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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. I thought I read somewhere that Lobo was created as a parody response to all of the 90's style shoot em up "grim and tough" heroes? ...And then the fans dug him for what he was once he ditched the colourful jumpsuit for the biker look.
  2. When I first got started, I didn't have all my stock sorted (still don't ) so I just went by major characters first. Now that I am where I am and some of those no longer fill a long box or two, yep, I have to go straight alphabetical as I now have more titles to include that don't necessarily fill the box on their own. Plus, getting them in the mix will help get them sold, so this is what I am thinking... Run books - Organized alphabetically, but use cool/funky title dividers. Who showed those funky dividers they made up earlier? $2 or 3 for $5 books - Organized alphabetically (always were), but just A to Z. These boxes were always and specifically marked as cheapies. Completed Sets and Trades - Organized alphabetically (always were), but just A to Z. These boxes were always and specifically marked as sets and trades. Of course, I have a few "Wall Books" and also a "Premium" box, This box is organized A - Z and consists of books in mylars that are at least $20 and up.
  3. Are you guys telling CGC the "story" though, that you have TRIED to get a response from Paradise and they are not getting back to you? You need to call CGC and tell them the story about what is going on with your books and why you are asking.
  4. All of my Batman stock fit into three longs initially, I could remove the Brave and the Bold pretty easily...
  5. Yeah, that is what I did, for example Batman goes like this...Batman, Brave and the Bold, Detective and then Misc. Batman is kind of how I had them to give you an idea. Spider-Man would be Amazing, Spectacular, Web and then Misc. Spidey
  6. Nope, not too late, which is why I was asking! Before, I had them organized by title, in numerical order of course but now a lot of those longboxes are not filled with a single title...I was leaning towards now going completely alphabetical...
  7. This gentleman just doesn't have the knowledge. I don't think it is anything malicious, just a lack of knowledge and "but the guide says". I remained polite as maybe he may come around. I never even got to look at the books as before I wasted a day driving there and back, I wanted to gauge where we were at first. Who knows. Maybe he will come around.
  8. Again, I have no idea why the store MANAGER would also not have joint access to the system to check up on customer CGC invoices. It makes ZERO sense. I mean shouldn't it be easy? Log onto the system and just type in or look for the invoice number (I have no idea how dealer/store system works). With technology today, I cannot fathom why this is so difficult. I understand getting frustrated with customers who may constantly ask where their book is at every week when it has only been a month or two, but when you have a customer saying it has been nearly a year since they subbed their book and ask where it is and the manager tells you he has no way of looking that up, that only the owner and/or owners partner can and all they keep saying is "we expect a CGC shipment soon"... Something is very, very wrong...Also funny how once "pressured" the books are magically "located"...
  9. Definitely frustrating but just simply does not understand or "get it". Or really wants to sell. Bah. As I am sure you are aware, there are a lot of these folks out there. They see a price in OSPG and think that is gospel. ...While they say their books are "NM" I swear they almost all skip over the grading part in OSPG...
  10. When I could have a long box (or more) of a single character, I could easily spice it up with a graphic, like say Spidey or Bats as per my photos. With $2 books, just a big $2 graphic. Sets I had a group shot of a bunch of heroes but it is too busy so going to just make a "Sets and Trade Paperbacks" graphic. Now, if I go purely alphabetical across all titles and companies, what to put on as a front graphic as I don't want it to be 'plain'. Key books or books over $20 get pulled and go into a "premium" box...Yes, $20 and up for a single issue in my area is frequently seen as a "pricey" book.
  11. So after setting up at several shows since this thread started, it is now time to replace several long boxes. I don't mind that, just the cost of doing business. What I was wondering about, what I would like thoughts on, is I use to organize boxes by title and company. For example, one box would be all ASM, another all Batman, etc. However, after doing several shows, I no longer have say a longbox full of Daredevil and other titles and putting in a spacer to keep them upright is not going to work for several titles now. Now, I am simply thinking of doing them all mixed, alphabetically, from A to Z. What I liked about the old way is that I could print up a nice graphic of the character to 'spice up' the plain old white box look. I know I saw some funky title dividers earlier, but can't remember who showed me those and I am too lazy to look back... How do you guys organize your stock at shows? Do you do anything to 'spice up' the front of the box? I think the 'change' might help keep my stock seeming 'fresh' too. Thanks in advance!
  12. The point of my post was to imply that their (Paradise) wording WAS to shift blame onto CGC and that it was sketchy. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I know this is not a CGC problem.
  13. To me that response still makes it sound like it is a CGC problem...Not a Paradise problem. "Talking with CGC about your invoice. They have located and I am confident it will be in our next shipment..." Why did they have to "locate" it? Was it sitting in a heap of subs from Paradise to be graded pending payment? Was it 'lost' at CGC? When did it get to CGC? Great you might have it back but still no direct answers as to why your submission took so dang long.
  14. What you should be looking at is finding out when CGC actually received the books. That would tell a lot, I would think...
  15. I am not going to go into specifics but I started off nice and polite like most here. Then there was a slow progression towards increasing the pressure. More and more frequent contact (I live too far away to go in person) and eventually, with CGC's help, was able to resolve. One reason why I didn't go full on nuclear was because there was one book I really, really wanted to make sure I got back. I figure that is also why some don't go full on rage mode. They are afraid of not getting their books ever. Or don't want to "upset" a "big player". Also perhaps, because, you know, cool books. If this had been a boardie/facilitator who was pulling stuff like this they would for sure be on the Probation List....Wait...Could they be nominated for PL? That might shake some branches?
  16. What about items that have Best Offer option?
  17. Dumb question...Does the code appear at check out?
  18. THAT is a very interesting idea...I include a business card with every purchase but we know what can happen to those...
  19. As the title says, all Canadian Newsstand Price Variant ebay auction up and running. Follow the link for the items: https://www.ebay.com/sch/more_fun_comics/m.html?item=123029839321&hash=item1ca5265dd9%3Ag%3AV5oAAOSw~l5apcJo&rt=nc&LH_Auction=1 Any questions, feel free to message me here or on eBay.
  20. That's a great haul. Usually what I find are like 85% to 95% run books with some minor and odd keys sprinkled in. I certainly would not mind paying a strong price for books like that. Congrats on the Crime Suspense Stories #22! Also, pics or it didn't happen
  21. Awhile ago I picked up a MAD magazine and other types of magazines for pretty cheap. I bought it and kind of flipped through quickly and put it away for another day. I decided to take another peek and found this...MAD #195 from 1977...Double Cover! I have no idea if "valuable" or what but it is the first double cover I have come across in the wild so thought I would share.
  22. Well, I met with the organizers of the new local show - "The Great Northern Antiques to Oddities Show" April 21 - 22, 2018. They operate the new local antique and consignment store and a tattoo shop, so pretty eclectic but seem like decent enough people who are keen to bring a good "mixed" show to town. They have a FB Page and have done some advertising but I don't pay attention to local news. I grabbed a few handouts so as always, will be doing my own advertising. The show will be in a nice venue downtown but I haven't been in it yet. Whether it being on "Main Street" will be good remains to be seen but it has to be better than the old show that was off the beaten path in a tired facility. They seem pleased to have me on board and I am glad to get re-established locally after the other show folded. One problem, well, not that it is a problem, but it will be back to back with my larger show the following weekend and they have opted for a two day show...We all have discussed two day shows but if I want "in" on the ground floor I kind of have to suck it up and see how it goes. On the plus side for 20 ft of space for two days it only cost me $80 so kinda hard to go wrong...
  23. Sorry to hear of your recent challenges. I am still selling. Just not as much as I would like and I am falling short of my goals for 2018, but as you also demonstrated, life happens. My one local competitor has had a few good scores, we are friendly as I imagine most buyers and sellers are, but he gets any walk in stuff at the local LCS directed to him, so he does have an advantage that I don't don't. ...I think I will spend a bit of coin on a Facebook ad. See if that turns anything up. My first show is coming up in just over a month so hopefully that boosts my selling spirits.
  24. When I send books to CGC on the Canada Customs Form online, I just state something like "personal books for evaluation" and CGC sends back to me via FedEx, I have yet to have a big issue with Customs, usually some nominal charge that is not worth the hassle to fight, like under $20...I have had more books get pulled by Customs for purchases than books coming back for CGC.