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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. Excellent point. I offer this as a response. Mystery Tales 40 seems to share more of the show's premise than Faster Friends. Mystery Tales features the Hidden Land and the guy is on an airplane. The Spanish version of Faster Friends was just a book that Hurley read. Mystery Tales had more of a mystique about it once Richard presented it to John Locke as a child hinting that the comic book itself had a connection to John's role on the island. Yes, I want my Mystery Tales 40. I wish more exchanges could be this civil. Well done, sir! -slym (never saw LOST past Season 3) I stopped watching mid way through season three. It was a horrible show, so many unresolved issues in order to promote intrigue and mystery. Anyone can just insert random strange spoon into a story and then explain it to give an impression of mystery that is bad/lazy writing. Good writers promote mystery by selectively editing a -script and having the mysteries as logical but not predictable result of the plot. While some things were admittedly not resolved with clarity I felt that the majority of things were. There were some things that I did not need to explicitly know as they were unimportant to the plot. I have watched the entire series it a few times and it gets better with each viewing. I second that. The show is brilliant! Character development is insane, I think more so than the comic, its like a modern day X-men! Too many unresolved issues? you mean the part that the show is called "walking Dead" made sense to you to begin with? .. Come on, it's still fiction, only better than 99% of the cr*p on TV, WAY better!
  2. Cant remember where but somewhere else in this board someone mentioned the big B&W indie bubble in late 80s.. The more I think about it, the more I draw a connection.. WD is the TMNT of the 21st century. Batman fan, I ALWAYS buy and sell, I rarely ever sit on a book anymore, so Im just waiting for the right offer for my WD collection and BAM Im out joining the rest of the haters here on its demise
  3. Honestly, the show is incredible. The books are clever and there's a GIANT engine that's propelling this behemoth of a vehicle and pushing it forward as a current sustaining trend. It will NATURALLY slow down once the next big thing will pop up but it will take awhile, and in my belief, will ALWAYS remain a KEY book. My estimated guess is that it will peak at 5K and then drop down slowly to its current value (2.5 - 3K), but that's just a guess
  4. If we'll have to wait 5 years till it burst as you say, I can assure you this book will be a staple in the market
  5. Thank god I have a white label... If sh*t goes south I can always use a sharpie
  6. I think one of the things that wasnt discussed here was simply this: What was the HIGHEST drop in price for a comic (not in percentage but in actual figures). I'm seriously curious, has there ever been a comic that went from 2-3000 to, say a couple of hundreds over a short or even extended period of time?
  7. .. U stole this thread my dude on another note, I just read what happened to this so IMO: If seller sells books for over 2k and doesnt insure he deserves all the laughs he could get. So if he refunded the buyer fully and gets money from insurance everybody wins but the post office.. And going by how much they charge me to ship everytime.. Im pretty happy w this outcome oh and by the way.. another WD #1 bites the dust and so the circulation of 9.8s gets even smaller muahahahaha
  8. Zombies? Popular?? Nahhhh ... Actually, maybe just in mexico?
  9. The record selling biz is a dying business my friend, it takes a show like idol to generate popularity and launch singers careers and lock them into 360 deals with the major 3 (which basically means the artist will never see a dime out of the labels sale) Music is mainly being downloaded for free and record sales are speculated to be HEAVILY bought by the labels to push the rankings up the nielsen rating charts.. Which brings me to my point.. Idol is making a ton of money but not from record sales nor from itune downloads, but mainly from managing a deal with clive davis who single handedly controls the market (Now I dont wanna start another war in here with people asking when will the Dr Luke bubble burst- it wont!) Idol is already dying and with more and more shows airing hosting more talents, I think its safe to say that by the 4th season of WD Idol will be trailing far behind both The Voice and WD
  10. where did you get that info from? Maybe you're confusing your terms from label to management/liaison?
  11. yes but idol doesnt have merchendising, blue ray/dvd, and... comic book sales that WD has
  12. So to summarize... when the WD bubble WILL burst... 20 years from now Ill still be happy with selling it for this money: linky
  13. Where are you getting these stats from? it's an ok movie and comic and im not putting it down and it DID DO OK, but The film grossed $50,693,129 in the United States.. Thats it! It ranked at 24 for 1994.. Thats all good, but its not huge! There's no way you can compare it to a TV show that ranks higher than American Idol both in revenues and in popularity.
  14. :shrug: haha thats freudian slip for ya... shipping too many packages at the box office will do it
  15. I simply don't remember Crow ever becoming a hit comic, even at the peak of its period, certainly not commanding 1000s of dollars for any of its titles.. It definitely had a niche, mostly Goth followers and it had decent numbers at the post office but it ranked at 24 for all films released in the US in 1994 according to wiki.. Having a weekly show with over 12 mil viewers topping the voice/idol ratings is really no comparison.. I am collecting comics from early 70s and Ill tell you that on my to get list in the 80s were definitely TMNT, Cerebus and even Faust before it came to Crow.. Before or after the movie.. The fact that it turned to a movie doesnt necessarily mean its the same.
  16. WD 1-10 has a lower print run than Crow.. Wayyy lower WD is mainstream wheres Crow is underground (it opened at #1 with $11,774,332, not bad for movie, but def not mass hysteria) I don't recall Crow/CP #1 ever going for more than 2-300.00, even at peak time, and especially on an on going and growing basis like WD in the past year.. Judging by the viewership AND demographics of WD you SHOULD compare it to Harry Potter & Twilight books more than Crow or even TMNT (because of demographics) I dont think its the best comic of all time, or that it will always be as big as now but WD #1 will ALWAYS be a KEY book
  17. Value has not increased in all CGC grades since 2000. Mostly now trading at pre-2008 levels again. 2nd Walking Dead #1 will NEVER trade higher than it has in 2012 even a hundred years now. Only way it can go is down and that is mortal lock guarantee. 3rd I can be an opinionated know it all SOB sometimes so I am sorry. Actually not such a good example as the movie wasnt based on the comic, but it still does have a following and commands top dollars nonetheless On second thought.. I may hold on to my set for just a little longer
  18. Conan is a great example!! How much was this book 10 years after it came out? 20? and today? GPA anyone??
  19. But I aint gonna front.. The first dude that drops 4G my way Im selling them my lot
  20. A low print run is a low print run... When the WD hoopla is over it will still have a cult following.. certainly in the 10s of thousands if not 100s of thousands, which will ALWAYS make these books worth money, and you can bet that in 70 years from now there will be even less of these original prints floating regardless of econmical or social trends that affected whiz...
  21. Exactly my point! It will def lose momentum at a certain point.. But just like "Whiz" it will def not depreciate in value. Just because of...