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Posts posted by bb8

  1. So should I sell all my SA Key books?


    No one suggested that.


    Who wants to buy mid-grade first appearance SA Mega Keys at 50% off 12 month GPA? :makepoint:


    No one suggested that.


    I can understand people's apprehension because we are talking about money, but there aren't any market indicators that popular key hero books (only talking about the top tier) are in danger any time soon - or poised to lose value.


    So now we're only talking about the 'top tier'? What exactly is 'top tier'? Is it the same as the 'Top Tier' was in 1974?


    Yes, some specific books will lose value as the popularity of their main character wanes, but it is not as if the genre is going to evaporate overnight.


    No one suggested that.


    Highs and lows within a year or span of a few years are bound to happen, but unless some catastrophic event happens (global financial collapse, 500 AF 15s in 9.0 or higher materialize out of thin air, Marvel decides to stop making/selling anything, etc) these books are still the blue chip of comic investing.


    Are you suggesting there is no ceiling to the value an AF15 can reach that people no longer can afford it or choose to try to?


    Please note that I also agree that comic investing shouldn't be your only investment choice (probably like 8 or 9 out of a list of 10), but there isn't any reason to believe your money isn't relatively safe in top SA keys.


    Safe? Are we talking safe or growth?


    Dude, you are the worst. Seriously, do you feel the need to purposefully dissect anything said on the boards to the 1,000th degree? We are all capable of this behavior occasionally (I am definitely included), but man you seem to be hard-wired to push and push and push.


    Many of the points were meant to be sarcastic and the balance topline personal position. I understand that there are arbitrary details, but without a post consisting of 10,000 words to clarify everything, I felt it okay to leave some interpretation out there.


    You seem to be only interested in picking fights on here and are clearly a "top tier" jerk and a bully.


    See now here I thought I was being polite.


    This is what I find most peculiar about these boards. Nowhere did I call you a name. Nowhere did I try and pick a fight. I took a post you wrote on a public forum and I made statements in regard to your SPECIFIC statement, and asked questions. Why is that considered a bad thing?


    You made statements on a public forum. I responded.


    What do I get in return for this desire to continue the dialogue?


    I'm told "Dude, you are the worst", accused of being 'hard-wired to push and push and push', and 'picking fights' and then called "a "top tier" jerk and a bully."


    I'M the one out of line????(shrug)


    Yes, you are. Maybe this specific line of posts isn't the best example, but there are plenty of instances to draw on. However, no amount of conversation between the two of us will change how you view your approach, attitude or their impact on others in the forum.


    Good day sir.



    I say good day!


  2. Did anyone else have a huge problem with the last episode? Wells blatantly drugs Professor Stein, turns him over to be brutally tortured, and, when they all get back together, Stein doesn't even mention it? They're all buddy-buddy again? Seems like a gaping plot hole to me. WTF?




    Good point.


    I figured he thought Wells was incapacitated as well.


    If I remember the scene correctly, Wells seemed pretty gloaty. Then there's the question of who actually poisoned 'them'? How did they infiltrate the super-secret Star Labs? I just think it's a plot hole. There at least should have been an explanation.


    This is sometimes an unintended consequence of making the plot move so fast. Not every explanation that needs to be provided gets provided.

    Still, I do find the rapid pace of the plot exhilarating.


    Some drugs have hypnotic properties, while others have amnesiac qualities and yet others have paralytic effects. You don't know what was in that mickey, so it can be assumed that it affects short term memory as powerfully as it induces unconsciousness. It's not really that large a plot hole as this is routine anesthesia practice.


    I thought of all that. I'm just calling it what it is. They missed it. It's a blatant plot hole.

  3. Did anyone else have a huge problem with the last episode? Wells blatantly drugs Professor Stein, turns him over to be brutally tortured, and, when they all get back together, Stein doesn't even mention it? They're all buddy-buddy again? Seems like a gaping plot hole to me. WTF?




    Good point.


    I figured he thought Wells was incapacitated as well.


    If I remember the scene correctly, Wells seemed pretty gloaty. Then there's the question of who actually poisoned 'them'? How did they infiltrate the super-secret Star Labs? I just think it's a plot hole. There at least should have been an explanation.

  4. The Affleck movie felt like a crammed-together, poor homage to Frank Miller's Daredevil. This looks like the Miller take but done right. I hope they go balls-to-the-wall under the Netflix banner. I don't really care about nudity, but I'd really like to see some hardcore violence. Can't wait for the release.

    Why? (shrug)


    I guess I would ask the same. Does a gritty DD show mean that it has to be filled with hardcore violence? I'd like to think they'd be able to tell a more effective story in this format than resort to excessive violence to get the point across.


    I'm excited for a non-network take on Daredevil, but I don't think it needs to be gonzo hardcore violent or sexual.


    Because I like entertainment like that. I guess it's a personality flaw of mine. I'd just really like to see the gloves come off on a Marvel show. See something you wouldn't see in an Avengers or GOTG movie. Especially with Wilson Fisk.


    My favorite DD stories portray Kingpin as an absolute reprobate, scum-of-the-earth human willing to do almost anything to continue his stranglehold on Hell's Kitchen's criminal enterprise. He has kind of a soft spot for his wife and family a la pieces of refuse like Pablo Escobar and various real-life mobsters, but that's about it. I'd like to see the series taken to that place, where Matt Murdock has to face down this monster. Just what is he willing to do to combat this vicious evil? That's not a very nice road to go down, but that's what I'd like to see.

  5. By the way...





    The Russian mind-controller is Dr. Faustus, right? He was reading a book with that name in the title.



    For crying out loud, Marvel! They can't even get this right if it's true!


    Johann Fennhoff(Dr. Faustus) was born in Vienna, Austria. He became a psychiatrist and criminal mastermind. He has proclaimed himself the "Master of Men's Minds," and is known for the use of psychological methods of combat. His plots typically involve manipulating his foes into positions where they will, essentially, kill themselves.


    Uhm...isn't that exactly what he does the the SSR director? How is that 'getting it wrong'?

    He's not Russian. :gossip:


    Is Dr. Faustus so sacrosanct that they can't tinker with the character? I guess I just don't care if they've made him Russian to make the story more in-line with the '50s Cold War theme. Man, comic nerds are hard to please. I can sometimes understand the uproar when they change races, but it's taboo to change which type of Eastern European a character is? Isn't that taking it a bit far?

  6. Does anyone else find the doctor that Gordon is dating smoking hot? Those eyes. That smile. And Barbara you left him how can you be mad?


    Yeah. She's freakin' hot. Waaay hotter than the woman playing Barbara. I feel bad that he's going to eventually end up with the bisexual, chemically dependent trophy wife. :sorry:


    Highly doubt it. It's much more likely that Dr. Thompson isn't what she seems as Boscoe pointed out.

  7. Does anyone else find the doctor that Gordon is dating smoking hot? Those eyes. That smile. And Barbara you left him how can you be mad?


    Yeah. She's freakin' hot. Waaay hotter than the woman playing Barbara. I feel bad that he's going to eventually end up with the bisexual, chemically dependent trophy wife. :sorry:

  8. By the way...





    The Russian mind-controller is Dr. Faustus, right? He was reading a book with that name in the title.



    For crying out loud, Marvel! They can't even get this right if it's true!


    Johann Fennhoff(Dr. Faustus) was born in Vienna, Austria. He became a psychiatrist and criminal mastermind. He has proclaimed himself the "Master of Men's Minds," and is known for the use of psychological methods of combat. His plots typically involve manipulating his foes into positions where they will, essentially, kill themselves.


    Uhm...isn't that exactly what he does the the SSR director? How is that 'getting it wrong'?

  9. Awesome. Never thought I would see Stick on screen.


    What an incredible time to be a comic collector.


    Stick looked pretty sick. The Affleck movie felt like a crammed-together, poor homage to Frank Miller's Daredevil. This looks like the Miller take but done right. I hope they go balls-to-the-wall under the Netflix banner. I don't really care about nudity, but I'd really like to see some hardcore violence. Can't wait for the release.

  10. What a great book. I'm generally a Marvel guy, but Green Lantern was probably the first DC book I started collecting when they brought in Kyle Rayner, so this book is a must-have.




    It's low-grade, but I think I'm in love. And, really, this thread needed a bump anyways.

  11. Just watched the new episode. RF is killer! I thought from the beginning that they were doing a great job showing the super-speed scenes (slow-motion, racing through the city, bird's eye view), but the RF/Flash battle scenes just took it to another level. I'm watching all the superhero shows right now, and this this the first that had me like a kid in a candy store. The latest AOS was really cool, but this blew it away.

  12. I've been watching as well. The bisexual love triangle with Gordon, Barbara and Montoya is bizarre from my perspective. I see Frank Miller's Year One as definitive, and I could personally never see that Barbara Gordon being unfaithful. My favorite episode by far was the Zsasz hunting Gordon one. Anthony Carrigan was really good. I also enjoyed the Balloon Man showing the potential for vigilantism in Gotham planting seeds in young Bruce's mind.