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Posts posted by Architecht

  1. On 4/14/2017 at 1:33 PM, Marwood & I said:


    Scrub that. Just tried it again and when I access 'Go to inbox' from the top right envelope it takes me to my inbox and shows all mails again regardless of which folder they're in. 

    If I select another folder, and then reselect inbox it shows only the correct number of mails for my inbox. However, if I refresh that page, it again shows all emails in my inbox regardless of which folder they are in.

    The VCC has gone, but glitches remain.

    They applied another patch, and sorted this one out.

  2. On 2/14/2017 at 1:58 PM, bababooey said:

    I am wondering if the migration will patch historical post links from the old boards (which are soon to taken down)

    For example, I bookmarked BUTM's google search post from the NOOB guide to use it for searching the old boards but the URL numbering doesn't seem to jive and if that's the case I'm not sure how all of our old internal board links will find the "new board" posts after migration?

    On the old boards the link looked like this -


    Today it looks like this - 



    Redirects are in place at this point. However, the old links will only work when going to the the start of a thread. If it's a link to a particular comment deeper in a thread, then it may not work.

  3. 1 hour ago, Marwood & I said:

    The only example I can find of you directly criticising the 'gaming' of likes involved two Seasoned Veterans. 

    Shill accounts who join just to troll are identified and removed by design. Any likes generated by them should also be removed by design. 

    I've promised @comicquant to try to be more positive, and he's right, I should, so let's leave it. Whatever you decide to do Arch I'll go along with.  


    Not easy to remove likes. It is easy to manually adjust a number on user, but you can't take it off of the content and you would have to manually tabulate all of the shill likes per user to remove them correctly and then remove them one user at a time. So that isn't really going to be a thing.

    Eventually I may create a group that separates brand new accounts from regular members, but that will take some time investment. Should we reduce the likes again?

  4. 1 hour ago, Marwood & I said:


    Is that because Seasoned Veterans can be trusted to use them 'properly' and us mere Members can't?  Or is the additional 15 a day for the SV's some kind of loyalty / longevity reward?

    Either way, I am at a total loss as to why you would introduce this tweak. We've had April fools day already haven't we?

    Because Seasoned Veterans are by definition not shill accounts that signed up yesterday specifically to troll the system by liking a bunch of things to make a point. Part of the point of the limit was to constrain the annoyance that can be caused by a throw-away account.

  5. 20 hours ago, Marwood & I said:

    I'll stick my neck out and say that the majority of active members like liking posts @Architecht. Not in the way you intended them to work, but they do like liking just to show appreciation. It spreads good will. The 10 per day cap annoys people. A system set up for liking that annoys people has surely failed somehow, no? 'Gaming' likes only has a purpose if you can see the results of that gaming. So if you can't head it off with a single member cap, switching off the Leaderboard would be the next best thing.  

    Maybe you should poll the members to see what they want. Maybe 99% of members are totally ambivalent. A poll set by you will likely garner many more responses though, as you are the 'guvnor' and people take note when you speak. I've lost a bit of interest in the subject now if I'm honest Arch so this will be my last bang of the "sort the likes out"drum. 

    Yep, I get the theory, but we also get some positives (as well as negatives) with the leaderboard. I want to make sure we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    I try to look at both the annoyances and the gains we get. If we only look at annoyances then we can end up drawing half-informed conclusions.  I also like to let the usage settle out enough that we can tell what is really working and what isn't.

    For example, the most vocal early voices wanted to (and may still want to) entirely turn likes off. Now we're discussing whether to raise the cap instead. Opinions change as we start to see different value or solutions to a problem - that's natural and smart. So, bottom line, I'm waiting on tossing out the leaderboard.

    But we can't have stasis either. Here's a tweak. Members have 15 likes now, Seasoned Veterans have 30.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Marwood & I said:


    Arch? Is that you....?



    Er wait... No! :)

    Here's a little info / update for folks on the timeout issue. I've responded to this in various threads, but the announcement area will hopefully make the information a little more easily available to folks.


  7. Considering it... considering.... considering... aaaannnd no.

    Just kidding. We'll probably keep evolving how the like system works. I'm watching feedback like this, and thinking about whether to treat likes as just a general social approval mechanism, or as a surfacer of quality content. Maybe if we took the limits off and let people like whatever they wanted, the quality stuff would still rise to the top on its own. Not sure.

  8. 3 hours ago, Marwood & I said:


    Scrub that. Just tried it again and when I access 'Go to inbox' from the top right envelope it takes me to my inbox and shows all mails again regardless of which folder they're in. 

    If I select another folder, and then reselect inbox it shows only the correct number of mails for my inbox. However, if I refresh that page, it again shows all emails in my inbox regardless of which folder they are in.

    The VCC has gone, but glitches remain.

    I'll report that wrinkle to Invision. Thanks!


  9. 2 minutes ago, skypinkblu said:

    @Architecht Is there a trick to changing themes on a phone? I have  a Galaxy 7 (Droid) and no matter how many times I tap that theme thingy, nothing seems to drop down. I've been trying for a while. It's fine here, on my PC.

    The pinch-zoom theme specifically has a bug in it where it makes it hard to change back to other theme while on mobile.

    IF you are on the pinch-zoom theme

    AND you are on your mobile device

    AND you zoomed in to touch the theme menu

    THEN you need to scroll down past a bunch of grey space to find the themes OR if you have to zoom all the way out and back in.

  10. Galleries - give it a try

    The gallery area of the boards hasn't been explored much, but it's time to check it out!

    Right now I've created two categories

    1. Top Pop CGC Graded Comics - a place for people to post any comics that they think are an example of the finest graded
    2. Test gallery - just a place to play around and try it. I may wipe out these images from time to time just so we're not storing a bunch of extra junk that was only a test.

    We could make other galleries - like Got a comic room???  I'm interested in suggestions on how best to use this area (no promises on what the final results will be).

  11. Birthday on the calendar coming - CHECK YOUR BIRTH YEAR

    Hi all,

    When we first tested the migration to the new boards one problem noted by the beta testers was that the birthdays showing up on the calendar ALSO showed the age of the person in question because the birth years had been entered. That was disturbing to some, so we made two changes:

    1. We asked Invision to remove everyone's birth year
    2. We hid all the birthdays on the calendar until we were sure how #1 would work out

    SO, I think Invision deleted all of the birthday data - not just the year - but I can't be sure since I can't query the database. I also can't check that they cleanly deleted everyone's data, but I think they did.

    BEFORE we turn the birthday calendar stuff back on, I wanted to give everyone a chance to check their birthday data. You have a few choices:

    1. Re-enter your birthday data if it's missing
    2. Wipe out your birthday data if it's there and you don't want it to be
    3. Change your birth year
    4. In all three cases above, you have "not telling" as a birth year choice.

    I'll turn on the birthdays in about a week after this post. You can find your birthday by editing your profile - it's at the top:

    Chat board birthdays.png

  12. 14 minutes ago, nepatkm said:

    Yeah I'm not seeing any anyways with it on or off ( cellphone ), not home to check laptop. I  just Thought sig lines were just done away with. 

    The mobile version of the site hides signatures, because the images people may post in them won't necessarily scale down. It could cause broken / sideways scrolling pages.

    HOWEVER, if you enable the "pinch-zoom" theme, you are forced to view the desktop version on mobile devices, and it will show signatures.