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Everything posted by kayakkid

  1. I'm on there too (the large bearded dude on the bottom left) Damn, Ken, you could have given me a heads up so I could fix my collar good thing jimmy isnt on your bad side, you look like you could snap his neck like a toothpick Jimmy, you sure that is you man? Like others said...doesnt really look like you. Your body double, maybe?
  2. Is this a quote from TODD, or “Jimmy Linguiniii”? Sorry Jimmy, you one kewl Kat, but go back to that one video you made on yt and you understand the reference/question.
  3. “Jimmy Linguiniii”, and Casey, Morgan, and Sam from Seattle’s own Zanadu Comics! Let’s do it again tomorrow. Jimmy's name in lights!!!! When you getting your own book going Jimmy? "The Adventures of Jimmy Linguiniii"
  4. Ken, I am not sure if Kurtis said 5 arcs...can't remember. But he did say he has a plan for PP which was/is 25 issues. I haven't been perusing that forum in a good 2 weeks..so don't know if timelines have changed. Kurtis is awesome and love PP. I personally will buy/read it as far as they go with it. Sure, 25 TO ME seems a bit quick for all the stories they can tell with Peter, BUT that in no way precludes Kurtis from initiating another project/title/story involving Peter and a new gang of supporting characters. Hey, a high % of comics and characters come to an end. It's all good. Now when a killer 4 part mini comes to an end - well darn. Always something new to pick up though. PP has been a great read, and I wouldn't take anything away from those guys and only credit them with hard work and engaging their readers/fans.
  5. Trying to work my image posting magic..or lack therof. Can't seem to swing it..here's the webpage: Son of a http://kenkristensen.com/post/42493297064/todd-the-ugliest-kid-on-earth-has-found-its-most
  6. Doubled over on that one. Yeah, I know what you mean. I scared the poop right out of myself earlier...should have been there. Had the hershey squirts. j/k If I told you how my family can relate to this story a bit...it would get a bit weird round these here parts. And yep, MY name is Todd. You wouldn't be smoking the Jimmy Weed now would you. Ahhh gawd ...where's Jimmy Linguinni when we need em! I think HE CAN relate to the story of TODD. We need to suggest it to that guy..after he's done consuming his baby heads (whatever those are) and gets back from the con.
  7. Doubled over on that one. Yeah, I know what you mean. I scared the poop right out of myself earlier...should have been there. Had the hershey squirts. j/k If I told you how my family can relate to this story a bit...it would get a bit weird round these here parts. And yep, MY name is Todd.
  8. My favorite 2012 release...ok yeah, it made it just barely under the 2013 wire by a week or 2. But was being ordered in 2012. tfaw.com (I dont work for em) still has some 2nd printings of the FIRST ISSUE if you've just stumbled onto this thread and want to still jump onboard..and #2 getting reprinted. Hence, plenty of time to be picking this up from issue #1. No excuses. If you like the concept and gist of the storyline on the outside looking in by reading a concise synopsis online..you will quite possibly love it after reading the first 2 issues. 2nd print variant cover for #2 coming soon according to writer Ken K. and I would surmise M.K.P will handle the cover artwork variance. If you haven't seen the artwork for #1 second print, check it out! Look's like we are going to get pretty "deep" judging by the cover to #4.
  9. YES! And I hope there is not a Peter Panzerfaust type of premeditated and openly discussed 25 issue run/5 arc plan 8 issues into the story (PP = awesome) ...***I**** personally think it creates a tapering off of interest/readership as the book gets closer to the end (let the tomatoes fly..I know they be a cummin). GRANTED, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. I like when deaths of character come out of nowhere and we are not clued in/tipped weeks in advance of a planned death...or the ending of a particular book. Feels awesome when it comes out of nowhere and for ME at least..that includes the ending of a titled book. What's this got to do with the price of wool in Ireland? Just hope to see a funny..and obviously VERY creative story like TODD run amok for a good long while without giving away its final end (PP 25 issues), (The Sixth Gun MAYBE 55 issues+), etc. You're the creators Ken/M.K and will just be happy to continue reading along and put my 2 cents back in the pocket to stay for good...I'll just shut up and be happy to see more and sit on my hands waiting for ish #3. "Note to self - It's now ongoing man. Things are just a startin kid. Shut the spoon up! Chill. Stir. And. Enjoy." Creator owned rules! Back to work for a few days! Chineseeeeeee
  10. Ken, would you be so kind to tell us if TODD actually appeared in another book possibly BEFORE Todd The Ugliest Kid #1 comic book issue in another Image book as a PREVIEW or in a story I missed, etc??? If so, I've never heard it or seen it. In other words, is the #1 comic book TODD's very FIRST APPEARANCE? Ken, you ARE a standout in the industry and thank you for engaging us here on the board and hope you are around long term. Please let us know from time to time when/where you will be at future comic conventions (on yer website?) as I am sure fans will be seeking you AND M.K. out for witnessed cgc signature series autographs. Anaheim Wondercon please.
  11. WOOOOOOOOOOW, amazing news that many of us were looking forward to. Congrats to you Ken and M.K. you guys deserve an ongoing with TODD and company as well as all of the recent interviews you've been invited to join in and discuss Todd The Ugliest Kid on Earth. This news is FAR better than any action figure news but will continue to also monitor that development now as TODD becomes more of a part of comicdom via an ongoing. Additionally, great to also hear about your new #5-#9 storyline arc as well. My wallet will be a little lighter each month for very good reason (TODD ongoing comic book). I have a feeling the future debate will rage along the lines of if we will/should ever see TODD "unmasked". Hope it NEVER happens. I. Hear. Good. Things! Good. Things.
  12. Some online comic stores are already showing TODD the ugliest kid on earth issue #3 sold out. Comeeee on...they hoarding them or what. I think this isnt even released until the 13th. Picked up 4 last week at tfaw.com and just checked with the website and they still have them. Fair warning. Also #1 2nd print. #1 1st print and #2 1st print sold out.
  13. Ah man, I just fell out of my chair...this kind of talk is 1000% dead on and appropriate in this forum for such a funny character and comic book as TODD. Ah ken, you gotta do that man...nice publicity stunt. Funny spoon, man.
  14. Preach it! Ken, you've got one heck of a future ahead of you. When this thing really heats up, we need M.K over here hawkin some Original Artwork if there is any to be had for those that seek it.
  15. You nailed it. A. Can't wait to SEE the new cover art, and B. To hear the good news coming out of ECCC....monthly right Ken. C. And maybe news about the action figure...ok, ok..I stop kicking that horse. More peps need to check out TODD. Very unique book! I think Image Comics ..or E.S...or whichever head honcho makes the decisions over @ Image will do the right thing. Like I've said about Peter Panzerfaust, you can do ALOT with this character (TODD) and his adventures/MISadventures (as far as storytelling goes).
  16. Wingnuts, was able to pick up #2 second printing at tfaw.com but was not seeing it at several other retailers. You may want to snag that one as well.
  17. Minimum 5 orders of the action figure TODD The Ugliest Kid On Earth waiting here. Hold me to it (would love the elongated paper bag version) Issue 3 around the corner..can't wait! As well to see the cover of the 2nd print on issue 2. Nice completed sales of books with Ken's autographs on epay.
  18. Really like the TODD the action figure with the more elongated/narrower paper bag look exactly the graphic image printed next to the actual figure...heck, just a thought. Looks like you are guys are rocking Emerald City. Congrats.
  19. Good Luck with the quest for an ongoing - have you got the material for another 46 issues mate? Yeah, I was wondering this myself but didnt want to put anyone on the spot or feel personally bummed if there weren't enough storyline content already estalbished. Ken had said I believe that he has a 5-9 arc already ready to roll.....that he DID say just recently. I can see this character (TODD) around for a lot of years...a real cult favorite ++ in the worx says me crystal ball.
  20. Snap, where the heck did the photo that was posted that had the action figure in it run away from me to? Anyone?..Bueller....Bulluerrrrrr....
  21. I know the comic book will continue to pick up even further steam...but I K-N-O-W a kewl action figure of Todd will be the bees knees all up and down the side of your paper bag. Just preordered 7 copies of Todd The Ugliest Kid On Earth NUMBER 3! Added a couple more 2nd print of #1 (the additional comedy cover). Chillin like Bob Dylan, baby. You know Mr. Mc.....he can smell $ in the water.....just chum him up and he'll be making ugly Todd toys like nobodies bidness.
  22. Ken, hate to beat a dead horse....but how bout throwing us a bone on those TODD ACTION FIGURES? Did you get a chance to talk to Todd Mc on them? Depending on the price, I'd go for multiple. My desk is lonely without odd TODD the bag boy staring back at me...making me smile. "Hmmm, note to self....Ken is probably workin his magic still to git er dun on making this bad boy floppy an "ongoing"...before he throws his efforts behind making the action figure a reality!" Uhhh, neverminddddddd.