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Posts posted by Wall-Crawler



    I would be surprised if Sony Even what they are doing in the ASM franchise is not taken directly from the Ultimate Universe. My point is that while there is a bit more linkage in the Ultimate Universe to Oscorp and/or Hammer Industries, it is still done much, much better in the comics and the costume designs in the ASM movie series, aside from Spidey's still suck.doesn't yank Webb from this franchise. The pitch count on Webb is 0-2.


    People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well


    I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed.


    I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics"


    Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more.


    Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to :sick:


    Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low...


    Actually I feel that is ing awesome and makes more sense.


    So...Arguably the best rogue's gallery in all of comics are going to be reduced to a bunch of corporate assassins/lackey's? How will they infuse any sense of "personality" to any of them? I could understand a couple of villains but all of the Sinister Six?


    Like I said, I will take a wait and see approach but...Outlook Not So Good.


    Exactly this.


    Look to Doc Ock in Tobey's second movie to see how a villain ought to be done on screen. His origin was quite true to the comics but also translated to screen really well. If they reduce Doc Ock and the others down to simple Oscorp creations that will be horrible.



    The great thing about Silver Age Marvel villains is that they had some empathetic feature to them. They weren't just one dimensional bad guys fro the sake of having a one. Spider-Man 2 captured this with Doc Ock.

    By making them all just OSCORP creations, they have no personality, no real back story that means anything, they just become 'stuff that's supposed to look cool'.


    But for a series that's more geared to ULTIMATE Spider-man and the MODERN version of the comic, what else is their to expect? The 90's ruined these characters, taking all the personality out of them in exchange for 'what looks cool'. All style and no substance.


    A good story with good characters that is written well is always going to win out over something meant to just 'look cool'.

    SONY has fumbled the ball on this big time.



    Ultimate Spider-Man was pretty good actually. Even with Ultimate Spider-Man, they were not ALL Oscorp creations. While there was a direct connection between some of them (Osborn and Otto) and some of the others, at least they brought in Justin Hammer as another foil/counter for Spidey and Oscorp. Ultimate Venom was a result of work Peter and Eddie's fathers were working on. The Ultimate Universe managed to change these characters and make them (most of them) interesting and more than generic villains. Why can't Sony?


    I am assuming that is exactly how Venom's origin will be via film as well. Much better the Ultimate Version that the Secret Wars 8 IMO.


    Even what they are doing in the ASM franchise is not taken directly from the Ultimate Universe. My point is that while there is a bit more linkage in the Ultimate Universe to Oscorp and/or Hammer Industries, it is still done much, much better in the comics and the costume designs in the ASM movie series, aside from Spidey's still suck.


    While obviously you couldn't get into the Beyonder and all that, I liked how in the 616 version, the symbiote is an alien entity. Adds a different 'flavour' in contrast to his other villains. I think the big advantage too, is that Venom in 616 evolved over time and in the Ultimate Universe he was developed in one storyline. Did not have the same "oomph" as that first Venom saga...


    I think they could have an alien be the suit in a movie and have it be good.

  2. I would be surprised if Sony doesn't yank Webb from this franchise. The pitch count on Webb is 0-2.


    People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well


    I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed.


    I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics"


    Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more.


    Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to :sick:


    Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low...


    Actually I feel that is ing awesome and makes more sense.


    So...Arguably the best rogue's gallery in all of comics are going to be reduced to a bunch of corporate assassins/lackey's? How will they infuse any sense of "personality" to any of them? I could understand a couple of villains but all of the Sinister Six?


    Like I said, I will take a wait and see approach but...Outlook Not So Good.


    Exactly this.


    Look to Doc Ock in Tobey's second movie to see how a villain ought to be done on screen. His origin was quite true to the comics but also translated to screen really well. If they reduce Doc Ock and the others down to simple Oscorp creations that will be horrible.



    The great thing about Silver Age Marvel villains is that they had some empathetic feature to them. They weren't just one dimensional bad guys fro the sake of having a one. Spider-Man 2 captured this with Doc Ock.

    By making them all just OSCORP creations, they have no personality, no real back story that means anything, they just become 'stuff that's supposed to look cool'.


    But for a series that's more geared to ULTIMATE Spider-man and the MODERN version of the comic, what else is their to expect? The 90's ruined these characters, taking all the personality out of them in exchange for 'what looks cool'. All style and no substance.


    A good story with good characters that is written well is always going to win out over something meant to just 'look cool'.

    SONY has fumbled the ball on this big time.



    Ultimate Spider-Man was pretty good actually. Even with Ultimate Spider-Man, they were not ALL Oscorp creations. While there was a direct connection between some of them (Osborn and Otto) and some of the others, at least they brought in Justin Hammer as another foil/counter for Spidey and Oscorp. Ultimate Venom was a result of work Peter and Eddie's fathers were working on. The Ultimate Universe managed to change these characters and make them (most of them) interesting and more than generic villains. Why can't Sony?

  3. I would be surprised if Sony doesn't yank Webb from this franchise. The pitch count on Webb is 0-2.


    People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well


    I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed.


    I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics"


    Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more.


    Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to :sick:


    Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low...


    Actually I feel that is ing awesome and makes more sense.


    So...Arguably the best rogue's gallery in all of comics are going to be reduced to a bunch of corporate assassins/lackey's? How will they infuse any sense of "personality" to any of them? I could understand a couple of villains but all of the Sinister Six?


    Like I said, I will take a wait and see approach but...Outlook Not So Good.


    Exactly this.


    Look to Doc Ock in Tobey's second movie to see how a villain ought to be done on screen. If they reduce Doc Ock and the others down to simple Oscorp creations that will be horrible.


    Mysterio, agree with you 100%.


    If you take away the goofy costume, William Daffoe as the first GG was a pretty good villain. It established the Father/Son relationship between Norman and Harry and later gave reason for Harry to hate Spidey. Doc Ock was great and again, we had motivation, tragedy and redemption. Spidey 3, well, we can just leave that one out but how much of that was Sony's fault vs Raimi's? We will never know the truth but this current reboot is just weird.


    Did I hear right that they introduce Felecia Hardy as an employee of Oscorp too???????



  4. I would be surprised if Sony doesn't yank Webb from this franchise. The pitch count on Webb is 0-2.


    People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well


    I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed.


    I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics"


    Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more.


    Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to :sick:


    Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low...


    Actually I feel that is ing awesome and makes more sense.


    So...Arguably the best rogue's gallery in all of comics are going to be reduced to a bunch of corporate assassins/lackey's? How will they infuse any sense of "personality" to any of them? I could understand a couple of villains but all of the Sinister Six?


    Like I said, I will take a wait and see approach but...Outlook Not So Good.

  5. I would be surprised if Sony doesn't yank Webb from this franchise. The pitch count on Webb is 0-2.


    People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well


    I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed.


    I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics"


    Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more.


    Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to :sick:


    Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low...


    I just don't get how hard it is to make a good Spidey movie? It should not be this difficult!!!


    Avi Arad made a big stink about Fiege "getting all the credit" for Marvel's recent success, but that guy really, really needs to look at what Marvel is doing and actually honour the source material...

  6. What is the "statute of limitation" on restored books?


    For example, say I buy a book from someone. Months later I decide to sub it, say economy tier and I get the book back like 6 months later and it comes back restored.


    How "long" should the original seller be "responsible" for the book?


    Just curious.


    the better you want your reputation to be, the longer you are willing to make amends with the buyer.


    I dont think there is a set answer.


    WC here's another one, how far back does restitution go? the most recent transaction? the last two? and so on....


    I agree with the part about preserving your reputation but I guess after a set amount of time, how could you KNOW when the CT happened? I guess if the buyer had the book for a month or two and subbed it with no signing, etc. the seller should make amends..But for really long periods of time, like a year or more... (shrug)


    As for restitution, depends how many hands...I think the most recent seller as they presumably looked it over and they then take any responsibility for it if they passed/sold it along (shrug)


    I just asked b/c it can become quite :ohnoez:

  7. I just got back from the movie...It absolutely rocked!


    Not sure if it has been pointed out but did anyone notice in the credits that Ed Brubaker was "Scientist #2"?


    My wife loved it too but she asked why the heck Iron Man and the other's didn't show up to help...Winter Soldier reveal surprised her too as I did not say anything and it did surprise a few others. There was the odd cheer during the movie too.


    Great show. Just too bad I had to watch it is stoopid 3D...


    ALSO, I really LIKED how Black Widow did and had something to do and did not revert to action flick type and just be eye candy or a damsel in distress. I would watch a solo Black Widow movie...They are doing great things with that character. I wasn't sold on Scarlet at first, but now I am.

  8. Thanos.


    Marvel used him and now if DC/WB uses Darkseid, the general public is just going to think DC ripped Marvel off...Which is too bad...


    But in the comic book realm...I don't know...Pretty fair fight...I think they would duke it out, see they are too evenly matched and then team up to help the other gain complete dominance of thier respective universes and call it a day.


    If Darkseid had the anti-life equation, Thanos would fall and worship his feet...

  9. That Spidey on the cover is what I used for the tattoo on my upper left arm.


    Can't go wrong with that for a Spidey tattoo! (thumbs u


    I have contemplated getting a Spidey tattoo but so far, I am still ink free. Too chicken...

  10. I had a new batch of books come in. Here they are. Overall, generally pleased with the outcome.


    ASM #100 - Love this cover :)




    MS. MARVEL #1 COPY A - 1st Ms. Marvel!




    MS. MARVEL #1 COPY B - Yep, still 1st Ms. Marvel!




    NOVA #1 - 1st Nova!




    SPECIAL MARVEL EDITION #15 - 1st Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu!




  11. I bought these "loose" (is that the right term?) at the NY Comic Con a few years ago and just got around to submitting them for grading. They came back with results that surprised me. Def got my investment back and more on these.


    Great books!


    Oh, and the term is "raw" - Using the term "loose" is to describe something else entirely :blush: and not very P.C. anymore.


    Congrats again on the books though!