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Everything posted by gino2paulus2

  1. And we all are so happy you migrated over my friend!! Thank you so much greatly appreciated!!! Now I have to compete with changing more diapers in order to quickdraw @Comcav as if that feat wasn’t already set at impossible to begin with hehehe!!! Great books as always!!
  2. hahahahahah!! You are a friend...an unbeatable humanoid freind that came back from the future to take all the cool books hahahaha!!
  3. hahaha!!! Thats the sad part bc I just signed on and this was the first thing I saw and didn't hesitate one second to quote it!! No one can top the TAKEBOT!!!!
  4. I first appeared in issue #8 of this historic run!! Here’s my copy 😂
  5. Thank you thank you thank you thank you all so very much for the kind words it really means the world to me!! As you can probably tell between work and family time it gets pretty busy around here and I don’t take one second of it for granted!! I don’t get the opportunity to get to many shows etc although I do try and support the local comic shops when I can and try and hit one or two shows a year so that makes this the place I absorb it all. I truly look up to so many of you (there are some pretty heavy hitters on these boards including the gentleman RM that started this thread whether he believes or not we all know it is true!!) and so many great collections and just great people. Thanks to CGC as well it isn’t mentioned enough for letting us use these boards at no charge at all btw to talk about pretty much anything geek related I know I am not the only one that finds this place an oasis and not many great things come without a large price tag these days. Again thanks so much for all the kind words!! @Point Five I wish I would have recieved the advice not to use the Our Flag 5 as a changing station BEFORE we brought the baby home hahaha JK!! Speaking of comics I’ve picked up 4 books this new year so far!! Ironic bc I have 4 kids now hahaha!! 1st is a new 52 Batman 1 in a 9.8 (that’s for little G) so I won’t bother you gold lovers with that one but here are the other 3!! Thanks to @Comcav for pointing me to the True Sport Picture Stories I had been chasing that one (the fact you remembered that from that far back is astonishing to me it’s no wonder you’re so successful with that kind of memory!!) and thanks to @rjpb for the always wonderful transaction you rock brother!! Thanks again everyone and happy hunting in 2020!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Thanks y’all I greatly appreciate it and thank you @Robot Man for the shout brother!!!!!! SUPER DUPER PUMPED!!!! We evened out our ratio now my lovely wife and I have 2 boys and 2 girls!!!!!! Axel now joins the Paulus clan along with his siblings Lana, Gino, and Aria!!! Kids are super excited and were just elated to meet him!! So much praise to my wife (and you know that is sincere bc she has never looked at this site once haha!!) for doing all the hard work to get us to this place!! The memories we have made and continue to make seemingly happen on a daily basis now!!! For example and this is small but I read my oldest son little Gino a Super Powers book last night before bed that basically devotes a page or two to many of the marvel heroes like short biographies. We got to She-Hulk and he stopped me and said, “Who is that??? Broccoli girl?? and what are her powers? Having broccoli come out of her hands that she can throw in your face!! 😂😂 I was tickled laughing and you know how kids are once they’ve seen they made you laugh they want to try and repeat it over and over again!! Great times for sure!! I’ve already turned him and my youngest daughter into comic lovers (missed my oldest I tried but you can’t win em all!! I’m optimistic there is still time!!) thank you everyone so so much!!!!! NOW SOMEONE TRACK ME DOWN A BLUE RIBBON 19!!!! I will take the Berk copy off someones hands if they want to part with it hehe!! 😊🙌🥰 Thanks again everyone this site is basically my relaxation spot and has been for years now simply reading threads and chiming in every now and then during short downtimes is all the stress relief I will ever need!! Great great community chalk full of rock stars!!!
  7. that’s a if you ask me!!!!! How awesome man thanks for sharing!!
  8. These books are just stunning man!!! I know you have multiple copies of the Catman what’s the story again behind the sentimental value curious minds want to know!! Great book. That Zip and MMC are just insane though!!
  9. You heard it hear folks!! When the seasoned sophisticated worldly-wise RM says it rare we know it’s rare!!! Thanks partner!!!
  10. Hands down locked and loaded 100% this is my absolute favorite book!! It checks off just about every box for me. Hero/horror cover mashup - check graveyard scene like Speed 18 and Blue Ribbon 19 I which I just so happened to make a wtb thread tonight haha - check Red, White, and Blue clad hero - check Large logo (one of the coolest ever imo) - check Moon cover - check Skulls and monsters/witches - check bondage - check hyponeedle - check Red dressed blonde in distress - check Ultra Tough to find - check Berk liked it enough to keep his copy 😊 (i may have made that one up but I like to believe) - check
  11. This thread ROCKS!! No one beats a louder drum for Patenaude than myself so let me throw that name in the hat. Not the most well reknowned and a smaller body of work I am still researching and discovering to this day but when I see it for the most part I recognize it so that has to qualify as distinct at the very least. Not as detailed as Fine, not as beautifully busy and precise as Schomburg or even as gorgeous as Frazetta. At least for the Fox covers and even MLJs inside stories on the Green Falcon which was a Robin Hood esque type of character. The poses, the mouths, the musculature, The red dressed woman who always need rescuing 😊 it’s an approach I find to be mesmerizing and quite charming even though all the heroes whether it be Blue Beetle, The Eagle, US Jones, or even V-Man can look strikingly similar to one another!! To me that only adds to the appeal when seen side by side. Patenaude for President!! The Blue Beetle never skipped leg day when Patenaude was at the helm 😂
  12. Picked up a cool little DC book!! It’s no secret I love the film reel Harvey’s as do many other folks. This one is super cool imo and has a first app too of Evil Star (not as we know him now) but still he makes the cover which is neat. Love the simplistic yet dynamic image of Wonder Woman and her lasso and that film strip is sweet!!🥰!!
  13. I somehow forgot this WEIRD bunch of late Fox goodness!!
  14. Wow these runs are true trifectas!! I may have held back a couple sorry i’m gettin’ older I forgot haha!! I agree with @RareHighGrade this is the sweet spot in Blue Beetles run for sure.
  15. Here’s one I’ve been trying to complete!! haven’t landed the 31 yet!! Great set man!!
  16. you aren't having any troubles keeping up brother!!! btw I looked and looked I don't own any 3 issues in a row of ANY GA title I have lots of 2 in a row and several two in a row, skip an issue, have the next type thing but no three in a row. If I were to chase after one these trifectas these MLJs including Blue Ribbon would be one of the if not THE first places I start!!!
  17. Thanks brother!!! Dang man let’s track it down!! I think the boom of the internet with ebay and all the other auctions sites of course has definitely shed a light on what is truly hard to find/rare nowadays. I am sure you have only seen a handful of copies since maybe some of the same copy more than once but still it’s a tough one in any grade. Appreciate it my friend!!