a few other vendors in a different room from the main hall. I understood, when explained to me that people would “have to” pass by us to get into the main hall but this wasn’t exactly the case. We were in in the “collectible” room with the vintage vinyl, sports card guy and silent auction items. Also, the lighting in the room was very dim. The venue needs to get better lighting in that particular room. Overall though, I don’t think not being part of the larger hall “hurt us” all that much but something to consider if we want to get in the main hall next time, if at the same venue. The pros to being our own area is that it was a lot cooler than in the main hall, we had a fun vibe in the smaller room and we got to listen to some great music over the weekend and we made friends with the vintage vinyl dealer. Booth Size: I was allocated one 8 foot table and two six foot tables…Not exactly sure what my square footage was but I know it was a little cramped behind where I was, but it worked. I couldn’t go too much further out from the wall due to layout of that particular room. I still can’t bring myself to do a “U” or “walk in” type booth though . Costs: Booth spaces were very affordable. My space cost me $80.00 for both days. Add in shawarma and pizza slices for lunches for us over the two days and with the FB ad I am probably around $135 in total costs to set up for the weekend. Sales: Sales for Day 1 were very good, by far the best of any of the local shows I have done. Day 2 sales were about half of Day 1, but still “good enough” to meet my “threshold” of what I consider a “successful” day. I did just under $1,600.00 over the course of two days. So, what sold? Zero slabs were sold. Lots of lookers, but no sales. I sold two “wall books” at $30 and $35. I only had a single book sale of more than $40 (Campbell Spidey variant). Several singles in the $10 to $25 range and other singles issue sales ran across the spectrum, but no “huge” stand outs. Sets by far ruled over the two days. I take pride in my sets I build and package them very nicely and the customers seemed to appreciate that. I sold sets and TPBs ranging from Avengers to Zenescope titles. The single biggest set I sold was Doctor Strange, Vol. 3 #1 - #50. I need to stock and build up my set offering before my bigger show in June for sure. The “surprise” sales were my Big Little Books. I went from 15 to only having two left. The negative side is my cheapo section did not do as well as I had hoped but there were not that many “kids” in attendance, so maybe that had something to do with it. Of course, as with every show I was asked if I had this or that and in most cases I do, just chose not to bring that particular box or books. For these shows, I am learning I need to bring a bit more of stuff that does not typically sell among “comic collectors”, like cartoon books and I had several request for Dell/Gold Key books. I suspect it might have to do with some of the demographic coming through. Then again are the folks who are asking actually wanting to buy these or just "see" them. I may have to find out for next time. Final Thoughts: An excellent first show. The weather was gorgeous and it still seemed like people came out to shop. The organizers seem very committed to putting on a good show. They are interested in things like advertising, presentation, variety and (gasp) feedback! They also did some little things, like complimentary coffee and tea for show goers and a bar was open. They also frequently checked in to see how things were going. I did well enough on Sunday for a two day event but even still, I would have been fine had they kept it to just one day, but if they keep at 2 for the next one, I will 100% sign on again. What's Next: Northern Game Expo in Sudbury, ON...Next Sunday
  17. I was also supposed to be able to set up night before got a call about 20 minutes before and said that the room I was in got booked for a function that evening...I didn't know this but the way it is laid out is a narrow entrance way, then a room to the right (where all the "collectible" guys are going) and then the main hall. Kinda stinks that a) I did not get to set up night before, especially given the water tank issue and b) finding out that I am in a side room...Only good thing is (I guess) is that all the "collectible" guys are in there and you have to walk by the room as soon as you come into the place...Also, the venue is brand new and looks very nice...I am feeling unprepared, a little stressed and just really don't know what to expect...We shall see...
  18. So...Planned on getting ready for the first new show tomorrow...This will be one of the shows I am LEAST prepared for...My hot water tank decided to have a complete meltdown today...Thankfully, no comics or really anything all that important is near but... @#$^%@
  19. Good morning! I just posted several Infinity War/Thanos related books up on my eBay store! Please feel free to check them out! Ebay User Id: more_fun_comics Sample of a few books added below...Scans are of actual books.
  20. Oh yeah...Anyone know of any other CGC facilitators who may be going?
  21. Ah, I only have one left and it is eBay bound...But yes, that would have been a good one to do. As this is more of a video game focused show I am leaning towards offering up a nice little sample of some sets of popular characters...
  22. I have no idea. They just leave it up to the donor and offer up X amount of door prizes. Nice thing is they do advertise what the door prizes are and who donated, etc.