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Everything posted by gino2paulus2

  1. Yeah if it was me that was a total typo I meant to say any books besides those 4 I listed makes it into any of the 6 tiers if we were agreeing with 6. I too would put Pep 22 in tier 3 maybe even 2!!
  2. Well back on point then... So are there any other books from any publishers outside the BIG 2 besides Pep 22, Suspense 3, Fantastic 3, or Archie 1 that make tier 6 if we chose to go with 6 tiers? Is Wonder Comics #1 in there for example? Any books that have fallen out of tier 6 in the past few years?
  3. Not certain if quoting you is a wise choice on my part but here goes ? I do enjoy your posts btw so once again I say this in a light hearted manner I'm not much for arguing but... For the love of cheese brother read the quote!!! ? He said if he were given a choice of the 2 to have!! I'm a low grade guy but even if i wanted the high grade for preference I would TAKE THE BATMAN #1...Sell it...Buy the AF15 in 9.2 and have enough left over to buy 20 more copies yes that's right 20 more copies of AF15 in 2.0 condition!!! why? because i would have 200 THOUSAND DOLLARS left do but whatever comics my litttle heart desires (after getting my 9.2 AF15!!) Sure I like All-American #61 better than many books and it's pretty tough as well but I wouldn't TAKE IT over the Batman 1 if given the option. Heck I would choose an Our Flag #5 over many many MEGA keys IF all things were equal but they aren't. There are just too many things you aren't factoring in here. Any man or woman today if offered each of those books in 9.2 taking the AF15 is a silly willy gumbo-drop. Nuff' said. There are already 20 universal copies of AF15 in 9.0 and above and I suspect a handful more 15 years down the road. How many Bat #1s maybe 3 that high? We are talking today and the GA hierarchy but even if we weren't...ugh (tired)
  4. You may not be a ravenous silver age guy but you are indeed a crazy person (said in fun fashioned way) I don't follow the high grade books as much and everyone here knows me as a low grade snob but that comment is just silly isn't it? If both books were say 9.2 grade the AF 15 would be what a 400K book? How about the Bats #1 in 9.2? I would think at least 600K. You cant go putting 9.8s against 9.0s either. If both books were in the same condition you would honestly take the AF15?? Is there some sort of joke I am not in on around here lately?!!
  5. Thanks Gents and that's why I post it every opportunity I get!! It's definitely one of my favorites to share!!
  6. Well this isn't considered, "classic" by OS or the grading companies. I guess we can just agree to disagree ?
  7. Totally agree great deal and thanks I am happy to hear you could flip through it!!
  8. Good question and to answer a bit Captain America wasn't the first sporting the United States colors we know that. I believe though even Uncle Sam from Quality had several issues in 1940 even look at the cover to the classic #7 which was Jan 1941 where it states on the cover he was smashing a, "Mad Dictator" As far as, "pre WWII" heroes fighting nazism and we are assuming the US entered WWII in 12/41 we can say another hero would be Ace's The Flag just as an example. To paint a clear picture look at the cover to Our Flag #2 which came out in Oct 1941 if that isn't fighting Nazis i'm not sure what is. There is even a swastica on the cover. Yes many of the characters at the time seemed to be, "plastered with American Flag symbolism to sell books" it just so happens Captain America was one of those characters as well All that being said I'm not knocking the book either I would LOVE to have one I just don't think it was a completely original idea. It was like many others of the time period Cap is simply still in print and media today that's my opinion. Still has room for growth as well in the heirarchy as it is and always will be a MEGA MEGA key and in the end that is what the debate ultimately was about
  9. Boy this conversation took a sharp turn into the Bat vs Cap thread didn't it!! To me as a 33 year old man (only mentioning this because of generation I guess) is Batman is by far the bigger character it really isn't even close is it? I say that based on my non comic friends too. They all LOVE Batman and sure Cap was big in the movies (I loved them) but Bats has had more movies (Some good, some bad, and some great), more cartoons, and while I don't do video games I hear more of them as well. His merchandise is EVERYWHERE!!!! Both have AWESOME covers. I personally and if all things were equal would rather have a Captain America #1 but that is because I like those WWII heroes but even on that note as mentioned before Cap wasn't the first and not even closely alone when it came to patriotic heroes of that age. The Shield, US Jones, V-Man, The Flag (Ace), Captain Flag (MLJ), Fighting Yank, Captain Freedom, Miss America, Miss Victory, The Defender, heck Uncle Sam all sported Patriotic themed costumes just to name a few. That being said the Joker wasnt exactly the only villain Clown (Ace) of the time either. Many of the arguments thus far have been purely subjective about which one sports more important first apps. For this day in age both are important. Both are great books. Based on GPA Cap is biting on the heels of Bats #1 in entry level copies but mid to high grade universal still seems to be ruled by Bats #1 doesn't it? I like em both and think both are great books but we are just splitting hairs about which is the better book subjectively only the market can decide that as far as price is concerned. Once again I would rather have a Cap #1 only if all things were equal but I certainly wouldn't brush off a Bats #1 if I could afford one.
  10. Agreed and great book T!!! Is this a book you subbed yourself? I am curious to know actually how the pages were in your estimation. CGC is pretty hit and miss in this regard that is why I don't put too much stock in it anymore in regards to White vs off white etc. I heard of a book recently that was OW according to a reputable seller long time collector and it came back SB but I guess color doesn't always mark quality. Either way GREAT looking 1.0!!
  11. One of the few collections in the world I would imagine this book gets forgot about!!!! For a 1.8 that is just about as good as it gets!!!
  12. Well I will say something...I read 225 pages worth of posts by Robotman and failed to see any, "junk"!!!!!!! Good Luck brother in this day of technical wonders we are able to share our stuff with folks from all over the world who otherwise we may never have been able to connect with. I for one have thoroughly enjoyed the heck out of this thread and hope this problem gets resolved quickly because as you stated it's been a journey of historical significance for our hobby and I would like to see it thrive as it should. ?
  13. WHOA!!!!!!! Now that is COOL!!! Fingers crossed for the upgrade pic too!! Great stuff good sir!!
  14. LOVE IT!!!! All of those are Awesome!!!!