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Everything posted by media_junkie

  1. Neat! I recently watched the first two X-Men movies about two weeks ago.
  2. Ok, so I just finished watching the last three episodes of the Flash light night. 1 - I loved JWS as the GA Flash, that was awesome in so many ways. 2 - Ok, so does this mean that at the start of season 3 or soon there after Barry Allen will be without powers? I mean he saved his mom in the past so he had no reason to become a police scientist to help his dad get out of jail (and along with influence of his adoptive dad being a cop), which means he wouldn't be around all the chemicals and get hit by lighting when the accelerator went off. 3 - I hate time travel.
  3. I'm sure she's coming. They just haven't cast her yet. Can you introduce the Executioner without the Enchantress? That last Bosco post says Karl Urban is playing Skurge. Is that another name for the Executioner? That is correct.
  4. Anyone read this over at Forbes this morning? Obviously it is all speculation but it would be rather cool. Forbes Article
  5. Not sure on the little competition bit. Jungle Book opens on Friday (I think) and I believe that will absolutely sink BvS.
  6. After watching the trailer, I will most likely see this movie.
  7. I won't be seeing it. Just watching the previews in the theater made me sick, I cannot imagine sitting through two hours of that.
  8. Yeah I think you are right on that, at least from my view point. I went to it on opening weekend and honestly when people ask me about it I say, "Eh it was ok. If you waited for it to hit redbox/amazon/streaming then you wouldn't be missing much." Where-as when I saw Deadpool when people asked me about it I told them they had to see it, it was an awesome movie.
  9. Kingdom of Heaven Theatrical Cut was a mess. Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut was an awesome movie.
  10. Yeah, has anybody announced that the Blu Ray will be released on July 16, 2016 with both a PG-13 and R rating versions? The one I ordered from Amazon has both directors cut and theatrical cut.
  11. Just got back from the movie with my wife and son (13). I'd rate it a 6 or 7 out of 10. My son said a solid 7 out of 10. My wife (who isn't a comic geek like my son and I) said 4 out of 10. The main complaint she had was the first half of the movie was boring and confusing as all get out. We all thought that the primary actors (minus Eisenberg) were good. We all agreed that Lex (as portrayed in this movie) was the weakest link. I didn't particularly care for Batman's dream within a dream sequence. Having said that I have already pre-ordered the Ultimate Cut in the hopes that the additional 30 minutes of footage will fill in some of the movie and maybe make the first half seem no so disjointed.
  12. Well I have my tickets for tomorrow, three of us are going, but the RT score keeps dropping. It is down to 29% right now. At this point I am just hoping for the best.
  13. I'm looking at in the screen grab and I still don't see it. All I see is a blurry mess that honestly could be anything.
  14. I watched Justice League: War yesterday and was very disappointed.
  15. My kids were just watching Big Hero 6 in the van this morning while I took them to school.
  16. $100MM would be disastrous Yeah, Man of Steel did 116 million opening weekend. If BvS doesn't beat that I think the studio would be pretty disappointed.
  17. *** groan *** I'll never be able to make it through the whole thing. You add in previews and what not and you are close to three hours if you stay through the credits.
  18. Interesting, and a good way to waste about 45 minutes.
  19. All I know is that I love this show and cannot wait for it to come on every week.
  20. I was thinking that, but perhaps on earth-2 Barry's dad died (became zoom and made it look like he died) and his mom remarried.