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Posts posted by Ze-man

  1. Been busy lately, and I see there are 95 unread posts in this thread for me.


    Can somebody please pm me with wtf the dealio is, or just post a synopsis for all to see?


    Thanks in advance.





    Sure, it all boils down to two words (one is a contraction so maybe two and a half words):










  2. For the record I think a few here (or at the least, me) felt AS8 was simply a better cover them MF52, I never said it was what book I would pick if I had to choose between the two. I personally could care less about W.W.


    But Steve got me all in a bunch when he called the cover to AS8 mamby pamby superheros looking at a snow globe!




    Comic Books.. doh!



  3. Which one would you Choose?


    The choice is relatively simple for me...AS #8 @ CGC 9.0








    a "no brainer" for me too.....MF52 in a nano second! The 1st appearance of Wonder Woman, who does not even appear on the ugly cover of AS8.... zzz zzz

    VS. a truly rare in grade, high grade copy of MF52 --- Golden Age Scarce Mega- Key with a killer cover that includes the 1st Spectre.. :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:

    All Star 8 isn't even in the same league as More Fun 52....The Spectre uses All Star 8 as toilet paper!




    very well said.


    Whats funny is I think the More Fun cover is kinda pedestrian, while the AS8 is striking.


    Eye of the beholder I guess.








  4. Which one would you choose?


    I think since you are asking this in the GA forum this one is a no brainer.


    The guy in the cape.






    nah. the guy in the cape was first, but he ain't the best--the other guy is. AF15 for me.


    Spidey books are a dime a dozen, gimme the older, harder to get in decent grade book anyday.



  5. Alot of people are gonna be confused between the two. Coservation and Restoration. I think that keepin iy simp-le


    I normally subscribe to the less is more adage, but in this case I disagree with you. I think collectors who dabble in the restored market are smart enough to figure out a few new wrinkles.





  6. Bill I think he meant resto was founded on greed because so much early resto went undetected for so many years in the hobby because it was based on deception(greed) to try and fool people into seeing something other then what was really there when selling a book.


    And I will disagree with you about the conso , resto thing. (neither term is bad to me) But both describe specific actions taken when working on a book. All of the procedures obviously fall under the resto umbrella definition, but if somebody decides to opt out of doing piece fill and CT, dont you think that should be looked upon in a different light then what people consider to be a frankenbook?


    Not trying to split hairs with you because I see many of you just prefer to call resto.. resto which I respect , but it seems like it is still a grey area in today's market worth discussing



  7. If the only requested change had been to add more info and a resto scale to purple label comics then I think you would find consensus for that change among all parties.



    I agree , be it a purple, red, white or blue label if they were to implement a system as shown in the above labels I think that could only help dealers and buyers alike. As shown in the labels above, the vital information about the condition of a given book is near the most looked at part of the label, the numerical GRADE.


    While I can understand why some would argue against an outright label color change, I would applaud any effort to change the format of the colored labels to better reflect what was done to the book. Some would say this is just a ploy to sell more books and move away from the term resto. But I have all along felt that if a book has had conservative techniques done and cosmetic things left undone, well to me it deserves to be labeled differently.



  8. imho sales of minor P books really should sell closer to what their completely unrestored brethren sell for instead of people expecting a sizable price cut because the book is viewed as "restored".



    I don't think it's a view/state of mind my friend......minor P is still restoration.

    The sizable price difference between a minor P book and completely unrestored is reasonable and not happening by chance.......respectfully :foryou:



    I hear ya.. I suppose my point was not saying a book with minor work is not restored,of course it is. But rather some see a purple label and lump all the books into the same pile without taking into account what was actually done to the book, or why. Meaning to me a book with a tear seal is much more attractive then a book with CT because the tear seal serves a purpose while the CT is purely eye candy.


    And as I said earlier the price difference between minor P books and unrestored books should be much closer then mod, or ext books since the work can be easily removed on minor restored books returning them to their original unrestored condition, which in most cases is pretty darn close to their original grade.(hows that for a garbled, run on sentence?)


    Which gets back to Paul's observation about minor P books possibly becoming more attractive to buyers.







  9. as usual, Paul seems to eloquently sum up rational thoughts... hm , methinks (sorry Robert, had to "steal" that) that Paul has some oratory or at least hidden written talents, or at the very least, the ability to compose and display complex thoughts in an easy to understand fashion



    I agree, and to think he wrote that post at 5 in the morning!



    I think the point he raises about books with minor removable work possibly seeing an upward swing in prices realized for "restored books" is a valid one. Books like this are generally in similar condition to what they were before the minor work was done. So if the minor work is removed the book will not drop drastically in overall grade.


    imho sales of minor P books really should sell closer to what their completely unrestored brethren sell for instead of people expecting a sizable price cut because the book is viewed as "restored". Especially hard to find key books.


    I guess it all depends on ones personal preference and perspective.



  10. Nice story BZ, and let me be the first to say how fun it would be to dig around your basement and find some stuff in boxes that even you forgot about until today.


    That's what collecting is all about to me. Thinking of something, then being able to go pull something out of a stashed away box that brings you right back to a specific time in your past.





  11. I know enough to know my own limitations, and whilst I enjoy this era of books immensely I know I will forever be playing catchup. So it makes it all the more impressive to me how Scrooge has nailed everything you have thrown at him.


    I am impressed , humbled and entertained at the same time.











  12. Angelo, nice book. And I was actually going to ask you about the contrast on your scan, while I am sure it does have great gloss and depth is person. That yellow is crazy!


    Anyhow, here is one of 3 SSWS Mass copies I got from Andy.




    Just for fun a close up shot of the ULC corner. This close it makes HG books look like dogs.



  13. I actually just went and pulled out this copy to compare it n hand. They must have been low on reds when my book went through the press. The greens and blues are not that much different then yours. But man, the reds and oranges are worlds apart. I love seeing examples of how books from the same run can look so different. Except now I gotta go dig up my other copy I bought last year to see how it looks comparatively.:frustrated:


    And when time allows I do plan to work on this book. Probably focused more on conso then resto. I doubt I will do any CT on it, just clean it up and make it whole again.


    Will post results, someday.


    busy busy busy.. :busy:


    Now back to the regularly scheduled peds.






  14. worldsfinest152big.jpg



    I love this book.


    It is one of the few books I still own from my childhood. Although I think your GR is in a little bit better condition. Does your scanner darken the reds?.. the colors just look soo different.


    What does everyone think of my tape job? doh! I will be taking it off soon,as it is a gunky mess and will only get worse.


  15. Do you recognize the artist?


    Can you identify the title of the strip?


    Can you name the comic in which it appeared?


    Jack Kirby drawing the Solar Legion in Crash Comics?? :wishluck:




    That's it. whatthe




    That's pretty good Scrooge, Since there is no hats off graemlin.. I will just break out the worship one.



  16. the format is much better now but why are there banned posters in the top posters listing? (shrug)


    I was wondering the same thing. hm


    Besides, the list itself is kind of pointless since almost a 1/4 of the top posters are, are no longer posting anymore or banned.


    I also was wondering if profile area is going to get tweaked? It seems kind of spread out and hard to read.

