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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. Cold day here in Northern Ontario, so going through some of my CPV's (finally). 3 long boxes bagged and boarded. Have to make up a list but if anyone looking for something, send me a PM. Some samples.
  2. Any questions, just ask! Thanks for looking!! https://www.ebay.com/itm/FANTASTIC-FOUR-53-CGC-9-0-SS-STAN-LEE-1st-KLAW-ORIGIN-OF-BLACK-PANTHER/122912350399?hash=item1c9e25a0bf:g:JSUAAOSwVA5aR-km
  3. Something about these allegations, just seem...Off. There also does not seem to be a lot of "investigative journalism" into the story...Just a click bait headline. Literally no details. Number of women, dates, what did the company do, why is said nursing company no longer Stan's current provider, etc., etc. It might be the "fanboy" in me, but I hope these allegations are untrue.
  4. At work right now. I would have to crop screen shot at home but the post is still up on the Low Grade Comic Collectors! And BST group Just wondering if this is an isolated thing or not...Thing is, once stupid stuff like this gets in the wind on FB or wherever I am sure there will be others who will now try it...
  5. This morning I saw some "interesting" posts of Facebook...A guy showing a "before and after" picture of his House of Secrets #92 before and after he used a Magic Eraser on it. There were others who commented, some saying it is resto, some saying it is not, some people posting they too have done it and how...Personally, I would never do this to a comic...I have heard about the white bread technique and/or your basic eraser but a Magic Eraser? I wonder though can CGC "detect"? I don't want any Mr. Clean(ed) comics...
  6. Spoke with the individual this week, said I was interested in the books he had but he confirmed he would like to sell them all at once. He then happens to mention he missed a few, that included some Batman, Wonder Woman and a few others so I asked him to kindly to send me those as well. I have a strong inclination he may be one of those "OSPG" is the "be all and end all" and that ultimately his asking price will not be realistic. I should have the other list this week. If it comes in, I might just try to figure this out sooner rather than later and go there and see if I can look at them and work it out sooner rather than later...Or walk away.
  7. I normally do not "hunt" any of the ASM variants but a friend of mine came across a few variants in a collection he picked up and gave me a really nice deal on the ASM #700 variant, so I figured why not.
  8. Sorry, I know a little bit about them but don't really deal in them. Kind of like you, if I come across them as part of a collection, I will take them but definitely not an "expert" in them or anything or something I particularly "look for". ...Nice little scoop there though...What else did you get?
  9. List arrived in the mail today. Unfortunately, the comics are not what I was hoping - I was hoping for some sweet Marvel and DC silver age, what I got was a real "hodge podge" of books The list starts with several books from the late 1960's to the mid 1970's of various Dell and Gold Key, ranging from things like "The Dirty Dozen" to "Walt Disney Beagle Boys", some mid 70's Charlton romance books, some low grade early Tarzan, some late 80's and early 90's random Justice League, Legion of Super-Heroes, Micronauts, Punisher, Teen Titans, etc. For "mainstream" there is a decent selection of Uncanny X-Men, the earliest being #23 and the highest being #233. The X-Men interest me. The bulk appears to be bunch of older Classic Comics from early 1940's to mid 1960's. The Classics drive me nuts as making sure they are the right HR-N or whatever number/version make me and the "market" for them is difficult. I am still sitting on a stack to process. As for the cigarette cards, it appears to be a decent list but from my limited research, there are no "big ones"...No early movie or sport stars...But I do have to do more research. He has them all under the header Imperial Tobacco Co. but some have different company attached to the set or lot or whatever. The earliest are from 1900 and the latest 1925. Brief list: Characters from Dickens British Live Stock Birds Nests and Eggs Gardening Hints Children of All Nations Flower Culture in Pots Dog Series British Birds Famous British Ships Army Corps and Divisional Signs Records of the World Wonders of the World I am going to contact the individual this week. See if I have to buy all the books or can "pick em" from the list. I still have to see everything in person too of course. I'm interested in the cigarette cards, even out of pure general interest, but for "how much" will depend on how much I can find out, so I will see where he is at with those as well.
  10. The guy said he was mailing the list just before Christmas so I should have it by Tuesday. Don't have to wait too much longer...
  11. Trying not to get "ahead of myself" with the potential books...But yeah, I would *think* some good potential. Thanks for the link! Going to do a bit more research...He is including a list of the cards he has along with the comics.
  12. Lead on possible collection... This one is from an gentleman who lives out of town...Like an hour...He is going to MAIL me his list of comics (no email, no cell phone)...The local antique shop where my wife use to work referred him to me. He said he has a price guide though so we will see. Likely be top dollar asking prices for comics that are not as old as I am hoping but of course I said send me the list. The guy said he also has a bunch of cigarette cards from his father, most from the 1900 - 1920's. Asked me if I would be interested in seeing the list of those...I know NOTHING of cigarette cards other than a quick Google search but I figured why not take a look? Hopefully 2018 starts with a nice new acquisition.
  13. Going to be on the road for a bit today, won't be able to check in until later. Have fun everyone!
  14. I just got back from the movie so wanted to write while it was fresh... My overall, my humble "overall review" is this...Not as "great" as the critics on RT are saying nor is it "as bad" as the general audience rating on RT either. For me, it is somewhere in the middle. The Good I'm not sure where exactly to put this, so going to probably get reamed for putting it here, but here it is...Luke. I heard a lot about how Luke was "mistreated"...I think I heard so much online I was expecting something really, really bad...I didn't find his reclusiveness and reasons (and subsequent explanations for it), all that bad...A hero can fall, stumble...But in the END, he came BACK. The meeting between Snoke, Rey and Kylo. I don't need to "know more" about Snoke. How much "back story" did we have on the Emperor in the original trilogy? We knew he was the dark lord, we didn't find out how he got there until episodes I, II and III. The fight scene with Snoke's guards was pretty cool, I thought. I think it also propels Kylo forward, he "surpassed" Vader by manipulating and then killing his master and assuming command. I do not hate the fact that Rey's parents were not somehow linked to the "Force Royalty". Anyone can be in tune with the force. "Anyone" can be a Jedi. The Bad Too many corny jokes/scenes. Star Wars has always had humour but they definitely "overdid it" in spots. The entire casino and code breaker. Them riding those creatures through the casino. Ugh. Waste of time, not necessary. They magically "find" a guy just like the code-breaking hanging out in the same cell they are in? Wha? They could have found some other "Macguffin" to get Finn and Rose in there (and get captured) without that complete waste of time. The pacing/timeline...Rey's training and the whole slow stalking of the last of the rebels fleet...The pacing and timeline of events seemed wonky to me. The Dumb "Super Leia". Words escape me. The "milking" thing. Yet another stupid CGI joke. I don't know why so many movies do stupid like this, but this one was beyond stupid. My Personal Overall Rating: 6.5 This is definitely a flawed film and in parts, was jarring from the tone of Force Awakens. I think it suffered from too much humour, some weird story choices and going against the grain in some respect as to what "the fans" were expecting. It will be interesting to see how or if they "correct course", but even with the negative reviews, it is still a box office juggernaut so how much that will influence what happens in Episode 9, remains to be seen I guess.
  15. Going to see it in theatre, Dbox style...I have avoided many many specific spoilers, so will be interesting to see how this is but I know the "hate is strong" with this one...
  16. Thanks very much! Always nice to know people are reading! Made an error earlier, need the following still: AF #15 ASM #1 - #5, #7 - #12, #16 - #19, #21 - #24, #27, #29, #30, #32, #35, #38
  17. Form subbed! Thanks for putting this together. Looking forward to it!
  18. I now need... AF #15 ASM #1 - #5, #7 - #12, #16 - #19, #21 - #24, #27, #29, #30, #32, #35, #38 Also, my lovely wife got me this (along with a few other things) for Christmas...Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 Omnibus!
  19. Purchased this from Big B Comics Barrie aka @slowdowntubby at the 11th hour just before Christmas. Arrived Friday afternoon.
  20. I agree, presents extremely nice. The major issue is rusty staple. I know this hurts it but still opted to get it slabbed. Other faults on the notes are: Crease left bottom of back cover. Tape pull left centre of back cover breaks colour (wasn't me). Wear left centre of front cover, wear left top of front cover,
  21. Hello everyone, just so you know, I can't find the cover from first pic, third row so the lot will now include 30 Zenescope exclusives. Sorry for the error. All other books in pic will be in the lot + another 14 not pictured. I just want ppl to know what they are getting
  22. Question: If general audiences liked this film at a respectable 78% (going by RT), why is the overall box office performance so bad? Can 'professional' movie critics really hold that much sway in the internet age?
  23. Double-Post but thought there might be some here who don't go to General too often who might like to see. The Adventure Comics is the highest graded Canadian Edition on the census. The Marvel Family and Junior Miss are the sole Canadian copies on the census. Poor Superman is at the bottom, 4th and lowest graded Canadian Edition but I still like it. I purchased these raw along with several other books from a "walk in" at a local show I was set up at and figured what the heck, I will get them graded.