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Posts posted by accessndx

  1. 8Of6A6m.png


    David Ayer Shares Cryptic Suicide Squad Imag


    Director David Ayer, earlier today, shared a cryptic image -- seemingly from Suicide Squad -- that has fans wondering just what it might mean.


    Possibly a tease of the rumored footage we're supposed to see at this weekend's MTV Movie Awards broadcast.


    :gossip: One comment on Twitter says the Chinese character that's on fire means "fish"


    If it's FISH MOONEY I'm going to hang up my comic hat for good.


    Not arguing you not feeling the soundtrack. But you are aware that the soundtrack for the movie is basically an expansion of MOS by Zimmer/JXL right?

    There are many tracks in the BvS soundtrack that are practically a "remix" of the tracks from the MOS score:






    Well then....a bit more ZIMMER and alot less Junkie XL would have made a difference.

    It was supposed to be a cinematic soundtrack....not a rave.


    It turns out, all the jokes in the movie have already been revealed in the trailer, according to Birth Movies Death.


    Hmmmm....I wonder what other huge DC movie put everything on front street in the trailer as well......could it be BvS?


    They really need to balance out what they present in trailers and what they put on screen as a final product. The all the eggs in one trailer basket just doesn't cut it.

  4. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/zack-snyder-reacts-batman-v-852953


    ...some fans complained that too much of the story had been given away, especially as it related to seeing the two heroes stand alongside Wonder Woman against a common foe. Perhaps unsurprisingly, director Zack Snyder doesn't agree with that point of view...


    Here's what Synder said back in January regarding the trailers:


    "I have the benefit of seeing the movie," Snyder told MTV when asked about the complaints. "It’s cool that [fans] think it’s too much, and I appreciate people not wanting to know, but there’s plenty that they don’t know. There’s a lot of movie that’s not in the trailer."


    So where was the "lot of movie" that wasn't in the trailer? Extra footage doesn't equate "lots of movie" that folks don't already know about. Sure you can say there's alot more fighting....but enough to justify the quote? How about those scenes of the Justice League.....yeah, a bit extra....but we knew they'd be there. How about more WW dialogue....nope we saw that in the trailers...and pretty much all the dialogue that Luthor has as well.


    The only thing I didn't see in the trailers was Scoot McNairy.....and his nonsensical role.

    BTW: what horsecrap he was feeding us back in 2014 regarding his role:


    Scoot McNairy and his green CGI socks have resulted in fans reaching the conclusion that he will appear in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice as either The Flash, Metallo or possibly a wonded Metropolis citizen from Superman and General Zod's battle in Man of Steel. In a recent interview with Schmoes Know, they told the Argo star that they very much hope to see him as a member of the Justcue League in Zack Snyder's movie. His response? "Yeah well…I hope to be a part of the DC Universe for a while as well."


  5. I don't really care what the critics said. None of their commentary influenced my feelings about the movie.


    I really WANTED to love this flick. I really enjoyed MOS and was eager to see it followed up by BvS. In fact, I had that MOS theme music in my head and felt uplifted after seeing the first movie....(in spite of the controversial ending).


    I've been a staunch advocate for the DCCU and a stalwart defender of everything DC right along.


    With the exception of the new WW music theme....I felt that the soundtrack was distracting, choppy and dissonant.......even intrusive.

    That was a fail IMHO. As I mentioned previously: if I hadn't seen the trailers, I would have possibly enjoyed the film to a greater degree. I honestly felt that the movie was all the trailers glued together with some patchy dialogue and a thin thread that connects the rest.


    I'm still eager to see what the JL movie has to offer, but I was effectively let down by BvS. For all the hype, posturing and pre-movie discussion of plotline....especially the comments by Snyder that inferred much more was going to be in the movie than what was displayed in the trailers......it just didn't measure up.



  6. There's NO WAY that Thawne DIDN'T put some sort of backdoor/virus into that flash drive (pun not intended).


    Barry has to be Earth 1's most gullible metahuman to stick that thing in Gideon.....just saying.


    It's probably already sending him a signal into the future alerting him of what's transpired. At least, that's what I'd do if I were an uber evil time traveling speedster from the future.

  7. Strange.....doesn't look ANYTHING like the motherboxes they showed in the Cyborg sequence....and doesn't look like Steppenwolf from the comics or animated series....



    But it does say this in wikipedia:


    Steppenwolf appears in a deleted scene of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice where he is seen having a communion with Lex, holding three Mother Boxes and teleports away once the police arrive.


    This is the kinda thing that COULD have made the movie better......methinks they cut alot of stuff that would have soothed the savage fans.

  8. 'You owe this planet nothing, Clark.'


    How wonderful.


    Yeah, it's not like he was RAISED here on this planet....lol. Good job Martha....way to inspire gratitude.



    I'm sure saving the planet went some way to repaying his debt to the human race... ;)



    lol, I agree....but he kinda has to get involved with any continued threats to said home.

    What kinda d-bag is Supes if he doesn't lift a finger when alien threats come rolling in?


    And FTR, upon greater reflection.....Affleck wasn't the WORST thing about this movie.

    He performed adequately. I do think Supes got short-changed....he had very little dialogue, very little interaction and overall had a very small role in spite of the fact he was a headliner.


    They shoulda killed luthor along with mercy graves....then at least we won't have to worry about him heading up the Legion of Doom in future installments.

  9. Batman killing folks shouldn't be a huge surprise (dream sequence or otherwise)....considering Supes killed both Zod and Doomsday.


    I don't recall Bats shooting to kill except in the Dystopian future sequences where all hell has broken loose....clearly he's reached a point where he cannot accomplish any realistic goals without eliminating the threats permanently.

    Considering it's an alternate timeline, his actions are subject to change depending on what happens between the present and that time.


    Having said that, he does shoot to maim and utterly hurt the folks in this film. He's certainly not pulling punches and he doesn't apparently care how much bodily harm he doles out.


    The news reports pretty much state that once Batman brands someone it's a "death sentence" in prison.....after which is presumably continues to brand folks...knowing that this may be ultimately their fate once incarcerated. One could argue that Batman doesn't care what happens to these folks, but isn't the one pulling the proverbial trigger.


    I think the real problem here is the fact that folks want these characters to be presented in the same antiquated and naive way that they have been portrayed in the past. These sorts of heroes cannot and do not work in the present day. There's only so much you can accomplish by beating up terrorists, only to have them recover, recirculate and come back to create more problems. It makes more sense to eliminate the threat totally.


    Keep in mind that these characters have had potentially dozens if not hundreds of interactions with the "villains" in the DCCU.....like the Joker.....

    If folks like the Joker keep popping back up and causing trouble.....inevitably murdering and crippling heroes.....at what point does someone like Batman have to act in the interest of the greater good. One might even say he's obligated to act in this manner or the blood that gets resultingly spilled as a consequence of his inaction is on his hands.


    Folks are making too much of a big deal about these heroes and their capactiy or willingness to kill. This is where the popular portrayal should and has to deviate from the contemporary portrayal.


    I actually like this more "realistic" view of how heroes would have to react to these acts of apocalyptic destruction and how they might deal with the outcomes.


    I had huge expectations for this film, which unfortunately for me fell a bit flat. As I've said before, if I hadn't seen any trailers....didn't know much of the storyline before walking in, I might have been more entertained. It fell into that C+/B- realm for me that was not acceptable based upon all the hype, pomp and circumstance.


    If Cavill or any of you folks making these flicks reads these forums....please take a page from the fans that truly love these characters.....stick with the source material and go with "less is more", with alot less leaks from the set ITF.


    One last thought.....Ezra Miller looks like a total freak. What's up with the ponytail/man-bun thing? Who the hell thought that was going to fly visually?

    It looked out of place for Barry Allen or Wally West or whoever he's supposed to be. The Flash isn't some hipster weirdo....he's pretty clean cut looking in every iteration.....he's someone we can look at and seriously believe IS the FLASH. I'm not sure what thought process went into making him THE cinematic Flash....but IMHO it's a huge, giant, fail. Grant Gustin may not be able to work on the big screen but he's a FAR BETTER match than what I've seen so far with Miller. They could have at least gotten Miller a haircut.....but instead they just phoned it in with his appearance.

  10. I didn't read this review until today, but it sums up exactly my thoughts:




    I still didn't HATE the movie, but it deserves a certain degree of criticism so that hopefully the DC/WB camp will learn, evolve and put out a much better Justice League movie.


    BTW: Where the hell was Dan Amboyer? Didn't he tease his involvement as GL? I didn't see a single frame of him in the movie. NOR did I see the FIRST scene that they filmed for BvS (purportedly) with the football game (which supposedly had Victor Stone).


    MAYBE, just MAYBE there's alot of stuff left on the cutting room floor that got dumped at the last minute for possibly the DVD R-rated release? Maybe it was considered too confusing to include?

  11. Just saw the flick. I think everyone knows the spoilers already.....

    Having said that, my biggest complaint about the movie is that there wasn't anything surprising or new. If you saw the trailers, you saw the movie.

    I didn't really catch any easter eggs per se....but came away from the movie thinking that I'd be alot more satisfied if I had never seen a trailer.

    They leaked too much stuff too early.


    I didn't hate the movie, but I couldn't love what I've already seen a billion times in the trailers, which are essentially the cliff notes for the flick.


    Whoever stated (maybe it was Snyder) that there was alot more in store was flat out lying.


    Yes, the fight scenes were expanded. Yes there was more dialogue....but it was entirely fluff that I could have done without.


    I'm looking eagerly forward to a Justice League film....but this movie seems like a placeholder and an advertisement for it.


  12. TLDR anything for the last few days. This is the exact result I expected: a bunch of folks made up their mind in advance of the movie that it sucks. They were vocal before and now they have their megaphones out proclaiming how right they were.

    On the other side are the folks that love the movie before they see a single frame.

    The rest fall in between.


    I'm gonna watch the flick myself. Critics be damned.

  13. . I try to be sensitive to Mr. Batman, as the poor fellow is getting all our excitement early on before he can even get to these precious episodes.


    Sorry, buddy.




    Yeah. I can't even conceive of what this must be like for Bats! :(


    Ya know...Bats CAN use torrent sites to get these episodes at the same time we are this side of the pond.....sorta the way I used to grab Dr. Who eps before they were aired here. Point being, there's no reason to suffer in the 21st century....especially if it's broadcast television. It's available everywhere there's internet within a few minutes of the original broadcast typically.