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Everything posted by blazingbob

  1. Unless you know the customer I would NOT ship to another address.
  2. I have had dealers send me customers and I have done the same. I will never send a customer to a dealer I wouldn't do business with myself. I am pretty sure I've never left my booth at a show and left the customer to buy something he needed while at it.
  3. The same guys who ask how to be a dealer on a Forum board?
  4. Harley suffers from a strong feeling of "entitlement".
  5. A Dealer is a "customer" just like everybody else. Only difference is that I paid for a booth to get in early. My shopping hours are before the show opens. I don't have the luxury of shopping during the show hours for long periods of time. So basically you are losing me as a "customer". I spend lots of money if the material is priced fairly. In all of the years I've been doing business dealers outspend retail customers at least 10 - 1. So that one book you sell to the retail customer you might have sold me 9 others. Try to put away your "resentment" of all the good deals being gone before you set up on the other side of the table. The other thing to consider is that when customers are coming to a show there is no "first shot". Everything is on my website, the first "shot" guy can go to my website and reserve books long before the show opens. If the "good deal" is gone it is because you didn't go to my website first. I don't hide books in boxes. The "Seeding good books in boxes game" only works if everyone is "playing" and knows who is doing it.
  6. One of the more "realistic" posts in this thread. I ask myself do sellers ever take a step outside of themselves, look at their booth and ask why would a buyer stop there? Seeding boxes? Is there a big sign on the wall saying good books are in the boxes? Don't people realize how lazy most buyers are? The reason they buy wall books is that they can "SEE THEM". Nobody has all day to go box diving. If you are priced fairly then the person will buy more. What do those boxes look like? Mylars? poly bags taped? Presentation is a lot more then people realize. How you present your material is sometimes more important to buyers then being the cheapest. If the books aren't in order, no grades, just prices then you are making the buyer work harder.
  7. Anything that doesn't grade what I think it should
  8. You mean Austin is doing a good job. Not "free", that Social media guy draws a salary. Time is money, the more efficient use of it helps make the business profitable.
  9. Instagram is great, how many times do I have to take a picture of the same book to post it? Do I really need to take pictures of the book to showcase it? Scan to the website isn't enough? I have to guide you through the grading process, put out the same BS "I love my job grading another Silver Surfer #4?" The more efficient the platform the better. The guy who can figure out how to get one picture on multiple social media platforms will make a lot of money. HashtagBS, Hashtagnotveryefficient, hashtagIhaveenoughworktodo
  10. My experience with crossovers is generally lower. Very difficult to get 1 to 1 crossover. If you are getting the same grade consider yourself lucky.
  11. Stuff I ship or get shipped requires signature. Fedex is notorious for not getting signature, they also show up to the door with the "you weren't home label already written out "before" ringing the doorbell. I'm all about efficiency but come on.
  12. I would love to see a post from a FEDEX driver and their opinion of the company. For the 3 carriers they generally seem to care the least, will leave packages on the front step and make the least amount of effort to get a signature. I get the company push to meet delivery times but as far as customer interaction goes they seem to hate it the most.
  13. I didn't think CCS allowed pictures of their drying standards to be published.
  14. It takes vision to create a wall like this. Clearly none of you are seeing it. The books are flying in the wind
  15. Instagram is useless on a desktop. The reason I'm not a big fan of social media websites is that I already have a website and like to do things once. If somebody could come up with a way to upload a scan of a book or item for sale capturing enough information to make it sellable to multiple platforms they will make millions. One and done is what I'm all about. Which is why I have very little on ebay. Snapping pictures while I'm loading a collection into a truck, snapping pictures of books while grading, etc etc all slows me down.
  16. For all you social media sellers out there my latest Hulk #181 9.4 purchase as turned into a Paypal dispute. Sent money, no further communication from the seller. Seems that the facebook seller is double dipping his sales. Now I'm sure that I'll get my money back but frankly I'm not a big fan. As with any other selling platform a deal that is too good to be true probably is not a good deal.
  17. Anybody with a Ron Jeremy Logo is never in the shallow end of the pool
  18. Didn't you just quote this above? "Besides, based on what I have seen personally over the past decade or so, Canadian collectors/dealers will pay more than US dealers do........." Yet the Local stores are offering 30-40% OSPG? Maybe this quote should have been I pay more then most collector/dealers.
  19. Former owners of Wizard. Same business model. If you want to start something new at least pick a successful promoter business model.
  20. Really? Did you just post that Canadian dealers pay more then US dealers?
  21. Wow, Quite the response, Bolded, king size fonts. I heard that all the way out in Commack
  22. This is right up there with "I'm just curious". I'm always worried that the one time they ask the question they might actually buy it