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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. The new journals are a disaster. I did most of my communication with board members through my journal and had been a source of great insight from more seasoned sellers and for swapping ideas and stories...Now I just wonder what is the point of even posting. I also use to enjoy reading other members journals and now it is so dang unfriendly to use, like others, I am not bothering to "hunt" for them. The comic focused journals will now likely become a wasteland...Sad!
  2. The Fall Edition of the new show in town (Great Northern Antiques to Oddities Show) is taking place on the evening of Friday September 28th and Saturday September 29th. I will be ramping up my social media advertising for the next week (Facebook and IG - I still don't know how effective it is, but it can't hurt) and my booth has been paid for. I will again not be in the Main Hall but rather off in a smaller room, the "Map Room". Initially, I was put off by this last April but it turned out to be a good thing and I don't think I "lost" sales by not being in the main hall. Vendors are set up in the hallway, the Main Hall and the Map Room (only myself and the vinyl dealer will be in the Map Room). The organizers have said they will address my (minor) complaints of having better signage/direction to patrons to come into the Map Room this time and, my number 1 issue, better lighting. Seeing as how Venom comes out a week after the show, I am going to try to make my Spidey/Venom related books the focal point of my central display, similar to what I did at the last show I did, Northern Game Expo, when Infinity War was right around the corner and I laid out all things Avengers/Thanos related that I had. That worked out pretty successfully. For my "wall books", I am also going to change things up. Instead of having them all be "higher end" books, I am going to split my wall display up. One row will have "higher end books" and the other row will have books in the $10 to $50 range up that have a cool cover or subject matter of popular characters. While I have priced up some new individual title inventory, I have been focusing on sets. Sets have not yet really disappointed me. I had a long box and a half of near complete sets and I decided to send a list to a well-known comic dealer in western Canada and was able to fill 99% of my order, so while I put out some money, I no longer have one and a half long boxes of near completed sets. I don't have to wait and wait and wait to track down an issue here and there to complete all those sets. I'm glad to get that done and add a lot more new sets to my set inventory.
  3. Still hate new journals but figure I would offer brief update. The update is no new acquisitions for my personal ASM collection that are "noteworthy". I had a "slip" and picked up some modern JSC ASM #800 variants instead of continuing to save for those silver age books I need, but back on course. For those who follow my other journal about my adventures as a seller you will have read that I have been using some of the profits of sales from mostly what I would consider "common" or "non keys" (which I normally put a portion back into buying ASM books I need), instead into other keys to "hold and sell later". I have also been saving too though The downside is...I am finding that it is peaking my interest level again and that I am "reminded" of how many great books are out there and with the price points of AF #15 and now ASM #1...It hurts to see what else is out there but I am sticking to it, I am "close" to "completing the run"...Like around 25 issues now (excluding variants and annuals) all of the Lee/Ditko era too. So, to start off the "new format", my current personal Top 5 and grade range are: AF #15 (will have to be low grade) ASM #1 (likely low to mid grade) ASM #9 (7.0/7.5 range) ASM Annual #1 (7.0/7.5) grade ASM #4 (6.0 range) I am going to try to stick to earlier advice too, keep plugging away and saving for a low grade (but nice looking) AF #15, then ASM #1...I might "deviate" if I were to come across a "killer deal" but the AF #15 is the primary goal. Current issues needed to complete the run: AF #15, ASM #1, #2, #4, #5, #7 - #12, #16 - #19, #21 - #24, #27, #29, #30, #32, #35, #38
  4. I am mostly saving though but a little "reinvestment" to go back into selling...I did use some comic funds to help cover a little summer getaway and a few household/boring things. I have picked up a few DC SA keys, which goes towards making profit (eventually) as I have to hold for a bit as I am not picking them up at rock bottom prices. Very tight margins but again, purchased using the sales of common stuff. I also can't go too crazy because I don't have a large local market for expensive books so most selling of said books is exclusively online. I haven't posted in my ASM journal in awhile as I have been saving but also the cost now of a low grade ASM #1 is a bit depressing - Another entry may be due soon - So just kind of selling and buying (well not so much buying but not due to lack of trying).
  5. So, I am going to post a bit here and see if anyone is still following the "new and improved" format. I paid for my booth for this September show and had a nice chat with the organizer. He is hosting a vendor dinner on Thursday night, the night before the show. The show opens on Friday, 5 PM to 9 PM and all day on Saturday (last weekend of September). The cool thing that is also happening is the Downtown Gallery Hop is that same Friday...The Downtown Gallery Hop is a free arts event hosted by the galleries, shops and artist studios and there is always lots of local support for that event where shops are open late and there other fun little things happening. The show is also on Main Street so Friday night could potentially be a good night after all so we shall see. ALSO, for those still following and may recall that I had a gentleman clear me out of my cartoon books and had expressed interest in my westerns. I am happy to report those are now all SOLD. 1 and 3/4 long box of mid 70's to early 80's DC and Marvel westerns - Gone. One whole box was not even bagged and boarded. We were able to agree to a bulk deal I think we could both be happy with. I am thinking of "reinvesting" that money into some graded books but have not decided which ones yet. Thoughts?
  6. The new format is bad and it is not conducive to have people follow or engage in dialogue, which was one of the really fun parts of having a journal in the first place. WHY did they have to change the format??????????????????????????? Sad.
  7. I got the email yesterday and I called today. Confirmed it is a glitch. They are aware.
  8. I got the email yesterday and I called today. Confirmed it is a glitch. They are aware.
  9. Well, this new format is just terrible. I see now where I can access the old entries, but yeah, NOT a fan of the change. The layout of the journal section, everything is poopy. There was a reason why people kept posting in the "old" format Regardless, this is the continuation of my Tales from the Comic Box: Adventures in Buying/Selling & Setting Up at Shows
  10. He is living in Bora Bora now off the profits of his Bitcoin trading.
  11. I touched on this in the past...I am a regular at my LCS. Have been since a teenager. Very good terms with store owner (who is same owner). My town only has the one store. Next closest is an hour and a half away and then about two hours. The owner of my local LCS (for reasons that still perplex me) can't be bothered to buy collections and obviously knows I buy and sell. However, whatever comes in he 99% of the time passes along to a former employee - Well, he is on paternity leave - I am not 100% on the full story is but basically, the leads go to him. I am also on very good terms with the other guy and chat regularly, but yeah, he gets the inside track on ALL the LCS call and walk ins. Hard to compete with that. ...He got one notable score this year...Several years ago a collector donated his collection to a local high school library when he passed. Library held onto them but didn't know what to do with them. I had heard of this collection too. Anyway, they decided to sell and put the $ back into the library. They called the LCS. The other guy got the referral and apparently they took his first offer. Sigh. My LCS does advertise when I am setting up at local shows in-store and on their FB Page (other guy doesn't do shows) so that is something. I basically get my leads from shows, general word of mouth, my FB page and the odd and rare Kijiji ad hit. I would totally love an inside track though....
  12. Honestly, no idea...It could be something I am interested in or not at all. Definitely has me intrigued! I am not getting my hopes up too much though as I have been approached before with "good deals" which have proven to be not worth my time, but we shall see. Regardless another benefit of doing shows, getting out and meeting people you necessarily would not selling exclusively online as some "ebay guy", minimally you can end up selling hard to move stuff in bulk and other potential benefits.
  13. Thanos could be the "Darth Vader" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, of all the villains to date, especially with how important he is in print, I can see Thanos holding up long term but I know nothing.
  14. The buyer who purchased pretty much all of my cartoon books got back in touch with me and he is interested in my westerns. We are talking early 70's to early 80's Marvel and DC books for the most part here. I am supposed to touch base with him when I am back in town from work. late this week. Interestingly, he wants to "talk to me" about a "business relationship" (no idea what that means) but I do know he has been buying bulk collections whenever he can so without knowing too much, I said for sure we can talk. We could be talking a hoard of drek, gold or a mix of both. Could be bad or good or just not make sense for me. No idea what exactly he is thinking but we shall see. Heck, even if it falls through and he "only" ends up buying my westerns I will be a happy camper!
  15. Yes, there is the debate about books on the floor or not. Some like it some don't. However, in your case with that super awesome collection you guys picked up you do have some truly unique items for customers to look through so I am sure they don't mind bending the knee to take a look at what you have. For someone like me who would just have "drek" on the floor, not sure anyone would bother.
  16. Simple suggestion...Pony up for a table cloth or two. It will make your display area look more professional and help you hide stuff under the table. Maybe some signage on the front o the box to tell people what is in each one or dividers (may be there, can't tell). Low cost for better eye appeal. Two cents.
  17. Ugh. This guy. I have not had any interactions with him other than what I read on the boards but he contacted me once via eBay. I would have to go through my ebay messages to get exact wording but CopperAgeKids messaged me awhile ago, asking me "not to lower my price" on a book I had up for sale (Preacher #1 CGC 9.8) as he had "several" at CGC and didn't want the "market" to drop or something like that. I have NEVER had anyone do that before and is something I would never even think of messaging another seller to do. I didn't do it. The book sold at a price I was happy with given what I had in it. Not surprised to read of more shenanigans.
  18. Forgot to respond, yeah I am not putting $ into variants or semi keys like ASM #121 (I also, love, love that book)...To be honest, I have reinvested it into some DC silver age first appearances that I think have "potential" and also that I just happen to like a lot. Is there any room to make money in relatively short term on a IH #181 now? I guess with all the "heat" Marvel books have and how their keys seem to be climbing or already at a high point, my thinking was it might be a good idea to try some under-appreciated or more affordable DC stuff...
  19. Minor show update: My next show is scheduled for Friday September 28th and Saturday September 29th...The Fall Edition of the Great Northern Antiques to Oddities Show. Those who may recall that the organizer had a very successful first show in April 2018 and is very keen and motivated and open to improving and trying new things out. This fall, instead of the show being Saturday and Sunday, the show will be move to Friday and Saturday, but on Friday, doors opening at 5 PM to 9 PM. I think, as it is an event centre downtown, will be looking to get some entertainment for the evening or even street performers outside the venue. Don't hold me to that, but he is looking at trying something new. I can roll with that. Doors will open at 10 AM on Saturday and close at 6 PM. I honestly have NO IDEA how the Friday evening thing will go over, but what the heck, not exactly a huge investment in time for me to set up locally. At least my Sunday is free and can move in on the Friday at a leisurely pace. The other local show I did, the Gateway FanEx where the organizers were...Less able/inclined to put on a good show have "cancelled" for this year. No reason given. This local show usually takes place in November. I am 100% fine with this show folding (even if it folds forever) as I was going to have to choose between that one and the new Antique show, which is better organized, better venue, better time of year, just better all around. Compounding the issue is that they would have been so close together time wise and didn't see the benefit of setting up twice within a month and a bit in the same city with such a small collecting demographic.
  20. One thing some of you more experienced sellers have touched on is "investing" or "buying keys to hold" and discussions of "margins"...This is something I would like to start and I have picked up about 5 for this purpose....This is something I may like to do more of as I have some $$$ to reinvest from sales of mostly non-key books. With collections here being super dry for me makes it even more appealing...Any advice? Not looking for what books people are chasing, just a discussion on the topic but any tips appreciated
  21. Summer, usually after Graphic Con is slow selling for me (I typically only run one ebay auction per month June to August) which, I know is kind of the opposite... The reason being is that during "con season" I am spending as much time as I possibly can on the lake or outside (we have family property and my parents live on a lake) as I can or doing little trips with my spouse...I don't even go to cons...Toronto FanEx is the last weekend of summer so I usually opt to spend it on the lake as opposed to convention floor...I haven't been to that show in YEARS. Boils down to priorities and I am very fortunate to have such close and immediate access to a lake and I try to enjoy it as much as I can. Been confirmed, have a show coming at the end of September and will ramp up eBay again around that time too.
  22. I believe this particular buyer will be like one you describe. I have no problem having him to my home. Nice guy. Very reasonable. Will tell me what he is looking for ahead of time so I can pull what I have and he shows up with cash. I have started pulling all my westerns for him Also, I wouldn't mind to take books to his place one day to see what all he has. Anyway, it was another benefit of setting up at a show. He didn't buy a lot there (not a fan of crowds) but I made a great contact/buyer. This is not someone I would have met anywhere else as he barely uses the internet and doesn't use a cell phone. This was a great bulk deal with future potential sales, so I agree we @revat and @thehumantorch that is a very nice win despite no new collection purchases. One problem I have is that I don't have all my books onsite (may have mentioned this before) so makes selling at home and being readily available to post stuff on my ebay store a bit of a PITA. Working on an organizing solution where I can keep more of my stock on hand (my current space is used to house my personal collection). I'd really like to ramp up my ebay store as I am not taking full advantage of it.
  23. Oh I could not agree more. I was very happy with the sale. The amount of time it would have taken to move those books plus investment in bags and boards...Sometimes when I sell a book or a set or whatever there may be a small "twinge" of "sadness" to see a particular book go...I had NONE of that with this deal.
  24. Not much new to report. No new collections have surfaced locally...Longest "dry spell" I have had since I started doing this However, I did make a good contact from the last local show I did in April. Older retired gentleman came to my booth and bought a few things. Told me he was interested in cartoon books (anything pre-1980). Gave him my card. Finally connected and he CLEANED ME OUT of my cartoon books, mostly 1970's Dell/Gold Key stuff. We made a bulk deal and a lot of my stock wasn't even in bagged and boarded yet. He also did a bit of trading where I picked up some nice treasuries (I love these for shows for visuals and they sell). He also bought some ASM and Flash books and I sold a handful of minor keys. So, while I have not made a big purchase, I did make a big sale of stuff that, for me, is pretty hard to move. I let him when my next show will be and he told me he doesn't like "competing" with crowds so now we are basically setting up some "private" appointments. He was "vetted" by another person so was fine having him to my home. Next he wants to look into my Western books. He is retired and his previous interest in collecting was rekindled recently and primarily interested in books from his childhood.
  25. Rogue One is still one of my favourite SW movies. While maybe too derivative, I really enjoyed SWFA. TLJ was just flat out not a good film. I watched TLJ on Netflix. First time since seeing it in the theatre. I thought maybe on second viewing I would have a different opinion. Nope. Still really, really don't like it. I think there was a decent movie "in there" but there was just too much junk. Hopefully Disney sees the error of their ways (did they really NOT have the whole trilogy scripted before hand?) and rights the ship.